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Technology does offer ease in the activity, one gadget.

Gadgets are a form of advancement of an age that

can not be avoided. In this modern era, gadgets can not be separated from everyday life. Not just for
adults, but kids are now hard to separate from gadgets. With gadgets, children can sit quietly without
bothering their parents. This makes the kids so accustomed to spending all day with iPad, mobile
phones, TV, video games and other gadget technology. Most parents give gadgets to their child as a
preferred game option because it has a practical value. The easier and cheaper the price of new gadgets,
also affect the desire of many people to give gadgets to their children.

Today, the use of smartphones, tablets and electronic gaming devices has begun at an early age. It can
make children become very dependent on gadgets. Dependency on gadgets can have a negative effect.
Child health experts emphasize that children aged 0-2 years are not allowed to be exposed to gadgets.
Children 3-5 years are limited to one hour per day and children 6-18 years are limited to two hours. But
the fact is, children actually use gadgets 4 to 5 times more than the recommended intensity. Playing
gadgets in long and continuous times every day can make children grow into an antisocial person. This
happens because the child is not introduced to socialize with others.

In modern times like today, children are familiar and even proficient in using gadgets. In this case of
course the important role of parents is needed to be wise in providing these communication tools. If
used wisely then the gadget will be useful as a learning media for children. But if its use is not controlled
then the influence of gadgets is very dangerous for health and growth of the baby.

In dealing with the development of the times and technology at this time, every parent should know the
right time to provide gadgets to children. In addition, parents should also provide restrictions on children
in using gadgets so as not to become dependent that will have a negative impact on growth.

Here Influence Gadgets For Children You Need To Know

1 Radiation hazard

The effect of gadgets for the first child is the danger of radiation exposure. According to a research,
radiation exposure from gadgets is very harmful to the health and development of children. Radiation
gadgets are very risky cause disruption to the development of the child's brain and immune system.

2 Causes addiction
The effect of gadgets on the next child is causing addiction and dependence. This will certainly have a
negative impact on the physical and motor development of children. When the cool to play gadgets
usually forget to eat so that the intake of nutrients to support their growth is disrupted. In addition,
addicted gadgets will also affect the child's personality so it is more likely to have a closed nature and not

3 Barriers to development

Children who are dependent on gadgets tend to experience obstacles in their developmental process.
This is because children who are busy playing gadgets rarely move so that inhibits the growth process.

4 Mental illness

The use of uncontrolled and continuous gadgets can be one of the triggers of mental illness such as
depression, bipolar disorder and autism.

5 Obesity

In addition to inhibiting growth, children who are too engrossed in playing gadgets are at risk of
overweight or obesity. This is because children tend to curve motion resulting in accumulation of body
fat that accelerate excessive weight gain.

6 Sleep disorders

You should not give gadgets to your child at night. This is because it can lead to sleep disorders that
affect the growth of flowers. Gaming games in the gadget usually makes children more cool so that the
sleep time is disrupted. In this case your important role as a parent is needed to control the use of
7 Impression effect

Sometimes without you knowing the kids are opening an online site that shows impressions they are not
supposed to see. Therefore, you as a parent should be wise and should not provide internet connection
when your child uses gadgets.

To prevent the negative impact of gadgets on child development, you should apply definite rules. One of
them is to limit the use of gadgets a maximum of 2 hours each day. In addition, give supervision to the
child when using the gadget so that the child will be more controlled and not abuse the object.

Tidak hanya dampak negatif saja, adapun dampak positifnya pula. Yaitu :
1. Literacy for children. Children who use gadgets tend to be able to master a variety of technological
devices. This is a very good first step in facing the current competition of the world of work and
globalization that is loaded with technological advances.

2. Increase the imagination of children. This is because children often interact with fictional characters or
stories in games and gadget features.

3.Meningkatkan language skills. Games and features in the gadget use a foreign language especially
English in its instructions. The interaction of children with games in the gadget slowly improves the
child's ability to digest and understand foreign languages.

4. Strengthen the mental to win. Games in the gadget teaches kids how to compete for the highest
points and win a game simulation. Children become accustomed to the atmosphere of everyday
competition and make himself have a steel mentality in the face of competition.

While the child piskolog, Vera Itabiliana Hadiwidjodjo, Psi on the same occasion talkshow also convey
some positive effects of the use of gadgets for children, including:

1. Familiarize sharing. As many as 38% of children share their work via online (gadgets) such as artwork,
photos, stories, videos and movies based on research conducted by Pew Internet & American Life Project
in 2012.

2.Meningkatkan visual skills. Games on the gadget make children accustomed to visualizations in the real
world such as visual tracking, environmental orientation and focus on moving objects.

3. Improve communication. Child communication on gadgets can improve socialization skills in the real
world and technical skills.

4.Mengenal community. Kids who use gadgets can actively participate in their communities like joining
internet forums and online discussions.
Of course all the positive effects above can be achieved if parental controls can be done well. Point no.4
as disclosed psychologist Vera for example, how children can join a community must be in the guidance
and supervision of parents.

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