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1. Two methods of quantifying the remaining thickness of tank bottoms are
mentioned in API 653. One method uses the formula involving “MRT”. What is
the name of the other method?
Probabilistic and Deterministic
2. What is the maximum out-of-plumbness allowed from the top of the shell to the
bottom of the shell on a 48’ high tank?
3. Due to strength requirements, the minimum thickness of an annular plate ring is
usually greater than:
4. The joint between the new material of an insert plate and the old material of the
existing tank shell plate shall be:
Butt welded
5. A pressure test at least 1.5 times the __________ shall be performed on a nozzle
installed by hot tapping after the valve has been installed on it and prior to
mounting the hot tap machine.
Hydrostatic head
6. Cone roof storage tanks may be as large as ______ feet in diameter.
7. The simplest type of floating roof is the:
8. An oxygen deficient atmosphere exists when a tank atmosphere has less than
what percent oxygen by volume?
9. Lead-in-Air analyzers must be designed to measure _______ Lead-in-Air
10. Entry into a confined space is considered to have occurred as soon as:
A part of the entrant’s body breaks the plane of an opening into the space.
11. When repairs involve most of the tank bottom, it may be desirable to displace the
flammable liquids beneath the tank by:
Water flooding
12. Tank surfaces that have been in contact with leaded gasoline should be scraped
down to bare metal. On each side of a line that might be heated excessively by
welding or other operations, an area of at least ______ should be scraped down to
bare metal.
13. What is the axis of a weld?
A line through the center of the weld, parallel with the sides of the weld
14. In monitoring the density limitations of radiographs, either a ________ or step
wedge comparison film shall be used for judging film density.
15. During tank roof evaluations, roof plates corroded to an average thickness of less
than ______ in any 100 square inch area shall be repaired or replaced.

16. API 653 covers minimum requirements for maintaining the integrity of above
ground storage tanks.
After placed in service
17. In the evaluation of fixed roofs for continued service, particular attention must be
given to:
The possibility of internal corrosion of pipe columns
18. In determining the lowest average thickness t avg (or t1) over a length of “L” of a
tank shell plate, the inspector shall use at least _______ equally spaced
measurements over the length of “L”.
19. To determine if a tank is suitable for continued operation, t1 shall be greater than
or equal to t min subject to verification of all intended loadings and the value of
t2 shall be greater than or equal to what percent of t min?
20. Tanks with diameters greater than ______ feet shall be analyzed for acceptable
shell plate thickness using the variable design point method in API 650.
21. In evaluating tank shell corrosion/pitting, widely scattered pits may be ignored
provided that pits meet API 653 depth acceptability criteria and the length of
each pitted area does not exceed __ inches in an examined length of __ inches.
22. Atmospheric pressure when used to describe the design pressure of a tank refers
to internal pressure up to but not exceeding:
2.5 pounds per in2 gage.
23. If a tank shell has a thickness no greater than _____, the risk of failure due to
brittle fracture is minimal, provided that an evaluation for suitability of service
per section 2 of API 653 has been performed.
24. All tanks shall be given a visual external inspection by an inspector qualified in
accordance with API 653 at least every _____ years or RCA / 4N years,
whichever is less.
25. Where concrete ringwalls are provided under the shell, the top of the ring shall be
level within _____ in any 30 feet of the circumference measured from the
average elevation.
Plus or minus 1/8”
26. If a tank is designed to have a leak detection and containment system, the
minimum thickness of the bottom plates at the next inspection can be:
27. The maximum vertical and horizontal dimension of a lapped patch repair plate is
_____ inches and _____ inches respectively.
28. When gouging or grinding welds to remove defects, cavities often result. These
cavities must be examined visually and by:
MT or PT

