The Emerald Star News - February 22,2018

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Emerald News


Volume: 11 Issue: 4 February 22, 2018 bi/weekly Edition

from Freeport, Florida Covering Walton County

Since ‘2008 F r e e
(35c Value each)

Veteran Owned, Veteran Proud-of the USA

Inside this EDITION:

Editorial in the Wolfe’s Den… 2

Showdown looms when Florida

survivors lobby ……………...Page 3

Freeport DQ– NOW OPEN

The Enemy Amongst Us!!...Page 6

5 Health Benefits of Being Single

…….Page 8

Why It's So Hard To Lose Weight

After 50,…………………..Page 10
Read what else is inside!


In color online:
E-mail address:


‘A style of it’s own ‘ — FREEDOM OF SPEECH, Expressions

Page 2 The EMERALD STAR NEWS Inc. Thursday, February 22, 2018
The Editor’s Editorial
I Tell it, as I see IT! Views expressed in The EMERALD STAR NEWS do not necessarily reflect those of the
“The Wolfe’s Den” publisher. The staff of The EMERALD STAR NEWS pride ourselves in our efforts to
Hello everybody. I guess everyone is anxious for Spring ensure accuracy of the publication contents. However, there is no guarantee of the accuracy of
all the Information nor the absence of errors and omissions (especially when sent through a third
Break to get here soon. The amount of northern visitors party); therefore, no responsibility can or will be assumed. 2500 copies printed bi-weekly.
seemed to have increased this past Winter. Many were still
amazed on how cold it gets here, yet it stays so beautiful to the eye.
We are blessed on the landscapes discovered, the terrain we live around is quite unique. Quote of Publisher / Editor Frank Wolfe Jr.
Over the weekend, I met a lot of people at the Beaches asking them where they are from the week :
and what they like so much about here.
The only good talk about Walton County is the Beaches, tourists. What true percentage People who are
(850) 585-0262
does a tourist have a run in with the Law Boys here? I have heard plenty of tales of how
stuff was stolen from Condo’s, Cars, etc. and then there is no investigation to even attempt
nasty people, who
take advantage of
E-mail info. to:
to locate these people’s items? Is that NOT a Blatant disrespect to us as citizens who people, all of a
expect the Law to file, pursue all forms of wrong-doing’s? NOT HERE. sudden they have
People the word is out. I’m not the 1st but hoping to become one of the last people a disease or need Main Office/Sales - 850-585-0262
screwed around by those in positions to help citizens yet choose not to. a transplant and Contributing Editor - Ret. Col. Mark Barren
For whatever reason they said NO to you, that is a violation of your rights. Period. they continue Resource Director– Bethany Phillips
I have been contacted by several National organizations about our concerns on the way the being a bully? Sales & Delivery- Carol
Judge’s, Cops and Attorney’s play this game of making money. All without any care to Good Luck.
you as an individual with rights. They prey on your income level. They know what to do Web Designer – Lee Cox
The Devil Room Health Post– Dr. George Roll PPA
to cover their tracks of Not getting caught for Not investigating, thefts, robberies, rapes is waiting, for
and more. But they (Cops) choose different? Healthmark Post-Ron Kelley
you don’t deserve
Did you all read what is repeated by Oath and Sworn in on by any Law Enforcement? Print is made available by those Advertisers in this
another chance
It appears here in Walton County that this train has been running all along with 2 sets of of screwing Newspaper! Please spread the word.
wheels off track to what is actual statistical fraudulent actions by many of those in Cop people over. GOD Low as $50/mo
We have a Major meth epidemic here, stemming to all ages of life. The addiction is real.
The drug makes your body only crave more and more until either you almost die and go to
rehab or rot in a jail-cell for this illegal addiction. So, why is the inmates denied treatment
Color online:
even by prescribed medications legal by Doctors who know the patient much longer than Mail invoices and other information to:
anyone in the Law System. Why is OK for the unqualified people who only arrest people
treat mental-illness as if it were also a choice to do an illegal drug? Really? Learn.
That in itself is completely absurd to help curb keeping people from returning to jail for
P.O. Box 1133
the same shit most of their lives? Keeps the revenue high is all that matters.
Does it appear to you that the same people from 30-40 years ago are now possibly out of
Freeport, Florida 32439
touch with reality? Judge’s should go out on the streets 1 day a week, listen, see & learn.
Similar to the Fact: Guns don’t Kill people, People Kill People. Most deaths are from
Do you GOT NEWS to SHARE? E-mail it to us!
stabbings, overdoses and drug dealers fending turf. But keep misdemeanors longest?
Does it seem like the Officers of this County need to step up into the 2018 age of troubled Did you ever want to be a writer? Have an investigative mind?
youth’s in Walton County? Naw, they just assume you will be a bad seed cause someone Here’s your chance to be recognized. You can help anonymously, like most do.
in your family did wrong some time back. That is Un-Constitutional Profiling. Send any and all inquiries to the address listed above.
People, you need to keep writing and telling everyone you know about this misfortunate We have numerous contacts in Walton Co. now
way those in charge are handling our lives. Your children’s lives are affected. They r-next! offering our FREEPORT NEWSPAPER,
Your history of goodness goes out the window forever if you get stuck in the law here. The Emerald Star News.
I will continue my battle for Justice as I continue daily searching laws and finding the Paper is FREE, thanks to each Advertiser in each Edition.
right people to dig into this place and get things changed. Just Electing the same person
seems to have deadened senses to what all Judge’s are doing and how they are affecting
lives to ruin, not to help regain faith. Advertising does NOT mean that people will be lining up to come see you the
I do not see how someone who has never been in jail nor prison can say they can relate to next day. Unless you are offering something ‘special or unique’ that folks feel
being in there, they haven’t? Isn’t the same thing for a Judge, with little dealings in his a need to have. They do NOT know what you offer, if you don’t advertise!
past of being done wrong, stole from, molested or raped then make a realistic decision
from experience. He has NONE!
How would he know what is best for people he never met but once before?
“Domestic violence” seems to be used by many liars and thieves around here, for it’s such
an easy probable cause that a Man is very upset and Mad when he finds his wife cheating,
right? Has the Judge ever experienced infidelity of his own? Doubt it. So he tells you that
your wife of 30years now has possession of your home and you are not allowed there to
continue to raise the kids, go to work, possibly even mend and work on the relationship.
Does the Judge ever really see how each person’s case is different? It doesn’t appear to
have been, a lot is shuffled under the rug here by the Cops too.
Cops don’t like me because I cussed at them when they refused to file a complaint or do
any part of their job when I called in for assistance.
I’m Bi-Polar with PTSD, medicated daily to struggle daily against this brain imbalance.
How else would a Bi-Polar person act if confronted by force or negative threatening talk?
Ask my Doctors, I have 7 of them. They all said that for the jail to deny my med’s of 30+
years could have killed me! It almost did, not once but twice. Do you really think they
care about your welfare of health issues you may have in jail? NOT HERE.
Please folks, do your homework. Know your rights! Stop allowing this Circus of Clowns We will make space for you to .
direct the outcome of your life. They are only human too. Stand up for what is right! Advertise with us!
Tell Congressmen, Senators, FBI, D.O.J. keep going until you hear from Trump Admini- Call Frank today. 585-0262
stration like I have and let them send you the contacts to get things looked into. We need thank you for reading and caring.
Thursday, February 8, 2018 The EMERALD STAR NEWS Inc. Page 3

