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- I have included units in this profile that

also belong to either the Alliance, the

ARMIES OF LEGIONFALL Horde or both. As such I shall point
these out through color coding and
underlines with Blue representing the
Alliance, Red representing the
Horde, Purple representing both
factions and those who are standard
black are pure neutral. Those who are
color coded should be factored into any
battle involving the Alliance and/or
- Note: This profile is associated with
DW: Fictional Warfare group on
- All Number estimates –‘rare,
uncommon and the like’ – come out of
personal authorial opinions out of the
The Armies of Legionfall refers to the combined asked for starting number of 50,000.
coalition of class orders and minor factions,
located throughout Azeroth, that have unified in Magic in Warcraft
the face of the Legion’s threat. Though they
contain members of the Alliance and Horde, the
coalition as a whole is not united with either
faction. Working together, the Armies of
Legionfall pushed the multiversal force of the
Burning Legion out of Azeroth, and then pushed
forward further to invade and conquer Argus, the
home world of the Burning Legion. Diversely
comprised of enslaved demons, superhuman
strongmen made of metal, warriors of the light
and more the Armies of Legionfall stand ready to
repel any other would be invaders from their

Some Notes

- This profile is considered composite

between end of Warlords of Draenor
and the beginning of Battle of Azeroth. Unlike many sources of magic in fiction,
As a result, some Draenor additions, Warcraft magic comes from multiple different
such as the Arrakkoa, are included. sources, all of which share two competing
- The full profile will contain mechanical lineages dating back to the creation of all.
information that governs magic for both Several types of magic are paired together as a
the Alliance and the Horde. The relevant result of these competing lineages.
sections should be read first before
reading either one of those factions. Light & Void: In the beginning, there was Light,
the first element of creation. Before life began
and before even the universe existed, there was Arcane magic one can unleash fire and water
only the Light. The Light existed as a boundless spells, manipulate time, turn someone into a
sea of living energy, swelling across all of sheep, animate golems, power machinery,
existence, unfettered by time and space. Yet as create portals, see the future and more.
the ever-shifting sea expanded, pockets of cold Wielding this magic, howefver, requires years of
nothingness appeared, giving birth to a second, study and intense concentration.
opposite force: the Void or, as its sometimes
known, the shadow. Meanwhile, in the astral dimension of the
Twisting Nether the highly chaotic Fel magic
Whereas Light was associated with life, healing, rose into being. It is demonic, entropic, chaotic
protection, love and other positive emotions the and extremely volatile. While easier to use than
Void came to be associated with undeath, arcane, fel brings with it an extreme risk of
decay, entropy, and negative emotions like corruption. On the minor level this results in
panic and despair. In a poetic sense, it can be various physical characteristics, such as turning
said that the emotions which the Light brings green or more serious ones like spikes being
about come from the "heart," whereas the attached to arms. Ultimately, it will turn the user
emotions manipulated by shadow are often into a demon if not properly controlled. Like
based on survival logic, and therefore affect the arcane, fel can be used to control other
"mind." That said, there are different shades to elements though it ultimately corrupts said
both the Light and Shadow and neither should forms. Fel can be used to burn, create terrible
be thought of completely evil/order. After all, the demonic machines, steal life and more.
Void is a source of free will while the pure
followers of the Light only ever see one path and
refuse to accept those that disagree.