29. Completed welds of stress relieved assemblies of shell penetrations shall be
examined by visual and magnetic particle or liquid Penetrant methods:
After stress relief and before hydrostatic test
30. Corrosion that occurs when two metals with different compositions (thus
different electrolyte potentials) are connected in an electrolyte (usually oil) is
Galvanic corrosion
31. What are two systems of cathodic protection normally used for corrosion
Galvanic and impressed current
32. When calculating the critical length “L” and determining the least minimum
thickness “t2” of an area of a tank shell, the critical length cannot be more than:
33. The simplest type of atmospheric storage tank is the:
Cone roof
34. Corrosion on the underside of tank bottoms that rest on pads or on the soil cannot
be inspected readily from the outside. If it becomes necessary to make an
external inspection of the bottom located near the edge of the tank, the following
method can be used when the tank is out of service.
Tunneling method
35. During an external inspection of an in-service aboveground storage tank, crevices
associated with structural steel ladders, stair treads, and platforms plates, etc.,
where water can collect, should be closely checked by:
Picking with a scraper or knife
36. Tank bottoms should be checked thoroughly for thickness over its entire area. UT
measurements are usually the first choice. If an UT instrument is not available,
what other alternate non-destructive method could be used for quickly checking
the condition of the bottom?
Hammer testing
37. The internal tank shell should be inspected for corrosion. Two likely corrosion
areas are the:
Vapor space and liquid level line.
38. Two of the best tools for visually inspecting inside a tank for cracks is a:
Strong light and a magnifying glass
39. If evidence of cracking is found during the internal inspection of a tank, a
thorough investigation should be made using:
MT, PT, or RT or UT shear wave testing
40. _______ is an electrode of an electrochemical cell where oxidation (corrosion)
An anode
41. _______ is an electrode of an electrochemical cell at which a reduction reaction
A cathode
42. Radiographs for an evaluated, repaired, or reconstructed tank shall be retained
1 year

43. In regard to installation of primary and secondary seals, if the roof rim thickness
is less than _____ inch thick, it shall be replaced.
44. If it is necessary to replace a roof rim, the new roof rim shall be a min. thickness
45. The min. thickness of new roof plates shall be:
3/16” plus any corrosion allowance.
46. Rim-mounted primary and toroidal seal systems can be removed, repaired, or
replaced. To minimize evaporation losses and reduce potential hazards to
workers, no more than:
1/4 of the roof seal system should be out of an in-service tank at one time.
47. In the event roof live loads exceed 25 pounds per square foot (loads caused by
insulation, vacuum on the tank, snow loads), the plate thickness shall be:
Based on analysis using proper allowable stresses
48. Where tank foundations true to a horizontal plane are specified and concrete
ringwalls are not provided, the tolerances are as follows:
The foundation under the shell shall be level with plus or minus 1/8” in
any 10’ of circumference and within plus or minus ½” in the total
circumference measured from the average elevation.
49. When a tank is reconstructed, the weldability of the steel shall be:
50. When a tank is reconstructed, the welder or welding operator’s identification
mark shall be hand or machine stamped adjacent to and at intervals along the
completed weld not exceeding:
3’ along completed welds
51. In lieu of stamping complete welds:
A record may be kept that identifies the welder or welding operator
employed for each welded joint
52. The ____________ do not require welder identification.
Roof plate welds and flange-to-nozzle-neck welds
53. What type of tank settlement can often be predicted in advance, with sufficient
accuracy from soil tests?
Uniform settlement
54. What type of tank settlement does not induce stresses in the tank structure? It
does cause problems with piping and other attachments to the tank from outside.
Uniform settlement
55. What type of tank settlement generally rotates the tank in a tilted plane?
Rigid body tilting
56. What type of tilt of a tank will cause an increase in the liquid level and, therefore,
an increase in the hoop stress in the tank shell? It also can cause binding of seals
on floating roofs.
Rigid body tilting

57. What type of tank settlement is characterized by settlement of a tank at different
rates at different locations? This results in non-planar configurations which
induces additional stresses in a tank shell.
Out-of-plane settlement
58. What type of tank settlement leads to a lack of circularity at the top of the tank,
and may induce improper functioning of the floating roof? Also, flat spots may
develop on the tank shell.
Differential settlement
59. What allowable stress is used for API 653 eval. of riveted tank shell thickness?
21000 psi
60. The selection of a lapped patch repair plate thickness to reinforce areas of
deteriorated shell plates or to repair small shell leaks shall be based upon design
that conforms to the applicable standard of construction and API 653, using a
joint efficiency not exceeding:
61. The minimum dimension of a lapped patch repair plate is:
62. When calculating the maximum allowable hydrostatic test stress for a new tank
shell, the:
Gross plate thk., Including any corrosion allowance, shall be used in the
63. When the service of an aboveground storage tank is changed:
The effects of normal and emergency venting shall be considered.
64. The thickness to be used for each shell course when checking the design for a
reconstructed and relocated tank shall be based on measurements taken within
_____ days prior to relocation.
65. Which of the listed is not considered a major repair or major alteration of a
storage tank?
Installation of a NPS 1 connection on the shell
66. Measurements to verify the dimensional tolerances of a reconstructed
aboveground storage tank shall be taken:
Before the hydrostatic test of the tank
67. The most common stray current and the potentially most damaging to
aboveground storage tank bottoms is:
Direct current
68. An example of galvanic reaction that could lead to corrosion is:
When a SS or copper material is connected to a CS tank
69. Current, in galvanic corrosion, is considered to flow:
From the more active metal (anode) to the less active metal (cathode)
70. Electric current takes the path of _____ resistance.
71. A cushion of new _______ may provide many of the same advantages as a
concrete cushion for reducing corrosion and eliminating the need for cathodic