PHANTOM OF THE Showdown looms when

AQUA LEAVES Florida survivors lobby
OUR BEACH lawmakers
Busloads of students from Stoneman Douglas
High School were headed for Tallahassee on
Tuesday and a showdown with state
lawmakers while back home officials
announced plans to resume classes next week at
the battle-scarred school.
The school remained shut down Tuesday, six
days after a gunman's rampage left 17 students
and staff dead and more than a dozen others
wounded. Three of those killed were members
On Oct. 19th, 2017, Phantom of the Aqua of Junior ROTC, and Gov. Rick Scott on
made its first appearance just off the coast of Tuesday ordered that Florida Guard members
Sandestin Golf and Beach Resort. The boat attend their service. The U.S. Military
stayed on the beach until Saturday, Feb.17th, Academy issued a posthumous certificate of
2018, when a tugboat towed the phantom appointment for Peter Wang, a 15-year-old
past the sandbars that currently were holding JROTC member who died in uniform while
the ship back on shore. helping fellow students flee to safety.
The week before, crews tried to get the One hundred survivors were making the 450-
Phantom off the shore by trying to move the mile trip from Parkland to the state capital for a
boat with an excavator and pulling the boat rally Wednesday and talks with leaders of both
by two smaller boats but these efforts parties. “I really think they are going to hear us
failed. The original owner of the Phantom, out,” said senior Chris Grady, 19. He said he
John Hale, a boat captain who is from Gulf- hopes for “common sense laws like rigorous
background checks.”
port near St. Petersburg, said he had been
sailing to the U.S. Virgin Islands while Some of the students say they support a ban on After Parkland, video games back in
Hurricane Nate was still around. Mr. Hale military-style assault weapons, like the AR-15
had to be rescued by the Coast Guard after used in the shooting. GOP state Sen. Bill critics' crosshairs
weather conditions became rough. Galvano, however, has said he will introduce
Instead of the sinking, the boat became legislation to raise the legal age for possessing In the wake of last week’s shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High
banked at a spot on the private Surfside an assault rifle to 21 but not ban them. School in Parkland, Fla., critics of violent video games are again taking aim.
Resort beach that is directly behind the Royal A waiting period for purchases, expanded A neighbor of accused shooter Nikolas Cruz told the Miami Herald that
Palm Grille. Many locals came to see the background checks and other measures also are Cruz “escaped his misery” by playing video games for as much as 15 hours a
ship part ways to the beach. Surfside Resort planned.The students also are planning a day. “It was kill, kill, kill, blow up something, and kill some more, all day,”
Beach now has a new piece of history to be “March For Our Lives” in Washington, D.C., he said.
on March 24 to demand legislative action by Gary Abernathy, a Washington Post columnist and publisher of the Hills-
Congress to address gun violence. The march boro (Ohio) Times-Gazette, this week noted that modern action films, TV
got a boost from George and Amal Clooney, shows and video games "outdo themselves in depicting gun violence com-
who announced a $500,000 donation to the mitted so casually and with such frequency that viewers become dangerously
cause saying they were inspired by the numb to it."
"courage and eloquence" of the student Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin last week posted a video to his Facebook page
activists. Here in Parkland, plans call for urging lawmakers and "anyone who's in a position of influence" to consider
teachers to return to the school for meetings how to repair the nation’s cultural fabric, which he said is “getting shredded
Friday, Broward County Schools Superinten- beyond recognition.” Speaking to a radio interviewer, Bevin blamed a
dent Robert Runcie said. A voluntary "culture of death that is being celebrated" via violent video games, TV
orientation for students and parents was set for shows and music.
Sunday; the goal was resumption of classes on Conventional wisdom suggests there’s got to be a connection between vio-
a modified schedule next Tuesday. lent games and violence — after all, such games became popular exactly as
Runcie, citing the "long and difficult recovery school shootings became nearly commonplace. And a few researchers have
process," said the timeline could still change. suggested that the games are “exemplary teachers of aggression.”
He said the events were open only to students,
their parents and guardians and the school's
staff. "Broward County Public Schools
appreciates the support of our entire community
during this phased reopening process," Runcie
said in a statement.

What should we do in Walton County Schools?

Thanks for picking this up to read…..

Our Advertisers are very special to us,
Maybe you’re a visitor. Mark us as a news feed
to Freeport, ck the web thru us, THE Emerald
Star so we can become known for all it can do
for you, no matter ‘who’- YOU are! God Bless
Page 4 The EMERALD STAR NEWS Inc. Thursday, February 22, 2018


