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‘Challenging myself to

improve in performing a
netball shot

In this assessment I am learning to demonstrate understanding of how and why biophysical principles
relate to the learning of physical skills. A skill is a learned coordinated task that achieves a goal. In this
standard I will perform a netball shot from just inside the edge of the circle five times. From these five
attempts I will collect my data on how well I shot to determine where I start this standard off from. Once I
have analysed my data I can begin to work on making a training plan to help me with my netball shot.
Within this training plan I have chosen to improve on my skill of shooting a netball. Shooting a netball is
both a closed because factors such as sequencing and timing make a huge impact on whether or not the
ball will go into the hoop. And a complex skill because it is made up of a number of subroutines that must
be performed in order and is difficult to learn. The stage of learning that I am currently in for shooting a
netball is the cognitive phase. In this phase I am still learning the basics and making errors. I am in this
phase of learning because I am still a beginner and I am new to learning this skill. My characteristics in this
stage of learning is that I am making a lot of errors and I am learning what not to do when performing and
this helps me improve on my technique. To move on from the cognitive phase to the associative phase I
will need to be given helpful external feedback from someone in the Autonomous phase of learning.

What a netball shot is and how it is performed
A netball shot is made by movements and a routine your body perform in order to shot a netball correctly. By
correctly I mean the ball successfully goes through the netball hoop. A netball shot is a complex skill, which means
it is a skill made up of a number of subroutines that need to be in order. because there are many subroutines that
are used to correctly perform it. Some subroutines that are included in performing a netball shot would be your
stance, aim and how you execute a shot. A netball shot is commonly formed through the preparation, execution
and follow through phase. The preparation phase is how you prepare for your performance, this can be shown
through either your aim of the shot or your placement of the ball. The execution phase is how well you complete
your skill e.g. bending at the knees, time of release and the momentum you generate.The follow through phase is
how well you complete your chosen skill. This can be seen when the ball is released and projected into the air that
your elbows are pointed towards the hoop and your hand is following in the way that you want the ball to go. I was
in the cognitive phase (which means that I am thinking phase and still learning the basics of my skill) when
performing my netball shot and I found it hard because I didn’t practice and wasn’t able to practice the subroutines
that are important to perform a netball shot correctly.. I was also affected by the people around me and I allowed
them to put me off. I also let myself put me off and this affected my sports psychology because my own emotions
were being put off because i kept making myself feel like I wasn't going to do well and embarrass myself. By
telling myself that I wasn’t going to get the ball in and that I am going to embarrass myself infront of my friends I
was psyching myself out putting my self belief and confidence down. Also making sure that I am not
under-aroused, meaning that I have a lack of confidence and motivation, when performing my shot will help my
chances of performing a netball shot correctly. 3
My Pre Performance Analysis Insert Link to video footage here!

This is my preparation phase in my netball shot. The biophysical physical principles that was used
during my performance was skill classification/type of skill. Gross, open and complex skill. Gross
skill impacted or helped me perform my shot because I used large muscle groups such as my arms
and legs to help my preparation. By my arm being in flexion following my line of gravity and my legs
and feet both facing the goal my aim will then be accurate and set for the goal. Open skill affected my
performance because I wasn’t able to control certain areas such as the weather, the condition of the
hoop and how the people around me affected my shooting. I felt like because it was windy it wasn't an
ideal situation to perform a netball shot and that the standard of the hoop wasn't as good as I would
have liked it to be.I would shoot the ball and the hoop would move making it harder to keep the test fair
and quick.Due to having my friends around me and videoing me I allowed them to distract me and take
away my full focus whilst performing my skill. A complex skill affected my performance because I didn’t
practice and hadn’t gotten the hang of each separate subroutine before performing my shot. What else
impacted my preparation was sports psychology, this is because my emotions and mental pillars
weren't on form. Due to it being a long day I wasn't able to perform to a level I would have liked.I would
class netball shot in the preparation phase as a Serial skill. I would class it as this because there are a
group of discrete skills strung together to make a new and complex movement. For example by
stringing together balance, aim and the generation of power together you can perform a successful
shot. What I felt was my weakness in my preparation phase was my stance and that I didn’t start off
with the right attitude when performing my shot. I started off with a small base of support, this was bad
because by having a small base of support my feet were to close together. When I was shooting at
times I felt very awkward and it didn't feel right. What I will practice more on is starting with a wider
base of support which will help my feel more comfortable and natural when shooting. To help me feel
not under aroused I will try and keep myself motivated. I will say things like ‘I can do this’ or ‘I believe in
myself and my ability’, hopefully saying these things will be enough to transition me into the optimal 4
arousal stage.
