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THESIS PROPOSAL Submission date 08th Jan 2018

The marks allocated for the proposal is 20 % of total Thesis project marks
Guides to please submit marks out of 20 for this stage to the coordinator, no later than 12th Jan 2018 by mail.


Student Name, USN, Date, College
Title of Thesis
1. Thesis Statement/Introduction (Arial 12pt)
a. Issues, concepts, questions, described in abstract terms
b .How is the project to be judged?
C. Aim/ Objectives/ Scope/ Limitations

2. Site
a. How was the site selected? How does selected of the site support
conceptual ideas for the project?
b. Describe physical aspects of the site and the context

3. Technology
Discuss issues that will be explored in the integration of building systems with the
design project.

4. Context
a. Define the context of the site; including some or all of the following: cultural,
economic, historical, political, social.
b. How does the thesis project fit into existing culture?
c. How does the Thesis fit into the larger issue of Architecture in today’s society?

5. Case studies and literature studies

a. Identify a minimum of two Case studies that will be taken up for the project, the
reasoning behind it.
b. Detailed drawings, other material and inference from literature study.

6. Bibliography Information
References and tools used, Citations used, books and thesis reports referred.
(Minimum of 20 sources, included in the Bibliography in Chicago manual style)
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A4 pages with 3000 words. Ariel font with Headings in 12 and body of the text in 10.
Spacing to be 1.5, with page numbers on right top corner of the pages. Citation to be
Chicago Manual Style.
The proposal to be submitted as a soft and a hard copy to the respective guides on or
before 29th Dec 2017

I. Introduction [Arial, 12pt]

Blank Space [Arial, 11pt]

Body text [Arial, 10pt].

Blank Space [Arial, 11pt]

I.1. Section [Arial, 11pt]

Body text [Arial, 10pt]

Blank Space [Arial, 11pt]

I.1.1. Sub-section [Arial, 11pt]

Body text [Arial, 10pt].

Blank Space [Arial, 11pt]

II. Site [Arial, 12pt]

Blank Space [Arial, 11pt]

Body text [Arial, 10pt].

Figure 1. Please type your figure caption here [Arial, 10pt]

Source: Please type your figure source here [Arial, 8pt]

III. Technology [Arial, 12pt]

Blank Space [Arial, 11pt]

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Body text [Arial, 10pt].

Blank Space [Arial, 11pt]

III.1. Section [Arial, 11pt]

Body text [Arial, 10pt].

Blank Space [Arial, 11pt]

III.1.1. Sub-section [Arial, 11pt]

Body text [Arial, 10pt].

Blank Space [Arial, 11pt]

IV. Context [Arial, 12pt]

Blank Space [Arial, 11pt]

Body text [Arial, 10pt].

Blank Space [Arial, 11pt]

V. Case Studies and Literature Studies [Arial, 12pt]

Blank Space [Arial, 11pt]

Body text [Arial, 10pt].

Blank Space [Arial, 11pt]

III.1. Section [Arial, 11pt]

Body text [Arial, 10pt].

Blank Space [Arial, 11pt]

III.1.1. Sub-section [Arial, 11pt]

Body text [Arial, 10pt].

Blank Space [Arial, 11pt]

VI. Selected Elective [Arial, 12pt]

Blank Space [Arial, 11pt]

Body text [Arial, 10pt].

Blank Space [Arial, 11pt]

Bibliography [Arial, 12pt]

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Blank Space [Arial, 11pt]

For example (Lynch 1960)

Lynch, Kevin. 1960. The Image of the City. Cambridge, Massachusetts and London,
England: The MIT Press.

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