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Chapter 3 places with Muslim connections.

The rulers
of the kingdom of Maynila were found to
relate by blood and marriage to the royal
- After Mohammad’s death in 632 A.D., house of Muslim Brunei.
Islam spread outside of Arabia in two
Teachings of Islam
a. Islam was brought to the rest of the - Koran (Qur'an) - The holy book of the
Middle East, Northern Africa, Spain, muslims. It is written in Arabic. The Koran is
and Central Asia. considered the word of the Supreme
b. Muslim missionaries travelled with Arab Creator, Allah, as directly communicated
merchants to India, China, and finally by the angel to the prophet Mohammad.
to Southeast Asia where a number of - The teachings of the Koran are the
them (traders and also missionaries) following:
settled and intermarried with members 1. There is only one Supreme Being, Allah,
of the royalty. They also set up the creator of the Universe and all of
mosques and madrasahs (schools) mankind.
- In the Philippines, Islam was introduced by 2. Allah is a just and merciful God and it is
Tuan Masha’ika, a trader from Malaya, Allah’s desire that all should repent of
and his companion Tuan Maqbalu who their sins, purify themselves so they
came to Sulu in the 1240s. According to could enter Paradise after death.
Sulu genealogy called tarsila, his wealth 3. Life in this world is only temporary and
increased and with it, the status of Muslims one’s good deeds, as well as the bad
in the communities was raised. deeds, are listed by an angel for final
- By 1380s, when a missionary from Java, judgment on the last day of the entire
Karim ul’ Makhdum arrived in Buansa humanity. Each one will be judged
(Sulu), he found a thriving Muslim according to what one has done in his
community that welcomed him and his lifetime.
efforts to strengthen Islam around the 4. The Koran forbids any human or animal
mosque he built in Tubig Indangan, Tawi- representation in their art. Only
tawi. geometric patterns are allowed.
- Rajah Baginda arrived from Sumatra and 5. Eating pork, drinking wine, gambling
deepened Islamic consciousness among and other vices are forbidden in
the Muslims in Sulu by building more orthodox Islam.
madrasahs in the area. He later rose to a 6. Islam forbids loans and usury.
position of power in Sulu. But it was Abu 7. Muslims are duty-bound to help the
Bakr (who married Rajah Baginda’s poor, the orphans, and widows.
daughter, Paramisuli), who succeeded in 8. Telling lies, stealing, adultery, and
establishing a government similar to the murder are all grave sins that deserve
sultanate of Arabia. serious punishment.
- In Maguindanao (present day Cotabato 9. Every Muslims must have goodness
and Lanao), Serif Kabungsuan arrived expressed in faith in God such virtues
from Jahore (now a state of West as patience, faithfulness, honesty,
Malaysia) and converted many industry, honor, and courage.
inhabitants to Islam. He became the first 10. A follower of Allah has to observe the
sultan of Maguindanao. following rituals or obligations:
- So rapid was the spread of Islam that  shahada - declaration of faith in
when the Spaniards first arrived in 1570, the oneness of God
they found Maynila and the nearby
 Mecca - praying facing the
 salah - five times a day
 sawm - fasting
 zakat - giving of alms
 hadjj - one-time pilgrimage to
- Fasting - observed during the Ramadan -
held at the 9th month of Muslim calendar.
No solids are taken from early dawn until
the sun sets. They purify themselves by
praying and practicing good deeds and
The Sultanate
- Unlike the barangays of the non-Muslim
ancient Filipinos which were smaller in size
and very much decentralized.
- The sultanate governed a much larger
territory through centralized network of
officials with the Sultan at the top.

(With royal or Arab ancestry)

Ruma Bichara
(A council of elders composed of datus)
and panglimas (teachers)

Other officials :
Waiir - first minister/datu
Maja rajah - customs chief
Rajah laut - chief of the seas
Qadi - chief interpreter of the Muslim
adats (traditions) and law, and the
Muslim court (the Shariah)

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