Friend Report

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(ERFA) The Friends


People that value friends that add to the

fun and adventure they seek most in life.
They give all they can to show apprec-
Abilities of Friends iation of others expecting nothing in
Thrive on change in all return. This upbeat and friendly group
areas of life. delight in everything they do while
charming others through their humor.
Love working with friend-
ly energetic people.

They handle conflict with They are impatient and abrupt.

ease while fostering If you’re a Friend They have trouble understanding your
cooperation in groups Try to avoid taking on too many respon- emotions as well as their own.
They are very tender with those that they
Want to resolve issues trust.
Try not to overindulge or overstimulate
quickly without excess- yourself for health reasons.
They define themselves by their successes.
ively looking at possible
Avoid finding enjoyment through material-
solutions. istic things. They will value you if you prove you offer
Don't avoid troubling issues in the hopes
Are very good at motiva-
ting people toward action.
that they'll go away on their own.
Dealing with a Giver
Understand that positive thinking alone
will not solve all your problems. They do not like looking at the world
Extremely enthusiastic theoretically.
about their beliefs, Avoid making snap decisions during a
crisis. They do not like it when people offend
relationships, and every- others.
thing. In getting involved in multiple activities,
don't forget your responsibilities. Their extreme love and optimism can
seem fake.
Have trouble figuring out Don't drop past responsibilities just
because something more interesting They require alot of praise and attention.
how long it takes to get comes along.
things done. Have a tendency to compare their social
status towards others.

Wait until the last minute Dealing with a Bull They may be argumentive towards those
to get low priority things who disagree with them.
Allow them to impose the structure that
done. they are used to. They love to be needed, but might get
overwhelmed passing out so many favors.
You must ask them their opinion because
The creators of teamwork they value that most. A persons appearance will sway their
opinion of them.
Don't take their bluntness personal.
Great at communicating They can become very spiteful if they feel
to groups. They have trouble listening if you don't unappreciated.
get to the point..
Have a tendency to get depressed if alone.
Dealing with Others
They can make quick decisions while being They
goals love
They build to control
as well as the everything
relationshipsgoals they
of others.
to increase fun
careful not to hurt others. not to create an emotional connection.
They have opinions on everything and
Dealing with They have a tendency to become pessi- Are very sympathetic to the suffering of
tell you them. They will get things
mistic and negative.
Recipe Followers They bottle up their feelings to avoid upset- They sometimes overwhelm people with
ting others, but will eventually blow up. their gifts and show of love.
They are tolerable of rules on paper
but dislike being ordered by people. Understand their impulsiveness.

They dislike being distracted.

Dealing with Very upbeat energy levels.

They work better on their own than

Adventurers They desire approval and affirmation
with people. most of all.
Give them a great deal of freedom. They love parties.
They are modest and don't like to
waste their money. Avoid giving them the feeling of being
They are practical and quick to judge
Dealing with

They have a hard time understanding

Set them up in situations that they can
associate as an adventure. Calculators
why people act different from them. Stimulated by conflict.
It is very hard to change their opinion. Approach them in a straightforward way
Understand that they can do the opposite while avoiding conflicts.
of what you expect.
Show love through loyalty and actions.
Communicate with them through action,
Excite them through spontanious activities. not through socializing.
They may have trouble expressing love
to those they love the most. Don't talk to them about emotions. Show them how you can be a useful tool
They are sociable but are uncomfortable they can use to get things done.
They get very upset if they feel pressured,
getting to personal. or obligated. They show love through the favors they
do for you.
Understand their optimism often won't allow
Dealing with them to regret or worry about situations. Avoid making them feel trapped in com-
Planners Understand that they will show gratitude
threw gifts but not intimacy Share your common interests with them.
Give them the freedom to do their own
They dislike constant changes and
interruptions. Dealing with
Understand that because of their focus
They are kind and aware of others
Friends on logic they may seem insensitive.

Understand that they have trouble with

They can feel taken advantage of and Understand their discomfort at working interpersonal skills.
keep it bottled up inside. alone without stimulation.
Show them you value their unpredict-
They will stay in relationships with Take advantage of their ability to except ability
irresponsible people to feel needed. others beliefs.

They will sense insincerity in others. They respond to optimism, not doom and
They will feel uncomfortable if their
structured life is disturbed. Page 2
Dealing with Others
Can be very intimidating if they don't get They
goals love
They can tovery
as be
well control
the everything
as critical
goals they
of others.
of themselves
their way. if things don't work out.
They have opinions on everything and
Dealing with They hide their softer side from others. They do not like interruptions.
tell you them. They will get things
Compassionates Exploding with their judgements is nat-
ural for them.
They show affection only to those which
they are very close.