Arguably, the Light and Shadow are the two

most powerful sources of magic in Warcraft.
With the Light one can bring back the dead, heal
allies, see the probable future, cast powerful
spells of protection, smite foes (bonus if the foe
is unholy), boost morale and more. Meanwhile,
the shadow can also resurrect the dead (though
differently), sap away life, see all possible
futures (which the user will then have to sort
through), invoke despair or even madness.
Wielding the Light requires faith in the element Life and Death: Within the universe emerged
while wielding the void requires both its touch life and with life came death. The forces of Life-
(which isn’t hard to find in Azeroth) and the drawing, on Azeroth, from the Emerald Dream,
willpower to resist its maddening whispers. the mystical realm of Life without civilization-
help instill growth, healing and renewal. That is
Arcane & Fel: When the Light and Void not to say they cannot be used to invoke death,
clashed, two differing realities and sets of magic just that they do so in a roundabout way. Such
systems emerged from their struggle. The first, as a druid using his connection with life to cause
the physical reality, a realty bound by universal massive tree roots to grow and strangle a foe, or
laws, would be governed by arcane magic, else commanding denizens of the forest to
which prized order. Arcane magic governs the attack.
flow of space and time and allows the user to
control the various elements of the physical Death, of course, is death. It is a an unavoidable
universe, even fel magic to an extent. With force that breeds despair in mortal hearts and
pushes everything towards a state of entropic godly blessings are required, technically anyone
decay and eventual oblivion. Masters of death can learn or utilize magic. However, based on
can utilize spells that cause an opponent to age the personalities required not everyone can
rapidly or even fall over altogether, their insides learn magic effectively. For example someone
dust. Yet, just like Life can invoke death so too who gets distracted every two seconds probably
can death invoke life- or at least a twisted lacks the discipline to successfully wield arcane.
parody of it. For the undead may have their own
consciousness but their bodies and minds Magic for most (but not all!) Azeroth magic users
continue to rot away. is focused on a singular or small group level.
That means most of their spells would only
The Elements: At the bottom of the magic pole affect a single enemy or ally or a small group at
are the individual elements: Earth, Wind, Fire, once. However there are two exceptions.
Water and two more known as Spirit and Decay. Powerful champions like Tyrande, Anduin, Thrall
The first four are fairly self-explanatory while or Malfurion can easily effect dozens, hundreds
Spirit and Decay are manifestations of life and or even more at once! In addition, there are
death respectively on the elemental scene. sometimes rare rituals and power transfusions
Spirit can be used to connect and heal the that allow for the pooling of magical power to
elements while Decay can be used to harm and bring about mass destruction.
control them. Shaman make pacts with the
elements to command their powers in battle. Magic in the Profiles: Magic is kind of all over
the place in Warcraft and for that reason there is
Each element has a secondary power to it other not one section below that escapes it! For the
than the obvious. For example while water can most part I have tried to assign magic users to
drown, scald or freeze it can also be used to specific profiles, however oftentimes they
heal and calm. Fire burns and can be used to appear common enough in a given unit profile
bring about courage and passion. Air that I still note them. Or, they use a type of
elementalists can control cyclones but the magic not seen elsewhere, I note them in the
freedom of air is also associated with creativity. assigned unit such as Vyrkul and their
Earth can crush and be used to bring about runeseers. There are three ways magic users
stability. Spirit brings about bravery while decay make their appearance known in Warcraft
is actually associated with efficiency. However armies.
too much of something is a bad thing and each
of the six elements has a negative association- One is to imagine them in the same vein as
Indecisiveness, fury, madness, stubbornness, modern army regiments and divisions. Just as
naiveté and ruthlessness respectively. infantry divisions are overwhelmingly comprised
of infantrymen but have support and specialist
Other Magics: Other forms of magic, such as attachments- medics, anti-armor etc – so too
rune magic or mysterious voodoo do exist. It is might Warcraft armies have magical
questionable how they fit into this chart however attachments like priests and mages. These are
they shall be dealt with in time. unlikely to be masters of their craft but are still
skilled users or else trainees learning from their
As a rule magic in Warcraft is medium to high
inclusion, but diluted in power. That means that
in Warcraft, magic users are while not common The second is independent champions that
can be comfortably called “uncommon”. Even for come to the field of battle to fight, whether they
the low numbers Warcraft generally uses you be adventurers or champions. Such champions
can clearly see dozens or more in each army, are likely to have greater knowledge than the
and in game magic users command a average soldier mage and their acquired spellset
respectable presence. This is due to the fact
that, unlike with other fictions where genetics or
is significantly better. Sometimes these attack with their given element, for example fire
champions are even leaders. burns people, air elementals can hit so hard to
tear through flest, water can scald or freeze and
Armies or forces comprised entirely or nearly earth pounds and crushes. These are elemental
entirely of magic users do exist. Examples beings who are very durable to physical harm
include the Duskwatch of the Nightborne, the but with one weakness: the gauntlets on their
Army of the Light, the Kirin Tor or in those wrists. These gauntlets allow them to maintain a
examples where the different class orders presence on the physical realm and should they
mobilize a unified army. In these cases even be separated from the main body-i.e. their wrists
non-magical support staffs likely have a magical are cut off- the rest of the elemental will
weapon. disappear.

