2 Cut Loose Part2 3.04 PDF

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BY KATE WOLF Editor’s Note: This is the second article in a two-part series
on wax carving by master model maker, designer, and
educator Kate Wolf of Wolf Designs in Portland,
Maine, who recently launched a new line of
waxes and wax carving tools (www.Wolf
Wax.com). This month Kate shares techniques
and tips for calculating thickness and shrinkage, hol-
lowing, finishing, and more. In addition, she offers the second
half of a visual tour through the step-by-step carving of a ring with a
pear-shaped center stone.
LOST WAX • Cast wax directly and finish casting (one-of-a-kind) = 1

W hen creating a one-of-a-kind piece, I

usually take a cold RTV (room temper-
ature vulcanizing) mold of the master wax pat-
• Cast wax directly, detail metal casting, take vulcan-
ized rubber mold, then cast injected wax from mold =
tern, inject wax into the mold, and cast the 4 percent
injected wax. Although you can count on the • Take RTV mold of wax, cast injected wax, detail
master wax pattern getting damaged in the metal casting, make vulcanized rubber mold, then cast
molding process, doing this is good insurance wax injected from vulcanized mold = 5 percent
against a possible failed casting. Afterward, you • For production models of rings where multiple sizes
can modify and cast the master wax pattern, or are needed, take RTV mold of wax, cast injected wax,
mold it again. detail metal casting, make vulcanized rubber mold,
If you’d like to make multiple pieces, you can inject waxes (size either injected waxes or the new cast-
use the casting as your master model. By detailing ings), detail sized castings, make vulcanized production
the master model and taking a rubber or metal molds = 9 percent
mold of it, you can then inject additional waxes
into the mold and cast them. That being said, your variables and shrinkage per-
Sometimes, usually in the case of rings centages will differ from mine. This is where the SWAG
where a range of sizes is required, you need to method comes in handy: Make a Scientific Wild Ass
make a second generation of models from the Guess as to what your shrinkage will be. (If you are not
original master model for each ring size. doing your own casting, by all means ask your caster
These are called production models. what shrinkages to expect.) Take notes, track your
results, and adjust accordingly. (For additional methods
SHRINKAGE for calculating shrinkage rates, see “A Model Ap-
There are many variables that determine the proach,” by Gregg Todd, August 2002 AJM.)
degree to which shrinkage will affect the final I use a digital millimeter gauge to make shrinkage
product. These variables include wax thickness, calculations for overall dimensions. When making mas-
size, and form; whether the piece will be molded ter models for pieces that include stones, I put aside the
and how many times it will be molded; type of millimeter gauge and rely on my experienced eye to
mold; type of wax; vulcanization method; and ensure an accurate fit for the stones.
injection pressures and temperatures. As a general When carving waxes for pieces that include bezel-set


rule, most model makers count on one to 12 per- stones, I used to carve the outside dimensions of a bezel
cent shrinkage, depending on the scenario. Here first, and then cut the seat for the stone. This technique
are some examples of the shrinkage I plan for in produced an inaccurate fit, as the walls flexed slightly
most of my model work: when the stone was pressed into the wax bezel. Once
the piece was cast, the walls didn’t flex and the stone

24 > AJM
It’s a logical progression of removal of material.
didn’t fit unless I ground away the inside of the bezel. Now I PROGRESSIVE
leave a mass of wax around the outside of the bezel until the SOLIDIFICATION
center stone is seated and fits well. Then I file and scrape the When carving a wax, it is important
excess wax from the outside of the bezel. to keep the concept of progressive solid-
For a one-of-a-kind piece, I suggest making the stone fit ification in mind. When molten metal
in without any gaps, but not too tight. Examine the inside fills the investment cavity left by your
walls of the bezel for scrape marks made by the stone being wax pattern, the metal solidifies from
pushed into and pulled out of the bezel. Open up the bezel the outside surfaces inward. The metal
at these scrape marks. Repeat putting the stone into the shrinks as it solidifies. As it shrinks, any
bezel and removing wax at the scrape marks until the stone metal that is still liquid is drawn in to
fits without marking the inside bezel walls. replace the diminished volume.
For wax models that are to be cast and then produced Considering progressive solidification,
from a vulcanized rubber mold, allow the stone some wig- an ideal wax pattern will be heaviest at the
gle room. Open up the bezel about four percent larger than sprue connection. There should be a gradual
perfect fit. (I don’t rely on the millimeter gauge for this, but transition to the thinnest part of the wax pattern,
have learned to trust my eye.) which is located furthest from the sprue. (A model
If the bezel has been opened up too far, I wait until the example is a tree, which graduates in thickness
very end of the project, then flow a bit of molten touch-up from leaves to twigs to branches to trunk.) If you
wax inside the bezel. This wax is much softer than carving have carved a wax that has abrupt transitions
wax and can be built up and scraped smooth with ease. from thin to thick, the thin areas will freeze
first, blocking the flow of molten metal to the
THICKNESS still-shrinking thicker areas. This situation
As with shrinkage, there are numerous variables that will result in shrinkage porosity.
determine the ideal thickness of a wax model. They include
size, metal to be used for casting, stone settings, function, REPOSE
and whether the piece is one-of-a-kind or a production Everyone has a good eye; many of us just
model. Generally speaking, one-of-a-kind pieces may be don’t realize it. When a student shows me
thinner than a piece that will be molded. It is easier to cast his or her work in progress, and we both
a piece in metal than it is to get a good wax injection of a know something is not right, I ask, “Where
piece from a mold. Therefore, I rarely make master models is your eye being pulled?” The student focuses
less than a millimeter thick. in on the exact same thing that is distracting
me—always. In my 14 years of teaching this has
To view this step-by-step ring carving
never failed.
project with captions, visit
I then ask, “Why is your eye being pulled to
AJM Online at www.ajm-magazine.com.
that spot?” and “What needs to be resolved

