XI Handsout English-1

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Bhanubhakta Memorial College

Panipokhari, Kathmandu
The House Call

Question: What are two possible explanation of who the girl was who come to fetch the
doctor ( The House Call)
Ans: There are two possible explanations of the girl who came to fetch the doctor. One
possibility is that it was a neighbour's daughter of a sick woman. However, the girl
said it was her own mother who was sick. This means the girl must have been the
ghost of the daughter of the sick woman. This explanation can be supported because
the shoes and shawl that used to belong to the dead daughter are wet.
Dr Braun gets a house call by a little girl. He follows the girl so that he could meet
the patient and cure her. The doctor tries to speak to the girl but he hardly gets
chance to talk to her. Because by the time he reaches near to the girl, the girl already
maintains the distance. Only on the bends she waits so the woman was really very
sick and hopes for the doctor to come and help her. She could not get up and there
was no one to help in the evening. How does the little girl go for house call? is a
mysterious question. Since it is disclosed from the conversation of doctor and the
patient that the woman's little daughter had died three months earlier. But to the
doctor's utter surprise, the shoes and the shawl worn by the girl were therein the
room and they were wet as well. Had the girl been the neighbor's daughter, she
would have talked to the doctor on the way to home. The shawl and shoes would not
be wet if they were not used. Thus may be the spirit of the dead daughter went to
call the doctor.
"Look At Teacup"
Patricia Hampl
"Look at Teacup" is a complicated essay with a great deal of hidden meaning to be
read in between the lines. The essay abounds with rich as well as vivid description of China
dishes especially tea cups and scattered information about the writer's parents, her relation
with mother and her views.
As for the tea cups, they were made in "Czechoslovakia" stamped on the bottom. Each
piece is thin and transparent having the palest water-green shade. One can see thin bands of
gold around the edges of the saucer and cup. There is also a band of gold on the inner circle
of the saucer inside the cup, flowers are depicted in different falling attitudes. It saucer that as
if someone had scattered a bouquet and the flowers appear to be caught in falling motion.
One tends to notice a special significance attached to the cups because frequent references are
made throughout the essay. In one place, the writer admits that there is a slur of recollection
about the flowers, something imprecise, seductive and foggy, but held together with a bright
bolt of accuracy -perhaps a piercing glance from a long dead uncle, whose face, all the
features, has otherwise faded in another occasion, she wonders if someone with an important
black umbrella had considered the future of teacups. Prior to that too, she refers to an English
politician and his shaking a nation away while furling his black umbrella. Further she alludes
to the falling of bodies, bombs and countries. Although each information seems to be
unconnected with one another, one can see a thread of associations. They indicate the
degeneration that took place in Europe in general and disintegration in Czechoslovakia in
particular during the Second World War. The teacups with the painting of falling flowers are
replica of the disintegration process that began in Czechoslovakia with Munich Agreement

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signed on 29 September 1938 by the leaders of UK, France, Germany and Italy. Under this
pact, the country was compelled to surrender its Sudentenland to Germany. Neville
Chamberlain, the Prime Minister of Britain and his policy of appeasement failed to prevent
the war. The umbrella he carried to Munich with him was called as the taint of Munich. The
writer seems to suggest that the English politician with an important black umbrella also
played a role in the disintegration of Czechoslovakia that is in the fall of flowers from
The close association between the cups and a country is obvious in many expressions.
One can notice it in the following expressions that "the cups were discontinued because a
country was discontinued" and a country" lost its pure science of flinging flowers into the
sides to tea cups. Hence " the cup" stands for the replica and the evidence of the mid-century
bonfire that is Second World War.
The second aspect of the story is concerned with the unusual treatment of marriage,
family and mother-daughter relationship. The writer is said to have been married in 1939 at
the off spring of the Second World War. This helped her escape the magnitude of history by
retreating into pragmatism. Hence the writer associates the marriage with the fall of the
flowers. At one place in the essay, she mentions that her mother's cello voice was drowned
somewhere in the sound of falling flowers, in manage, in the thought of bombs falling on
women with flowers, with teacups. Her marriage was the old bow pulled across the cello
followed by the long low moan of another generation. On account of such association, the
writer uses the word "Fall" as the synonym of marriage and refuses to marry at all. Her
announcement " We don't get married anymore" indicates that she is not alone in having such
interpretation. Likewise, one can see the similar treatment given to the concept of family and
mother-daughter relationship. For the mother, family is the most important thing in the world
where as for the daughter, the writer, the work is the most important thing. In spite of such an
opinion, mother's voice sounded a farewell, the first of all those good-byes mothers say to
their daughters. She seemed to know that family and separation would always go together.
Mothers and daughters are bound to say good-bye to one another. Their relationship ends
with parting. The writer's mother illustrates the same point by saying that they did not have
any emotional relationships with their mothers.


William Words Worth
The poem " My Heart Leaps Up When I Behold" is composed by William Words
Worth an English poet and worshipper of nature and simplicity. The poem is based on the
recollection of the poet's childhood experience and feelings that bear the stamp of continuity.
The poem deals with the spontaneous overflow of those powerful feelings and joys as
felt by the heart of the poet in his childhood and manhood at the sight of a rainbow in the sky
and the poet hopes to feel the same in the old age.
The poet describes the influence of a rainbow upon his heart. According to his words,
he feels overjoyed to see it in they sky and his heart leaps up every time he notices a rainbow.
He further points out that he used to feel the same joy and happiness when he was a child and
he does feel the same experience in his old age. In the absence of such feelings, the poet
admits he will prefer death as a better alternative. The poem ends with the wish of the poet
for his days to bound with each other by natural piety.
The poem consists of a well-known paradox " The child is father of the Man", It
implies that as a child for the first time he felt the joy while looking at the nature in the form
of a rainbow and every child does have some kind of experience before he attains manhood.
In this regard he is senior to man and therefore the father of the man.

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Question: What is the main theme of the poem " My Heart Leaps Up when I Be Hold"
Ans: The poem deals with the pleasure felt by the poet when he sees a rain bow in the
sky. This pleasure has been the same for the whole of the poet's life. According to
the poem, nature has great power to attract somebody towards it. Nature is
supported by God, One can't imagine his/her life without nature. This shows his
deep respect to nature and he wishes his days to be bound each to each by natural
piety. The joy given by nature is eternal. The enjoyment he is getting now was
already experienced in his childhood. From this the poet concludes that the child is
father of the man. It means that childhood experience builds the character of an
adult. Finally, the poet shows his deep love for nature as a source of pure joy.

Barbara Holland
Q. Does this essay speak in favour or against having many children? Give reasons.
The essay "Speaking of Children" is written by an American Writer,Barbara Holland.
it is an informal piece of writing made lively and effective through the device of
conversation. It examines the negative aspects of having more than one child. Hence it speaks
against having many children.
The advantages of parents for having one child are quite obvious. One child is an
appendage and it can be outnumbered by parents. It can be carried along on pleasure trips.
The most important of all is the privacy, which remains intact. On the contrary, plural
children will be the end of advantages and the beginning of disadvantages. They will be
counter-culture in the house and the parents will be outnumbered. There will be no place left
in the living room because of the toys all over. Long pleasure trips will be shortened. The
parents will be obliged to adjust themselves according to new situation. First priority will
have to be given to the children and their matters. The house will beat sixes and sevens.
Above all, there will be no privacy for the wife and the husband. They will be interfered and
interrupted by the children at every possible moment. Surprisingly enough, due to lack of
proximity, the husband and wife will be reduced to the state of strangers unless some solution
is found out to end the new problem.
Since the writer has focussed on the enlargement of the disadvantages for having
plural children, it is clear that she is against having plural children.

