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CONSTITUTION American Society of Mechanical Engineers Article I: Name: + American Society of Mechanical Engineers [ASME] Article Il; Mission: ++ ASME is a student engineering organization whose members assist each other and other students in both scholarly and recreational activities. Article Ill: Membership: +t ASME student section membership is open to all students on the university campus. + Official ASME membership status is achieved through an engineering student joining the national ASME society online. Article IV: Officers +t ASME members select a student section President, Vice-president, Treasurer, Secretary, Program Chair, and Senate Representative. The President is responsible for conducting the section business meetings and acting as a representative of the student section. The Vice-president duties are as assigned by the President and acts in the role of the President in their absence. The Treasurer is responsible for managing and reporting the state of the section finances of the student section. The Secretary is responsible for the timely distribution of section activities and decisions to all section members. The Program Chair is responsible for the management of events, activities, and trips of the student section. The Senate Representative has the duties of serving as the student section delegate at Student Senate meetings. The student chapter faculty advisor is responsible for assisting the student section in service to the student engineering population. eee ee HH Article V: Meetings ++ The student chapter meets weekly during the school year in the evening in Seidlin Hall, room 114, + Officer meetings and sub-committee meeting are scheduled as required to support student chapter activities. + Asstudent section meeting requires that three of the section officers and faculty advisor be present to conduct business. Article VI: Voting & Elections + Allissues before the members are decided by majority vote except those which have been delegated by the members to the officers, + All student section members who are present have voting rights on all issues put to a vote at that meeting. +t The student faculty advisor has the role of counting and reporting the vote tally on all issues put to a vote. % The President of the student section retains the right to vote on any issue as a student section member. Article Vil: Resignations, Impeachment and Dismissals & The faculty advisor for ASME is selected by consultation between the student officers and the MED Chair. Article VIII: Constitution +4 All proposed changes to the Constitution are to be presented for review and discussion prior to a vote. + A vote to adoptidecline the proposed change is to be scheduled on the agenda for the next student section meeting. % All proposed changes called to a vote by the student section members require a 2/3 majority vote to adoptidecline. September 4, 2015

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