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2/20/2018 Go Go Rayquaza

Go Go Rayquaza

One part of an all-green solution to the APT pikcachu problem is

shown below

What is the purpose of the variable found?

It indicates where a valid pre x occurs in word

It indicates whether a valid pre x begins word

It indicates whether "NO" or "YES" should be returned

A student suggests removing line 9 and using an else statement

to assign False to found as shown below. Which best categorizes
this approach? 1/2
2/20/2018 Go Go Rayquaza

It will get all green just as the rst solution got all green

Whenever False should be returned, this code does return False, but it
misses some cases where True should be returned

This code will never get green for an input that can be made, i.e., when True
should be returned


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