Write an essay on the Position of women in your society"

The position of women in Nepal is found to have differed from one generation to
another. In past they were given the subordinate treatment in spite of the respect given to
mothers and sisters. The ruling class regarded them as mere thing to yield pleasure to men.
They were deprived of education because the guardians did not think it necessary. They were
considered as the machines to serve the man and bear children to him. There used to be a Sati
System in which the wives of the dead husbands had to burn alive on the same funeral pyres
where the dead-bodies were placed. Gradually with every decade that passed away, the
outlook towards women changed bringing about the improvement in their situation.
As a result, presently they are equal to men in every walk of life. In the field of
education, they have proved that they can be second to none. They have been successful as
men in every profession. One can cite thousands of examples of women being in the lead as
doctors, engineers, lectures etc. The new constitution of Nepal has granted equal status to
them. If they are given unfair treatment on account of their sex, they can invoke the law of
the country for justice. The Government is supposed to preserve their fundamental rights.

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Like men, they can have property in their names. Gone are the days when they were treated
as slaves.

Unfortunately, they are still victimized in the conservative circles. In respect of their
right for legal inheritance, they are found lagging behind. The representative-body of
parliament has not yet suggested any solution to this achievement. Undoubtedly, the day will
come in Nepal when parents count their daughters on the same footing as their sons.

Question: How does the author try to convince that it is better to have one child, rather
than several children (Speaking of Children)
Ans: It is better to have only one child, rather than have several children. When there is
only one child, the parents can control the child, but with more than one child, the
children control the parents. One of the problems the parents of several children
have is that they do not have enough time to talk to each other. When the author
tries to speak to her husband, she can not do so because the children want her
attention instead. This makes difficult for her to understand her husband properly.
Another problem is that among several children, it is difficult to teach good things.
They will do things against the culture (i.e. family norms). Their manner will be
terrible and their language will be made. The parents have to spend a lot of money
and time for them. Lastly, several children can become a real danger for a family as
many marriages break up in America because of children.

Concrete Cat
Dorthi Charles
"Concrete Cat" is an experimental poem known as "Concrete Poem". It is drawn by
Dorothy Charles. A glimpse of this poem is sufficient to make the readers see the difference
between traditional poems and the concrete poem. Unlike the given poem, a traditional poem
consists of ideas, emotions, feelings and attitudes of the poet towards life and society. Above
all, the poet makes use of the figurative language with many literary devices such as
alliteration, assonance, meter, metaphors, simple, symbols etc.

"Concrete Cat" is not like traditional poems because it has included neither figurative
language nor ideas and emotions. It is a poem made for the eye. Hence the physical
appearance of the cat is given the importance. As in other concrete poems, language is
reduced to the level of the word. In addition to it, the words are used in a way the one can see
the shape of a cat on the paper. For instance, the words such as 'car' 'eye' , 'mouth', 'whisker',
'tail', 'paw', 'stripes' etc. are used in such a way that one sees the physical appearance of the
things they stand for, In mouth as well as using spaces between the letters in the word 'tail'
indicate the attempts of the poet to create the picture of a cat.


William Cowper
" The Poplar Field" is a poem remarkable for its celebration of the rural and its
nostalgic tone. It was written by William Cowper in second half of the eighteenth century.
The poem is based on the recollection of the poplar field in whose shade the poet passed his
time listening to the melody of the blackbird. Now all the trees have been cut down. There is
neither shade nor the whispering sound of the trees. The wind and the rustling song of the

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leaves are distant things of past. Twelve years have passed since he took a look of his favorite
field. Now the trees are lying in the grass, providing seats to the people around. One can no
more hear the song of the blackbird in the particular place for it has flown to another shelter.
The poet is struck with grief because of it and feels that he will be dead soon before another
grove will appear in the old place. The reference to his death in the near future vindicates the
averse effect of deforestation on hi, . Moreover it seems to suggest that it does not take as
much time for deforestation as it does for reforestation. In the last stanza, he strikes the
philosophical note by declaring the life is short but the pleasures of man are shorter than life.
If makes the readers feel that the pleasures given by nature are unparalleled and unfortunately
man himself is responsible for the destruction of these unforgettable pleasures.

This poem can be considered as a defense of nature conservation. It shows how the
conservation brings joy through the melody of birds, shade and cool wind. On the contrary,
the destruction of nature deprives the man of all the pleasures for decades. There can be
neither pleasant wind nor shade nor the melodious song of the birds within his reach. In the
absence of nature around, the lovers of nature will be low-spirited and wish themselves dead
instead of living in a polluted atmosphere. Such an atmosphere and place will not be suitable
for such living things that find peace and tranquility in the lap of nature. Moreover, the poem
clearly shows the link between the deforestation and life. In other words, the destruction of
nature implies the destruction of pleasures of man, ultimately leading towards the destruction
of mankind.

Question: How is the chopping down of trees compared to a man's life in the poem " The Poplar
Ans: The poet compares the chopping down of poplars to his own life and death. He realizes he
is growing old and very soon he dies just like the poplar trees, that once used to grow on
the bank of river 'Ouse' and now they are chopped down. He knows how fast the years of
his life are hurrying away. He also knows that another such grove of poplars shall grow
only on the grave yard after the people have died./ There he suggests how we are killing
ourselves by cutting down trees. The barren sight of the poplar field forces him to meditate
on the perishing pleasures of man. The pleasures are transitory but still shorter have our
enjoyments been i.e. human life is short but human enjoyments are shorter than that.
The poem attempts to show the perishable nature of life and its joys and pleasures. Our life
is short lived and enjoyments have still shorter date. He makes it clear by giving reference
of the poplar field, which once was a beautiful sight to entice the poet. Now they have
been cut down. So, there is no shadow under them. There is also no whispering sound from
the trees are not seen in the water of river 'Ouse'. These changes have been made during
twelve years. All this makes the poet unhappy and he thinks that there can't be another
poplar field before his death.
The poet associates human life with the poplar trees. The first three stanzas describe a field
near a river where poplar trees used to grow and the changes that took place because the
trees were chopped down. In the fourth stanza the poet says that he will soon die, and that
he will die before new trees grow to replace the ones that were chopped down. In the final
stanza, the poet says that the pleasures of men are not permanent and they vanish before a
man dies. The poplars are cut down and the poet doesn't get any shade and hear the sound
of the wind. There is nothing to see. The trees are no longer standing. They are lying on the
grass. He used to hear the blackbirds, sweet songs. Now they have flown away. His years
are passing away rapidly and one day he will die and lie in his grave just like the poplat
trees. But other trees will not have grown in their places by then. This sight makes him
think that human enjoyments are shorter than short human life.

