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APES Resume

Joshua Kline
Science Education:
9th Grade
 Environmental Science Honors
- In this class I was introduced to learning the general facts and ideas about our
environment. We spent a lot of time looking at the different trophic levels and how
energy is passed from one organism to another. We also learned the different types of
rocks and how they have such an impact on the Earth. This class was important for my
high school career as I was introduced to a new, important subject, that I didn’t get any
experience with in middle school.
10th Grade
 Biology Honors
- This class was a great introduction to human life and life in the environment. I was
taught what determines living and nonliving things following the 8 characteristics of
life. This class is what truly caught my interest in science as I learned a lot of things
about the human body I never knew and even performed my first dissection. I became
more and more interested in science and loved to learn about biology.
 Chemistry
- Chemistry was a lot different than Biology in the way you looked at things more in
depth. We completed a bunch of labs and experiments looking at statistics and
chemical reactions. I got my first real glance at the periodic table and learned about
its importance. Because of us doing so many labs and experiments I took away from
this class how to correctly set up, record data, and look at all factors when performing
an experiment which is very essential in science and later in life.
11th Grade
 Physics with Lab
- Physics is physics. It was a very difficult class because of the difficult topics we
looked at like vectors, gravity, velocity, angles, and more. Again like Chemistry we
did a lot of experiments and tests in Physics which I became more experienced with
considering all factors and effects that are possible in experiments. We wrote lab
reports every now and then which was my first time experiences those so it was great
to get an idea of a college level assignment in High School.
 Astronomy
- Astronomy was a very easy, boring class where we barely did anything except watch
documentaries on space. I learned a lot of terminology such as cosmos, asteroids,
pulsars, and also looking at each planet individually and learning about it.
12th Grade
 AP Biology
- My excitement for science continues as we look into biology in more depth. We
began by reviewing material from the Biology Honors class such as Characteristics of
Life and Levels of Organization, but what made AP Biology different and more
difficult was when we viewed cellular division, cellular respiration, and
photosynthesis in more detail looking specifically at the steps it goes through and
what is being used and what is necessary in order for the reaction to occur. These
science classes are the reasons why I decided to pursue a science major because the
material interests me very much.
 AP Environmental Science
- I am currently taking this class and it is again very interesting because it is a topic that
we do not learn enough about today, but we do a lot of experiments and labs that
teach me how to properly run the experiments, and also relate the idea to our very
environment and Earth.
 Anatomy & Physiology
- As pursuing a degree in Physical Therapy Anatomy is right up my alley. I find the
human body structure and function very fascinating and it peaks my interest to
understand everything that happens in the human body. I am currently in this class so
we have already performed an Earthworm dissection which is very fun and neat. We
have learned the body systems and the basic organs, and right now we are discussing
anatomical terms for body parts. I have so much to look forward to in this class.

As most of it is previously explained I have found a lot of interest in science and plan
to pursue a degree in the science health career field of Physical Therapy. These science
classes gave me a look at subjects other than basic Math and English courses, it allowed
me view different parts of the world and of the human body and of life in general. In my
environmental classes I get to learn more about what goes on around us and what
environmental issues I am involved in and what I can do to help. I have taken Biology
classes that explain more in depth about life of humans, animals, and all other organisms
and classifying them. Also learning what is life and how can we decide whether
something is or is not alive. Plus, with my Anatomy class we are able to learn about the
human body and different parts and what their function is. All this information peaks my
interest and is why I have developed such love for science.

Also these classes have taught me essential skills that can be used later on in
schooling, careers, and life in general. Courses like chemistry, physics, biology, and
environmental science required for us to do a lot of labs and data collecting. From these
labs I have developed the skills of how to properly for a hypothesis and set up an
experiment making sure there are not any errors or issues that could create incorrect
conclusions to our lab. Also, how to properly perform the experiment while maintaining
safety and concluding correct data. After taking classes like biology and anatomy we
performed a few dissections which introduced how to properly use tools when dissecting,
and how to look and adjust a microscope. These dissections brought a lot of fun and
interest, while also instructing and teaching how to properly use materials.

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