This is my execution phase. The biophysical I would class it as this because I feel that if I were
principles that was used during my performance to perform the execution phase correctly it will
was skill classification/type of skill.Gross, closed, take a mixture of rest and constant repetition of
open and complex. Gross helped my performance the performance. What I felt was my weakness
because I used large muscle groups such as my during my preparation phase was that my open
legs to gain power when projecting the ball and my skill wasn’t executed well enough. What I mean
arm muscles were used to help aiming the ball by my execution of the open skill wasn't good is
whilst executing my shot. Closed skill affected my that my timing of each individual sequence was
performance because during the execution phase off. I felt very awkward which is a sign that I have
the timing of each individual subroutine is crucial. miss timed a sequence. For example I feel like
For example the timing of when I flex my knee my timing from when I flexed my knees in order to
gaining power, then I extend my knees and allow gain power when extending my arms to release
the momentum and power I have created to help the ball, I felt awkward and that I had timed the
my arm muscles project the ball into the air. Open extension of my arms wrong. By using distributed
skill affected my performance because due to the practice to constantly practice and rest during my
people around putting my off in my preparation execution phase I will strengthen this weakness. I
phase once I was in my execution phase I wasnt also noticed that while I was performing my
able to regain my focus and perform the skill execution phase that I was bored, unmotivated,
effectively. Complex skill affected my performance unfocused and distracted. These are all signs of
because there were many subroutines that I should under arousal. Under arousal isn't a good place to
have learnt before performing a netball shot. But be in whilst performing a skill because it makes
because I didn’t practise performing my shot I you feel like you can’t perform the skill effectively.
wasn’t able to execute these subroutines properly. What I need to work on whilst in the execution
I would class the preparation phase as a phase is moving from the under arousal stage to
distributed practice. I would class it as this the optically arousal phase. In the optically
because I feel that if I were to perform the arousal phase I will be motivated, focused and
execution phase correctly it will take a mixture of prepared to perform a netball shot effectively
rest and constant repetition of the performance. without allowing myself to be distracted. 5
This is my follow through phase. In the follow through phase I felt that the biophysical principles that
was used during my performance was type of skill. Fine, closed and simple skill. Fine skill was used
because once I had already gained enough power from my legs, properly aimed the ball, feet shoulder
width apart and facing the hoop all I had to do was project the ball into the air. By having the ball sitting
flat on my palm with my wrist in flexion once I change the movement and then extend my wrist forcing
the ball to turn into a projectile. Closed skill was seen in my performance because I wasn’t able to
control the things around me such as weather,people or the conditions of the hoop. I felt like the follow
through phase is only made up of a few sub-routines such as aim, release and ending result. Aiming is
important in the follow through phase because if your body is in line with the hoop and you have gained
enough power all you need to do the is aim. The time of release is also critically because at the right
angle of release the ball will travel sufficiently into the hoop. If you were to let the ball go slightly over or
under the right angle of release the ball will either go way over or under the hoop. Another biophysical
principle that applied to my follothrough phase was anatomy. If I was more aware of the requirement
from each muscle group I feel like I would have performed my skill better. For example by using
anatomy I can see that my arms play a large role in the follow through phase. When the ball is coming
through the execution phase into the follow through phase a big factor to determining if it is a successful
shot is the movement of my arms. Whether or not my hands and arms in the direction of the hoop
determines whether or not the ball will go towards the hoop. I feel like the follow through phase when
performing a netball shot is a discrete skill. I feel like it is this because when my arm is in flexion behind
my head then moves into extension above my head with my elbow following the LOG. This movement
has a clear ending and start. What I felt were my weaknesses during my follow through phase was that
sometimes my hand wasn't in line with the hoop and that my timing of release wasn't as accurate as I
would’ve hoped it would have been.To fix my alignment with the hoop I will make sure to practice first of
all my stance when shooting. Making sure that my feet are both shoulder width apart to give me a
WBOS. Once I have checked this I will be able to efficiently perform my follow through phase of a netball
shot. This is because by checking that my stance and body angle is perfect I am able to execute the
follow through phase efficiently and I will gain a better understanding of the correct technique. 6
Pre-Performance Analysis
STRENGTHS in my performance WEAKNESSES in my performance
● I followed through after shooting correctly. ● My stance wasn’t good, my feet were shorter than
Making sure that my elbow and arm was shoulder width apart and this disadvantaged me
pointed in the direction in where I wanted the because I wasn't able to generate enough power.
ball to go. ● I allowed distractions to impact on my shooting, by
● My timing of which I released the ball was having people around me and watching me I wasn’t
good, by releasing the ball as I was near the able to fully focus on shooting and let myself mess
end of the execution phase the ball was in flight up.
and at a good angle for going towards the ● I started of being under-aroused and not very
hoop. focused on shooting well because of shooting at the
end of the day where I was tired and exhausted.