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"Concrete Cat"
- Dorothy Charles-
The poem "Concrete Cat" is the best example of "Concrete poem" in which the poet
uses the words as the visual things. Such a poem is devoid of emotions and ideas in the
present poem, the poet has depicted the picture of a cat action by shaping the words such as
'ear,' 'eye', 'mouth', 'tail', 'whisker' etc. in the visible form. While going through this poem,
the readers are made to feel that the poet has worked like the one who makes the concrete
doll of a cat by assembling the ready made components such as 'tail', 'stripe' etc. into the form
of a cat.

In order to create the exact shape of 'eye', 'mouth', 'tail' etc the poet used the words in a way
that resembles the exact appearance of these things. This required the poet to capitalize 'A' in
'ear' 'U' in 'mouth', and to use spaces between the letters in the words 'tail'.

For showing the catness of cat in action perhaps, the poet has used the word 'mouse'
upside down. This suggests that the cat has just killed the mouse whose dead body is lying
down behind it.

Since the chief concern of the poem is to present the physical appearance of the cat
having stripes all over the body, the word 'stripe' is repeatedly used for the exact
representation of the striped cat. That can be the possible pun in the cat's middle strip.


By Mark Strand
"Keeping Things Whole" is a poem of alienation treating doubleness in man. It is
written by a Canadian-born American poet, Mark Strand. Through this poem, he pleads for
wholeness against the usual fragmentation in life. I am the absence of field" and " wherever I
am I am what is missing". It suggests the detachment of body from mind because of why one
is found missing in a place where the other is present resulting into absence of mind with the
presence of body. The second image creates the visual image with the poet parting the visible
air that moves in to fill the vacant spaces. It is a microscope approach to show the inevitable
and unavoidable alienation in all the aspects of life. At the same time, it indicates the non-
stop efforts of the poet for the wholeness against fragmentation in life. The final stanza is the
declaration of poet's intention for moving ahead, that is, ending the fragmentation by filling
out the gaps with massing entities.

In the first stanza the poet, while causing puzzle to readers admits that whenever he is
in a field, he finds either himself, or the field around missing. The obscurity continues to be
present in the second stanza. This time it happens to be a different picture showing the poet
walking along. While he does so he causes the partition in the air by the presence of his body.
However the vacant spaces immediately get filled with the air at his back as he moves along.

In the last stanza the poet points out the everyone has reasons for moving ahead. The
poet moves ahead because he intends to keep things whole. The last stanza suggests the
determination of the poet for keeping the wholeness against the usual fragmentation in life.

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"Unchopping a Tree"
W.S. Merwin
Is unchopping a tree possible? What does this essay suggest about conservation and against deforestation?
The essay " Unchopping a Tree" is a persuasive discourse written by an American
writer W.S. Merwin. It is typical of giving directions with the use of imperative form of the
verb for the most part. However at the level of meaning and action, it ceases to be directive.
Since the task directed in the essay is impossible, it is assumed to have a different meaning
and message which is hidden.

The essay begins with the direction for unchopping a tree which implies the process
of reversing the action of "chopping" a tree. One can see the impossibility of the task. also the
essay indicates the unpleasant consequences of our unwise chopping of trees. Unchopping a
tree involves reassembling the leaves, twigs broken nests and eggs in their original order and
restoring everything to their respective places. It is a Herculean task for which one may be
obliged to use tackle and scaffolding. Despite the completion of the work, one can hardly
believe that it will hold against the first breeze and the motion of the clouds. Thus it is an
obvious fact that what is chopped is chopped forever. It also implies that reconstruction is not
an easy task as the destruction.

Once a tree is felled, it is done forever. No man one earth can reassemble it in the
same place with the same surroundings including the broken eggs, nests etc. Hence
conservation is the only solution. It saves us from the drudgery of restoring the trees to their
former position. Impossibility of the task indicates the necessity of conserving the trees. The
present essay makes it clear that the act of chopping a tree is not an individual act anymore.

It is connected with an ecosystem and therefore upsets the balance of nature. For
instance, chopping of a tree instantly shows its consequences in the destruction of its
surroundings, nest, eggs etc. Disappearance of shade, cool wind and the melody of the birds
are another result of the act. Hence conservation of the forest is nothing but the preservation
of the nature and environment.

Keeping Things Whole

Mark Strand
"Keeping Things Whole" is a modern poem written by a Canadian-born poet, Mark
Strand. It is a poem composed as a defense of nature conservation. The poem pleads for
wholeness against the usual fragmentation that goes on in life. Owing to the minimalist style,
the poem appears to be packed with meaning that conveys the message for taking steps to end
the fragmentation in nature.

By using simple expressions, the poet manages to include the complex knowledge of
ecosystem. Hence the poem begins with the expression that he is the "absence of field in a
field" and wherever he is, he is "what is missing". This ambiguous expression makes the
readers feel that the speaker has objectified himself into those aspects of nature, which are
missing. It denotes his consciousness about the missing elements of nature. It also implies
that nature around is not complete because one thing or other is found missing in it.

In the second stanza, he views himself as the link that makes the movement of the air
complete and harmonious. So he views himself as the link that makes the movement of the
air complete and harmonious. So he admits that he keeps o walking ahead without ever

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stopping so that the air fills the spaces that have been left by his body. It demonstrates the
determination of the speaker to keep things whole and also his sensitive way of thinking
about the fragmentation. The speaker seems to suggest through this stanza that one should be
conscious about the delicate aspects of the nature and act in a way that helps (in) the balance
of nature whole, unlike the people who move about for different reasons. By making the
distinction between his movement and others, he seems to suggest that the people should
think more about the importance of preserving the nature so that it can be whole and


Eudora Welty-

"A Worn Path" is the story about an old Negro woman, Phoenix Jackson who
undertakes a long hazardous journey from her country area up to city. She does it to fetch
medicine for her grandson suffering from chronic throat trouble. It is written by an American
novelist, Ludora Welty. She takes the readers into old phoenix's mind with great delicacy and
discloses her firm dignity. The story is filled with such minute details about various obstacles
overcome by Jackson that it gives the impression of a story of heroism. During a Christmas
time Phoenix Jackson leaves the country for the city with dreadful cold around. Being rather
old and small, she walks along a path slowly through the pinewoods. She comes across
various obstacles till she reaches the hospital for medicine. The first obstacle that old woman
of about hundred years old encounters is the frozen earth in front of her. While tapping it with
a thin small care, she moves ahead. Because of her shoe-laces trailing along from her unlaced
shoes, she is about to stumble down at one place. Since it is a journey through pinewood, she
should be quite careful so as to avoid snakes and wild animals on the path. So switching at
the brush with her cane, she manages to keep out of the obstacles one after another. The path
leads her up hill. No sooner does she pass this obstacle, she is caught by a thorny bush. Once
she stands free of it, she finds another one ahead of her. This time it is a log across the creek
and she has to walk on it with balanced steps. At this juncture she speaks to herself that she is
not as old as she thinks. This reminds the readers of an Egyptian myth of a bird phoenix that
consumes itself by fire after every five hundred years and rise renewed from its own ashes.
Likewise phoenix Jackson by undertaking the painful and hazardous journey, rejuvenates
herself every now and then.
Thus obstacles continue to appear all along her path. At one place, she has to move
through a barbed wire fence. Then she passes through a field of dead corn, a maze. In one
place, she mistake a scarecrow for a ghost. A dog also knocks her down. On the way she
meets a white man and diverts his attention to a dog so that she can pick up a nickel that has
fallen off his pocket. Finally she reaches the hospital, takes medicine for the grandson and
comes out with a nickel given by an attendant. She decides to buy a windmill for the
grandson. Now her steps begin on the stairs, down. The story may have allegorical and
symbolical reference for the movement of the black against the violation of their rights.


