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Teacher: Makayla Nobles Subject: Math 3.

7 Grade level: 3rd Grade

Stage 1: Identify Desired Results
Established Goals (SOL or Curriculum Standards)
Students will learn and understand how to use fractions in real life situations.

Enduring Understandings Essential Questions

Students will understand that… ● Why are two fractions equivalent?
● The student will learn the new topic ● Compare and order fractions?
of Fractions. ● How are fractions used in daily life?
● The student will understand that a
fraction is part of a whole.
● Students will will do fun activities to
understand how fractions are used in
real life situations.

Students will be able to… Learning Targets in the “I can” format

● I can define a fraction.
● I can define the words numerator and denominator.
● I can explain why two fractions are equivalent.

Stage 2: Determine Evidence for Assessing Learning

Performance Tasks: Summative Assessment (formal Other Evidence: Formative Assessment (informal
assessment to ensure students meet SOL standards) assessment to assess learning)
Will learn the order of fractions for SOL.
● will be walking around at the end to see
Materials: everyone fractions they created with the
1. Computer Paper (1 per student) candy as an assessment.
2. Markers (1 per student) ● Write each student's name in the name
3. Single serving packs of multi-colored category on the assessment chart. Circle
candies (1 per student) the categories that they know.
4. Paper plates (1 per student) ● Have a student write any fraction on the
5. Interactive whiteboard, projector, or board. Ask for a volunteer to identify the
poster paper with a marker numerator and denominator in this
6. Color Fractions worksheet (1 per fraction.
7. Dice (1 per student)
8. Student Visual Support Sheet for
9. Teacher Fraction Action Assessment
10. Self-Assessment Student Sheet
Stage 3: Build Learning Plan
Learning Activities: Step by step activities (Include the amount of time)

● Introduction (5 Minutes) : Begin the lesson with an introduction to fractions. Ask

your students if they have ever had to share something, such as splitting an apple in
half with a friend or a family member.
● Explain that today the class will learn about fractions by creating a tasty treat. (5
● Short Notes (20 Minutes) : Give students a blank piece of computer paper.
● tell students to write “Fractions on the top”.
● Explain that a fraction is a part of a whole (make sure they are writing it down).
● Tell the students to write the word numerator and denominator and then give the the
definition of them. (Be sure to show where the numerator and denominator lie on a
● Make a number line. label one side 0 and the other 1. then explain that half is in the
middle and write the fraction there.
● Continue to go until you reach a denominator of 10.
● Guided Practice/Fun Activity (15 Minutes): Give students in each group their
packs of candy with a paper plate.
● Ask students to open their packs over the plate.
● Have them count each candy piece that comes in their individual packs. Instruct
them to use their total number of pieces as their denominator.
● Direct your students to roll one dice, explaining that the number that the dice lands
on is the numerator.
● Instruct them to move that many to the top of their plate.
● Continued Guided Practice (10 Minutes): Explain to students that they will do the
same thing but with a slight change.
● Have your students roll for the denominator in addition to the numerator. Instruct
them to write these in fraction form. Have them roll for three different fractions.
● Clean Up (5 Minutes): Clean up any trash and materials.
● Closing (5 Minutes): Write each student's name in the name category on the
assessment chart.
● Circle the categories that they know.
● Or...
● Have a student write any fraction on the board.
● Ask for a volunteer to identify the numerator and denominator in this fraction.

Differentiation/Enrichment Activities
● Enrichment: Have your students create fractions for each other to shade in. Instruct them
to draw shapes with equal fractions inside and write a fraction next to it. Invite them to
switch with a partner and shade the fractions in correctly. Alternatively, have them fill out
the rest of the Color Fractions worksheet.
● Support: Have students who are struggling work in a small group to complete the task with
the student visual support sheet. Peers can help the student recall the parts of a fraction
with the visual support sheet.

Stage 4: Reflection


1. What is a numerator?/ What is a denominator? (low)

2. Why are two fractions equivalent? (high)

3. Compare and order fractions? (high)

4. How are fractions used in daily life? (low)

5. Are these two fractions equivalent? (high)

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