Speed Up Your Outputs by Using These Shortcuts

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Speed up your outputs by using these shortcuts.

Practice is the key to success. Good Luck!

Ctrl + N To Create a New File
Ctrl + O To Open a File
Ctrl + S To Save a File
Ctrl + Alt + S To Save As… a File
Ctrl + Y To Import Text/Picture
Ctrl + Alt + Y To Export Text/Picture
Ctrl + P Print a File
Ctrl + F4 Close the File
Alt + F4 Exit / Close Program
Ctrl + X Cut Selected Item(s)
Ctrl + C Copy Selected Item(s)
Ctrl + V Paste Selected Item(s)
Ctrl + Z Undo / Redo Last Action
Ctrl + F Find Text
Ctrl + R Replace Text
F2 Story Editor
F11 Typographic Preferences
Alt + F11 Application Preferences
Ctrl + F11 Document Preferences
F5 Zoom - Fit to Window
F6 Zoom – 50%
F7 Zoom – 100% (Original)
F8 Zoom – 200%
F9 Snap to Guides
Double-Click On Rulers Format Guides
Alt + Insert Insert New Page
Alt + Delete Delete Page(s)
Ctrl + Alt + I Insert Index Entry
Ctrl + Alt + O Insert Table of Contents
Ctrl + Alt + G Group Objects
Ctrl + Alt + U Ungroup Objects
F12 Go to Font Window (Ribbon)
Alt + F12 Go to Page Window (Page)
Ctrl + F12 Go to Zoom Window (View)
Double Click To Select Word
Triple Click To Select Paragraph
Ctrl + A Select All
Drag Drop File Open File from File Manager
Drag Drop Picture Insert Picture from File Manager
Ctrl + B Bold Selected Text
Ctrl + I Italics Selected Text
Ctrl + Alt + L Left Alignment
Ctrl + Alt + R Right Alignment
Ctrl + Alt + C Center Alignment
Ctrl + Alt + J Justified
Ctrl + Alt + F Full Justified
Ctrl + Alt + T Toggle Text and Tab Modes
Ctrl + T Define Style Sheets
Ctrl + H Character Format
Ctrl + G Paragraph Format
Ctrl + Shift + F5 Increase Line Leading Space
Ctrl + Shift + F6 Decrease Line Leading Space
Ctrl + F5 Increase Character Spacing
Ctrl + F6 Decrease Character Spacing
Ctrl + Shift + F7 Increase Character Scaling
Ctrl + Shift + F8 Decrease Character Scaling
Ctrl + F7 Baseline Shift Up
Ctrl + F8 Baseline Shift Down
Ctrl + F9 Decrease Font Size
Ctrl + F10 Increase Font Size
Alt + Page Down Go to Next Page
Alt + Home Go to First Page
Alt + End Go to Last Page
Alt + Up Arrow Top of Previous Textbox
Alt + Down Arrow Top of Next Textbox
Ctrl + Up Arrow Top of Paragraph
Ctrl + Down Arrow Top of Next Paragraph
Page Up Scroll Page Up
Page Down Scroll Page Down
Alt + Enter Toggle Master/Document pages
Ctrl + Space Toggle Eng/Urdu Keyboard

Compiled & Tested by: Muhammad Ajmal Beig Naz
Principal, Pentium Graphics Center & Training Institute
Practice is the key to success. Good Luck!

Ctrl + N To Create a New File
Ctrl + O To Open a File
Ctrl + S To Save a File
Ctrl + Shift + S To Save As… a File
Ctrl + I To Import a File
Ctrl + E To Export a File
Ctrl + Z Undo Last Action
Alt + Backspace Undo Last Action
Ctrl + Shift + E Redo Last Action
Ctrl + R Repeat Last Action
Ctrl + D Make a Duplicate
Ctrl + Y Snap to Grid
Ctrl + G To Group Objects
Ctrl + U To Ungroup Objects
Ctrl + L To Combine Objects
Ctrl + K Break Apart
Ctrl + Q Convert to Curves
Ctrl + Shift + Q Convert Outline to Object
Ctrl + Shift + T Open “Edit Text…” Window
Ctrl + F11 Open “Insert Character”
Ctrl + F12 Open “Spell Checker…”
Ctrl + T Open “Format Text…”
Ctrl + J Open the “Options” Window
Alt + F7 Open “Position” Window
Alt + F8 Open “Rotate” Window
Alt + F9 Open “Scale” Window
Alt + F10 Open “Size” Window
P Align to Center of Page
C Align to Centers Horizontally
E Align to Centers Vertically
T Align to Top
B Align to Bottom
R Align to Right
L Align to Left
Ctrl + F2 Open View Manager
Shift + F4 Zoom to Page View
F4 Zoom to All Objects
F9 Full Screen Preview
Page Up Go to Previous Page
Page Down Go to Next Page
Shift + Drag To Move the Ruler
Ctrl+Click a Colour To Add (mix) colour
Ctrl+Click White To lighten a Colour
Shift + Click To Find a Colour by Name
Click and Hold To Find Colour Variations
Alt + Click To Apply Outline Colour
Right-click a Colour To Apply Outline Colour
F10 Jump to Shape Tool
Z Jump to Zoom Tool
H Jump to Hand Tool
F6 Jump to Rectangle Tool
F7 Jump to Ellipse Tool
F8 Jump to Text Tool
Y Jump to Polygon Tool
G Jump to Interactive Fill Tool
Shift + Page Up Bring to Front
Shift + Page Down Send to Back
Ctrl + NumPad8 Increase Font 1 Point
Ctrl + NumPad2 Decrease Font 1 Point
Ctrl + F8 Convert to Paragraph Text