Roger Rosenblatt
"Oops ! How's that Again ? " is a humorous essay about bloopers with a great deal of
psychological information about such verbal errors. It is written by an American writer,
Roger Rosenblatt. The essay deals with different types of errors and psychological causes for
such errors and types of laughter.
While illustrating the errors, the writer divides them into slips of the tongue,
mistranslation, bloopers, spoonerism and faux pas. He cites number of examples for each

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type of the error committed by celebrities. A slip of the tongue refers to the verbal error which
is relatively a minor error that takes place in course of conversation. He gives some of the
instances when the great personalities like Nancy Reagan, France's Prime Minister Raymond
Barre, and Businessman Peter Balfour etc. committed such errors. As for mistranslation, the
writer explains that such errors result when different expressions are translated form one
language into another. For instance, the slogan " Come Alive with Pepsi" was translated in
German as "Come Alive out of the Grave with Pepsi". Germany's president Heinrich Lubke is
one more example as a person known to have committed this type of error. Bloopers are
embarrassing errors made in public. The writer gives the example of Radio Announcer Harry
who announced the name of Herbert Hoover as Hoobert Heever on the radio. Spoonerisms
are the errors committed when the syllables of the words get placed with one another.
The writer presents the explanations given by psychologists and linguists. Victoria
Fromkin of the linguistics department of U.C.L.A regards slips as clues about how the brain
stores and articulates language. She believes that thought is placed by the brain into a
grammatical framework before it is expressed. Freud removed the element of accident from
language with his explanation of slips as being the result of the operations of unconscious
wishes. A Psychiatrist, Richard, suggests that the incorrect words exist in associative chains
with correct ones known as a kind of 'dream pair'. Errors result when incorrect word is
articulated Psychoanalyst Ludwig suggests that a slip of tongue involves the entire network
of id, ego and superego.
The writer points our different reasons for laughter at such mistakes. One of the
reasons is that conventional discourse is so predicable and boring that any deviation comes as
a delightful relief Another reason is our meanness. It makes us laugh to see the
embarrassment of the misspeaker. Similarly the most charitable and optimistic thoughts of the
blunder cause kindly laugh. For instance, Gerals Ford's famous error in 1976 that Poland was
not under Soviet domination showed his optimistic thought about Poland's freedom in future
and it caused a pleasant laugh. Sometimes the bizarre mistakes disclose a whole new world of
logic and possibility. This also causes laughter which is the most interesting one. Finally there
is a sympathetic laugh that sees into the essential nature of a slip of the tongue with a perfect
Ernest Hemmingway
"The Three Day Blow" is a story with an analogy between the three day blow and the
mental ordeal of the protagonist Nick. The story, which is written by an American writer
Emest Hemingway, traces a movement from conflict through separation and suffering to
reconciliation. It conveys the fullness of a formal ritual.
It is the story Nick Wemedge who intended to marry Majories. In order to get married
with her, it was necessary for him to be back home to find a hob and earn money. That was
his original plan in the beginning and later he decided to stay in Charlevoix all winter so that
he could be near Marge. He made a plan to go to Italy with her, visiting different places while
having a lot of fun together, Unfortunately they had to break away an his plans went astray.
All of a sudden, their relation came to an end. Marjorie's mother could be responsible for it
because she was regarded as being terrible. Nick was grieved to realise that he had lost her.
He felt that she was gone and he had sent her away. He had no hope to see her again. The
separation between Nick and Marjorie seemed to have been the outcome of conflict between
Nick and Marjorie's mother. It caused him to have a mental strain.
In such an agony, he happened to visit the cottage of Bill when the first autumn's
storm broke out. The terrible weather condition reflected the mental agony of Nick. Being
struck with grief due to the separation, he got into the cottage of bill with a view to spend
three days of his time there during the terrible wind blow. Bill was pleased to have his

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company. Both of them got into a long pastime activity while drinking wine and having
conversation on different matters ranging over different topics such as drinks, baseball,
writing, Nick's break up with Marjorie etc. Bill evidently looked happy for he had negative
approach towards the married life. He held the view that a man is absolutely bitched and done
for once he is married. He referred to Nick's break up as a wise act. Nick was obliged to
confess the matter with a tragic tone. In course of the conversation. Bill casually mentioned
the possibility of Nick's getting into it again. Nick had never thought about it. It had seemed
so absolute. It made him feel better. It brought about a sudden drastic change in his way of
thinking. He found himself on high spirits. He felt happy and lighter. According to the writer,
nothing was finished and ever lost and also there was always a way out.
With a new spirit, Nick suggested that they should take the guns, go down to the point
and look for Bill's father. Soon they were seen moving across the meadow towards Bill's
father. Nick was no more in a tragic mood and the wind blew everything out of his mind. This
story ends with Nick being reconciled to the loss of his beloved. One can also interpret the
happy ending of the story as the hint and hope of reconciling between Nick and his beloved.
As for the rhetorical strategy, the weather condition as described in the story presents
a reflection and analogy of Nick's suffering. The whole setting with stormy wind around acts
as a stage with separation at one end and the reconciliation at the other end. Being a dramatic
story, it is presented in a sequence of approximately seven seems: drinking wine, chat about
baseball, discussion about literary works, habit of drinking, activities in kitchen, view about
marriage as well as Nick's love affair with Marjorie and finally the scene of reconciliation or
change of attitude.

MALINI -Rabindranath Tagore

"Malini" is a poetic play composed by a Bengali Indian poet, writer and philosopher,
Rabindranath Tagore. It is a story of love and hatred. The play deals with a conflict between
love and hatred as well as selfish way of thinking and broadmindedness. It is based on the
concept that Love in its absolute and pure from is all radiance, all pervading, and all
compassionate. The play also shows that petty selfishness assumes the name of love and rules
the world with hatred.
According to the story of the play, Malini, the princess, happens to be influenced by
Buddhist way of thinking. As the result of the influence, she emerges as the embodiment of
LOVE, PEACE and COMPASSION. This has an adverse effect upon the people following
the ancient creeds and dogmas. These people under the leadership of a conservative thinker,
Kemankar, demand for the banishment of the princess. Although Kemankar's intimate friend
Supriya does not approve the idea of banishment, he is obliged to give his consent.
Some of the Brahmins, who are the followers of Kemankar, are shocked to hear the
support of the army in their agitation. They feel that it smells of rebellion and suggest that
they should have victory through their faith. After that, they start invoking the Goddess of
their faith. Just then, Malini makes her entrance with a determination to accept the
Her appearance has a strange effect upon the people. Although they mistake her for
the Goddess of their faith in the beginning, soon they perceive the fact. However, they turn
into her followers because of her radiant love, peace and compassion. Kemarnkar and
Supriya are left behind. The former declares his intention of visiting Kashi for the army to
attack the kingdom that belongs to Malini's father. Although Supriya appears to be special
about the blind faith of Kemankar, soon he is motivated by his friend.