They have trouble with organization They show you they like you by welcom- Don't waste their time with small talk.
and lack of direction. ing you into games and through humor.
They will bottle up the rejection that they
Understand that they cannot easily act feel.
forceful towards others. Dealing with They can be very stubborn if their rules
Allow them to spread unselfishness,
loyalty, and kindness.
Inventors aren't followed.

They sometimes will neglect the ideas of

They express affection through actions, others. They often won't tell others how
They ignore the traditional way of doing
not words. important their contributions are.
They are very perceptive, but won't often
tell you what they think.
They love to start up projects and then
let others finish them.
Dealing with
They can appear relaxed and happy with They are easily bored by projects that Geniuses
resentment built up inside. don't stimulate them
They take criticism badly. They will fight anyone who limits their They have a hard time explaining their
freedom. thoughts to others.
They blame themselves if bad things are
done to them by others. They like being mentally stimulated. They like to create the solution to prob-
lems but rely on others to implement them
They will avoid conflict at all costs unless They can be argumentative.
you attack their values.
They dislike deadlines.
They love to debate.
They will become very depressed if they
They may seem antisocial when they are don't have an outlet for their innovative
Dealing with deep in thought. minds.

Commanders They will deny their own feelings. They don't like to be put in a supervisory
They have many friends but few of them
are close. They often neglect their relationships.
They are tough on those that they
find indecisive or incompetient
They love to talk about ideas more than They cannot handle a lot of human contact.
anything else.
They are often workaholics.
They cannot handle conflict.
They are only convinced with solid and
reasonable facts. Dealing with They have a hard time with small talk and
have dry humors often.
They will only take advice from those Visionaries They show their feelings in very subtle
they feel are more knowledgeable.
They want everything explained step- They prefer to work out their problems
by-step on their own.

They drive others to hard at times.

Can grow very impatient if their plans
are not being followed. Page 3
Dealing with Others
They are constantly in love with one They
goals love
They want to be
as well
to control
the everything
of will they
thing after another. ask for it.
They have opinions on everything and
Dealing with They need freedom to do things their They can become preoccupied with their
tell you them. They will get things
rich imaginations.
own way.
Teachers They need to be told they are special. Because they see each situation from all
angles they have trouble making decis-
They expect others to be organized and They need others in their life to keep ions.
goal oriented. them on track.
They can become depressed if they think
They dislike working with non-creative they won't achieve their lofty goals.
people. Dealing with They can relate with people best one on
They will follow the rules if they are in
accordance with their ideals.
Counselors one rather than in groups.

They may seem anti-social at times while

They want to have the leadership role in deep in thought.
Tend to be demanding of others.
groups from which to spread harmony.
They will tell you their decision without
They don't like distractions.
They have trouble spotting flaws in a reason
others. They want to be respected and admired
They like to be reassured and praised.
but will not ask for it.
They do not like confrontation and
negative feedback.
They want to do things their way.
They rely heavily on having a happy
They can grow depressed if they feel
Type Males Female Name
undervalued or insincere. They sometimes will disregard their
needs for the needs of others.
They have many should and shouldn't ESTJ 12.9% 7.3% Bulls
rules that they follow. They feel obligat- They only will share their emotions and ESFJ 4.7% 14.1% Giver
ed to make everyone happy. feelings with their closest friends. ISTJ 19.4% 12.3% Recipe Follower
They often feel responsible for others ISFJ 6.3% 16.2% Planner
Dealing with feelings and distress.
ESTP 6.2% 3.6% Adventurer
Jumping Beans They can become very moody if they are
ESFP 4.0% 7.2% Friend
ISTP 8.7% 4.3% Calculator
They are very depressed if their isn't ISFP 2.3% 6.4% Compassionate
They are great at getting projects going
but bad at finishing them.
ENTJ 3.5% 2.1% Commander
When they are involved in an exciting ENTP 6.7% 2.8% Inventor
project they will lose all sense of time. Dealing with INTJ 4.8% 2.2% Visionary
Often they will not prepare, preferring
to think on their feet.
Dreamers INTP 6.5% 4.0% Genius

ENFJ 1.5% 3.4% Teacher

They have a hard time narrowing their They do not like deadlines. ENFP 6.0% 6.6% Jumping Bean
focus to one project at a time.
INFJ 2.0% 3.1% Counselor
They do not like being put in a compet- INFP 4.5% 4.2% Dreamer
They are often overwhelmed by bad itive environment.
They do not like interruptions.
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