Bridget Booth

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1, 2018

To Whom it May Concern:

It is with great pleasure I submit this le@er of recommendaCon for Bridget Booth. I have had the
honor of working alongside Bridget for a full year during her teaching as a profession pathway
program. I have enjoyed watching her learn and grow as a future teacher. Ms. Booth also works
as a paraprofessional for Mossy Creek Elementary 21st century program. This program focuses
on helping children that need extra guidance when it comes to their educaCon. In whatever role
she is given, she is posiCve, enthusiasCc, and dedicated to excellence. The students adore her
and look forward to her arrival each day. Outside of the school seLng, she is very involved in the
community. She even came in on a state of emergency day to help me deliver meals to students
that may be without food at home. This shows how commi@ed she is to students.

Ms. Booth is very driven. Her goal of being an Early Childhood EducaCon major is truly her
calling. She is constantly challenging herself and wanCng to learn more about the educaCon field.
I can’t wait to see all that she accomplishes.


Bethann Rogers Fain
Mossy Creek Elementary
First Grade Teacher

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