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Solve all of these questions using Ms. Excel

1. The following data represent the length of life, in second, of 50 fruit flies subject to a new
spray in a controlled laboratory experiment:

17 10 23 12 18
12 6 13 7 13
16 8 3 9 10
13 18 10 27 16
7 5 15 9 7
20 9 13 19 24
14 9 6 10 7
18 13 32 7 11
7 7 4 19 8
10 14 10 6 15

a. Mean, Median and Standard Deviation.
b. Graph the normal curve based on the data.

2. Given a function
𝟐𝒙 + 𝟏
𝒇 𝒙 = 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒙 = 𝟎, 𝟏, 𝟐, 𝟑, 𝟒
a. Plotting the Probability Mass Function
b. Plotting the Cumulative Distribution Function

3. The flow in a pipe during a storm is a normal random variable with a mean of 1.2 million
gallons per day and standard deviation 0,39996.
a. Plotting the PDF and CDF on the same graph!

4. It has been established that a certain electrical measurement, X, follows a lognormal

distribution with a mean of 11 volts and a standard deviation of 4 volts.
a. Calculate all the parameters.
b. Plotting the PDF and CDF.

5. The time between arrivals of taxis at a busy intersection is exponentially distributed with a
mean of 10 minutes.
a. Calculate all the parameters.
b. Plotting the PDF and CDF.

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