Bijaya Raj Gajurel 10

After the departure of Kemankar for Kashi, Supriya falls to keep himself intact from
the influence of Malini. When he learns that soon Kemankar is going to attack the kingdom
with the army and destroy the new creed including Malini, he notifies the King about the
strategy of Kemankar. After that, Kemankar is taken as the captive and his army is destroyed.
The Kings is obliged to decide abou his execution because Kemankar does not want to alter
his plan. As a final wish, he wants to meet Supriya. He is determined to murder his friend
Supriya because he feels that his friend is guilty of treason and deception. Skupriya
approaches him with a new faith at heart.
As a well-wisher of his friend, Supriya does his best to persuade Kemankar into the
broad way of thinking. He cites the example of stars shining together in splendor without
fighting for the mastery of the one. However, his idea that people can live together peacefully
while following their different creeds and faiths fail to convince the conservative heart of
Kemankar. He believes that two contrastive entities can never stay together. He proposes that
they should settle that matter of truths in death's court. As Supriya is fully convinced in his
new faith of love, peace and compassion, he accepts the proposal and moves towards
Kemankar. He does not feel any hesitation to face the death in the hands of his friend.
Kemankar strikes him dead when Supriya comes to him and the play ends with Kemankar
embracing Supriya while awaiting his death in the hands of the King. Even at such a moment,
Malini does not forget her faith in forgiveness. She is found appealing to her father, the king
to forgive Kemanakar.
The play presents the conflict between Kemankar's selfish way of thinking about his
creed and dogmas and the faith for peace, compassion and broadmindedness as advocated by
Malini as well as Supriya.

The Six Million Dollar Man

Harold J. Morowitz
"The Six Million Dollar Man" is a memorable essay written by Harold J. Morowitz,
who is also a scientist. In this essay, he tries to make the specialized knowledge of science
clear and engaging to non-specialist. Through this essay, the author reveals the complexity of
the human body and amazing aspects of its creation. He seems to suggest that the human
being is priceless. He makes us draw a philosophical conclusion in the infinite preciousness
of each person. The explanations given to have such conclusion are highly convincing. The
author moves step by step, preparing the readers for the grand philosophical conclusion. He
shifts his subject. He starts the essay by taking about the human body and ends up by talking
about the human being.
The essay begins with a greeting sent to him by his daughter and son-in-law. It is
found to have a caption with the information about the worth of the human body according to
biochemists. The author becomes eager to read that its worth is only 97 cents. In order to
verify the truth he lists all the ingredients of the human body such as hemoglobin, human
DNA etc. with the prices per gram.

How does the writer in the essay" The Six Million Dollar Man" try to justify that human beings are priceless?
The writer after calculating the price of all necessary chemicals finds that the price of the
things of his body is six million dollars. The cost of making a human body form the necessary
things in a lab will be much more than six million. It will need trillions of dollars for lab
research. Besides, the body will not have human qualities. Therefore it is quite clear that we
can never measure the price of a human being in money. Each human is priceless.
A birthday card from his daughter and son-in-law makes him ponder over the price of human
body. It was mentioned in the card that human body is less than a dollar. Then he tires to find

Bijaya Raj Gajurel 11

out the real price. First, we make a list of all the things presenting a human body. Next he
finds out the average price of one gram of human body. Again he calculates his dry wet and
multiplies with the average price. Thus, we get the amount of 6 million. But that was only the
price of materials. It will cost more when it undergoes laboratory process. We have to build
protein molecules form these things at first. Then we have to make organelles, tissues from
cells, organs from tissues, systems from organs and at last human body from the systems.
Obviously, it will need trillions of dollars for lab research. Though the body is constructed no
one can if use life in it, nor the body will have human qualities. So, human body cannot be
measured in terms of money. It is priceless.
To, sum up the author tries to explain the difference between the 97 cents figure in the
birthday card and his calculation that the cost of a human being sis six million dollars. One
reason for the difference is that pure chemicals cost much more than unpurified chemicals.
However, even if the author bought all the chemicals, he knows not have a human beings as
such. He would still have to make the organs which make up the human body. The result
would not act, make love or complain like a human being. It draws our attention to the great
philosophical conclusion "Everyman is endlessly valuable". The scientific reasons are from
the molecular level as we go higher we go beyond science. Then we may think
philosophically that the human body is priceless.


- Arthur Guitamarman
"On the Vanity of earthly Greatness" is a modern poem written by an American poet,
Arthur guiterman. It is a flawless poem, which shows the remorselessness of time and the
vanity of human greatness.
Through this poem, the poet announces his philosophy of life or outlook that all those
entities that symbolize earthly grandeur, greatness and power such as the tusks of mastodons,
the sword of Charlemagne the Just, the grizzly bear, Great Caesar etc will be reduced in
course of time into things of non-entity.
The presentation of subject matter is quite ironical. Without using the negative words,
the poet turns the things of earthly greatness into mere showpiece and nothingness. Each
sentence is well balanced with splendid things in place of subject being linked up with
worthless opjects at the other end. Each sentence of the poem brings out the image of a
balance, with a grand figure on the side and cipher on the other side. The irony is obvious
when the readers notice the tusks transformed into billiard balls, the sword of Charlemagne
into rust, the grizzly bear into rug etc.
One can trace out the signs of vanity in the last couplet where the poet admits that he
does not feel so well himself in the presence of Great Caesair's bust on the shelf. This implies
that even the poet is not an exception because to some extent he also seems to suffer from
vanity complex of greatness.

Question: How is human vanity laughed at in the poem " On the Vanity of Earthly Greatness"
Ans: The poem describes what happens to powerful people and animals after they die. It shows
how greatness lasts only for a short period of time by referring to once great and powerful
people/ things turned into minor objects. The poem exposes the hollowness of all the so-
called great deeds and material gains of time. Time is an agent of death. No one, however
powerful and great may be, has any chance of survival against time. The greatness and
power are temporary. Hence, small or great, poor or rich, weak or powerful, all are at the
mercy of time. Time follows us throughout our life and in the end catches up and gives a
final blow. So it is ridiculous to pride on our earthly greatness.

Bijaya Raj Gajurel 12

Question: Describe the author's experience with migraines ( In Bed)
Ans: The writer, a migraine patent, thinks it will disappear in the course of time. But she is
wrong. Many people think that migraine is not real and, people with migraine headache are
liars. But according to the writer, migraine is real. This is a hereditary disease. The level of
serotonion in blood becomes low and the headache starts. It is not like ordinary headaches.
Allergy, tension, air pressure changes etc. can start migraine. There are no medicines to
cure this headache. We can only try to prevent it with some medicines. When the pain
starts many other problems like dysentery, hallucination, weakness, temporary blindness
etc appear. She is not able to leave her bed. The best thing for her is to accept the disease
silently and lie down in bed when the pain starts and to concentrate the mind on the pain
like meditation.