PRIMARY - Numbers: Elements number in their

millions in their own realm. Counts as a
UNITS high reinforcement unit.
Vyrkul- Take a Viking, make them 9-10 feet tall Army of Ulduar – Take a Dwarf or Vyrkul and
and then give them weapons and steel or form their entire body from iron or stone.
leather armor of the size to match and you have Wearing further steel over their forms, the Iron
a Vyrkul. They are gender segregated but no Army is a formidable front-line force capable of
less formidable as the males wield berserker weathering immense punishment as they maul
style axes, swords and thrown javelins or foes with axes, swords and hammers. They also
harpoons while the females fight with a man have backup of lightning wielding mages,
sized bow and spear sized arrows at range, with shamen specializing in earth or rune magic to
the spear and shield being favored up front. empower their weapons.
Some use the grappellauncher, a gun that can
be used to climb mountains or dig into the flesh - Numbers: Rare, given all the recent
of flying foes. Already warlike by nature, Vyrkul troubles of Ulduar. However, the Titan
believe that, if they die well and valorously they Keepers can build more in time.
will be rewarded by in the afterlife. They are
supported by runeseers who Treants – Treemen
can use the magic bound in that usually stand
ruins to empower weapons, ogre or man sized,
unleash lightning or provide armed with vicious
limited magical healing. claws of sharp bark.
A few might even
- Numbers: Vyrkul know some healing
comprise a presence or moonfire (light-
across two continents based) spells. Weak
though most do not to fire, however the
serve Odyn and thus druids can literally
don’t appear here. grow them from the
Consider them rather ground in hours.
- Numbers:
Elementals- Man or, more Common, can be
rarely, Ogre sized beings of grown by druids.
flame, water, rock or air, with High Reinforcement
some additional rare variants unit.
thrown in. Such elementals
Crusaders (Argent Crusade) – Holy Warriors uncommon compared to regular
armed and armored like an Alliance footman soldiers.
(Steel swords or spears, steal shield and armor).
This army is the veteran of a past successful Line Breakers
crusade to Northrend where they destroyed the
undead Lich King. Unlike footmen, all races can Valarjar- Take a Vyrkul, make him a foot taller,
be found in the ranks of the Crusaders (though forge him in iron or even titanium, make him
Humans are still the most common) and some conductive to electricity and then make him a
know minor Light based spells. noted combat legend with vast experience
training or actively fighting, then you have one of
- Numbers: Relatively uncommon, as Odyn’s finest. These Stormforged warriors wield
most of their force is based in one much of the same weapons and armor as their
province. Vyrkul kin, but with better craftsmanship and
greater liklyhood of magical weapons. They are
Creatures of the Scourge- Essentially Ghouls,
effectively immortal and, if killed without
Zombies and Skeleton Warriors. Pretty much all
something stopping them, their souls will return
of them fight with their claws, teeth and nasty
to Odyn’s Skyhold where they return to the
diseases, though skeleton warriors can use
mortal realm after a extended timke (that can be
swords, axes or even (rarely) a magical frost
sped up by ritual). When they do appear on the
spell or two. One variant of Ghoul, the Gheist, is
battlefield, they teleport in in a brilliant flash of
extremely agile and able to crawl up walls.
Ghouls are the most common and their special
ability allows them to cannibalize fallen corpses - Numbers :See full profile, but I estimate
to regenerate. Odyn has, at best, in the low tens of
thousands total. Counts as a rare unit
- Numbers: Common when the Death
Knights are present, can be raised from Demons of Dreadscar Rift: Linebreakers- The
battlefield corpses. first demon discussed is the Felguard, a 10 foot
tall demon, usually armed with a great weapon
Warriors- The First of the Twelve classes,
like claymores, halberds, flails and spears and
warriors are melee combat specialists who excel
encased in demonic
in their given field. Even a
metal. They are led by
middling skill warrior is a match
rarer elite demons known
in skill to many professional
as Wrathguards, who
soldiers and those who are
stand the same size and
champions can pretty much
wield dual swords with
cleave through entire small
expert skill. Next is the
hordes at once. Three
Voidwalker, a man or
specializations exist – those
ogre sized fiend capable
that come with shield and
of pounding with fists of
combat weapon, those who
immaterial of frostbite.
dual wield combat weapons
Their strength is well
like Musashi Miraymoto, and
feared, being capable of
those who wield two handers.
crushing bone or, in one
All come with plate armor and
comic, ripping a 2000 lbs.
centaur in half.
- Numbers: One of the
- Numbers: Very
most common classes
Uncommon. While the
however still relatively
Warlocks control only one minor planet, Arrakkoan civilization repurposed by their
these demons can respawn in time descendants. What they lack in size they make
unless killed in the Twisting Nether. In up in magical ability as they can use the holy
addition to sending in individual squads light to empower allies or unleash an
each and every warlock will be Archimedes like mirror to use the sun to scorch
accompanied by at least one demon. enemies at a distance. Lastly, the Iron Golem,
Ogre sized, is used by the Army of Uludar to
Dragonspawn – Centaur sized creatures smash enemy front lines. Some can use
with the feet of a dragon, but the body of an electricity in combat.
ogre. They wield immense great weapons in
combat and many know minor magical - Rare. The Arcane Golem variant is
spells of their given dragon’s lore (for available to both the Alliance and Horde,
example Red Dragonspawn can unleash fire though more common for the Horde.
while Green might know some renewal
spells). They come with thick hide or scale
mail. Monks- Melee combat specialists who are
masters of unarmed combat. It is documented
- Numbers: Very Rare, only ever seen that a well trained monk child can fight through
when a dragon takes the field. dozens, or even hundreds of unskilled monkey
Hozen and adult monks are reliably worth
Shivarra – Ten foot tall demon species with six several of their foes in close combat. Many can
arms and a fanatical disposition. They are create special brews that empower allies or else
excellent shock warriors and many also know heal them with the mists. During the events of
some sort of spellcraft, such as fel fire, life Legion they acquired Stormbrew for the whole
draining shadow or mental manipulation attacks. main monk order, which can give them
A segment of this race has allied with the Illidari ludicrious speed, empower all physical stats to
and some further can be found with Warlocks. an insane degree and even numb all pain.

