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A Comparative Study for the Evaluation of

Methodologies in the Context of Cloud Security

Vincenzo De Angelis

Supervisor: Prof. Francesco Buccafurri

Co-Supervisor: Ing. Antonino Nocera

University of Reggio Calabria

October 18, 2017

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1 Introduction to query integrity problem

2 State-of-the-art

3 A new technique for efficient insertion

4 Performance comparison

5 Conclusion

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Cloud computing

Cloud Computing is a set of technologies that allow the users to store,

share and process their data or computer processing resources on servers
distributed over the Internet.
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Query integrity problem

The result of query has to guarantee three proprieties:

Completeness: All tuples involved in the queries have to be returned.
Correctness: The tuples returned by Cloud have not to be corrupted.
Freshness: The newest version of tuples have to be returned.

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Case scenario

The considered scenario involves three actors:

Data owner: that owns the data, submits queries and verifies query
Sensors: that periodically, with high frequency, capture some
information (such as temperature or humidity) and store it into
Cloud server: that receives queries by Data owner and returns the
result to this latter.

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Case scenario

The considered scenario involves three actors:

Data owner: that owns the data, submits queries and verifies query
Sensors: that periodically, with high frequency, capture some
information (such as temperature or humidity) and store it into
Cloud server: that receives queries by Data owner and returns the
result to this latter.

Problem: Sensors may have limited computation power and battery saving
become a critical factor.

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Graphical representation of scenario

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Merkle Hash tree

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Merkle Hash tree

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Merkle Hash tree

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Problem:The MT based techniques present good performance in verifying

query integrity but they require a update of the tree when a sensor inserts
a new tuple.

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Problem:The MT based techniques present good performance in verifying

query integrity but they require a update of the tree when a sensor inserts
a new tuple.
Thus, It is necessary to find a new technique for range query integrity
which more efficient on insertion than the state-of-the art techniques and
that presents also good performance in verifying query integrity.

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A new technique for efficient insertion
Idea:to organize the tuples of database in a chain and to split it in time
We introduce dummy tuples called markers that define the head and the
tail of the buckets. They are pre added to the database and are known by
all actors involved in our scenario.
The link between two elements (tuples or markers) in the chain is built by
applying the HMAC function on the concatenation between two adjacent
To verify integrity, the database has to return a the buckets that include
the tuples and the markers involved in the query.

F. Buccafurri, G. Lax, S. Nicolazzo, and A. Nocera, Range Query Integrity

in Cloud Data Streams with Efficient Insertion, Proc. of the 15th
International Conference on Cryptology and Network Security (CANS
2016), November 14-16 2016, Springer, pp 719-724.
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Example of chain

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Example of chain

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Example of chain

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Insertion and Integrity verification protocols

Insertion protocol
The sensor inserts a new tuple at the tail of the chain, computes the
HMAC of the last inserted tuple (or the last marker) and stores it into the

Integrity verification protocol

Starting from the first marker, the data owner verifies the chain link by
iteratively computing the MAC attribute of each element and comparing it
with the value returned by the cloud.

Since the sensors insert in tail, the insertion requires a little (constant)
number of operations and it does not require to update the entire chain.

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Insertion and Integrity verification protocols

Insertion protocol
The sensor inserts a new tuple at the tail of the chain, computes the
HMAC of the last inserted tuple (or the last marker) and stores it into the

Integrity verification protocol

Starting from the first marker, the data owner verifies the chain link by
iteratively computing the MAC attribute of each element and comparing it
with the value returned by the cloud.

Since the sensors insert in tail, the insertion requires a little (constant)
number of operations and it does not require to update the entire chain.
What about verification cost?

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Performance comparison-Computational cost

Cost of MT based algorithm

k|x| b
CM.T = + −1
l |x|

Cost of CANS algorithm

2|x| + t b g + |x| + t k|x|z
CCANS = (2 + )(k + 2 ) + (2 + )
l |x|z l b

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Performance comparison-Cost vs tuple size





0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200

CANS is more efficient than MT with little tuples!

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Performance comparison-Cost vs number of buckets






0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
z 104

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Performance comparison-Optimal value of z




0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
k 104

Optimal value of z
b 2|x|+2l+t
Zop = |x| 2 k(|x|+2l+2t)

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Performance comparison-Spatial efficiency vs scale







0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
X min

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Insertion Very Efficient Not Efficient
Verification Efficient Efficient
Spatial efficiency ≥ 90% ' 100%
Figure: Comparison between CANS and M.T. considering a scenario with little

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A Comparative Study for the Evaluation of
Methodologies in the Context of Cloud Security

Vincenzo De Angelis

Supervisor: Prof. Francesco Buccafurri

Co-Supervisor: Ing. Antonino Nocera

University of Reggio Calabria

October 18, 2017

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