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Septic Tank & Sock Pit

Design a Septic tank for a colony with
100Quarters. Assume all other data required.
• Given:- No Of Qrs = 100Nos
• Assumed:-
1. Water supply=200lit/per/day
2. No of persons per Qrs = 5Nos
3. Sewage generation = 80% of water supply
4. Detention period = 18hours
5. Cleaning period = once in a year
6. L:B = 4:1 & Depth of Storage of water = 1.8m
7. Sludge deposit = 30lit/person/year
8. Min Free Board required
= 30cm (Rec= 50cm)
Septic Tank Calculation
• Total Waste water coming to septic tank =
100*5*200*80/100=80000 lit/day
Detention period = 18hours
capacity of tank required =80000/24*18=60000lit
Capacity req for sludge accumulation = 30*5*100
= 15000lit / year
Total capacity req = 60000 + 15000= 75000lit
Plan area of the Septic tank = 75/1.8=41.67m2
L:B taken as 4:1, 4B*B= 41.67,B = ( 41.67/4)
B = 3.25m. L = 3.25* 4 = 13m.
Total depth of Septic tank = 1.8+0.5= 2.30m
Septic Tank

Soak Pit Design Calculation
Waste water coming out from septic tank= 80000lit / day
Percolation rate = 1500 lit / m3 / day
Volume of filter media = 80000 / 1500 = 53m3
Depth taken = 2.5m
Area of soak pit = 53/2.5 = 21.2 sqm
Dia of Soak well req= 21.2*4 / π = 5.2m

Unlined Sock Pit

Lined Sock Pit

Dispersion Trench


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