- Numbers: Very Uncommon. - Numbers: Uncommon. Monks dominate

the Pandaren culture and they have
Abomination – Standing up to three times taller
spread their teachings to literally every
than a man, an Abomination is a stitched
civilized race on the planet. Vies with
together Frankenstein monster armed with a
the warrior and the hunter as the most
multitudes of cleaves, hooks and blades across
common class.
3-5 arms. Some of these chains can extend 20-
30 feet while other Abominations explode in Death Knights- Undead Warrior-Knights who
volatile gas upon death. Abominations can be bring unholy magic to the battlefield. They can
made by skilled apothecaries or necromancers. raise the dead, unleash plagues, use blood
magic to empower themselves, or command the
- Numbers: Uncommon
ice. Each Death Knight was already a skilled
Robotic Constructs – There are three types to warrior when he or she was resurrected and
be found here. The first, the Arcane Golem, is a through training become greater still. They wield
hulking creation that ranges from Ogre sized, to magical runeblades into battle and come
several times greater. Used primarily by mage equipped with the famously magically resistant
forces to provide a hulking frontline troop while Saronite armor.
they unleash spells from the rear, the Arcane
- Numbers: Along with the Demon Hunter
golem hits with multi-ton attacks and some can
they are the rarest of the classes. Likely
unleash pulses of arcane energy. Apexis
number in the high hundreds to low
Golems are man sized golems of an ancient
thousands at best.
Paladin- Holy warriors of the Light. Specialists are graceful and are noted for using chakrams in
armed in magically enchanted plate who can combat. Their priests can use the sun to burn
cast very powerful healing spells, magical enemies, heal allies or unleash blinding flashes
shields that can stop artillery, and unelash all of light. The second, the Wingless Arrakkoa,
sorts of holy magic upon their enemies. Anti- wield shadow spells, stealth aided by said
Undead/Demonic specialists. shadow, and poisoned blades, often coming
from ambushes. The two factions of Arrakkoa,
- The Knights of the Silver Hand: The once enemies, allied during the Legion invasion
Oldest order of Paladins unique to of Draenor.
Azeroth, the Knights of the Silver Hand
were traditionally a calvarly oriented - Numbers: Uncommon. Most of their
force that fought (and still does) for the race was devastated by Civil War,
Alliance. The ORDER of the Silver Hand centuries of decline and fighting the
is the ruling council of Alliance and Legion.
Horde Paladin orders.
- Numbers: For the most part, very Dryad – These half night elven women and half
uncommon. However the Alliance has deer function as skirmishers for both the Alliance
one variant that can be considered and the druids who unleash volleys of poisoned
almost common. javelins on their enemies. Some also know
druidic magic and can remove the magical buffs
Rapid Relief on enemies- or curses on allies.

- Numbers: Uncommon
Imp Packs- Snarling little demons that stand
about knee high with sharp claws and ability to Order of the Cloud Serpent – Pandaren
cast soccer ball sized fel fire balls. Relatively Order that rides giant flying cloud serpents
easy to deal with solo, Warlocks have deployed (think Chinese Dragons) into battle. These
them in great packs to overwhelm their enemies. serphents, who are protected by thick
scales, breathe lightning on enemies while
- Numbers: Uncommon
their Monk riders use spears or bombs on
Gargoyles - Giant, flying Gargoyles . Most enemies.
gargoyles attack with teeth and claws, along
- Numbers: Rare
with a ranged attack that seems to utilize a
corrupted form of natural magic to drain life from Hunters- Powerful survivalists, marksmen and
foes or else otherwise blow up upon contact. trainers of beasts who hunt throughout the world
Others seem to attack with an electrocution type of Azeroth. They are excellent trappers and
spell, spit acid or else are plagued and help trackers, capable of laying all sorts of magical
spread the Plague of the Undeath. Also equipment on the ground for unwary foes to step
grabbing enemy ground units, lifting them up on. They are also legendary marksmen with
high in the air and dropping them remains a some capable of shooting accurately through
favored way to deal with ground infantry. If buildings of hitting the eye of a dragon 100
wounded they can transform into magically meters away. Finally, most hunters have a beast
resistant stone. In this state they regenerate companion that can range from the mundane,
rapidly, however their hide is already resistant to like a lion or gorilla, to the exotic, like a T-Rex or
blows. Chimera.