Apply Text and Graphics Formatting Multiple Times in MS Office

Handy Shortcuts for Word Users
Get Easy Access to Documents (Work Menu) 
Reducing the File Size of Word Documents
Display Full Path Name in Title Bar
No More Hyperlinks in a Word Document
Navigate Long Documents Easily with Hidden Bookmarks
Keyboard Shortcuts for inserting default Bullet
Finding the Location of the Outlook PST Data File
Delay delivery of an E-mail Message
Resend an E-mail Message
Save Multiple Attachments Simultaneously
Saving Snippets from Outlook E-mail

 Apply Text and Graphics Formatting Multiple Times in MS Office

You probably know how frustrating it is to apply the same format to items in different locations in your
document, drawing, worksheet, presentation, or Web page. For example, you may want to apply a
special font to several non-sequential words in your document. Or you may want to change solid lines to
dotted lines in graphics you created with the drawing tools. However, instead of clicking the Format
Painter button on the Standard toolbar every time you want to apply the new format, you can double-
click this button and apply the format to multiple items in Office XP. To apply formatting to multiple
items, do the following:-
 1. Select the item with the format you want to copy.
 2. Double-click the Format Painter button. The button stays selected.
 3. Select the text or graphic items you want to apply the new format to.
 4. When you're finished applying the format, click the Format Painter button again or press ESC

Note: Applying text and graphics formatting multiple times does not work between programs.

 Handy Shortcuts for Word Users

Here are a few shortcuts you can use to access common dialog boxes in Word. To use these shortcuts,
the ruler must be displayed.
 Double-click the ruler margin to open the Page Setup dialog box.
 Double-click an indent marker to open the Paragraph dialog box.
 Double-click a tab stop to open the Tabs dialog box.
 When working with a document in multiple-column format, double-click the gray region that
separates one column from another to open the Columns dialog box.

 Get Easy Access to Documents (Work Menu) 

The Work menus a great Word feature that few people know about. You can use the Work menu to keep
an easily accessible list of your favorite Word files. To add the Work menu to the menu bar or a toolbar,
do the following:
 On the Tools menu, click Customize, and then click the Commands tab.
 In the Categories box, click Built-in Menus.
 Click Work in the Commands box and drag it to the menu bar or displayed toolbar.
With the Work menu in place, you can add any open Word document to your list. Here are the options:
 To add the current (open) document to the Work menu, on the Work menu, click Add to Work
 To open a document, click the document you want to open.
 To remove a document from the Work menu; Press CTRL+ALT+- (dash key). Your cursor will
look like a large, bold underscore. Click the document you want to remove from the list.

 Reducing the File Size of Word Documents
To reduce the file size, follow these steps:
 Choose Tools/Options... 
 Open the Save tab 
 Uncheck Allow Fast Saves
“Allow Fast Saves” feature makes Word rewrite the entire document file from scratch each time it is
saved. If you have make documents using MS Word and you make many formatting changes for the
paragraph, fonts, page etc., you will see your file size gets bigger. Microsoft Word saves files by
blocking, so any change you made for your document it will create a new block with the new formatting
and disappear the old block without deleting it from the file. You can solve this problem by doing this:
Open your file, select File/Save As, and give your file a new name, it will save only the active blocks
with out the old ones. If you compare the two files, you will see a prominent difference in size.

