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Observing the Young Child

Observer: Meaghan Nakamura Date: March 27th 2017

Observation: Social Emotional Checklist Time: 10:20am

Age: 3 years old

Skill Demonstrated = SD
Not Yet Demonstrated = ND
No Opportunity to Observe = NP
Attempts Unsuccessfully = AU
Can Perform with Support =CS
Emerging Skill = EM
Seen by Third Party = 3D


__SD_ Gets excited when along side other children

_ SD_ Separates easily from parents at drop off
_ SD__ Takes turn during games
_ SD_ Asks questions
_ SD_ Is able to speak in sentences of 5-6 words
_ SD_ Is able to understand the concept of “mine” and “yours”
__SD_ Is able to initiate or join in play with other children
__SD_ Is able to show affection for friends without prompting
__SD__ Is able to dress up in the dramatic play and undress
__SD_ Is able to show a range of emotions

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