- Numbers: Fairly Uncommon - Unseen Path: The union of the best

hunters and marksmen in the world.
Arrakkoa – Race of Birdmen split into two
Provides a rough sort of organization for
factions. The first, the High Arrakkoa, can fly ,
a class devoid of much organization. magical fel fire cannons and a concentrated rift
They can equip their members with cannon that can destroy three other spaceships
Azure projectiles, a magical stone said in one burst. Accompanied by a legion of Illidari
to be nearly indestructible and which felbats. It’s one weakness is fuel and every time
ignores armor. it uses its weapons, it will need to be fed more
- Uncommon: This, along with the monk souls (preferably of the enemy).
and warrior, is one of the most common
classes. - Numbers: 1

Thorognir- A minor dragonflight of dragons who Dragonflights – Full sized dragons (many are
can breathe concentrated electricity at foes. bus sized) of four different branches. The red
Most are about the size of a minivan and dragonflight guard over life and can breathe
sometimes they permit Valarjar riders to ride on traditional fire, which incinerates the corrupted
top of them. so new life can be born. The Blue Dragonflight
are scholars that can breathe concentrated
- Numbers: Very Uncommon arcane or ice magic. The mysterious bronze
dragonflight can breathe superhuman sand or
Shock and Awe manipulate time, including turning their opponent
into a baby. The Green Dragonflight breathes
Infernals- Giant hulking slabs of animated stone acid and can manipulate illusions, including
that can stand several times larger than an ogre. causing visions of nightmare that cause
The Infernal is always on fire and impervious to madness.
most weapons and heavily magically resistant.
These daemons exist only to crush, pummel, or - Numbers: Rare. Slow Breeding to begin
crash through whatever obstacles-living or not- with, these dragonflights have been
lay in their path. When they arrive, they arrive as decimated by recent years of war. In
a meteor directed at enemies in a shockwave order from most to least common are
attack. red, bronze, green and blue.

- Numbers: Very Rare Frost Wyrm- Giant, undead frost dragons on

loan to Death Knights from the Lich King. Some
Sons of Hodir- Thirty foot frost giants of these creatures are truly enormous and the
accompanied by wolves that stand two-three Deathlord recently added to their number by
times taller than a man. Wield giant ice weapons resurrecting a Thorognir graveyard, who can
and can unleash minor frost spells on enemies. breathe fire.