MOTOR SKILL LEARNING (practice phase)
Goals is something that help people achieve and goals help things get back on track if you find yourself getting off track. A
SMART goal however is something that helps you focus or achieve a certain goal within a time frame. A SMART goal is a
measurable, achievable and realistic goal that you set in order to help yourself achieve something. It is important to set SMART
goals for yourself because it helps you progress at achieving a goal. If you were to try and run a marathon without training and
no preparation you will most likely fail. But if you used SMART goals to help, you are able to set up a training plan that suits
you and will help you improve within a time frame.For my SMART goal I am focusing on performing a netball shot. By focusing
on my netball shot an outcome goal that might happen is others will notice my new shooting technique and give me back
positive feedback. A performance goal that might happen is I will have gained confidence with shooting which can affect my
confidence. The difference between outcome and performance goal is that an outcome goal is out of our hand regarding
success. An outcome goal occurs when you allow variable that you have no control over to impact you.However, a
performance goal we have full control over our success or failure for example how we feel going into a game is in our hands. If
we are feeling under aroused it is in our hands to try and change that. Also by setting a performance goal you are taking
control of your success
For my SMART goal I am allowing myself 5 practice sessions (shooting on the last one). Each practice session I have chosen
a subroutine to focus on with helping me in my shooting. For practice session 1 I have chosen to focus on watching a leaner in
the autonomous stage perform a netball shot and hopefully develop a set routine.. From this I can evaluate their technique and
provide them with external feedback to help them improve or to learn from them.For practice session 2 I have chosen to focus
on performing a netball shot and receive external feedback from an autonomous learner. This will help me because by
receiving feedback from an autonomous learner they can give me tips on what I am doing wrong. For session 3 I have chosen
to work on my shooting technique. To do this I will need to practice lots and focus on my performance of my skill. For session
4 I have chosen on strengthening my pre-performance analysed weaknesses. I will use biomechanics to focus on improving
each weakness. I will try have an autonomous learner provide external feedback towards my progress. For session 5 (final
session) I am focusing on achieving 3 or more successful netball shots.
Session 1 Practice Phase - My 5 sessions
Aim of this session: The aim for session one is to try and focus on developing a set routine for when I shot. I will try to do this by using PART
LEARNING and watching a autonomous shotter perform a netball shot. .
The factors that were critical in my improvement: The factor that were critical in my improvement of my skill in this practice session was
feedback. Both external and knowledge of performance feedback helped me focus on developing a set routine. By watching a autonomous
shotter perform a netball shot I was able to give them back external feedback they will help me with developing a set routine. When I was
watching her shot I would picked up on things like her stance and placement of the ball. Before the autonomous shooter was even ready to
shot the ball she first made sure that her stance was correct. She first made sure that she had a wide BOS, this allows her to gain maximum
power through her legs efficiently. Her placement of the ball was precise. She had a firm grip on the ball, the ball on her right hand firmly and
her left hand guiding it. When her arm was raised above her head she had the ball steadily sitting on the palm of her right hand. Once she
moved her wrist from flexion to extension her placement of the ball was controlled by her fingertips. From watching her shot I have already
started to develop my own routine while shooting. I will walk up to the hoop, ball in hand, first I will check my stance and make sure that my
BOS is in a good position (feet shoulder width apart and facing the hoop). From this I will then firmly grip the ball making sure that it is in the
palm of my right hand when it is behind my head. I will then extend my right wrist and use my fingertips to move the ball while my left hand
guides it towards the hoop.
Arousal theory: The arousal theory is a measure of how excited or hyped you are in order to perform a skill or task. What I found going into
the first practice phase was that I felt very under aroused because it was at the end of a very long day. I was very bored,
unmotivated,unfocused and distracted because it was towards the end of the day and mentally my head had already went to sleep. So at first I
felt it hard to properly engage with the other shooter but once I was more into the training I settled in well.At the start I allowed myself to ruin
my chances of executing this practice at the level I would’ve liked to. To change how my arousal state is I need to stay focus on improving my
skill and constantly getting feedback to help me improve. By doing this I am helping my chances of developing an efficient netball routine for
when I shot.