"The Gardener"
-Rudyard Kipling
The Gardener is the story to be read in between lines. It is written by Rudyard
Kipling. It is a well-written story with such a great craftsmanship and surprise ending that the
readers find it necessary to go through the second reading and make readjustment in the
relation between one and the other character. In other words, the end of the story acts as a
switchback to the beginning of the story for the re-reading.
The story deals with the life of Michael who is said to have been the child of
unmarried couple George Turell, an Inspector of Indian police and the daughter of a retired
non-commissioned officer. It is said that George Turell, who had been to South of France for
her lung trouble took the charge of the child. The baby was brought to her hometown from
India. Later she took the whole responsibility on her shoulders by cutting all the connection
with the mother and the non-commissioned officer. These were the details known to all
including the public for Helen was quite frank. According to her, scandals would only
increase if one tried to hush them up. She vowed that the boy resembled his father George all
over. She also explained to the public that the boy could call her "Mummy" if it delighted
him. Michael was provoked to see the things made public and declared that he would die
soon. However they were instantly reconciled with tears as their attachment was not skin-
Although he was disturbed to know that his status was not regular due to his birth, he
recovered the balance. He decide not to talk of it with Helen any more for it would make her
cry. Later the war began and he was directly enlisted in the army, which was a great shock to
Helen. In the battle-field while writing a letter to Helen, he was killed by a shell Splinter and
his body lay covered by a barn wall that was laid down by another shell. With his death, her
world stood still having no concern to her. Later she got an official intimation about Michael's
body being found, identified and re-interred in Hagenzeele Third Military cemetery.
She set out for the cemetery. On the way a solid plain-featured English woman
volunteered to come with her. The woman, Mrs. Scarsforth, was visiting the place for the
ninth time. She would visit many graves which were commissions. Yet she confessed to
Helen that she had come there to visit a particular grave. After that Helen looked for the tomb
of Michael. A gardener came to help for while looking at her with infinite compassion. To the
surprise of the readers, he told her that he would show her where her son was lying.
The mysterious presence of the gardener in the graveyard reminds readers of Jesus
Christ and makes them feel that it was Him. His words induce the readers for the second
reading and help them find out that a great deal of information about Michael was supplied
by Helen, for which there was no evidence. Her so-called visit to France, death of her brother
with a son being born in India, her deep attachment with Michael and above all, her attempts

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to over-expose their relation throw the light on the hidden aspect of the story. In the end,
readers find Helen emerging as another Madonna, the mother of Jesus Christ.

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Write in one sentences of the summary of
1. My Heart Leaps up when I behold
The poem " My Heart Leaps up When I Behold" is about the joy the poet feels at the sight
of a rainbow which has been source of his ecstasy since his childhood and will continue
to be so till his old age.
2. Speaking of Children
One child is an appendage and the parents can have privacy and proper guidance of the
child where as the plural children is the end of privacy and the beginning of the
3. Look at a Teacup.
The writer who has decided to remain unmarried fearing disintegration, inherits china
cups from her mother which were bought in 1939 and they have the pictures of falling
flowers, which are significant and symbolical.
4. A Worn Path
" A worn path " is the story of an old Negro woman, phoenix Jackson, who undertakes a
long hazardous Journey up to the town to fetch medicine for her grandson suffering from
throat infection.
5. The Poplar Field
The poem "The Poplar Field" is the lamentation of the poet over the destruction of The
Poplar field that once provided shade, whispering sound, cool wind and melody of birds.
6. The Nightmare Life without Fuel
The essay " The Nightmare Life without Fuel" is a hypothetical situation in America
during the late 1990s when dwindling fuel resources have pushed the developed nation
towards the preindustrial state of 1800s.
7. Unchopping a Tree
However hard we try and succeed in unchopping a tree by using tackle and scaffolding, it
will not be as strongly held as it used to be before chopping the tree and restoring things
to their former state is literally impossible.
8. Keeping things whole
In spite of the fact that the presence of one thing in the absence of other is an unavoidable
situation, the poet is determined to move for keeping things whole.
9. Concrete Cat
The poem "Concrete Cat", being an example of a concrete poem presents the word picture
of a striped cat with raised tail, upside-down mouse by rear feet and whisker around the
mouth showing its catness in action.
10. The Gardener
"The Gardener" is the story dealing with the dual relationship between Helen Turell and
Michael Turell as aunt and nephew on the one hand and on the other hand the unmarried
mother and illegitimate son who gets killed in the battlefield.
11. On the Vanity of Earthly Greatness
Through the poem " On the Vanity of Earthly Greatness", the poem announces his outlook
by saying that all the things of earthly grandeur and power will be reduced in the end into
things of non entity.
12. Malini
Being the story of love and hatred, the poetic play "Malini" presents the character Malini,
the embodiment of love who wins the hearts of people demanding for her banishment in
contrast to other character Kenanker, the conservative man of hatred who rewards his
well -wisher Supriya with death.

Bijaya Raj Gajurel 15

13. "Oops! How's That Again"
The essay "Oops! How's That Again" gives a humorous account of tongue slips,
spoonerisms and mistranslation with psychological explanations for such mistakes and
the reason for our laughter to hear them.
14. The Six Million Dollar Man
The essay " The Six Million Dollar Man" is an interesting and scientific evaluation of
each human beings as infinitely precious and priceless although the dry weight of the
human body costs 245.54 dollars a gram and six million dollars for the person having
24.436 grams of dry weight.
15. In Bed
The essay "In Bed" gives the elaborate description of migraine headaches with the touch
of author's personal experience that ranged over irritation in the beginning, acceptance in
the middle and the habit of stoic endurance.

Bijaya Raj Gajurel 16

Bhanubhakta Memorial College

Q. Write a letter to a newspaper expressing your views on who was to blame for the violence.
The Editor, Kathmandu
The Rising Nepal 20 December 2007

Dear Sir,
Some years ago, Nepal had a peaceful atmosphere. One could feel genuine friendship
between one and the other. Then it was more appropriate and justifiable to call it as the land
of Buddha. Gone are the olden days. Now peace has been replaced with violence. If one reads
the newspaper, one finds plenty of events describing violent clashes between one group and
the other.
Surprisingly enough, no one takes these matters with a surprise. Such events have
become very common. The people who used to be friendly, polite and peaceful have turned
out to be aggressive and violent to the extent of killing one another. If anyone is to be blamed
about it, politicians are the first to face the prosecution. They have created fanatics who have
no sympathy for others. These fanctics are made to believe that violence is the only way to
settle their differences and disputes. As a result, many people are losing their lives and Nepal
is becoming a Violence Zone.
In addition to politicians, one can also blame the television serials and films which are
spreading violence all over the society. The innocent children and teenagers are influenced by
them and are exhibiting violent behavior in society. If this situation continues, we will soon
be barbarians and savages killing the people for the sake of entertainment. It is high time that
we did something to stop it and believe in the principle " Live and let live". I would consider
myself to be honoured if you published this matter in your paper in order to make both the
groups, the government and those creating violence aware of the situation.
Sincerely yours,
Tirtha Man

Q. You are a student. Write a letter to your home describing life in your new accommodation,
based on the conversation you have had.
Bhanubhakta Memorial College
20 December 2007

