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Dynamic Analysis of Diesel V8 Cranktrain

Václav Píštěk, Pavel Novotný

At the present time the requirements of numeric simulations increase. Modern powertrains
are required to have high reliability and power, low consumption, emissions and vibration
level. The internal combustion engine development process requires CAE models which
deliver results for the concept phase at the very early stage. The vibratory and acoustic
behavior of the cranktrain is a highly complex one that greatly affects global engine noise
emissions. In the case of this paper the Diesel V8 engine analysis is presented. The aim
of this dynamic analysis of the powertrain is the reduction of the vibrations. A major
problem for powertrain designers when optimizing the vibration and noise characteristics
of the powertrain is the crankshaft and the engine block interaction. Non-contact
measurements enable to verify the complex calculation models.

V současné době vzrůstá potřeba využití numerických simulací různých fyzikálních dějů.
Na současné pohonné jednotky jsou kladené vysoké nároky na spolehlivost a výkon
a zároveň na nízkou spotřebu, emise i úroveň hluku. Při vývoji nových pohonných
jednotek je účelné aplikovat soudobé výpočtové modely již v prvních fázích návrhu.
Na vibrace a s nimi související akustické emise motoru mají významný vliv parametry
klikového mechanismu. Cílem tohoto článku je presentovat způsob, jakým lze pomoci
konstruktérům pohonné jednotky tyto nežádoucí jevy snížit. Virtuální motor, jehož
centrální modul řeší interakci klikového mechanismu a bloku motoru, je vyvíjen na bázi
prostředí ANSYS a ADAMS. Pro verifikaci výpočtových modelů je aplikována laserová
měřicí technika.

12. ANSYS Users’ Meeting, 30.září – 1.října 2004 na Hrubé Skále

1. Introduction
In the powertrain development process several numerical simulation techniques have
continuously gained importance. The main target is the design support which means help
for design decisions. With the increasing power of computers accurate pre-calculations
become possible with consideration of large number of effects and backward influences.
In the case of dynamic structural calculations the Finite Element Method (FEM) is state
of the art. The ANSYS system is used for all FE solutions. The calculation of the structural
transfer behavior of single components is efficiently possible in frequency domain,
considering a large number of degrees of freedom.

2. FE models
For dynamic analyses in MBS a uniform FE mesh is used for all FE models. This is fully
sufficient for dynamic behavior of main engine parts. In case of stress-strain analysis more
complex models must be created. Fig. 1 illustrates FE model of a Diesel V8 engine block
and Fig. 2 illustrates FE model of a Diesel V8 engine crankshaft.

Fig. 1 FE model of V8 engine block

12. ANSYS Users’ Meeting, 30.září – 1.října 2004 na Hrubé Skále

Fig. 2 FE model of V8 crankshaft

3. Reduction of FE models
The FE models of crankshafts or engine blocks are created in ANSYS. Modal analyses can
be performed in ANSYS and they are not time-consuming, but for solution in time domain
these models are very large and they require a reduction. The discretization of a flexible
component into a finite element model represents the infinite number of degree of freedom
(DOF) with a finite, but very large number of finite DOF. The FE model of the engine
block is reduced to the number of boundary nodes selected by the user. Their number
is selected according to the application of constrains of the model. Loads are applied on
these nodes only.
The reduction of FE models from ANSYS into ADAMS is executed from ANSYS.
The parameters which influence the accuracy of the reduction are the number
and location of the boundary nodes and the number of first modes considered during
the reduction.

3. Interaction between reduced FE models

In the case of Diesel V8 engine roller bearings are used. The creation of a nonlinear
FE model of roller bearing is a first step, however, MBS using the simpler model
have to be created. The nonlinear radial and bending stiffness is computed by using
a complex FE model which is then used at MBS dynamic model. The FE and MBS bearing
models are presented in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3 FE and MBS models of Diesel V8 roller bearings

12. ANSYS Users’ Meeting, 30.září – 1.října 2004 na Hrubé Skále

4. Solution in ADAMS
The solution of the complex model in time domain runs in ADAMS. A complex model
of the V8 Diesel engine is presented in Fig. 4. The V8 Diesel engine model includes
flexible FE models of the crankshaft and the engine block. Pistons, piston pins
and connecting rods are solved as rigid.
The virtual engine includes a model of a viscous torsional vibration damper. The viscous
torsional vibration damper consists of two parts a ring part, and a hub part which
are connected together by a revolute joint. The hub part is constrained with a fixed joint
at the attachment part. The force (torque) is transmitted from the one part to another
through of a high viscosity liquid (silicon oil). The viscous torsional vibration damper
model consists of spring-damper system.

Fig. 4 Cranktrain model – major part of virtual engine

Gas forces on pistons are applied in ADAMS as well. Some temperature elements for
dependency on temperature are defined.

12. ANSYS Users’ Meeting, 30.září – 1.října 2004 na Hrubé Skále

6. Results
A flexible crankshaft is a major part of an engine model. Some results, for example
torsional vibrations or axial vibrations of a crankshaft, are not too sensitive in using
a flexible behavior of engine block. However, the flexible block has a decisive effect
on bending vibrations of a crankshaft.
Torsional vibrations of the crankshaft are one of the major problems. First the modal
analysis of an engine model without a torsional-vibration damper can be computed.
The engine speeds that respond modal torsion eigenfrequency in combination with
κ−harmonic component can be found. After that a dynamic simulation in time domain
is computed. Torsional vibrations from the dynamic simulation are analyzed and the using
of a viscous torsional vibration damper is considered.
The torsional vibration order analysis of the crankshaft front without a damper is presented
in Fig. 5.

Fig. 5 Torsional vibration order analysis of crankshaft front without damper

It is evident that dominant orders with resonances in an engine speed range are 8th and 12th.

12. ANSYS Users’ Meeting, 30.září – 1.října 2004 na Hrubé Skále

Torsinal vibration problems can be solved by using torsional vibration damper. In Fig. 6
the torsional vibration order analysis of the crankshaft front with damper is presented.

Fig. 6 Torsional vibration order analysis of crankshaft front with damper

The viscous torsional vibration damper causes a reduction of relevant orders in resonances.
Other results from cranktrain model as a major part of virtual engine can be axial
vibrations of the crankshaft, flexible body stress analyses or acoustic analyses.

8. Conclusion
The internal combustion engine simulation is a very complex problem consisting of many
partial issues. The combination of ANSYS and ADAMS provides a powerful implement
for virtual engine design. The simulation of the cranktrain dynamics is a central module
of the virtual engine. The Diesel V8 engine analyses help designers make decision before
a prototype phase.

12. ANSYS Users’ Meeting, 30.září – 1.října 2004 na Hrubé Skále

The problems mentioned above are being solved within the framework of the project
No 101/01/0027 which has been given by the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic.
The authors would like to thank GA CR for the rendered assistance.

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12. ANSYS Users’ Meeting, 30.září – 1.října 2004 na Hrubé Skále


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