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Dara Marquez

Introduction to Special Education 203

Specialist Classroom Observation
I was able to observe Mrs. Ventic’s students while they were in the Art class.

The art teacher is very kind and has fun with the kids. She has rules that she enforces

but for the most part students are engaged in the activity. That day she was having the

student create a 3D paper line sculpture. She showed a video of the activity being done

before handing out materials and then moved forward with handing things out and

asking if everyone understood or had any questions. She had two separate classes at

once (Mrs. Ventic’s and a General Education).

Question 1:

I found that the students behaved similarly in the art class comparted to their


Question 2:

I think each student has a special talent with art. They were very creative and

put their own style into the assignment. Some students were twisting the paper pieces

before gluing them down to create a different look. A few of the girls were making

hearts for the sculpture.

Question 3:

The curriculum is different because they are only covering one subject.

However, the teacher does expect the students to behave and get through the
assignment. At the end of the class she had each table (group) walk around and

present the project to the other students.

Question 4:

The teacher has a Progressivism style to her teaching. She encourages the kids

to use the paper in different ways and to try new things. She talks to them throughout

the activity.

Question 5:

A few different strategies she used for teaching and managing that were

successful were having the students show her their work/progress as they were going. I

felt that was holding the students accountable for their work and also gave them a little

break to keep them focused. She was having the tables (groups) share glue sticks and

I thought that was good because that was encouraging them to be social and patient

with one another. Also she has the letters ART on the board at the beginning of each

class and if the students become too loud a letter will be taken away. Ex. __RT. That

way they have a visual of where they are at with their behavior.

Question 6:

The challenges the teacher has to deal with are the number of students in the

one classroom (2 classes of students versus 1). That there is a short amount of time.

The Specials class duration is 50 minutes and the teacher has to Direct, Complete

Activity and Cleanup. Dealing with the personalities due to how they behave in the

main teacher’s class room. The Specials teacher has to conform to how the main
teacher is teaching the students. Another challenge is getting the students used to the

Special’s routine.

The Special’s teacher told me that one of the things she likes about teaching a

Special’s class is that she is able to build a strong relationship with them because she

has them as students all four years of elementary school. Also she likes that there is no

testing required from her class.

She also told me that the days and activities can be challenging too if the kids

are not in good mood. She always has to have a “Plan B”.

Question 7:

The student’s needs are being meet because they are in a healthy and happy

environment and are able to learn and be creative.

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