Orange City Flier

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Homosexual/Transgender promoting materials in Orange City Library!

Some aimed at Pre-K kids, using YOUR tax dollars!

Pastor Kevin DeYoung: It is no little mistake in God’s eyes to encourage and

support what harms our fellow creatures and dishonors our Creator.
(“What Does the Bible Really Teach About Homosexuality”)

*Romans says they’re given over to a “depraved mind.”

*1 Corinthians lists homosexuality as one of nine sins of people
who will not inherit the kingdom of God.
*Do we want books aimed at Pre-K children promoting behavior
the Bible calls “unnatural,” “detestable,” and an “abomination?”
Homosexuals have higher incidence of many risk factors linked to cancer.
(American Cancer Society)

Non-heterosexuals are more likely to encounter domestic violence, turn

to drugs or alcohol to cope with that abuse. (Sam Houston State University)
Transgenderism has a 46% (men) and 42% (women) attempted suicide rate.
(American Foundation for Suicide Prevention — the Williams Institute, UCLA Law)

Adult children of same-sex partners report ongoing depression nearly triple

that of adult children of heterosexual parents (51% vs. 22%).
(Dr. Paul Sullins, Sociology, The Catholic University of America, 2016 study)

What will your pastor say about this tomorrow in church?

(As every house in Orange City is receiving this flyer, please email us any encouraging reports at our address below)

Show up at the Orange City Library on Tuesday, Feb. 20. They are holding
a board meeting where these materials will be discussed at 4 p.m.
The Library Director and several of the library board members are
from American Reformed Church. Any connection to OC Pride?

As a starting point, consider signing this petition on the

back of this flyer, started by a NWC professor and signed
by hundreds. Bring it to the meeting or mail it to:
Sioux County Conservatives
PO Box 112
Sioux Center, IA 51250


Find more information about Orange City LGBTQ activism at

Homosexual/Transgender promoting materials in Orange City Library!
Some aimed at Pre-K kids, using YOUR tax dollars!
Preserving the Community Values of Our Public Library

Background (Preamble): Since its inception in the early 1870s, Orange City has been a city
reflecting Christian values and faith in its names and institutions. The first major decision
enacted by Henry Hospers and his followers from Pella, IA was to name it after William of
Orange, a member of the Dutch royal family and a champion of the Christian faith. After naming
the city, Hospers and followers established a church – First Reformed Church – which
eventually planted eight additional churches in Sioux County. In 1872, Rev. Seine Bolks, the first
senior pastor of First Reformed Church and one of the people who started Hope College in
Holland, MI, established a Christian academy, which later became Northwestern College.
These faith roots have flourished into 15 local churches (19 if we count the surrounding
community of Alton, IA) for about 7,400 individuals. Between Orange City and Alton, there is one
church for every 388 people. The Heartland Synod of the RCA Church is also located in Orange
City. In a town where “Merry Christmas” is heard in the winter time and town decorations include
the Holy Trinity sign and crosses over the central town street, faith and family values are indeed
part of the “personality” of this place. In fact it is the DNA of this place.
For many of us in this close-knit town (native Iowans or not), this focus on Christian faith,
family values, and unabashed pride in them are refreshing changes from the ever-retreating
spheres of influence of Christianity in larger communities. The recent ascendancy of non-biblical
activities such as Room for All, the OC Pride event, and the library acquisitions are signs that
our Christian values are slowly being eroded from within.
The past and recent acquisition of materials dealing primarily with LGBTQ issues were
requested by a few individuals around the same time as the OC Pride Event and it was done
without proper OCPL Board oversight or community feedback. While it was a legal request, we
believe it is something very contrary to the attitudes and values of an overwhelming majority of
Orange City / Alton residents.
We, the undersigned, call on the Orange City public library staff, board of trustees, and
Orange City council members to support the Christian values of the majority of the city residents
through material acquisitions that are consistent with these values.
We urge the staff, board members, and council members to: (1) approve the labeling
and separate shelving of materials* that deal primarily LGBTQ issues so patrons and parents
can be fully informed and exercise discretion when selecting library materials to check out for
themselves or their family, (2) provide on each computer terminal and online interface book
rating services (e.g., so each patron can make
a conscious and informed decision about the materials to be checked out, and (3) halt new
acquisition of any additional materials that primarily deal with LGBTQ materials before a public
discussion can be held about the acquisition so valuable feedback can be given by important
stakeholders such as parents, teachers, and faith communities. )*Includes 168 print,
audiovisual, or online sources as of December 2017)

Signature(s): ____________________________________________________________



(To sign online, visit:


Find more information about Orange City LGBTQ activism at

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