By Pamela Bonds

Matthew 4:1 Then was Jesus led

up of the Spirit into the wilderness
to be tempted of the devil.
Jesus battled the temptations on
three fronts. This took place after
the baptism. Jesus went into the
desert to fast and pray. It was a
forty day fast, so he was weak.
Missouri has no illegal's; After a great win expect God to
go figure... Shouldn't the other states allow a humbling.
do the same? Missouri 's approach to God listened for his son's cry for help.
the problem of illegal immigration Satan is our thorn in the flesh. We are trained for
appears to be more advanced, eternal life. Prepare through prayer.
sophisticated, strict and effective than Jesus was in the desert of Mt. Sinai. His company
was wild animals.
PIZZA BY THE SLICE!! anything to date. Does the White
House appreciate what Missouri has Satan appeared to challenge him.
Satan told Jesus to change the stones to bread.
Hamburger Combo...Only $6.99 done? So, why doesn't Missouri
receive attention? Answer: There are Jesus went through the temptation for mankind.
16” 1 Topping Pizza for ONLY $10 no illegal's in Missouri to demonstrate. He set the example.
Matthew 4:4 But he answered and said, It is
The "Show Me" state has again
shown us how it should be done. written, man shall not live by bread alone, but by
There needs to be more publicity and every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of
exposure regarding what Missouri has God.
We have the lowest rates in the county! We cover from 30A, all the way thru done. In 2007, Missouri placed on I've quoted that scripture in satanic situations. I've
FREEPORT up to DeFuniak Springs along Hwy.90 and up to Hwy. 83N. the ballot a proposed constitutional been in want and poverty. It is better to starve to
Being that we are every other week, it does become hard to find. Come to amendment designating English as death than to give place to the devil. The Holy Spirit
FREEPORT City Hall, all Libraries in the county, all businesses in FREE- the official language of Missouri. In may deliver a saint, or he may allow the saint to
PORT November, 2008, nearly 90% voted suffer unto death.
in favor! Thus, English became the The second temptation took place at the Second
official language for ALL govern- Temple that Herod the Great built. He built it for his
mental activity in Missouri. No Jewish wife.
individual has the right to demand Satan and Jesus flew to the highest pinnacle. This
government services in a language was fifteen stories high. Satan told Jesus to cast
OTHER than English. In 2008, a himself down. Satan misquoted scripture.
measure was passed that required Satan misquoted Psalm 91:11,12.
the Missouri Highway Patrol and I pray Psalm 91 everyday.
other law enforcement officials to A pastor told me to pray that psalm everyday.
verify the immigration status of any Satan is responsible for suicides. It is a satanic
person arrested, and inform federal spirit.
authorities if the person is found to Matthew 4:7 Jesus said unto him, It is written
be in Missouri illegally. Missouri law again, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.
enforcement officers receive specific The last temptation could have taken place on top of
training with respect to enforcement of Mt. Hermon. It is the highest mountain in Israel.
federal immigration laws. It is 7,336 feet high.
In Missouri , illegal immigrants do The Bible states it was an exceedingly high
NOT have access to taxpayer mountain. They could have gone back to Mt. Sinia
benefits such as food stamps or (2,285 m).
health care through Missouri Health At the top of this mountain, Satan promised to give
NET. In 2009, a measure was passed Jesus all the kingdoms that they beheld. Note that
that ensures Missouri 's public they could also see in the black of night. Satan told
institutions of higher education do Jesus to first bow to him.
NOT award financial aid to Bowing is key. Satan's ultimate goal is for man to
individuals who are illegally in the bow to him. Nebuchadnezzar followed this satanic
United States . spirit.
In Missouri all post-secondary in- Daniel 3:6 And whoso falleth not down and
stitutions of higher education are worshippeth shall the same hour be cast into the
required to annually certify to the midst of a burning fiery furnace.
Missouri Department Of Higher The final Antichrist will form an image of himself,
Education that they have NOT and he will demand all people to bow to it
knowingly awarded financial aid to (Revelation 13:14,15).
students who are unlawfully present Arnold Schwarzenegger just helped Sly that played
in the United States . Rocky retrieve his Rocky statue.
Missouri has made it clear that Arnold also suffered a head wound on a movie set.
FREEPORT Presbyterian CHURCH, located on Hwy 20. Next to Frank’s illegal immigrants are NOT WEL- He posted a pic of his healed head wound on his FB
Cash & Carry. We are extending an open invitation to come to our quaint little COME in the state and they will page. Man is going to worship something.
church to give thanks and praise to God. ‘Small town feel’ and children’s NOT receive public benefits at the Decide to worship Jesus.
services also available too. Sundays at 9am Bible study…. expense of Missouri taxpayers. Until we meet again, follow the example of Christ.
10am church service. Come meet Pastor Gene. Have you been baptized?
Thursday, February 22, 2018 The Emerald Star News, Inc. Page 5
Business Ads as
low as $25,
850-585-0262 The FREEPORT POST
District 2 Commissioner Cecilia Jones Freeport DQ– NOW OPEN The Mayors Post
Hosts Ribbon Cutting for Walton Bridge Russ Barley-Freeport Mayor

