TALLER Ingles 2

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Relative Pronouns Exercises

The following exercises will help you gain greater understanding about how relative pronouns work. Choose the best answer to
complete each sentence.
Ejercicios de pronombres relativos
Los siguientes ejercicios te ayudarán a comprender mejor cómo funcionan los pronombres relativos. Elija la mejor respuesta para
completar cada oración.

1. The festival, which lasted all day, ended with a banquet.

A. That
B. Who
C. Which
D. What
2. I am looking for someone who can watch my dog while I go on vacation.
A. Which
B. Who
C. Whom
D. Whoever
3. The police needed details that could help identify the robber.
A. Who
B. Whatever
C. That
D. What
4. I’d like to take you to a café which serves excellent coffee.
A. What
B. Whatever
C. Which
D. Whichever
5. The clubhouse, in where the dance was held, housed about 200 people.
A. Which
B. Where
C. That
D. Whom
6. You can choose one person, whomever you like, to share the cruise with you.
A. Whomever
B. That
C. Which
D. Whom
7. I saw the shoes what you bought last week on sale for less this week.
A. When
B. What
C. Who
D. Whom
8. The winners, when known, will receive money and other prizes.
A. Whoever
B. Who
C. When
D. That
9. This is the place where we met.
A. When
B. Where
C. Who
D. That

Reflexive Pronoun Exercises

The following exercises will help you gain greater understanding about how reflexive pronouns work.
Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.

Los siguientes ejercicios te ayudarán a comprender mejor cómo funcionan los pronombres
reflexivos. Elija la mejor respuesta para completar cada oración.

1. Each morning, I brush my teeth and stare at myself in the mirror.

A. Himself
B. Herself
C. Myself
D. Itself

2. Dad and I painted the trailer ourselves.

A. Myself
B. Himself
C. Itself
D. Ourselves

3. The children made holiday decorations by themselves.

A. Itself
B. Ourselves
C. Themselves
D. Their selves

4. Paul copies his friend’s homework instead of doing it himself.

A. Itself
B. Himself
C. Myself
D. Yourself

5. Please make yourselves at home while you wait.

A. Themselves
B. Himself
C. Yourselves

Indefinite Pronouns Exercises

The following exercises will help you gain greater understanding about how indefinite pronouns work.
Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.

Los siguientes ejercicios te ayudarán a comprender mejor cómo funcionan los pronombres
indefinidos. Elija la mejor respuesta para completar cada oración

1. Something is making my computer act up.

a) Anyone
b) Something
c) Each
d) Everyone

2. Does A,B and C know what’s happening tonight?

a) Anybody
b) Anyone
c) Someone
d) A, B, and C

3. Each Baker presented a beautiful cake to the king.

a) The
b) One
c) Each
d) Both

4. I don’t know any of the answers.

a) Anyone
b) Any
c) Everyone
d) No one

5. Everything happens for a reason.

a) Anybody
b) Everything
c) Some
d) Somebody

Interrogative Pronouns Exercises

Fill in the blanks with an interrogative pronoun.

Completa los espacios en blanco con un pronombre interrogativo.

1. Who threw the football?

A. who
B. what
C. which
D. whose
2. Which would you prefer, coffee or tea?
A. who
B. whom
C. which
D. whose
3. What time do we need to be at the airport?
A. which
B. what
C. whose
D. whom
4. Whose car is that?
A. whom
B. whose
C. what
D. who
5. What is your sister’s name?
A. who
B. whom
C. what
D. whose
6. Whom did you tell?
A. whom
B. what
C. whose
D. which
7. Which of these books have you read?
A. what
B. whom
C. whose
D. which
8. Who wants ice cream?
A. what
B. whom
C. who
D. whose

Intensive Pronoun Exercises

Choose the correct intensive pronoun to fill the blank in each sentence.

Elija el pronombre intensivo correcto para llenar el espacio en blanco en cada oración.

1. We built a garden shed by ourselves.

A. Myself
B. Ourselves
C. Themselves
D. Himself

2. Jordan made himself a sandwich, complete with pickles.

A. Ourselves
B. Yourself
C. Himself
D. Themselves

3. I’m a little nervous about walking by myself after dark.

A. Myself
B. Ourselves
C. Themselves
D. Herself

4. The twins are growing up fast; they’re already walking by themselves.

A. Myself
B. Ourselves
C. Himself
D. Themselves

5. Jennifer sewed her dress herself.

A. Myself
B. Himself
C. Ourselves
D. Herself

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