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QUT International College

Office use
English Language Programs
Victoria Park Road, Kelvin Grove Brisbane Qld 4059 Australia
Phone +61 7 3138 3611 Fax +61 7 3138 5910
Email received
CRICOS No. 00213J



QUT representative’s stamp
1. Read both sides of this form.
2. Complete this form using CAPITAL letters and sign on the back of this form.
3. Attach a copy of your passport.

Note: A non-refundable enrolment fee of $A175 is payable upon acceptance

of an offer.
My application is through a QUT agent: No Yes

QUT ID number (if any)..............................................................................................

1. Personal details (please note you must be at least 17 before commencement of your course)
Title (Mr, Miss, Mx etc)......................... Male Female Other Date of birth / /
.................... .................. .................... Current age.............................................
Surname or family name............................................................................................................................................ Given names................................................................................................................................................

Citizenship................................................................................................................................................ Country of birth.......................................................................................................................................................................

Country of residence .......................................................................................................................................... Years residing in current country of residence......................................................................

*If your country of citizenship differs form your country of residence, indicate in the statement of purpose below

Are you married? No Yes – Date of Marriage .................... /.................... /...................

Number Number
How many dependents* do you have? How many people* will accompany you to Australia?
*Include spouse and/or children

Do you have any family and/or relatives in Australia? No Yes Please provide details below

*If you are a current QUT student, all correspondence

Permanent address in home country Australian address (if any) will be sent to your student email address

...................................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................................

...................................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................................

...................................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................................

Country code Area code Number Country code Area code Number
Telephone Telephone

Email ......................................................................................................................................................................

Statement of Purpose Outline how the proposed studies at QUT will benefit you?
2. Support services
Do you have a disability that may affect your learning (e.g. vision, health, mobility)? No Yes
If yes, please provide early advice so QUT International College/the university may assist you. Please attach additional information (including all details)
on a separate document to this application.

3. Education, visa and health insurance

Are you currently studying at another institution in Australia? No Yes
If yes, which institution?.............................................................................................................................................................. (You must enclose a copy of your Certificate of Attendance with this form.)
Do you already have a visa that will allow you to study at QUT International College?
Passport number

Yes. Type of visa: .......................................................................................................................................................................................

No. What type of visa will you apply for? Student visa Tourist visa Working holiday visa Other............................................................
Visa type Please provide the reason below, and
Have you ever had an Australian visa refused or cancelled? No Yes Visa type a copy of the Decision Report letter

Reason Outline the reason

Student visa applicants must have Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) for the duration of their studies in Australia. QUT International College will
organise OSHC on your behalf with Medibank (, its preferred provider of OSHC. If you are bringing your family to Australia you
must have a family OSHC policy.
I would like QUTIC to arrange: single rate OSHC for myself or family rate OSHC for myself and my dependants
Students arriving on a tourist or working holiday visa are advised to arrange their own health insurance cover prior to travel. All students are
recommended to purchase travel insurance to cover their personal belongings when travelling to, around and from Australia and whilst staying in
Homestay or other accommodation for the duration of their time in Australia.

4. Preferred course(s) of study (See Section 5 for course dates)

To apply for a package offer of General English (GE) and an EAP program, applicants must provide an IELTS result (or approved equivalent). The duration
of the GE program will be calculated based on the applicant’s test result.
Preferred start date End date Weeks
General English
English for Academic Purposes – EAP 1 DD / MM / YY 12
EAP 2 DD / MM / YY 12
EAP 3 DD / MM / YY 12
*All programs are 25 hours per week including two hours of guided individual learning.

Do you intend to study an academic program at QUT after completing your English program?

No Yes – Name of academic program........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Have you already applied? No Yes

5. Course dates
General English (GE)
2017 A$2050 per 5 week session Enrolment fee: A$175 (payable once only)
9 January-10 February 2017 13 February-17 March 2017 27 March-28 April 2017 2 May-2 June 2017
12 June-14 July 2017 17 July-18 August 2017 21 August-22 September 2017 9 October-10 November 2017
13 November-15 December 2017

EAP 1 and EAP 2

2017 fee: A$4920 Enrolment fee: A$175 (payable once only)
2 March-6 June 2017 29 June-3 October 2017 26 October 2017-6 February 2018

2017 fee: A$4920 Enrolment fee: A$175 (payable once only)
2 March-6 June 2017 26 October 2017-6 February 2018

6. Refund policy
For important detailed information on our Refund Policy, visit

7. Transfer policy
1. Requests for transfer to other institutions in Australia must be made in writing by the student and be accompanied by a letter of offer from the receiving institution.
Such requests will be considered according to QUT’s International Student Transfer Policy – http//
2. Students who transfer to other institutions will be subject to the Refund Policy (above).
3. Students transferring to QUT must supply a ‘Release Letter’ from their current institution and a satisfactory record of attendance.

8. Declaration
The information collected on admission forms is used to determine whether you may be offered admission to the University. If you enrol as a student of QUT, the information
you have provided on this admission form will be used to administer your enrolment, to offer other services to you and to provide statistical information to the Commonwealth
Government as required by law. For full details of QUT’s practices regarding student information and privacy
I agree to obey the statutes and rules regarding admission and enrolment at QUT and QUT International College as documented in the QUT Manual of Policies and Procedures
(MOPP). See I declare that to the best of my knowledge the information I have given in this application and the documentation supporting it is
correct and complete. I recognise that it is my responsibility to provide all necessary documentary evidence of my qualifications and studies, and hereby authorise QUT to obtain
further information if required. I agree to present the original copies of my academic results and transcript for verification by QUT, if requested.
I understand that QUT reserves the right to withdraw my offer or enrolment at any stage during my course where false or misleading information has been provided.
I have read and understood the sections of the QUT MOPP relating to the courses I have selected, admission procedures, entry requirements, fees and refund policy. I undertake
to make timely payments of any fees or associated costs for which I am liable. I am aware of the likely costs of my stay in Australia and I understand that neither QUT nor the
Australian government is obliged to help if I require financial assistance. I understand that if I have children between the ages of six to 15 who will accompany me in Australia,
I will be required to pay compulsory school fees. I understand that any information I provide to QUT may be made available to commonwealth and state government agencies
pursuant to obligations under the ESOS Act 2000 and the National Code.
I have read and understood the refund and transfer policies.

Applicant’s signature........................................................................................................................................Date D D M M Y Y Y Y
(or parent’s/guardian’s signature if student is under 18 years of age)

© QUT 2017 22709

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