Please send any and all comments to

On Wednesday, February 14th, Walton County District 2 The
Commissioner Cecilia Jones hosted a ribbon cutting for the
newly paved Walton Bridge Road. Greetings from the Mayor’s Office
The event began The city council has signed an agreement with the county
at the Eucheeanna concerning the septic/sewer system at Brandon Oaks and it is
Community now in the hands of the county with them accepting or deny-
Center, where ing the agreement. The council also hired Charlie Simmons
Commissioner as the permanent Parks Director- he has been serving as an
Jones was joined interim for the past 6 months and it has been decided that he
by District 1 When Freeport’s new DQ Grill & Chill does a great job and will become the new director. New
Commissioner opens, it will have the distinction of being the parks assistants Travis Diggs and Daniel Fliehman have also
Bill Chapman and first DQ in the state to offer breakfast. been hired as parks personnel and will assist Mr. Simmons.
several members of the Community. During the event, The breakfast offerings will consist of Workshops for discussing the city charter and impact fees
Commissioners Jones and Chapman provided an overview of biscuits, breakfast burritos, and platters form will be held on Thursday February 22, beginning at 5:30 pm
the project to those in attendance and answered questions 5:30 to 10 a.m. daily. and 6:00 pm and the regular city council meeting beginning
about future projects that will take place in the area in the The owner of the franchise is Shannon at 6:30 pm- all workshops and meetings are open to the pub-
future. Maddox, who has opened two other Dairy lic.
Following the presentation and discussion at the community Queens in Florida, one in Marianna and one The Night in the Park which was held this past Friday night
center, those in attendance travelled to the intersection of in Tallahassee. hosted by the City of Freeport under the direction of Parks
Walton Bridge Road and Moccasin Forks Road to perform Located in front of Freeport’s new Publix on Director Charlie Simmons and sponsored by Dewberry
the formal ribbon cutting ceremony. U.S. Highway 331S, the eatery will be open Preble-Rish (city engineers) , Adkinson Law Firm (city attor-
The initial planning for the paving of the road began in 2011 until 10 p.m. weekdays and until 11 p.m. on neys) and Publix was a great success- Hot Dogs, Hamburg-
when the County submitted a grant application to the Florida Fridays and Saturdays. There will be a drive- ers, smores and Drinks was provided for approximately 500
Department of Transportation. thru window for easy pickup. citizens at the park and everyone enjoyed the kids bouncy
In August of 2015, the County approved a Small County “It will be a wonderful Dairy Queen,” said house, hay rides, bond fires, music and community spirit,
Outreach Program Grant from the FDOT to pave a portion of Maddox. “We will have ice-cream cakes that many thanks to the city council members and other volun-
Walton Bridge Road in the amount $2,328,126.00. we can customize and decorate in various teers who helped with the success of this great event. The
With this grant award, the County was able to move forward sizes.” Miss Freeport Pageants will be held on March 10th at the
with the project that paved the section of Walton Bridge There will be a decorator onsite. Freeport High School Auditorium with 6 new representatives
Road from Doctor’s Road to Rock Hill Road. Maddox and his family will be part of the being selected for the city, the deadline to enter is this Friday
The project was designed by Genesis Engineering and was community as they recently moved here. His February 23, at 4:00 PM- applications are still available at
constructed by Roberts and Roberts Contracting. two sons attend South Walton High School city hall and the drop off for the applications is city hall as
The construction began in February 2017 and was completed where they are on the wrestling team. well- no exceptions after February 23 at 4:00 pm., for addi-
in January 2018. The 2.8 mile road improvement project “When I open a new one, I like to be close tional information please call 850-835-2822. The city is also
included the paving of the road service, installation of new by.” In his decision to open a Dairy Queen in gearing up with the Town Planters and Destiny Worship
side and cross drains, installation of guard rails and other the area, Maddox saw the need for a quick Center for this year’s “Eggstravaganza” and Spring Festival
drainage improvements. service restaurant with the population rapid to be held on the Saturday before Easter at the Freeport Re-
Also recently completed in the area was the installation of a growth in Walton County. gional Sports Complex-Hammock Bay, so mark your calen-
new bridge on McKinnon Bridge road. The new span bridge “We feel Freeport is a fast-growing dars. We have recently welcomed the opening of Delishi’
replaces the older wooden bridge that was previously at the community and we are excited to be able to Yogurt, Dairy Queen and Right Choice Lending Company-
site. offer the DQ brand food and treats to the congratulations and welcome to Freeport. Other will be fol-
A ribbon cutting will be held for the bridge on Wednesday, community,” he said. lowing in the very near future. Any questions, comments or
February 28th at 10:00am beginning at the Eucheeanna “We feel our location at the Shoppes at concerns please give me a call at 850-835-2822.
Community Center. Freeport in front of Publix is a convenient
location for the people of
Freeport and for the traffic
on U.S. Highway 331 and Emerald Coast flowers & gifts
State Road 20.”
Approximately 60 people & The prissy hen
will be hired before
137 Hwy 20 West— Freeport
How does anyone "check out our weekly Cash & Carry specials”!
know what you Store hours are Mon-Fri 10-5 and Sat 10-2.
can do, IF YOU
DON’T Owners Russ Barley and Tim Ard, invite everyone to stop on in!
ADVERTISE? 850-835-5200 or 850-267-2616
Page 6 The EMERALD STAR NEWS Inc. Thursday, February 22, 2018

The Enemy Amongst Us!!

By Charles Krauthammer, Oct 11 2017
An article from the New York Post:
I do not understand how living in a country with its democracy
established over 200 years ago, and now, for the first time in
history, suddenly we have one of our former presidents set up a
group called “Organizing for Action” (OFA).
OFA is 30,000+ strong and working to disrupt everything that our
current president’s administration is trying to do. This organization
goes against our Democracy, and it is an operation that will destroy
our way of governing. It goes against our Constitution, our laws,
and the processes established over 200 years ago. If it is allowed to
proceed then we will be living in chaos very much like third world
countries are run.
What good is it to have an established government if it is not going
to be respected and allowed to follow our laws?
If you had an army some 30,000 strong and a court system stacked
over the decades with judges who would allow you to break the
laws, how much damage could you do to a country?
We are about to find out in America!
Our ex-president said he was going to stay involved through
Everyone is invited to our 4th Town Hall Meet the community organizing and speak out on the issues and that appears
Candidate Forum at the Paxton Agriculture Center. Danny to be one post-administration promise he intends to keep. He has
Glidewell, Republican candidate for County Commission moved many of his administration’s top dogs over to Organizing
District 2 will answer questions and discuss the future of for Action. OFA is behind the strategic and tactical implementation
Walton County and District 2. Come out and discuss how of the resistance to the Trump Administration that we are seeing
we can make Walton County and Paxton an even better across America, and politically active courts are providing the
place to live and work! Sponsored by Friends of Danny leverage for this revolution.
Glidewell. Refreshments will be served. OFA is dedicated to organizing communities for “progressive”
change... Its issues are gun control, socialist healthcare, abortion,
sexual equality, climate change, and of course, immigration reform.
OFA members were propped up by the ex-president’s message from the shadows: “Organizing is the building
block of everything great we have accomplished Organizers around the country are fighting for change in their
communities and OFA is one of the groups on the front lines. Commit to this work in 2017 and beyond.” OFA’s
website says it obtained its “digital” assets from the ex-president’s re-election effort and that he inspired the
movement. In short, it is the shadow government organization aimed at resisting and tearing down the
Constitutional Republic we know as AMERICA.
Paul Sperry, writing for the New York Post, says, “The OFA will fight President Donald Trump at every turn of
his presidency and the ex-president will command them from a bunker less than two miles from the White
House.” Sperry writes that, “The ex-president is setting up a shadow government to sabotage the Trump
administration through a network of non-profits led by OFA, which is growing its war chest (more than $40 mil-
lion) and has some 250 offices nationwide.
The OFA IRS filings, according to Sperry, indicate that the OFA has Find the Stolen
32,525 (and growing) volunteers nationwide. The ex-president and his
‘wife’ will oversee the operation from their home/
Do you know these people? Can you
Marx Coastal Optical office in Washington DC.
Think about how this works. For example: Trump
issues an immigration executive order; the OFA signals
Find&locate the items/persons of
interest. Seen driving Okaloosa &
IN FREEPORT for protests and statements from pro-immigrant groups;
Walton Counties.
Arkansas tag. Tan F250
the ACLU lawyers file lawsuits in jurisdictions where
A Mopar 360 engine,
activist judges obstruct the laws; volunteers are called
HWY 20, across from Frank’s Cash & Carry to protest at airports and Congressional town hall
(custom build), bored .60.
Parts #’d & photos. Also a
Accepting: VSP, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Davis Vision, meetings; the leftist media springs to action in support
Chevy rare327/350 turbo
Aveis, Eye Med (we accept most all insurances) of these activities; the twitter sphere lights up with
trans, now in a primered 50/Chevy?
social media; and violence follows. All of this happens
18596 Hwy. 331FREEPORT, was
Custom Lenses of any style, made on location from the ex-president’s signal that he is heartened by
the last persons-(J. Horn + wife L.)
Let us Help you SEE Better, TODAY! the protests. If Barack Obama did not do enough to
identified as to having possession of
destroy this country in the 8 years he was in office, it
the stolen property from Waterside.
appears his future plans are to destroy the foundation
(Dated 9/10/17). Charges pending
Set your appt. for EYE EXAMS available on Wednesday’s with Dr. Evans on which this country has operated on for the last 241 Contact P.I.Mattox #850-383-4800,
there is a $5000 REWARD for
If this does not scare you, then we are in worse trouble
Why drive further? We are right in Freeport! than you know.
information leading to the details of
Grand Theft, to make arrest/convict.
So, do your part.. You have read it, so at least pass this
Contact information is requested to
271 Hwy. 20 Suite C on so others will know what we are up against. We are
ESNews 850-585-0262 more info.
losing our country and we are so compliant. We are
Office# 850-880-6778 becoming a “PERFECT TARGET” for our enemy!
Thank you all, who still search out.
***Be the Hero, not the ZERO
Thursday, February 22, 2018 The EMERALD STAR NEWS Inc. Page 7

