Task 1 1) Toxicology - Toxicologist

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1) Toxicology – Toxicologist
 Definition :
The study of the adverse effects of chemicals or physical agents on living organisms.
 Sentences :
Past Tense
Paracelsus demonstrated effects of poisons on specific organs by analyzing
autopsy materials for poisons and their associated tissue damage.

Future Tense
Toxicants will affect only specific tissues or organs.

Present Perfect Tense

Paracelsus has begun his studies.

2) Cytology – Cytologist
 Definition :
The study of the microscopic appearance of cells, especially for the diagnosis of
abnormalities and malignancies.
 Sentences :
Past tense
The cytologist found the malignant Cell after finished the examination procedure

Future tense
The cytologist Will infrom the diagnosis to the patient

Present Perfect Tense

The cytologist has turned back to the laboratory room.

3) Epidemiology – Epidemiologist
 Definition :
The branch of medicine that deals with the incidence, distribution, and possible
control of diseases and other factors relating to health.
 Sentences :
Past tense
Epidemiologist announced that East Java have the highest level / number in
diftheria case.

Future tense
Epidemiologist will find the risk factor.

Present Perfect Tense

My lectures has did screening of people's blood pressure to complete her research
about epidemiology.

4) Psychology – Psychologist
 Definition :
The study of behaviour and mind including conscious and unconscious phenomena.
 Sentences :
Past tense
A psychologist treated a patient kindly yesterday.

Future Tense
A psychologist will meet patients to find out their problem and what the suitable

Present Perfect Tense

My father has studied psychology since high school.

5) Urology – Urologist
 Definition :
A surgical speciality that deals with the treatment of conditions involving the male
and female urinary tract and the male reproductive organs.

 Sentences :
Past Tense
The patient finished the examination and consultation with the urologist this

Future Tense
The teacher will ask students to study about urology next Monday.

Present Perfect Tense

Rara has met the urologist to consult her eliminations problem

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