Evaluation of this training:
What I noticed from this training was that a key factor that was affecting my result of success was sports psychology. Sports psychology is
related to my emotions and mental pillars within the brain. By mentally being drained due to the long day I was already feeling not very
enthusiastic and excited about doing this practice session. What I wanted to focus on in this session was watching an autonomous learner
perform a netball shot and i feel like the external feedback that I got from this was good and that I was able to learn from this and achieve my
second practice goal of developing a set routine when shooting. This session was the baseline start for me for this assessment and because I 9
got ⅕ shots in I now know that I have room to improve and strengthen my shooting technique.
Session 2
Aim of this session: The aim for session one is to focus on performing a netball shot and having external feedback given to me.
From this feedback I will then try and work on strengthening my weaknesses.
The factors that were critical in my improvement: The factor that were critical in my improvement of my skill in this practice
session was feedback. External feedback helped me focus on strengthening the weaknesses that the autonomous learner noticed
in my shot. By having her watch me shoot she was able to watch my whole netball shot and critique where she thought that I was
going wrong. For example she used external feedback by telling me she thought that my angle of release wasn't as accurate as it
could be. For any given speed of release the optimum angle is always 45 degrees. She noticed that I wasn't releasing the ball at
this degree but rather earlier and because of this it had a lower angle of release making it harder to go into the air or into flight. To
fix this problem she used massed practice to help me work on the angle I was releasing the ball. By constantly passing me a
netball and telling me to shot i was get more familiar for the timing and angle in which I needed to release the ball. By performing
this skill over and over again I know for more confident that I have mastered the angle of release in which I release the netball.
Arousal theory: The arousal theory is a measure of how excited or hyped you are in order to perform a skill or task. What I found
going into the first practice phase was that I was more anxious and quite nervous to perform a netball shot with an autonomous
shotter watching me. Because of this I felt like I allowed myself to slip into the over arousal theory where I was feeling anxious,
under pressure and failing to make the right decisions. By this I mean I wasn’t correctly taking into account the speed and
accuracy trade off. I was rushing my shot because I felt under pressure and this was making my accuracy very poor and I was
making lots of mistakes. However if I was to just try and focus on the accuracy of my shots rather than the sedd my results
would've came out better rather than a faster time.
Evaluation of this training:
What I noticed from this training was that a key factor that was affecting my result of success was a biomechanics principle, sports
psychology. Sports psychology is related to my emotions and mental pillars within the brain. Mentally going into the training I was
very nervous to have my shooting technique watched and criticised by someone. This affected my shooting at the start because I
was rushing my shot and giving fast shots rather than accurate ones. This relates to massed practice because I continuously
perform my skill over and over again until I have gotten used to it. However once i had calmed myself down and started to feel
more comfortable I found it easier to learn from what the autonomous shooter was trying to tell me. By helping me work on my
angle of release using massed practice I found my sports psychology improving and the feeling of nerves and anxiety leaving my 10
Session 3
Aim of this session: The aim for session one is to try and focus on working on my shooting technique. To do this I will need to use motor-skill
learning to help me improve.
The factors that were critical in my improvement: The factor that were critical in my improvement of my skill in this practice session was
skill classification and types of practice. Using the skill classification serial skills I was able to break the netball shot up into sub groups and
focus on improving each one. For example the preparation, execution and follow through phase. Focusing on executing each individual phase
using biomechanics helped me improve and progress. In the preparation phase using massed practice to perform the skill of getting the right
stance over and over again helped me learn it. Also taking into account using the six rules of balance and stability to help me i.e. by having my
line of gravity within my base of support and having a wide base of support I am able to maintain or hold a position in space. In the preparation
phase I used distributed practice to help me mix performance and rest to help me achieve a successful shot. What I took into account to
master this phase was Newton's Law that states an object at rest will stay at rest until acted by an external force. This helped me because i
learnt that the netball wasn't going to travel far unless I gained enough power and released it and the right angle of release (optimum angle is
45 degrees). By bending my knees and turning them into flexion it is the movement in which I then make them extend that created enough
external force to turn the ball into a projectile and change from an object at rest. Finally I used massed practice to help me in the follow through
phase because I felt like i need a constant performance of my release. For me it was my height of release that I needed to work on the most
and I feel like once i realised that the height of release the greater the distance gained. Once i knew this I was able to focus on maintaining
height which came from power. Once I had this down I was able to release the ball and a good enough height that it would reach the hoop.
