Vocabulary Unit 3 6c2ba

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Son: Hijo Balcony: Balcón

Daughter: Hija Fence: Cerca, Valla
Parents: Padres Charity works: Obras de caridad
Cousins: Primos Wedding: Boda
Grandparents: Abuelos Palace: Palacio
Grandson: Nieto Guards: Guardias
Granddaughter: Nieta Garden party:Fiesta de jardin
Great-grandmother: Bisabuela Crown: Corona
Great-grandfather: Bisabuelo Portrait: Retrato
Neighbours: Vecinos Self-portrait: Autoretrato
Upstairs. Piso de arriba Foreground: Primer plano
Downstairs: Piso de abajo Background: Fondo
Inside: Dentro Message: Mensaje
Outside: Fuera Customer: Cliente

Past continuous (Questions and answers)
Questions: It is formed with the past of the verb To Be + the
gerund of the verb indicating the action.
Affirmative: Subject + past verb To Be + gerund verb indicating
the action.
Negative: Subject + past verb To Be + negation + gerund verb
indicating the action.
must / mustn’t (obligation)
Affirmative: Subject + must +verb indicating the action.
Negative: Subject + must + negation + verb indicating the action.
Review of have got

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