- Number - Numbers: Very

s: Rare Rare

The Fel Artifacts of Mass

Hammer – Destruction – Various
Captured magical artifacts
Legion considered
Spaceship that superweapons. The
serves as a Hammer of
mobile Khaz'goroth can
headquarters destroy a town in a
for the Demon single blow, the Aegis
Hunters. These of Aggramar once
can teleport through space, unleash volleys of defended the young Azeroth from corruption, the
Tears of Elune have extreme healing properties, to have a powerful effect on the battlefield, as
the Tidestone of Golgannoth can be used to their powers seem to increase as more and
inflict great flooding, the Eye of Aman’thul once more of them get together. In that case opposing
timestopped an entire army and the Focusing magic users must be wary of these little
Iris can empower any magic one hundred fold. creatures, for a horde of them can reak terrible
Per KC tournament rules, which dictate that no havoc. It was in this manner the Night Elves
superweapon can single handily win a battle, countered magic users prior to the
these have controlled use. reincorporation of the druids and later Highborne
into their armies.
- 1 of each
- Numbers: Rare
Mana Bombs- Bombs infused with arcane.
Depending on how much is included they can Ghosts of Azsuna – Full province worth of
destroy a great vessel, immoliate a town or even ghost Elves that were magically cursed 10,000
a whole city. Limited use due to superweapon years ago. Many are armed with ghostly
rule longbows or swords. Though not all ghosts are
combat specialists Azsuna was once home to a
- Very Rare noted mage academy, and thus many of its
citizens have magical capabilities. This is in
Specialist Support addition to the palace guard and garrisoned
troops. However, as a weakness, not everyone
Krokul- Survivalist denizens of Argus for over
in Azsuna has taken to undeath so easily.
25,000 years. They are masters of surviving in
Some seem to be stuck to the day that they
terrible environments and underground
died, being constantly unable to learn new
tunneling, making use of shamanistic magic to
information. Others go insane or even forget that
help. Some of them were driven insane by the
they are ghosts, such as one elder that
Void, but were cured of such madness, retaining
wandered off and got caught under an
the knowledge of the Void. These Void-purged
underwater log for ten thousand years (and
Krokul are powerful shadow spellcasters.
apparently never realized that he was ethereal).
- Numbers: Rare
- Numbers: Total “Ghost Elven’
Valkyra – Warrior –women of the Vyrkul who population around 10,000. Military
have been blessed by Odyn with control of the applicable force probably a couple
Light. They can cast extremely strong protection thousand.
spells(enough to fend off Legion bombardment
The Coliskar – Sea going Naga-snakemen-
for a time) , light based attacks and resurrect the
who sided with Illidan. They wield sea spells,
fallen. The ability to resurrect someone is
such as the ability to cast cyclones or crushing,
extremely draining however as the Valkyra has
and count as an amphibious force. Their military
to defy the realm of the dead to put a mortal
is split by gender with women as spell casters
soul back in its shell.
while armored men wield great weapons in
- Numbers- Very Rare combat. They have a number of slave species
ranging from hydra, to car sized dragon turtles to
Fairie Dragons – Small, dog sized dragon-like hobbit sized murlocs.
creatures that roam the Emerald Dream. Fairie
Dragons are renowned for their ability to - Numbers: Rare
manipulative magic in all forms- absorbing it,
The Ashtongue Tribe – A Tribe of Broken
redirecting it, even nullifying it completely! Alone
Draenei known for their shamanism and extreme
they are worth little however together they seem
stealth. In the events of Warcraft Frozen Throne
the tribe allied with the Illidari as Illidan sought to - Ascendants – Extraordinary Shamen
drive the Legion from Outland and become its who can temporarily or permanently
lord. The Broken helped him close the turn themselves into a elemental of a
dimensional gateways that allowed the Legion to given element, greatly boosting their
pour in unlimited reinforcements . They proved power in that one field. Think demon
extremely instrumental in the Battle of the Black princes, but for elements.
Temple, where the Ashtongue used their - Numbers: Fairly uncommon, but
incredible stealth to sneak in and disable the prevalent most of all among the Horde.
Legion’s defenses. They wield scythe blades
and their mystics can use the spells of the Druids – Nature tenders and growers that use
elements. life energy. In addition to being able to
supernaturally grow or renew, they can
- Numbers: Uncommon transform themselves into eagles, sea lions,
mighty bears or panthers. They can unleash the
Shado-Pan – Elite Ninja Pandaren trained in wrath of the moon goddess, heal, direct nature
both the martial arts and stealth. They are or the weather.
experts of trap setting, ambushes, explosives
and fighting, being the main military force on - Numbers: Fairly Uncommon, but quite
Pandaria for 10,000 years. Make heavy use of prevalent among the Night Elves.
arcane magic (portals), marksmanship, healing
and more. Keeper of the Grove –Exceptionally strong
children of Cenarius, meaning centuars. They
- Numbers: Few hundreds, total are all master druids and are often the
instructors of mortal druids.
Warlocks – Practioners of Fel who believe that
to you must fight fire with fire. They are demonic - Numbers: Very Rare
experts who often forcefully control demons and
send them into battle. They can also unleash Mages- Masters of the arcane, capable of
volleys of demonic fire, curses designed to utilizing a number of spells including polymorph
weaken the vitality of the enemy, soul/life steal, (turning enemies into sheep), portal creation,
pain inducing spells and more. Each Warlock is teleportation, conjuring supplies out of thin air,
a summoner, and they can personally come into scrying, illusions, and more. For direct combat
battle with any demon detailed thus far. In they specialize in commanding the arcane, fire
addition they might sue the Succubus, who take or frost spells, each with their different
the form of stunningly beautiful women and characteristics.
delight in mental torment/domination spells, or
- Kirin Tor/Tirisguarde- The Kirin Tor are
the Fel Hunter, a giant demonic dog that hunts
