Fascinating History Behind Philippine Slang

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Fascinating History Behind Philippine Slang

In Partial Fulfillment

In the Subject

English 9

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Submitted by:


English-9 Teacher

First of all, utmost appreciation to the Almighty God for the

Divine Intervention in this academic endeavor.

For giving me the strength and health to do this paper work until it done.

Not forgotten to my family for their advices and providing everything, such as financial

assistance, in buying anything which are related to this paper work.

Moreover, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to our teacher,

Mr. Pepito C. Domingo Jr., who was abundantly helpful and offered invaluable

assistance, support and guidance, I had some difficulties in doing this task because the

topic is so timely and the reference available for this topic is limited, but he taught and

inspired us to patiently gather information in different sources, until we find what we

were looking to answer our queries.

Last but not least, my siblings, friends and classmates who were doing this project with

me and sharing brilliant ideas.

Table of Contents

Fascinating History Behind Philippine Slang

Definition of Terrms …………………………………………………….….1

Introduction ………………………………………………….……………..2

Philippine Slang……………………………………………………….…...4

A. History………………………………………………………..……..4

B. Categories………………………………………………..................6

1. Jejemon………………………………………………………....6

2. Bekimon/Bekinese/Gay Lingo………………………………..,.6

3. Tadbalik/Baliktad Word………………………………………..6

4. “Millennial” Words……………………………………………..7

C. How Words Considered as Philippine Slang………………………..7


Table of Contents

Fascinating History Behind Philippine Slang

I. Introduction

II. Philippine Slang

A. History

B. Categories

1. Jejemon

2. Bekimon/Bekinese/Gay Lingo

3. Tadbalik/Baliktad Words

4. “Millennial” Words

C. How Words Considered as Philippine Slang

III. Conclusion

IV. Bibliography

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