‘Happenings’ in DeFuniak Springs

DEFUNIAK Trump said he 'alone Healthmark Health
SPRINGS MAN can fix it,' and now Super-flu and you
ARRESTED it's absolutely true According to the Centers for
February 15th, Caleb Adam Disease Control (CDC), the
The horrific Florida school massacre of
Bell of DeFuniak Springs, average flu season lasts about 16
17 people and the spectacular Mueller
Florida, age 18, was arrested weeks, or four months. As of Feb.
indictment of 13 Russians have brought
by Walton County Sheriff’s 10, the nation stood at 12
a noticeable change, a sense of
Office for sexual assault & consecutive weeks of elevated flu
solemnity, to the national conversation.
lascivious molestation of a levels. Obviously, there is at least
President Trump, however, has used
victim under 12 years another month of flu season to
both developments to let loose an epic
old. Charges were brought up endure.
tweet storm in which he did what
after the victim informed a Unfortunately, this season’s
seemed impossible. By trying to exploit
classmate that Mr. Bell worst strain – H3N2 – is not just
the FBI’s mishandling of Parkland to
pulled down her pants and any flu. H3N2 severely affects
help him somehow escape the clutches
touched her inappropriately. children and the elderly. As of
of the Russia probe, the president has
Mr. Bell also performed oral Feb. 10, at least 63 children have
descended to hitherto unplumbed depths
sex on the victim. After a died.
of depravity. For Trump the time is now
warrant was issued for Caleb Centers for Disease Control and
11:59 PM, almost the witching hour. If
Adam Bell’s arrest, Walton Prevention acting Director Dr. Anne Schuchat noted that the number of hospitalizations was the
he were wise, he could still use the little
County Sheriff’s Office highest the center has ever encountered. This flu season, hospitalization rates have surpassed the
time remaining to try to salvage his
arrested him at his nasty season of the winter of 2014-2015. The CDC said the amount of suspected flu cases at
collapsing presidency. Although the
residence on Paradise doctor's offices and hospital emergency rooms last week matched that seen in 2009, when a new
view from the White House looks grim,
Island Drive in DeFuniak swine flu pandemic swept the world and panicked many people.
it might not be too late to genuinely turn
Springs, Florida. Dan Jernigan, M.D., director of the influenza division of the CDCs National Center for Immuni-
things around. If Trump were to ask for a
zation, said the CDC often sees different parts of the country experiencing elevated flu levels, but
memo outlining the way ahead, here —
WC MEETINGS dotted throughout with dollops of essen-
for weeks “the entire country has been experiencing lots of flu, all at the same time.” As of Jan. 20,
The regular Board of County the amount of out-patient visits for flu was 6.6 percent, surpassing the 2.2 percent national baseline.
tial flattery — is what I would say: The
Commissioners Meeting will “This is the highest level of activity recorded since the 2009 H1N1 pandemic, which peaked at 7.7
White House staff is hemorrhaging,
be February 27th at 9:00 a.m. percent,” said Dr. Jernigan.
morale is in the basement, and your
in the DeFuniak Springs Florida has certainly not been spared from the ill effects of H3N2. In January, 82 outbreaks were
principal subordinates are engaged in
Boardroom. reported in Florida for a total of 241 this flu season. The outbreaks were located in 33 counties,
knife fights with one another while
A Land Development Code including Walton. Two flu-related pediatric deaths were reported in Florida last week, bringing the
failing to serve your political and
Meeting will be held on Feb. total to five children killed this season. The Florida Department of Health says flu deaths will
governing needs. With all this, it is
27th at 6:00 p.m. at the South continue to rise in the state over the coming weeks, which means the current flu crisis is not over.
unsurprising that your standing with the
Walton Annex Board- “Even though we are in the latter part of the average flu season, it’s still a good idea to get a flu
American public continues to hover near
room. DeFuniak Springs City shot,” said Dr. Tom Roberts of Healthmark Regional Medical Center. “The vaccine can usually
historic lows.
Council will be holding a reduce the risk of flu illness by 50-60 percent, but even if the vaccine is less effective on a
“I alone can fix it,” is what you once
Special Meeting on Feb.20th particular strain, it still provides partial protection and can reduce the severity of the illness.”
said. In this instance, it’s absolutely true.
at 2:00 p.m. at City Hall to If a person has been around someone with the flu and becomes ill, see a physician as soon as pos-
There’s no one else to whom you can
review the City of DeFuniak sible. Medications are much more effective when taken early in the flu cycle.
turn. You urgently need to make
Management’s responses to “Drink lots of fluids, stay home, rest and avoid being around other people,” said Dr. Roberts.
fundamental changes, not merely in your
findings and approve the staff and in your policies but also in your
Fiscal Year 2016 audit. own bearing and conduct. In your
A Collective Bargaining was campaign, you promised that “with the
Help those in Need.
rescheduled to February 21st exception of the late, great Abraham Helping others will
at 9:00 a.m. at City Hall. Lincoln,” you could “be more presiden- someday come back to
tial than any president that's held this
office." It’s past time to deliver. The best you for when you may
Wed. February 28th, at the way to accomplish this is finally to let need some help.
Trump really be Trump. That doesn’t
Eucheeanna Community
mean more braggadocio and throwing
Center, a Ribbon Cutting
punches and counterpunches. It means
Ceremony is going to held
getting rid of your phony conservative
for Mckinnon Bridge. The
veneer and becoming once again the
ceremony will begin at 10:00
more liberal wheeler-dealer New Yorker
to 11:00 a.m.
that you are. It means breaking with your
The refreshments, parking, base on critical issues and making a dash
and celebration will be held for the American center. Dealing
at the Eucheeanna Commu- effectively with the mass-shooting
nity Center which located at epidemic would be one way to chart
the Intersection of Mckinnon such a course; fixing our broken
Bridge Road and Red Hill, immigration system would be another.
Ponce De Leon, Florida.
Page 8 The EMERALD STAR Inc. Thursday, February 22, 2018
Letter to the:

Dear Editor,
Hwy 331 S, next to Cypress Cattle As a Man now in his 70’s, I had my
Grand-daughter type this to you.
I thoroughly enjoy every edition you
850-583-4BBQ (4227) We also Cater! print. I wish you could go back to
Trailermade Gulf Coast Q / Home of the Slab Wrap Like us on Facebook Alaqua Animal Refuge printing every week, making those
other newspapers stress over your
Pets of the Week success (as they did in the past).
Open Tuesday thru Saturday, 11am to 6 pm “Dreamer, Darla, Gunner, & Alvin” I too have been dealt a shady hand
Along Hwy. 331 S. just past Hwy20 on RH side… when it came to me being forced into
FREEPORT”s Best Pork Sandwich, take some to the beach! Dreamer (9 years old ), Darla (9 years old ), dealing with WALTON COUNTY
Gunner (10 years old ), and Alvin (11 years LAW. Or is there one?
5 Health Benefits of Being Single old) are all The Chinese Crested Dogs. The
breed is an alert dog that enjoys human
Similar to your situation you write
about, I had vagrants steal all of my
Single people tend to be more social Everybody has a friend who disappeared once companionship. They are funny little dogs belongings, while I was in the hospital
they got a man in their life. Plenty of studies show that married people have a tough that like to please their owners, and upon fighting Cancer.
time keeping in contact with friends and family after they exchange vows. When you finding something that amuses you, are likely We filed every paper known here and
have social ties to your local area, you'll not only have better mental health. You will to do it again to get your attention. then we got screwed by Judge Green.
also experience a longer lifespan. Singles will work harder to create social ties as The time dragged on, they stole every-
they don't have a relationship. thing not nailed down. I filed reports
Single people are thinner Remember when your mother told you to watch out for with the Sheriff.
the "Freshman 15" before you went off to college? Well, someone should have Only to find out 3 months later, there
warned us about the "Couples 15" also. Within five years of marriage, the average is no report listed for the stolen items?
couple gains about 30 pounds. The "Couples 15" happens even if you're not married. That is how they cover their ass for
That's because instead of doing reps at the gym, you're sharing popcorn and candy at not doing their job completely. Just as
the movies with your boyfriend and eating out at restaurants a lot more. Researchers you did, we were given replevy papers
in Great Britain found that about 50 percent of married couples did not keep up with signed by the same Judge who later
the minimum physical activity recommendations. For single people, this figure came ruled, to Dismiss the process?
to about one-third of study participants. I am still recovering, but I promise
Single people sleep better Sharing a bed with your hubby is bad for your sleep. you Mr. Wolfe. I am determined to
When you're married, you have to deal with your partner's bad sleep habits such as bring the authorities I know of and get
snoring, hogging the bed space, and staying up until the wee hours of the morning. these people charged with negligence
Each of their adoption fee is $150 and at minimum!
According to researchers, single people get up to an extra hour of sleep a night. The includes their spay or neuter, microchip and This system is rigged and it doesn’t
extra sleep might explain why the single ladies and gentlemen perform better on current vaccines. If you are interested in any favor the owners? What kind of ticky-
cognitive testing. Single people have healthier hearts One study followed almost of them, please fill out an application online tack crap I have dealt with is worth my
10,000 adults for eight years. In that time, the study concluded that those adults who at
have never gotten married ended up getting a reward for their single status: lower last years doing nothing but enforcing
Then come to meet them! and supporting the rights we citizens
rates of heart disease. Single people have better sex According to,
almost 60 percent of married women talk to their husbands about issues related to are being neglected of here, in Walton
We are looking for Advertisers County. The system is as crooked as
sex. In the same study, 68 percent of single women talked to their partners about sex.
One-fifth of married women said that they would do nothing to remedy an
daily. Print and Online same $$ the con-artists living off of us, who
unsatisfying life in the bedroom, while only 11 percent of single women agreed with THE Lowest Ad Rates in entire worked hard to own what we had!
this sentiment. It's challenging to have a good sex life if you feel you can't talk about Walton county! 2500 EOW I built many things around this town.
it with your partner. Point goes to the single women out there. Call 850-585-0262 But tearing this one-way, wrong
If you hate your single status, feel good about your health, heart, and sex life, all of system down will be what I intend on
which are better because of your independent state. doing. The smirk-laugh the Judge has
The next time your married friends give you that pitiful look after they ask you about done to me lingers in my dreams.
that disastrous date you had the prior week, comfort yourself with the positives in My wife died shortly after his self-
your life. devastating ruling was given. To have
had all of her family heirlooms stolen
broke her heart and she never
recovered from the daily grief. This
Judge acted as if it’s only possessions?
It may be nothing to others but to
Crazy Carl’s LLC. On Hwy 83N some folks it is worth dying over, if
someone were to break-in and steal it.
But this Judge and the system allowed
Gotta love PETS and the Bond we share it all to disappear without a sense of
DeFuniak Springs, Florida Call: 850-951-2525 care nor concern for the trouble, it
financially ruined us too.
Near Walton High, past Tom Thumb on 83N. RH
Mr. Wolfe. I read every word. You got
Golf cart repair and conversions handled badly just like probably 60%
of those who deal with Walton County
Motorcycles, AtV’s Jet ski’s QuAd’s get screwed over. The entire system.
The Cops, The Judges, hell even most
“fleet serVice too” ***pick up and delivery Attorney’s should be investigated for
the collusion to destroying lives is all I
Available OPEN: Mon –Fri 9-5 Sat 9-Noon. hear about from other people for
years. Stop this destruction! T. Jogson
Thursday, February 22, 2018 The EMERALD STAR Inc. Page 9
Page 10 The EMERALD STAR Inc. Thursday , February 22, 2018