Dear Father,
I hope all the members of the family are fine like me over here. I would like to start
this letter with due respect to you and to my mother. I am sorry I could not write any letter in
these days. It is due to my new accommodation.
Two months ago, I rented a room at Gyaneswor. It is fifteen minutes' walk from the
College. Although my room is away from my friends' apartment. I find it quite comfortable.
Besides, I am not having any problems about water and other facilities. The landlady is an
elderly woman who is very affectionate and helpful. The room is well furnished. Luckily
enough, there is a public library in front of the house. My room is on the second floor facing
the road. Sometimes I feel disturbed by the sound of the vehicles. In such occasions, I get into
the public garden where I prepare for my exam with full concentration. I am very much
satisfied with my surrounds.
In fact, I am glad to have this kind of delightful experience. I was worried about my life in
Kathmandu before. Now everything is as wonderful as a lovely dream. I have to go to college early in

Bijaya Raj Gajurel 17

the morning. I enjoy walking with my friends while talking all along the way. Owing to this kind of
atmosphere, the time is fleeting faster.
You don't have to worry about me because I have contact with uncle in case of any
problem. Also my neighbours are very much cooperative. This much for the time being.
Please convey my Love to mother and younger brother.
With love

A friend has written asking if he/ she can come and stay with you. Reply explaining that this
would not be a good time.
20 December 2007

Dear Ram,
I have received your letter and noted the contents. I am very much pleased to know
that you did well in your exam. I hope you will be able to get through the exam. In your
letter, you mentioned that you are eager to stay with me till Dashain.
In fact, I would have been delighted to hear it, If I had no exam to prepare. I am sorry
to disappoint you. I hope you can understand how much we have to study for the exam.
Besides, I have to prepare a lot because of my negligence in the beginning of the academic
year. If you come to me at this time, you will be bored to death. Because of my preparation, I
cannot go with you for entertainment. You may feel rather uneasy and uncomfortable due to
lonely walk here and there. So I think it will be a great fun if you come here after my exam in
the month of Jestha.
I hope you will not take it offensively. Keep writing letters to me in the meanwhile. I
am looking forward to meeting you after my exam. This much for the time being. Convey my
best regards to you parents.
With love,

Write a letter to a friend describing a difficult situation you are going through at the moment.
Bhanubhakta Memorial College
The Editor, Kathmandu
The Rising Nepal 20 December 2007

Dear Ram,
Thanks for the letter written to me a week ago. I am sorry for being late in my reply to it. I am
very glad to read about your progress and wish you to keep it up. My life has become a bed of thorns
and scorpions.
Perhaps you don't understand what I mean. It is because you don't know anything about my
circumstances. Let me write it in brief A year ago, I borrowed fifty thousand rupees from a money-
lender for my studies. I have spent half of the amount for my education and the rest on the marriage of
my sister. Presently, I don't have a single coin in my pocket. I am not in a position to feed myself and
continue my studies. The money-lender is pressuring for the return of his money. This has increased my
tension on the one hand. On the other hand, my exam is taking place and I have to think of my future.
At times i prepare for exam with tears in my eyes. It is the most difficult situation in my life. I even
think of committing suicide in a moment of despair. Again I remember of God and hope He will guide
me out of this situation. Let me see what will happen in the future.

Bijaya Raj Gajurel 18

I don't know what you think about me and my letter. I request you not to misunderstand me that
I am trying to ask for your help. I know your limitation. I only want you to encourage me with your
suggestions for facing this situation. This much for the time being.
With love,

Q. Write a letter to a relative, asking for a loan, and explaining why you need the money.
Bhanubhakta Memorial College
20 December 2007
Dear Uncle,

Thanks for the letter. With due respect I am writing this letter after a long time. I
apologize for my failure to write letters in the mean while. I have been busy with my studies
and part-time job. Due to this reason, I could not have letter correspondence with you.
I am afraid you may misunderstand if you feel that I am writing this letter with a
purpose. Uncle, I am urgently in need of five thousand rupees. I need this money for my
books, admission and mess. Since I have left the job to prepare for exam, I face this crisis. I
wrote a letter to my father about it a month ago. I have not got any reply from him yet. It may
take sometime for him to arrange money for me. So I would like to know whether you can
help me in this situation I need books for my immediate preparation. Otherwise my
performance in exam will not be satisfactory. You don't have to worry about money. I will
return it once I receive money from my father.
I hope you will consider my letter. I keep waiting for the response. This much I have
to write for the time being. I request you to convey my deep respect and regards to my aunty
and love to my younger brothers as well as sister.
With love,
You are a journalist. Write part of a newspaper article in 250 words entitled. "The last 50
years: has the quality of life improved?

In fact, in the last fifty years the quality of life has improved in a drastic way. There
can be disagreement among us in this regard. The life-span has increased by 25 years. The
infant death rate has been reduced by eighty five percent. In addition to it, the working hours
is brought down from fourteen hours to eight hours a day. In respect of other facilities such as
transportation , communication and entertainment, our age has surpassed the previous ages.
Thus our life appears to be far better than the life in previous days. Our forefathers never had
such experiences which we take for granted. For instance, watching television, talking
through the telephone with some one far away from us, travelling by aircraft across the world
etc were not known to them.

We owe to science for all these improvements and miracles, it is unwise to say that we
have not achieved anything. Fifty years ago infants and people used to die of epidemic
diseases such as cholera, malaria Now we are lucky to have got out this situation. It does not
mean that we have no problems. In fact, we do have certain new problems unknown to our
forefathers such as pollution, unemployment, threat of atomic war etc. Population growth,
deforestation, scarcity of food etc. are the burning problems of the present age.

Bijaya Raj Gajurel 19

These problems can be easily solved if the people all over the world use wisdom to
guide themselves, in that case, the quality of life will be further improved and the life on the
earth will be several times better than the life in paradise.

Write a letter to a friend who you haven't seen for a long time. Tell him or her what you and
your family are doing these days, and mention anything interesting thing that has happened
Bhanubhakta Memorial College
20 December 2007
Dear Ram,
How do you do? Can you guess as to who is writing this letter? You can't because it is
beyond your capacity to think of an old friend writing this letter. It is more than five years of
time since I saw you in Pokhara. After that meeting. I came to Kathmandu and got a job in a
private company.
As to write about me and my family, we stay in Patan. My wife is also engaged in a
small service as a teacher in boarding school. Six months ago, we bought a piece of land in
Patan. Now we are building a small house there. You can't imagine how difficult it is to do it
when things are getting more and more expensive. I am also doing a part time job as a
teacher. We can only manage to make both ends meet. There are several employees who find
it hard to keep body and soul together.
Let it be. I am writing this letter for a different reason. Let me explain it. A month ago, I
received a big parcel by post. When I opened it, I found a pocket size Japanese transistor.
The most interesting things is that there was no name of the sender on the parcel. I thought
that there must have been some mistake and I may have been the wrong person to get the
parcel. It was addressed to the same house where I and I stayed together for several years. So
I thought that you may have sent the parcel in my name. You may be trying to give a pleasant
surprise. I want you to write about it. I will be delighted if you think of visiting us. We can
spend sometime together Let me stop the pen. With best regards to you and your family.


