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Maville Alastre-Dizon

CTP 7-3


Education is lifelong learning. It is broadly defined as learning that is pursued

throughout life. When I was just a child my mother always reminded me to study

hard because this will secure my future. Yes, indeed for 16 years I remained patient

and worked hard to get good grades. During those years, I believe teachers are the

source of knowledge. But when I become an instructor in a technical vocational

school sometime in 2006, I then realized that they only provide access to

information and that the students are guided to think on their own. The purpose

of schooling is to develop their own capabilities for personal achievements and

their role as member of society.

According to Albert Einstein, “Education is not learning of facts but the

training of the mind.” I believe, the role of teachers involve not only to transfer

knowledge but to cultivate the minds of students, to develop critical thinking skills,

as well as, to develop moral values so that they will be ready in the future. My main

objective is to provide basic knowledge, skills and values necessary in the

development process. As future teacher, I will provide things that are meaningful

and relevant to their life and interests. I will not put too much emphasis on test

results rather give them opportunities on different areas. John Dewey said “Give

pupils something to do, not something to learn and doing is of such a nature as to

demand thinking; learning naturally results.” It is necessary that we, as teachers,

should encourage and flourish their thoughts by allowing them to learn themselves.

For this to happen I should keep them motivated and bring the passion for learning.

I will make sure that methods of teaching are matched to individual

differences of students with different level of thinking and experiences. I should

provide multiple learning opportunities that would offer each student a high quality

of education along with promoting respect to each and every individual.

I will also participate in different seminar/workshop to gain competencies

related to my subjects because we are now exposed to new literacies. As teachers,

we need to keep abreast with the technology and use this to improve teaching


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