Seaside Partners with Street Artist “Gaia” to Honor Nationally

Health Post Why It's So Hard To -Renowned Architecture Historian
George Roll P.A.-C
Lose Weight After 50, – The Town of
Seagrove Medical Clinic
Call # 850-231-6200 And The #1 Most Addictive Carb Seaside announces the
Walk-ins and Appt.s
you MUST Avoid IF You Want To completion of a
Send health questions or unique landmark
comments to: P.O.Box 1133Stop Gaining Weight Each Year... honoring America’s
Freeport, Florida 32439
greatest historian and
educator of art and
If you're like most men and women over 50, you've probably noticed how much architecture, Vincent
easier it has become to gain weight than to lose it… Every year, that number on the Scully. Commissioned
scale keeps creeping up a few notches, EVEN IF you're saying "No" to Chocolate by Seaside Co-
Chip Cookie Dough and "Yes" to Yoga. founders Robert &
So what the heck is going on? Why do your jeans keep getting tighter? Daryl Davis and
Turns out, after you hit your 30's, your metabolism begins to slow down, which renowned architect
means your body is burning almost 200 less calories a day by the time you're 50. and urbanist Dhiru
As If Your Slowing Metabolism Wasn't Enough... Thadani (@dathadani), world-renowned street artist Andrew Pisacane, known as
As if a slowing metabolism wasn't enough, after 30 you also start losing about half “Gaia,” paid tribute to Scully with the wall-sized mural on Seaside’s purple wall at 25
a pound of your calorie burning muscle tissue each year (and at 50, that rate Central Square along Hwy. 30a. A dedication ceremony will be held in front of the
doubles!)... not exactly a recipe for a slim waistline! mural on Fri., Feb. 23 at 3 p.m., during the Seaside Prize weekend, weather permitting.
So what's a concerned "50 something" to do? As an early supporter of Seaside, Scully influenced many who contributed their design,
For most people, it's hard enough to find the motivation to exercise and the planning and architecture talents to Seaside, several of them his students at Yale and
discipline to eat healthier... but after 50, it's like a double whammy! many more who read his books or attended his lectures in Seaside. The principles
Change is hard. Your body doesn't respond to exercise as quickly as it used to and embodied in the master plan and form-based coding led to the formation of the
even if you want to eat healthier, most people haven't the faintest idea what Congress for the New Urbanism (CNU). Andrés Duany and Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk,
"healthy food" really is. Did you know this ‘carb is actually considered a "health the master planners of Seaside, were two of the six founders of the CNU, and they were
food"? And when you eat it, it can end up as ugly belly fat almost instantly? And students of Professor Scully at Yale University. In later years, Scully acknowledged
the worst part? You probably eat it - or something similar - almost every day. Seaside’s impact. “Robert and DPZ put together a kind of way that people seem to want
to live, especially people who can afford it,” said Scully. “They’ve turned it around. It’s
Sugar hidden in most foods cause a subconscious desire for the sweet=fatty cells. changed the whole coast.” Scully was revered for being able to explain the innate
relationship between architecture, urbanism and the environment to the mainstream. He
Drinking Alcohol More Important Than Exercise inspired future architects with the idea of reconnecting contemporary architecture with
its past, thereby planting seeds that grew into the New Urbanism movement. Many of
to Living Past 90 Raise a glass to the golden years. these included other prominent architects who built in Seaside such as Alexander
Gorlin, Robert Orr, Ernesto Buch and Robert Stern. Stern, founder and senior partner at
Making it past 90 years old may boil down to drinking a couple of glasses of alco- Robert A.M. Stern Architects and until recently Dean of the Yale School of Architec-
hol a night, according to a study on members of the oldest demographic in the U.S. ture, as well as Stern's successor at Yale, Deborah Berke, both designed numerous
buildings in Seaside early in their careers.
The 90+ Study, started in 2003, focuses on the fastest growing age group in “Professor Scully helped us see preservation not simply as a matter of saving buildings,
America – the "oldest-old" – to determine what habits lead to quantity and quality but of saving whole communities," said Stern in a New York Times article. "He inspired
of life, according to its website. This year, researchers at the Clinic for Aging two of his students, Mr. Duany and Ms. Plater-Zyberk, to formulate what would become
Research and Education in Laguna Woods, California, focused on what food, New Urbanism, a set of ideas and practices that returned city planning to traditional
activities and lifestyles are commonly featured among those living longer. patterns of streets and defined public spaces — a movement so successful that it is hard
Analyzing more than 1,600 nonagenarians, the study results showed that people to imagine a developer trying to build a conventional strip mall ever again.”
who drank two glasses of beer or wine a day improved their odds of living longer “Gaia,” known for his murals about people and neighborhoods, paid artistic tribute with
than those who abstained by about 18 percent. the mural depicting a thoughtful portrait of Scully prominently positioned in the compo-
sition. The background image is of the Acropolis in Athens, Greece, in violet taken
Exercising regularly and partaking in a hobby for two hours a day were also from the cover of Scully’s influential book, The Earth, the Temple, and the Gods: Greek
associated with longer lives. Surprisingly, people who were overweight, but not Sacred Architecture,” said Thadani. Thadani recognized Gaia’s talent when his son and
obese, in their 70s lived longer than normal or underweight people did. Gaia were in art school together at Maryland Institute College of Art (MICA), the oldest
art school in the country, and has known him for more than six years. “We collaborated
on the design,” said Thadani. “I picked the photo and the frame, and requested the
university logos, and Gaia worked on the composition and suggested the Acropolis
background and colors.” A native of New York City, during the last several years,
Gaia’s interest has lied in the evolution of urban neighborhoods. He has traveled world-
wide to create large-scale murals that engage the communities in dialogue by using
historical and sociological references to these neighborhoods. He has incorporated
portraits of influential, and sometimes controversial urban developers such as Nelson
Rockefeller, Robert Moses, Henry Flagler, James Rouse, Le Corbusier and Mies van
der Rohe, who, with their projects and developments, altered the perception of public
space in the minds of many. True to most of his works, the end product of Scully was
affected by Gaia’s experiences from travels around the world as well as his deep interest
in making place, celebrating history and reinforcing community. “We couldn’t be more
pleased with this larger-than-life mural depicting Scully,” said Thadani. “Gaia’s artistic
skills captured Scully’s essence.”“The project offers Seaside visitors a cultural and
historical experience through the eyes of mural artist Gaia, and portrays the importance
and impact Scully had on the town of Seaside,” said Seaside co-founder Robert Davis.
Plater-Zyberk, Dean Emeritus of the University of Miami’s School of Architecture and
a Scully student, will lead the tribute to Scully during the Seaside Prize weekend.
Thursday, February 22, 2018 The EMERALD STAR Inc. Page 11
AD Only
We see you! $10 per issue List your FOR SALE ITEMS only
Do folks see you? Mail or E-mail
Classifieds $10…….mail info. to
P.O. Box 1133 Freeport 32439
Advertising space is available Are you in FREEPORT?
within this newspaper! 585-0262 For Sale Call 585-0262 Visit the BIOPHILIA CENTER
looking for local conversation and an this year. A very Special place in
How common is sexual Pool tournaments on Thursday
East of Hwy. 331…. 2 miles down