Q. Write a paragraph about yourself, showing that you are either lazy or careful or
God created the world and filled it with different creatures. One of the species of the
world furnished is homosapiens. The creator has made the man in such a way that everyone
looks different from one another physically as well as mentally. I am one of them, Physically,
I look stronger, and tall. Unfortunately, I am not gifted with laziness. Although I pretend to be
very active in front of my friends, I know that I was born with laziness. I always try to be as
good as any brilliant students of my class. However I can't succeed because I can not read
books as much as they do. Every time I piece up the book I fall asleep. Even in the class
room, I am victimized by this quality. Frankly speaking, I even consulted the doctors for the
remedy to my laziness. They only prescribed some vitamin tablets and tonic. They have
failed to diagnose my case. I blame God for my being a lazy man.

Bijaya Raj Gajurel 20

Q. Write a brief geographical description of your country.
Nepal, which is the name of my country. is a landlocked Hindu Kingdom located in
the Himalayan Mountain range in Central Asia. It is bounded by china in the north side and
by India in the East, South and West. Geographically, it can be divided into mountains, hills
and Terai. The Terai region lies at the southern part of the country. It has spread over the area
of about five hundred miles from East to West. It is bordered by India in the South. It merges
into gently rising forest of Siwalik range in the north. On the other side of the range lies the
inner Terai. The altitude of this region is about 500 ft. below the sea level. The territory
towards the north runs into ridges and hills forming Mahabharat range. This part of the
country is called hills. It is located about 3000 ft above the sea level. The country turns into
mountains towards the north forming Himalayan range. The great mountains such as
Sagarmatha, Dhaulagiri, Machapuchre etc. are situated in this part of the country.

Q. Write a letter to a friend telling him/her what your plans are for the next 12 months.
Bhanubhakta Memorial College
Dear Deepak,
I am writing this letter after a long time. You may be surprised to think of a lazy man
like me writing a letter. In fact, I want to prove that a lazy man can also become a man of
activity. For this reason, I have made certain plans for the next 12 months. I am writing this
letter to let you know about it and give me some valuable suggestions.
I have divided this preiod into four parts. In the first three months, I am going to read
all the text books prescribed for the second year of intermediate including the reference
books. If necessary, I will take the guidance from my teachers and seniors. In the second
three months, I will prepare notes and other writing materials. I will do it in perfect order
with the help of the computer. After that, I will start intensive and extensive reading of the
materials for three months. in the last three months, I will simply revise the reading materials
frequently. In addition to it. I will practice writing in a very legible handwriting. Thus I will
prepare for the second year exam.
I would like to know your opinion about this plan. I want you to suggest me if there is
anything wrong with it that I can improve. I hope you will not delay in your reply to this
letter like I do. With the best regards.

Q. Write a short article ( 100 - 150) words) about television saying what good & bad effects
it has had.
Television is a modern scientific invention of the present century. Presently it has
become a highly essential home gadget. People can watch national and international events,
sports etc. on the television. It is not only a sophisticated commodity but also a means of
recreation. Like any other scientific invention, it has both good and bad effects on society.
As for the advantages, one can increase one's knowledge about the world by watching
programmes on T.V. Thus without using one's sense of imagination, one can directly see the
events of the world at home. The people having no time to real the large volumes of novels
can simply watch the films based on them. Without going any where for entertainment, one is
able to pass his time at home with T.V. before. It saves money and energy. The advertisements
shown on the screen give us information about different products of the market. At the time

Bijaya Raj Gajurel 21

of national and international games, one feels overjoyed and thankful for this invention for
watching these games comfortably at home.
However, it can be misused for the spread of false values. unfortunately, it has
become the means of vulgarity and propaganda. Besides, it discourages the reading and
encourages the idleness. Most of the children are influenced by television so much that they
pass most of their time in watching it. Thus they are losing interest in their studies and extra-
curricular activities. It consumes time that could be utilized for creative and constructive
activities. People are becoming T.V. addicts in large number. So in order to have the benefits
of scientific inventions, one must guide oneself with wisdom and make use of the new
thi8ngs in the right manner at the right time.

Q. Write a paragraph about yourself

I was born in a middle class family in 1979 and my parents named me Deepak. I joined the
primary school when I was only four years old. Ten years after that, I appeared for S.L.C. Examination
in my home-town Kathmandu and passed the exam in good second division. For one year after my
schooling, I worked as a teacher in a primary school. Afterthat, joined the campus for my intermediate
course. A month later , I took admission in a language institute to learn English. I continued to take the
class before Dashain. After that, I devoted myself to my studies. Presently I am preparing for my exam
which is going to take place in a short while. I want to be a graduate in my life. That is my only

Q. Write an account of the most important event in the history of your country.
The most important event in the history of my country is the revolution for the establishment of
democracy in 2046 B.S. It was the most significant event because it quickened the pace of development
in the country. In order to dismantle the despotic Panchyat System, all the political parties united as a
single force and launched different programmes. The government tried to suppress the agitation
mercilessly. Many of the party workers were killed. This inhumanity provoked the people to join the
movement. Men women and children marched along the streets chanting slogans against the system.
Despite the cruel steps taken by the government, the number of freedom fighters increased.
Many of the leaders belonging to Congress Party and Progressive groups were arrested. The
panchyat government used army to crush the revolution. Notwithstanding the cruelties of the system,
people all over the country surged ahead. Not a single village remained intact by this democratic
movement. Many of renowned Indian political leaders delivered the speech encouraging the agitation. It
gathered the vigor and movement and the public spirit united all the people till the last moment.
This determination ultimately compelled and obliged the King to declare democracy in Nepal. A new
democratic constitution was made to guarantee the life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. From that time onwards we
are having constitutional monarchy and multi-party system in Nepal.
This is the most important historical event in Nepal because it brought radical change in the
country and put, an end to the dictatorship. On account of this event, sovereignty has been rested with
the people. The government represents the people literally and virtually.

Q. Write a part of a magazine article describing your town and what visitors can do there.
Situated in the central part of Nepal, Kathmandu is the tourist center and the capital city. It
provides sophisticated entertainment, sports of every kind and cultural facilities. Tourists can choose
between expensive hotels and the cheap guesthouses. There are also swimming pools, where they can
have fresh bath.
In addition to swimming pools, they can visit number of places which are the centers of
attraction. The places such as Nagarkot, Sundarizal, Swoyambu, Zoo, old temples, various and
historical sites are the tourist spots. They are not only beautiful but also attractive spots of nature
.Theorists learn different culture practices in these places. They can also enjoy walking along the

Bijaya Raj Gajurel 22

winding cliff paths while watching the beautiful scenery of the countryside. For the sportsmen, there are
opportunities for different games such as cricket, golf, badminton etc.
The visitors can find a lot of entertainment in the evening. They can get inot film halls and
theatres to watch different recreational programmes. Also there is a funfair in front of police club.
Children can enjoy travelling around the exhibition by a small train designed for them. Besides, there is
a zoo in Jawlakhel and one can watch different birds and beasts. It is a miniature of wild-life. It has
small lake where one finds boating facilities, he cool atmosphere and peaceful surroundings make this
place a small practices.
Of course, there is no need for the visitors to spend the whole holiday in Kathmandu. Only an
hour drive away is Bhaktapur which is an ancient town hilled with old temples and ancient monuments.
Like wise, a short drive from Bhaktapur can take them to another ancient town Patan which is famous
for Lord Krishna Temple.
Thus Kathmandu has something for everyone.

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