the elite mage army of one of Azeroth’s
down enemy mages to suck out their vitality.
mightiest cities. Each and every soldier
- Numbers: Rare has something magical in his or her
possession, whether it’s a blade, bow or
Shamans – Magic users who form packs with they are mages themselves. Meanwhile
the elements, allowing them to command their the Tirisguare are an elite order of
energies into battle. Expect minor earthquakes, Mages whose apprentices are said to be
giant balls of fire, waves etc- those kinds of akin to masters of lesser orders.
attacks. In addition to these ranged attacks they Spiritual and actual heir of an order who
often use magical totems to alter the battlefield has silently kept the world safe from
such as totems that prevent enemies from demons for thousands of years.
moving or those that unleash electricity. They - Numbers: Fairly Uncommon, but
can also excel as healers. prevalent
Grimtotem- Deceitful and dark tribe of Tauren Demon Hunters – Anti- Demon specialists who
that specializes in assassinations and believe that in order to hunt the demon they
shamanistic magic. must become the demon. Armed with deadly
warglaives and all sorts of demonic powers,
- Numbers: Very Uncommon these hunters can ‘eat’ the souls that they slay
to restore vitality, absorb the powers of fallen
Archerus: The Ebon Hold –The Flying base of
demons or, even, turn into a durable demon
operations for Death Knights. Here is where the
creature for a limited time. Thought of as crazy
leadership of the Knights of the Ebon Blade
by just about everyone else in the setting, but a
often stays, where armament and the plague is
class that proves extremely potent against the
stored, and of course where massive Scourge
Burning Legion.
numbers are quickly transported. Recon
devices, mad scientist laboratories, flying - Numbers: One of the rarest classes,
gargoyle roosts, stored siege equipment and have total numbers somewhere in high
teleporters- with direct access to the ground- are hundreds to low thousands.
also carried.
Professions- Various engineers, miners,
- Numbers: 1 alchemists etc that accompany the main armies.
They have access to all sorts of stronger than
Rogues – Assassins, saboteurs, bandits, and
steel metals, healing potions, beneficial herbs,
rogues. This is a catch all category for those
bombs, or magical items. Over time they can
who fight dirty yet who are stealth operatives
interact with whatever neutral environment they
that have proven necessary to achieve victory.
are in to further utilize any craft to be found in
They make heavy use of poisons, supernatural
their region.
stealth, and cheating in combat
- Numbers: Rare, mostly non-combat role
- Many rogue organizations exist such as
however many adventurers also
the Bloodsail Bucanners, the scourge of
specialize in a profession or two.
the South Seas, the Defias Brotherhood,
the criminal empire of Westfall and the Mechagnomes- The custodians and caretakers
Ravenholdt Manner, master assassins of Ulduar. Specialize in making fine machinery,
of the Eastern Kingdoms. However the battle tanks and other crazy devices. However
most important is the Uncrowned, the their primary role is upkeep and they can repair
Rogue organization that unites all damaged Titan-forged creatures (see Army of
neutral, Alliance and Horde rogue Ulduar, Iron Golem, Valarjar). They can also
organizations. access the very comprehensive Titan databanks
wherever they go.
Priests – Spiritual Specialists who worship
utilize the light and shadow based on their - Numbers: Very Rare
specializations. Some choose to focus solely on
the Light or Shadow however others use a Adventurers – The most infamous of all
combination of both. The light allows them to Warcraft units, adventurers are the canon name
heal allies, exorcise demons, unleash blasts of for all the PC characters that tend to run around
holy magic or protect allies. The shadow allows everywhere. Drawn from all 12 classes and
them to sap enemy vitality, summon unholy equipped with all manner of legendary artifacts,
creatures of the Void, or unleash mental attacks, magical weapons and armor, these champions
including magically induced fear and mind are some of the most powerful characters in
control. Warcraft lore. They serve an incredibly diverse
amount of roles from combat support, logistical
- Fairly Uncommon but Prevalent support, saboteurs, champion hunters (hunt
down enemy leaders), organizers and even Legion and most heavily defended world in the
commanders. All of them can be considered cosmos, was so successful.
incredibly experiences veterans with experience
across multiple worlds and enemies. Illidan – Leader of the Demon Hunters and a
strike force commander that has struck blows
- Numbers: According to an interview across the Legion across the cosmos. Among
conducted by Alex Afrasiabi, the his achievements is the destruction of the home
creative director, they number in the world of the Natherazim, a demonic race who
tens of thousands. And it is ambiguous serve as the Legion’s intelligence officer. Illidan
as to whether this statistic only includes is a bold and daring figure, someone who will
high level fighters or the new leap into the abyss without hesitation.
adventurers too (new adventurers are
still worth their weight in regular Major General/Sub-
soldiers). Note this number is unique Faction Heads
and different from the subscriber
numbers, character numbers or even Odyn- The Prime Designate, the leader of the
the number of max level characters, so Titanic forces who conquered the Old God
it isn’t one of those. Empire a whopping 125,000 years ago! Odyn is
a skilled and valorous general who prefers to
Heroes & Leadership utilize his elite Valarjar rather than normal
rabble. In melee combat he is a literal giant
Overall Commanders- Triumvirate capable of wielding electricity, a giant magical
sword, and a thrown spear that can destroy a
Khadghar- Extremely powerful mage who can Legion capital ship in one hit.
freeze small armies in time, unleash giant
beams of arcane energy 50 feet wide over The Elemental Lords- Four lords of the
hundreds of meters and pick up a enemy tank elements who lead their lesser brethren into
and deconstruct it in the air. He is an battle. Each prefers a different style of fighting.
experienced coalition commander who has led Smolderon, the Firelord, prefers brutal and
campaigns across four planets and achieved vicious frontal assaults designed to burn