 Display Full Path Name in Title Bar

When you open a document in Word, the file name for the document is displayed in the title bar. It
would be nice to display more than a simple file name in the title bar. Many readers could profit by a
way to display a full path name along with the file name in the title bar. Unfortunately, Word does not
provide a way to do this easily. There are a couple of ways that this can be approached. If you only
need to know the full path name occasionally, then you can create a very simple macro and assign it to
a toolbar button. When you click on the button, the information in the title bar for the active window is
changed to reflect the full path name. This macro is called ChangeCaption. Click here to get the
Alternately, you can use this option without creating a macro:-
 Right-click on any toolbar and choose Customize, or use the Tools>Customize menu options
from the main menu.

 Choose the Commands tab.

 In the Categories list, click on Web. In the Commands list to the right, find Address. (It should
be first in the list, and contains a drop-down list as part of the command.) Drag Address to the
desired location on your toolbar.

 Select the Close button.

 Now when you open a document, Address window show the full path name of the document that
is currently open and visible.
 No More Hyperlinks in a Word Document
Did you know that you can remove all of the links in a document with just two keystrokes: Ctrl+A to
select the entire document and press Ctrl+Shift+F9 to convert all the links into text. This also converts
fields to static text, i.e. if you've inserted a date field to show the current date, selecting the field and
pressing Ctrl+Shift+F9 will turn it into text so the date won't change each day. If you want to change
only some fields, select only a portion of the document and repeat the above.
 Navigate Long Documents Easily with Hidden Bookmarks
When you work with long documents in Word, it can be difficult to remember where certain information
appears. But when you use hidden bookmarks, you can quickly navigate to that information. Hidden
bookmarks are easy to add and easy to use, and you can put them anywhere you want. Here's how:
To add a bookmark:
 In your document, click where you want to place a bookmark.
 On the Insert menu, click Bookmark.
 When the Bookmark dialog box opens, name your bookmark.
 Then click Add.
To find your bookmark:
 Press F5 to open the Find and Replace dialog box.
 Click the Go To tab, and then select Bookmark under Go to what and type the bookmark name
in the Enter page number field.
 Click the Go To button to get to the information you bookmarked.

 Go to Insert>Bookmark.
 Select the Bookmark Name and press Go To.
 Keyboard Shortcuts for inserting default Bullet
Enter two dashes (--), a space, and then your first bullet list item, and when you press Enter, Word
applies the default bullet style to your item, and positions you at the next bullet list item. it's part of
AutoCorrect's AutoFormat functionality. To be sure, the feature is active, use the Tools>AutoCorrect
command, choose the AutoFormat As You Type tab, and ensure that the Automatic bulleted list
option is checked. To stop the automatic list and return to your "Normal" style, press Enter twice.
Alternatively, you can press Ctrl + Shift + L. This shortcut applies rounded bullets to the list but
doesn't indent the text. There is a similar shortcut to remove the bullets. Select the list and press Ctrl +
Shift + N.

 Finding the Location of the Outlook PST Data File  

Outlook stores all the e-mail, contacts, calendar etc. in a single PST file. If you need to find the exact
location and name of the file, rather than searching, you can get this directly from Outlook. Here is how:
 With make sure you have View / Folders selected
 Right click on Personal Folders
 Select Properties for Personal Folders
 Click on the Advanced button
 Under Filename, it will show the path and name of the current PST file.
Note: You can compact the PST file by clicking Compact Now button.

Delay delivery of an E-mail Message
If you use Microsoft Exchange Server (like Outlook as default e-mail client), you can delay delivery of an
individual message. Everyone can use this by having messages held in Outbox for a specified time after
clicking Send. To delay delivery of a message follow these steps:-
 In the message, click Options.
 Under Delivery options, select the Do not deliver before check box, and then click the delivery
date and time you want.

Resend an E-mail  Message

If for some reason you want to resend a message as reminder, do the following:-
 In the Folder List, click Sent Items. 
 Open the message you want to resend.
 On the Actions menu, click Resend This Message. 
 Click Send.

 Save Multiple Attachments Simultaneously

When you receive a Microsoft Outlook® message containing several attached files, you don't have to
open and save each file separately. You can save multiple attachments to the same location in a single
step. Here's how:
 Click Save Attachments on the File menu.
 When the Save All Attachments dialog box opens, click OK.
 Then select the folder where you want to save the files, and click OK.
Note: When you use this shortcut, you must save all the files to the same folder. To save each
attachment to a different folder, you will need to save them individually.

 Saving Snippets from Outlook E-mail

In Outlook, while reading your e-mail, you often find pieces of text that you would like to save for future
reference. A very convenient way to do this is to select the text, then drag the selection to the "Notes"
icon (lower-left in the Outlook window). This creates a "Post-It" note containing the text you selected.

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