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1. Define Research (May 2010, May 2011, Dec 2014, May 2014, Dec 2012, May 2017
Re – Search – “ It is a journey of unknown to known”. Research is essentially an
investigation , a recording an analysis of evidence for the purpose of gaining knowledge.

2. What are the objectives of research?

Research extends knowledge.
Research establishes Generalizations and general laws
Applied research aim at finding solutions
It aims to develop Tools, concepts.

3. Explain the characteristic of research.

Research is logical and objective
Research is carefully recorded and reported
Research is directed towards the solution of a problem
Research requires expertise

4. Bring out the criteria of good research.

Well defined problem
Observable or Empirical
Identify variables
Clarity in information

5. Define Hypothesis? May 2014, Dec 2012, May 2017

A hypothesis is a provisional formulation or possible solution or tentative

explanation or suggested answers to the problem facing researchers.

6. What are the Characteristic Of Hypothesis?

Hypothesis should be clear and precise
Hypothesis should be capable of being tested
Hypothesis should state relationship between variables
Hypothesis should be limited in scope and must be specific.

7. Describe the types of hypothesis.

Null hypothesis – formulated only to test whether there is any relationship between
variables relating to the problem stated.
Refined hypothesis – degree of significance varies depending on the level of
Working hypothesis – verifying the relationship among various variables included in
Alternative hypothesis - is a statement which is accepted after the null hypothesis is
rejected based on the test result.

8. What are the sources of hypothesis?

Personal experience
Scientific theory
Professional Literature

9. Write any two functions of good hypothesis?

The formulation of a hypothesis provides a study with focus. It tells you what
specific aspect if a research is finding solution to a problem.
It gives direction to an investigation

10. Write down the steps involved in research process?

 Formulating research problem
 Literature survey
 Developing hypothesis
 Preparing the research design
 Determining the sample design
 Collecting the data
 Analysis the data
 Hypothesis testing
 Generalization and Interpretation
 Preparation of the report.

11. Define Business Research.

It is defined as the systematic and objective process of generating information for
aid in making business decisions

12. What is pure research?

It is a search for broad principles and postulates that build a new theory or
revalidate a theory . Pure research is highly abstract in its orientation.

13. What is meant by Descriptive Analytical Research.?

It is a detailed account of the past, present and future which elaborate data and
statistical backing is given. In a descriptive study an accurate description of a situation or an
association between variables will be emphasized.

14. What do you mean by ex post factor research?

Ex-post facto research is a systematic empirical inquiry in which based on a scientific and
analytical examination of dependent and independent variables.
15. Defined Applied research?
Applied research aims at application of science to a singular solution. The driving force of
this research is finding solution to a problem

16. What is meant by Theoretical And Empirical Research?

Theoretical research is the research in which the goal is to prove or disprove a hypothesized
Empirical research is research based on the observation. An experiment is conducted in
order to test the validity of a theory or hypothesis.

17. What is meant by Cross –Sectional studies?

It does with a sample of elements from a given population, number of characteristics from
the sample elements are collected and analyzed. It is two types (i) Field studies (ii) Surveys.

18. Name the different types of research. May 2010, Dec 2012, May 2016, Nov 2017

1. Applied research 2. Pure research

3. Exploratory research 4. Descriptive research

5. Casual research 6. Empirical research

7. Operational research 8. Analytical research

19. What is review of literature?

Review of literature means a review or study of literature relevant to the study taken up by
the researcher.

20. What is meant by Exploratory Research?

When a researcher want to deal with a new issue or try to being a new research is called
exploratory research.

21. What is research Hypothesis?

A hypothesis is a tentative statement once the statement is confirmed it may become
theory. At the same time it should be noted that the theory is accepted at one point of time
becomes irrelevant at some other time. In such a case a new hypothesis born tested and it accepted
becomes a theory.

22. Write few points about limitation of research?

 Research can provide a number of facts, but it doesn’t provide actionable results.
 It cannot provide the answer to any problem but can only provide a set of guidelines.

23. List out the various applications of business research.

 Decision making tool

 Management planning
 Problem solving
 Control technique
 Distribution
 Pattern of consumption

24. Write down the limitations of business research?

 Time constraints
 Knowledge of research tools
 Availability of data
 Cooperation of management and employees.
 Benefits versus costs.

25. Differentiate pure research and applied research

S.No Pure/ Basic Research Applied Research

1. Ails to illustrate the theory by enriching the
Aims to solve a problem by enriching the field
basis of a discipline of application of a discipline
2. Studies a problem usually from the focus of
Often several disciplines collaborate for solving
one discipline. the problem
3. Seeks generalization Often studies individual cases without the
objective to generalize.
4. Works on the hypothesis that variable not Recognizes that other variables are constant
measured remain constant. changing
5. Tries to say why things happen Tries to say how things can be changed.

PART – B (13 Marks)

1. Explain the steps in the research process. May 2011, May 2012, Dec 2012 Pg No: 16 - 19
2. Discuss the significance & characteristics of good research. Pg No: 5 - 6
3. Explain the types of research. Pg No: 11 - 16
4. How will you state a research problem and research objective? Pg No: 19 – 22
5. Explain the role of theory in research May 2014, May 2016, May 2017 Pg No: 26 - 27
6. Explain research in Evolutionary Perspective Refer Class Notes
7. Classify the uses descriptive / casual research in the following situations. Cite simple examples
(i) Hypothesis Formulation Pg No: 22 - 23
(ii) Identifying cause and effect relationship Pg No: 28 - 29
8. Write in detail about factors affecting research? Pg No : 10 - 11
9. Define hypothesis and narrate the types of hypothesis and types of test of hypothesis.
Pg No: 27 -29
10. Describe in detail of procedure of testing of hypothesis and characteristics of hypothesis.
May 2012, May 2013, May 2014, Dec 2012, Nov 2017 Pg No: 31 & 28

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