Break it down into baby steps. March 2004 < 25

there?” The student points out a nice sweeping the sprue will be attached) is the thickest part of the
curve that has an awkward flat spot, or one side ring at 2 mm. The shank gradually tapers to the top,
of the shank that is heavier than the other, or the which measures 1 mm. This 1 mm thickness makes it
top of a bezel that isn’t level. easier to do the pierce out work for the windows.
When something about the design or form
needs to be resolved, it creates a visual tension PIERCING
that is compelling. Often, when you resolve Once the piece is hollowed, it’s time to do any nec-
whatever it is that causes this visual tension, there essary piercing work. It is much easier to cut clean
is another area that begs for help. It is essential to windows from wax that is 1 mm thick than from
keep working around the piece until your eye thicker wax. (I will use the project illustrated in this
takes in the entire form and is at rest. This state of article as an example when describing piercing. See the
visual inactivity is called repose. detailed photos on this page for a visual reference.)
Begin by drilling pilot holes in the areas to be
HOLLOWING pierced. Pull the drill bit around to remove some of
When the outside of the piece is resolved, it’s the excess material from the windows. Use a small,
time to hollow it out, if you so desire. Hollowing sharp knife to relieve the corners, making 45 degree
is often the step that you rush through and regret cuts from the scribed corners to the pilot hole. These
later. Because it’s easier to hollow out a wax than it stop cuts make it easier to open up the windows with-
is to hollow out a metal model, it’s easy to remove out overcutting.
too much material. Use a small knife to open up the windows. Move
To hollow correctly, start by removing the from corner to corner in a clockwise and then counter-
bulk of the material with wax burs. Then scrape clockwise direction. Repeat relieving the corners, this
the inside surfaces of the wax model smooth time at a 90 degree angle, and open up the windows
with scraping tools that match the desired until they are neat and precise. Use a tapered triangle
contours. Use a spring gauge to check for wall tool to shave from side to side, leaving smooth, flat
thickness. Once you have an area that is of a edges and crisp corners.
desired thickness, take note of the shade of Since pierced out areas will be filled with invest-
the wax and use this color as a guideline for ment, avoid carving windows that come to a long, sharp
hollowing. When possible, hollow the inside taper. When the molten metal enters the investment
corners to a rounded radius. This allows the metal cavity, it can cause these sharp points of investment to
to flow easier, and helps avoid turbulence as the break off and float on the molten metal stream, causing
molten metal fills the investment cavity. investment inclusions. To avoid this, leave the corners
On a ring similar to the one used in the step-by- of these windows rounded, and scrape a sharp V onto
step project shown here, I hollow out the piece to the surface of the wax to give the illusion of a taper.
the following proportions (which honor the con-
cept of progressive solidification): The bottom of
the shank (where

26 > AJM
FINISHING away the tool marks. Other model makers use a piece of
There are no miracles in the casting process. If nylon stocking or silk. You can also use a solvent, such as
there are cracks, pits, trapped air bubbles, or other Wax Brite or Wax Kleen, to help dissolve the surface of
imperfections in the wax model, you can count on the wax and smooth it. Be sure to rinse off the excess sol-
them becoming investment inclusions in the casting. vent or it will continue to erode the surface of the wax.
What you see when examining the wax model, with For best results, use felt sticks, wax solvent, and any
the aid of good lighting and magnification, is what other finishing techniques before using touch-up wax, as
you’ll get in the finished casting. Spending a few extra these processes will erode the softer wax faster than the
minutes refining the wax model can save frustrating harder carving wax, resulting in an uneven surface.
hours of detailing the metal casting. Be very careful if flame polishing. I avoid this
When finishing models that are organic looking or technique unless it is used on patterns that I have cut
have curvilinear forms, I use a felt stick to smooth intentionally to be rounded out with a flame.

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March 2004 < 27

For geometric forms, I don’t polish the wax or use solvents because I don’t want to lose the
crisp edges. Instead, I go over all surfaces with scraping tools, using light, overlapping strokes.

The Gem and Jewelry Industry’s TOUCH-UP

Pre-eminent Online Resource Touch-up wax is ideal for filling in surface imperfections on carving wax, such as pits
and hairline cracks. This wax is liquid at approximately 165°F/74°C and is designed to
FREE OF CHARGE flow easily. Since touch-up wax is soft and weak, it is not ideal for repairs that need to be
durable, such as attaching a shank to a ring. Unlike working with build-up wax, it is not
The Ganoksin Project offers a substan- necessary to melt the wax pattern when applying touch-up wax.
tial library of articles, publications,
reports, and technical data on gem- and
jewelry-related topics, as well as a PHEW!
sizable collection of art and jewelry The final and most important piece of advice I can offer is don’t be afraid to make
galleries, for both the casual visitor and
the professional. mistakes—they are the only way we learn. Mistakes teach us to problem solve.
Also, it’s very helpful to work on a few pieces at a time, so when you get stuck, you
The Ganoksin Project also hosts the can work on another piece. As you do, your subconscious often gives you the answers
popular Orchid online forums for
jewelers. you need for the first project. This also helps you to come back to the work in progress
with fresh eyes.
So just go for it: Carve a pound of wax, explore the material, make mistakes, get lost
Go to
in the process, and have fun. Just cut loose! ◆

Find more information about creating master models, calculating shrinkage, and achiev-
ing smooth, porosity-free castings in the new MJSA/AJM Press book, The AJM Guide to
Lost-Wax Casting. For details visit www.ajm-magazine.com.

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