misconduct in Hollywood? Karaoke weekends @ 9pm

Just North of the Anchor Fountain
$1700/new. We want businesses to Advertise
with us. We are going to places that
A USA TODAY survey of 843 women in the enter- past Freeport Café, turn right. Washer & no other paper goes. Let us help
tainment industry found 94% say they've experienced Dryer Set for $200/ you, as you help us. 850.585.0262
Are you up in DeFuniak Springs?
harassment or assault. Looking for a great BBQ dinner/date 7pc. Drum Set -Peavey $75
Almost every one of hundreds of women questioned place? Adult Beverages, Beer, Wine. Dressers with mirror tops $75ea./obo
in an exclusive survey by USA TODAY say they have Stop in @ 4C BBQ Glass Table with 4 chairs, indoor/ Handymen
outdoor. Never been outside. $120
experienced some form of sexual harassment or as-
sault during their careers in Hollywood.
Big screen TV& several other TV’s
Karaoke most every Sat. 7’ long Led Glass table with Available
For months now we've all been hearing the horrifying 2 mirror pedastools very nice.$250 :Wanted= to help folks get
Feel like shooting some Darts?
stories of abuse from marquee names like Rose Car tires/rims. 4 aluminum slots with
2person, 4person team leagues too. things fixed around the
McGowan and Gwyneth Paltrow and Ashley Judd and tires 16” $90/obo. White Side by side
Tell Robin you saw this AD!! Fridge Ice/water in door. great. $140 house. From repairs to new
Salma Hayek, about what powerful men in Holly-
Call 585-0262. Priced to go! builds, make us a list!
wood, like movie mogul Harvey Weinstein, allegedly
Free estimates.
did to them and other women over decades.
Frank@ 850.585-0262
Unwanted sexual comments and groping. Support FREEPORT’s
I OFFER to you!
(The reader) to become a part of this
Propositioning women. Exposing themselves. ‘ONLY NEWSPAPER’
newspaper’s history, as we grow with
Coercing women into having sex or doing something Let us get your name out
FREEPORT and the surrounding
sexual. And, especially pertinent to showbiz, forcing
areas into the future.
women to disrobe and appear naked at an audition Community Clean Up Day -
without prior warning. It's been deeply disturbing Saturday, March 24th *FREEDOM OF SPEECH LIVES
reading, but so far the powerful stories of accusers
outnumber plain, hard facts about the extent of the Walton County District 4 Commis- *** The only versatile newspaper
problem in Tinseltown. Until now. sioner Sara Comander, the Solid that offers both sides of discussion.
Working in partnership with The Creative Coalition, Waste Department and Public Works Let the people in charge = read your
Women in Film and Television and the National is hosting a community clean up day opinions or comments.
Sexual Violence Resource Center, USA TODAY in Choctaw Beach. If you don’t look into the corruption
surveyed 843 women who work in the entertainment Choctaw Beach Park now it only gets worse -just like the
industry in a variety of roles (producers, actors, State Road 20 past 35years. Don’t sit!
writers, directors, editors and others) and asked them 8:00am to 2:00 pm
about their experiences with sexual misconduct. No need for “PC” here. Live!
Waste tire amnesty will also be held
The results are sobering: Nearly all of the women who on the same date, during the same
responded to the survey (94%) say they have When the Court System makes you
hours and at both locations. Walton
experienced some form of harassment or assault, often become a Homeless Person.
County residents may bring up to 12
by an older individual in a position of power over the Where do you turn for help?
tires per residence.
accuser. Worse, more than one-fifth of respondents Many notifications to help Veteran’s
Dumpsters provided for Walton
(21%) say they have been forced to do something but the truth is sad.
County residents to dump trash, yard
sexual at least once. Only one in four women reported When you have No Home, Chances
debris, tires, appliances, and other
these experiences to anyone because of fear of are you have NO JOB.
miscellaneous items. A crew and
personal or professional backlash or retaliation. This So, should the home come first?
equipment to off-load heavy items will
reporting rate holds true for all forms of misconduct Then job assistance to work second?
be available. Recycling trailers will
addressed in the survey, including being forced to do Food assistance is helpful only if you
also be available for newsprint,
something sexual. Of those who did report their have a place to COOK FOOD!
cardboard, and aluminum.
experiences, most say reporting did not help them; How many places truly offer help to
Limit of (4) tires per household.
only 28% say their workplace situation improved after hire people from rehab or a jail
reporting. One surprising finding: Even though sentence without being stigmatized so
America has been arguing about workplace sexual badly, like the Cops do to you when
harassment ever since the Anita Hill-Clarence Thomas you walk the streets in Walton Co.
Supreme Court hearings in 1991, more than one-third What chances to make it if there is
of women surveyed weren't even sure that what NO HELP TO START OVER?
For more information, you may
happened to them was sexual harassment. Still, even contact the Walton County Landfill at LIVE YOUR LIFE,
though the survey shows that older and more I hear Canada is nice to homelessness
experienced women have been subjected to more 850-892-8180. If this County ever does step up. The LET ME MESS UP
incidents of sexual misconduct. jails just become fuller for it’s corrupt MINE ON MY OWN!
What does it matter to you, the reader?
As you know we use the Advertising dollars to pay for the
PRINTING of this (Free to you) FREEPORT Newspaper.
**We do accept donations as well. Checks or CC welcome
Voice of the People!
***2018 Walton Co. BIG PLANS!!!
Page 12 The Emerald Star Inc. Thursday, February 22, 2018

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