Arousal theory: What I found going into this practice session was that I felt a lot more calm and able to make good decisions on my own. In
other practices I felt either over aroused or under aroused but in this session I feel like I was on the right path to getting to the optimal arousal
stage. This stage would be key for me to be in because it allows me to make good decisions under pressure and be able to stay focused and
Evaluation of this training:
What I noticed from this training was that a key factor that was affecting my result of success was sports psychology. Sports psychology is
related to my emotions and mental pillars within the brain. I feel like I have worked well on my shooting technique and that the progress I am
making is helping me move into the associative phase of learning now.In this phase I will move out of the cognitive phase where I am still a
learner and need help but rather I move into a stage where I understand more of my skill and subroutines and practice lots with less errors
then in the cognitive phase. 11
Session 4
Aim of this session: The aim for session one is to try and focus on strengthening my pre analysis weaknesses. To do this I will
need to focus on the quality in which I give myself internal feedback. Internal feedback comes from receptors within the body e.g
the muscles.
The factors that were critical in my improvement: The factor that were critical in my improvement of my skill in this practice
session was feedback and the use of different types of practices. Feedback was crucial because by giving myself internal
feedback I was able take into account how it felt during my skill. For example if I was to watch a video of myself shooting a netball
I wouldn't be able to see certain things like if i felt awkward or if I slightly went off balance but corrected myself. By keeping all
these things in mind when I shot I could say to myself ‘I wonder how I can work on my stance’ or ‘is there a way that I can not let
the people around me or myself impact my shooting’. This is where the use of different practice came in. By using massed
practice and saying things I got into the habit of always encouraging myself whenever it was my time to shoot regardless of who
was around me. I broke the stance of into subgroups (feet placement, body angle) and then focused on repetitively performing this
without a ball at first. Then once I felt more confident I worked on using a ball as well and shooting. I noticed from this that my
shoots were more accurate because my stance was better. A way to work on the people around me or myself affecting my
performance outcome all came down to sports psychology. By also using massed practice I focused on repetitively saying things
in my head like ‘focus Tayla you can do this’ or ‘Don't let the people around you effect you just relax’. By saying things I got into
the habit of always encouraging myself whenever it was my time to shoot regardless of who was around me.
Arousal theory: What I found going into the first practice phase was that I have been feeling very optimally aroused when going
into this training sessions now. Because I have seen the progress I am making during these sessions I am looking forward to
learning more things and hopefully progressing into the associative learning phase.
Evaluation of this training:
What I noticed from this training was that a key factor that was affecting my result of success was sports psychology and
feedback. In this specific practice session I feel like sports psychology and feedback were crucial in this practice because without
getting helpful internal feedback I wouldn't of been able to improve or change my technique for the better. Sports psychology
helped in this session because it allowed me to focus on my mood and emotions when training. Going into the final practice
session I wanted to confident that I had perfected each of my weaknesses.
Final Evaluation/ final performance
My goal for my final practice session was to achieve 3 or more successful goals. What helped me achieve this goal was the understanding
that I had at the end of this assessment of how biophysical principles relate to my chosen skill. In a netball shot you have your preparation,
execution and follow through phase. Within these phases you have things such as biomechanics( internal/external that help something
move), anatomy (bones and muscles the body is made up of), sports psychology ( mental pillars that are affected by emotions or moods),
motor skill learning (skill classifications, stages of learning, knowing what a skill is). All these things helped me achieve my goal because
without know what biomechanics is I wouldn't of worked out that Newton's Law about an object at rest will stay at rest until acted on by an
external force would help out in the preparation phase when I am trying to gain height in my shoot and releasing the ball at the right angle of
release. Without knowing how sports psychology works I wouldn't of been able to know that in order to improve on my shoot I need to have
the right confidence in my sefl and support around me. Support that doesn't allow me to slip into the under arousal phase of being
unmotivated, distracted, unfocused or even the over arousal phase where you are anxious, nervous and hypo. But support that give you
helpful external feedback that gets you to the optimal arousal stage where you are motivated, determine and able to make sensible decisions
under pressure. By learning these key things I was able to achieve my goal and get ⅗ successful shots in.In the cognitive phase I noticed that
I made a lot of errors when trying to perform the skill correctly. To move out of the cognitive phase I focused on using distributed practice. I
used distributed practice by breaking down closed skill drills such as 5 from a certain point and broke the skill into part learning. By focusing
on just this skills sub-routines instead of the whole skill I was able to perfect my aspect of this skill. I broke down this drill to my stance then
