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Chapter 5 Utilization of Assessment Tools

Quantile is a score distribution where the scores are divided into different equal parts.

Kinds of Quantiles
1. Quartile is a score distribution that divides the scores in the distribution into four (4) equal parts.
2. Decile is a score distribution that divides the scores in the distribution into ten (10) equal parts.
3. Percentile is a score distribution that divides the scores in the distribution into hundred (100) equal parts.

Quantiles for Ungrouped Data

a. Quartiles for Ungrouped Data

k k nth score
Q𝑘 = [ n + (1 − ) ]
4 4

Qk is the indicated quartile
k = 1, 2, 3
n = number of cases

Using the given data 23, 24, 25, 27, 29, 22, 26, 30. Find Q1.

22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30

1 1 nth score
Q1 = [ (9) + (1 − ) ]
4 4
Q1 = [0.25 (9) + ( 1 – 0.25 )] nth score

Q1 = [ 2.25 + 0.75 ] nth score

Q1 = 3rd score The value of Q1 is 24 which is the 3rd score in the

distribution. Therefore, 25% of the scores are below 24.

b. Decile for Ungrouped Data

k k nth score
D𝑘 = [ n + (1 − )]
10 10

Dk is the indicated quartile
k = 1, 2, 3, … 9
n = number of cases
Using the given data 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 17, 18, 20, 23, 24. Find D6.

9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 17, 18, 20, 23, 24

6 6 nth score
D6 = [ (10) + (1 − )]
10 10
D6 = [0.6 (10) + ( 1 – 0.6 )] nth score
D6 = [6 + 0.4] nth score The value of D5 lies within the sum of the 6th and 7th
D6 = 6.4th score score. That is, the sum of the 6th score and 40% of the
difference between the 7th and 6th scores.

D6 = 6th score + 0.40 ( 7th score – 6th score)

D6 = 17 + 0.40 ( 18 – 17 )
D6 = 16 + 0.40 (1)
D6 = 16 + 0.40 Therefore, the 60% of the scores in the distribution are
D6 = 16.40 less than 16.40.

c. Percentile for Ungrouped Data

k k nth score
P𝑘 = [ n + (1 − )]
100 100

Pk is the indicated quartile
k = 1, 2, 3
n = number of cases

Using the given data 23, 24, 25, 27, 29, 22, 26, 30. Find P34.

22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32

34 34 nth score
P34 = [ (11) + (1 − )]
100 100
P34 = [0.34 (11) + ( 1 – 0.34 )] nth score

P34 = [3.74 + 0.66] nth score

The value of P34 lies within the sum of the 4th and 5th
P34 = 4.4th score
score. That is, the sum of the 4th score and 40% of the
difference between the 5th and 4th scores.

P34 = 4th score + 0.40 (5th score – 4th score)

P34 = 25 + 0.40 (26-25)
P34 = 25 + 0.40 (1)
P34 = 25 + 0.40 Therefore, the 34% of the scores in the distribution are
P34 = 25.40th score less than 25.40.
Quantiles for Grouped Data

a. Quartiles for Grouped Data

− cfp
Q 𝑘 = L𝐵 + ( 4 ) c. i.
Qk is the indicated quartile
k = 1, 2, 3
n = number of cases
LB = lower boundary of the quartile class
cfp = cumulative frequency before the quartile class when scores
are arranged from lowest to highest
fq = frequency of the quartile class
c.i. = size of the class interval

The data for the scores of fifty (50) students in Science class are given below. Solve for the value of Q 2.

X f cf<
25 – 32 3 3
33 – 40 7 10
41 – 48 5 15
49 – 56 4 19
57 – 64 12 31
65 – 72 6 37
73 – 80 8 45
81 – 88 3 48
89 – 97 2 50

− cfp
Q 𝑘 = L𝐵 + ( 4
kn (1)50
= = 12.5 ) c. i.
4 4 fq
Q1 C = 41-48
12.5 − 10
LL=41 Q1 = 40.5 + ( )8
LB= 40.5
Q1 = 40.5 + ( )8
cfp = 10 5
fq = 5 Q1 = 40.5 + ( 0.5 ) 8
c.i. = 8 Q1 = 40.5 + 4
Q1 = 44.50 Therefore, 25% of the scores of 50
students who participated in the
test are less than 44.50.
b. Deciles for Grouped Data

− cfp
D𝑘 = L𝐵 + ( 4 ) c. i.
Dk is the indicated quartile
k = 1, 2, 3 … 9
n = number of cases
LB = lower boundary of the decile class
cfp = cumulative frequency before the decile class when scores are
arranged from lowest to highest
fq = frequency of the deciles class
c.i. = size of the class interval

The data for the scores of fifty (50) students in Science class are given below. Solve for the value of D5.

X f cf<
25 – 32 3 3
33 – 40 7 10
41 – 48 5 15
49 – 56 4 19
57 – 64 12 31
65 – 72 6 37
73 – 80 8 45
81 – 88 3 48
89 – 97 2 50

− cfp
D𝑘 = L𝐵 + ( 4
(5)n (5)50
= = 25 ) c. i.
10 10 fq
D5 C = 57-64
25 − 19
LL=57 D5 = 56.5 + ( )8
LB= 56. 5
D5 = 56.5 + ( )8
cfp = 19 12
fq = 12 D5 = 56.5 + ( 0.5 ) 8
c.i. = 8 D5 = 56.5 + 4
D5 = 60.5 Therefore, 50% of the scores of 50 students
who participated in the test are less than
c. Percentiles for Grouped Data

− cfp
P𝑘 = L𝐵 + ( 4 ) c. i.
Pk is the indicated percentile
k = 1, 2, 3 … 99
n = number of cases
LB = lower boundary of the percentile class
cfp = cumulative frequency before the percentile class when scores are
arranged from lowest to highest
fq = frequency of the percentile class
c.i. = size of the class interval

The data for the scores of fifty (50) students in Science class are given below. Solve for the value of P82.

X f cf<
25 – 32 3 3
33 – 40 7 10
41 – 48 5 15
49 – 56 4 19
57 – 64 12 31
65 – 72 6 37
73 – 80 8 45
81 – 88 3 48
89 – 97 2 50

− cfp
P𝑘 = L𝐵 + ( 4
(82)n (82)50
= = 41 ) c. i.
100 100 fq
P82 C = 73-80
41 − 37
LL=73 P82 = 72.5 + ( )8
LB= 72.5
P82 = 72.5 + ( ) 8
cfp = 37 8
fq = 8 P82 = 72.5 + ( 0.5 ) 8
c.i. = 8 P82 = 72.5 + 4
P82 = 76.5 Therefore, 82% of the scores of 50 students
who participated in the test are less than

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