72. The projection of the bottom plate beyond the outside toe of the shell-to-bottom
weld shall be at least _____ inch.
73. Corrosive soil beneath a high resistivity foundation material (for example
concrete or asphalt that has cracked) may contaminate the foundation fill by:
Capillary action
74. In certain cases when considering protecting a tank bottom, internal cathodic
protection in conjunction with a _____ may be applicable.
75. If large particle sizes are used in the cushion beneath a tank bottom, differential
aeration ______ may result at points where the large particles or debris contact
the bottom.
76. The major reason for inspecting an aboveground storage tank for deterioration
due to corrosion is to:
Determine the physical condition of the tank; find & measure the extent of
77. Tank-to-soil potential measurements are typically taken with:
The current applied
78. A lapped patch is rectangular in shape (8” x 12”). The lapped patch is to be
located midpoint of a third shell course plate. What minimum radius (if required)
should the corners be?
2” radius
79. What is generally considered the normal service life of a properly selected and
applied internal tank bottom lining?
10-20 years
80. A thin film tank bottom lining is considered to be ____ mils or less.
81. A thick film tank bottom lining is considered to be greater than ____ mils.
82. Define forced-curing of an internal tank lining.
It is the acceleration of curing by increasing the temperature above
ambient, accompanied by forced air circulation.
83. Define holiday in relation to a tank internal lining.
A holiday is a discontinuity in a coating film that exposes the metal
surface to the environment.
84. Generally, thin-film linings may be applied to:
New tanks and to bottoms of storage tanks that have experienced minimal
85. If caustic is stored in an aboveground storage tank, what would be the most likely
problem found and where?
Caustic embrittlement resulting in cracks in welds and HAZ’s around
connections for internal heating units or coils.

86. When checking for pits, bulges, and depressions during an internal inspection of
the shell and bottom of a tank using a flashlight, the flashlight beam gives best
results when held:
Parallel and close to the surface to be inspected.
87. Abrasive blasting prior to installation of an internal tank lining should not be
performed if the temperature of the steel surface is less than ____ above the dew
88. In actual thickness determination of corroded areas, according to API 653 what
two thickness measurements are the same?
t 1 and t avg
89. Prior to determining the need for cathodic protection of an aboveground storage
A full evaluation of tank history is advised.
90. A butt-weld constructed aboveground atmospheric storage tank with a bottom
shell course that measured 1” thick when it was originally built was inspected 10
years after it was put in service. A general thickness of 0.87” was measured on
the bottom course during the inspection. What is the corrosion rate?
0.013” per year
91. Lapped patch repair plates are an acceptable form of repair for butt-welded, lap-
welded, and riveted tank shells, but only when:
Specified by the tank owner
92. A successfully operating cathodic protection system can usually be determined
by measuring the minimum voltage across the structure-electrolyte interface
relative to a saturated copper-copper sulfate reference electrode. This
measurement should be a minimum of how many volts?
-0.85 volts
93. A deep anode ground-bed uses impressed current anodes installed in a vertical
hole typically:
50’ or more
94. What type of weld is usually considered the preferred means for connecting the
negative rectifier lead wire to the structure to be protected?
A powder weld connection-cadweld, thermite, or equivalent
95. The minimum height of tank liquid above the hot tap location shall be at least
_____ feet during the hot tapping operation.
96. Records related to the effectiveness of cathodic protection should be retained for
a period of _____ years unless a shorter period is specifically allowed by
97. Cathodic protection surveys are recommended to ensure effectiveness every:
12 months
98. A tank has a thickness of 0.83 inch on its bottom course. The minimum thickness
of the bottom course is 0.75 inch. What is the remaining life of the tank if its rate
is 0.007 inch per year?
11.43 years

99. A lapped repair plate may cross any butt-welded vertical or horizontal shell seam
that has been ground flush. How much overlap beyond the seam is required?
100. External leaks on aboveground storage tank shells are often marked by a:
Discoloration or the absence of paint in the area below the leak

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