my execution then finally to my follow through phase. Personally for me I feel like distributed practice helped me during the cognitive phase
and is a key aspect to other people trying to learn a new skill. It is the feedback externally that I received in this type of practice that has
helped me move from a cognitive learner to a associative learner. In the associative phase a deeper understanding of the subroutines and
lots more practice is required to then advance onto being a autonomous learner. By looking at my results from my final practice and seeing
that I got ⅘ where at the start i only got ⅕. I think that this shows that throughout my trainings I was provided with helpful feedback that helped
me understand how to perform my skill more efficiently. Over this assessment I feel like i have moved from the cognitive phase to the
associative phase because of the growth and learning of my new skill. How I could use some of these knowledge and principles i the fAlso
what helped me move from the cognitive phase to the associative phase was my understanding of how biomechanical principles related to
how well I performed my skill. 13
For example at the start of this assessment I didn't take into account how much of an impact balance and stability have on performing a netball
shot. My ability to maintain or hold a position in space came down too the six following principles with balance and stability; line of gravity(LOG),
widen your base of support(BOS), flexing your knees lowers your center of gravity(Lower COG), lean into oncoming force, compensate and
friction is increased by wearing shoes. From learning these six principles within balance and stability It take into account first off all my stance,
making sure that I have a wide base of support and that my line of gravity stays in the BOS. When I am flexing my knees trying to gain power I
am lowering my center of gravity, this means that it is no longer on my belly button but rather it is lower. By wearing netball shoes or proper
attire I am increasing my chances of making friction, this will help because it prevents me from slipping over or hurting myself while performing
my skill. This helped me because by practicing these things in return I was able to become more stable and concentrate on other aspects of my
shooting.This showed a relationship with feedback and biomechanics when trying to learn a skill. What I have learnt about sports psychology in
this assessment is that sports psychology plays a big part when it comes to performing a skill. Within your mind there are mental pillars that will
either help or prevent you when it comes to achieving something. They are affected by your emotions, confidence and the support that you
have. I know personally for me when starting this assessment I wasn't a bad shooter but it was my head that allowed myself to think I was bad.I
wasn’t able to control emotions when shooting such as embarrassment if I were to miss my shot in front of my friends. This caused me to get
distracted when shooting and lowered my confidence. Throughout this assessment however i started to develop ways to help keep my
confidence up when performing my shot. Saying positive self talk such as ‘you can do this Tayla’ or ‘I believe in myself’ , these sayings really
helped me improve my sports psychology.I have learnt the importance of sports psychology from this assessment. Moving on the assessment
when i go into playing netball, if I get to a point when i’m playing and i’m doubting my ability or lacking motivation i will just remeber back to this
and continue to help and life my own confidence up.The three aspects of motor skill learning that I found crucial to learn when performing my
skill was types of skill, feedback and arousal theory. Types of skills was important to learn for me because I was able to learn certain skills in
similar forms rather than trying to perform a netball shot as a whole skill. For example I focused on using the following skills to help with certain
subroutines; releasing the ball - fine skill, gaining momentum and power - gross skill, not letting the people around me affect my outcome - open
skill, turning the ball into a projectile by projecting it into the air - simple skill and the execution phase - complex skill. After watching myself and
a autonomous shooter I was able to both receive and give external and internal feedback. Watching myself shoot I noticed that straight away I
did not properly execute my stance. My stance was my feet were to close and weren’t facing the goal. Straight away I could tell the I wouldn't be
able to generate enough power and even if I was able to generate enough power my feet weren’t inlne with the goal so chances of the ball
going in where slim.
By receiving external feedback I was able to fix this issue in my performance and focus on always having a wide BOS when starting and having
both feet face the goal. The arousal theory helped impact my performance because it helped me focus on maintaining optimal arousal when
performing my skill. By staying motivated and focusing on improving my skill I was able to stay optimally aroused. If i did find myself however
slipping into the under or over arousal phase I would always take a small break and try and regain my focus and motivation. In conclusion I
found type of skill, feedback and arousal theory very helpful for me when trying to learn how to perform a netball shot. How I could use some of
these knowledge and principles in the future when learning or developing a skill is I could refer back to this assessment. For example if I were to
try and learn a new skill that I had no prior experience in I would automatically be in the cognitive phase of learning. If I refer back to the
biophysical principles I will be able to break each separate sub routine and focus on using the principles to help me prepare, execute and follow
through the skill correctly.


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