success in all of them. Note: Though he is everything in his. Npetulon, the Tidehunter, is
labeled as blue he has declared himself neutral more strategic and tends to wait until his
in the Alliance vs. Horde conflict, so he shall not enemies are occupied before unleashing the
appear if the Alliance fights the Horde. fury of the tides. Therazine, the Stonemother,
hides behind walls of earth as her enemies
Velen- Prophet of the Draenei who is both batter themselves to exhaustion before lowering
capable of the walls to come out and crush.
farseeing and is Finally Thunderan likes to enjoy
over 25,000 years chaos and will use his mastery of
old! Velen is a the winds to carry sound and
master of light spread mistrust among his
magic and a enemies before unleashing the
figure of awe fury of the storms.
among both the
Alliance and Tyrion Fordring – One of the first
Horde. Velen, Paladins and the conqueror of the
though once passive, has become active as a Lich King. While Tirion favors tried and true over
result of the events of Legion. He is largest new and innovative, he is an inspiratory
reason why the invasion of Argus, capital of the
commander who men follow wherever he goes, Ymiron is a Vyrkul champion and mighty fighter
whether it is to the Broken Isles or Northrend. who fought for the Lich King and Helya before
being forced, hatefully, to fight for Odyn. Lastly
Lieutenants the new God Queen Sigryn, a individual who
succeeded in fighting off Fel corruption through
Akama-The new Lord of Outland. Unique pure will (something few can do) and now leads
among Draenei, this broken is renowned for his the Vyrkul on the Broken Isles.
stealth abilities. When Illidan first conquered
Outland, it was in a large part due to Akama and Magatha Grimtotem – Treacherous Tauren
his Broken destroying Legion defenses from the Queen who has aligned herself with the Earthen
shadows. Ring, out of hatred of demons. While a so-so
leader she is a extremely skilled shaman and
Alonsous Faol – Legendary human priest who farseer whose visions have brought about both
created the Paladin order and since his undeath reward and calamity.
has worked to unify all priests and then all
priests and paladins together under one holy Titan Keepers- Four Titan Keepers that serve
banner. Mr. Faol is a fantastic logistic Odyn. The first, Thorem, is a master of lightning
coordinator and coalition builder. magic who can command storms to smite foes.
The second, Freya, is the mistress of nature
Monkey King – Mischievous Hozen leader from who successfully nurtured Azeroth in its younger
Pandaria who is infamous for defeating years and can destroy whole fortresses by
uncounted foes through trickery and guile alone. having the roots of trees grow to entangle them.
If forced into combat he is a legendary martial Mimiron, a lord of technology, is an eccentric
artist. engineer responsible for up keeping the titanic
machinery and can create incredible powerful
The Four Horsemen – Four Death Knight Lords war machines for combat. Lastly there is the
based on powerful historical figures. The first, giant Hodir, a commander of freezing storms
General Nazgrim, is a orc general who made his who wields an exceptionally powerful hammer.
mark fighting successful campaigns on All Titan Keepers, in addition to having powerful
Pandaria, Northrend and even on the bottom of , magically enchanted armor are forged of
the ocean floor. Thoras Trollbane is a Second metals such as titanium.
War era king whose bravery and valor proved
pivotral to allowing the Alliance to win that war. Prince Farondis- Ghostly mage leader of the
High Inquisitor Whitemane was once a firebrand citizens of Azunai. Most known for his integrity
preacher who led the Scarlet Crusade to great and the power of his wizardly.
atrocity and in death is seeking redemption.
Finally, Darion Morgraine is the longtime leader Chieftain Hatuun- The leader of the Krokul on
of the Death Knights who played a significant Argus, he is a master survivalist who has kept
role in toppling the previous Lich King, Arthas. his people alive on the least hospitable planet in
all of creation for over 25,000 years.
Vyrkul Champions- Legendary Vyrkul who
either rule now or who have been brought to the The Class Leaders – These 12 individuals are
Halls of Valor to serve Odyn. Among them is the canon name for PC characters who lead
Ingvar, a legendary Vyrkul warrior who each of the twelve classes. All of them have
destroyed figures of the Old Gods in life and arisen to be influential individuals equipped with
nearly killed the mighty sorceress Helya in some of the most powerful artifacts ever
death. Magnar Icebreaker was a fearsome witnessed in existence. In the event of a split
Vyrkul king who successfully conquered up, assuming the Alliance gets half and the
Nerubians, Highborne and defeated Helya when Horde gets half.
alive, even surving the wrath of Deathwing. King
-The Slayer- The Immortal leader of the Illidari to lead the armies of the dead. Eventually, the
who has canon respawn abilities. During Legion, Deathlord built a vast army including his or her
the Slayer fought through ultiple demonic own assortment of dragons. The new Lich King
infested wordls to hunt down traitors to the whispers in his ear, telepathically, and gives
Illidari, assassinate key demons and to seize the advice. The Deathlord wields either the reforged
Sargerite keystone, a powerful magical artifact Frostmourne (sword of Arthas), a legion axe that
capable of creating a planet sized portal. The drains the life of any it hits or Apocalypse, a
Slayer is equipped with either a blade forged weapon that had single handily brought entire
from an ancient race that permanently absorbs civilizations low.
the strength of all it slays or the Twinblades of
Kil’Jaden, who empowered the blades -The Highlord- Lord of the Paladin order who
permanently and whose strength the Slayer spent much of Legion unifying the various
borrows everytime s/he fights. paladin orders of Alliance and Horde. Towards
the end of the campaign, the Highlord led a vast
-The Grandmaster- Lord of the Monk order of holy army to save the Conclave and unified with
the Broken Temple. Over the course of Legion that faction. In combat he or she either wields
the Grandmaster helped defend Pandaria from the hammer of the legendary titan keeper Tyr,
multiple demonic invasions, defeated a mass the unbreakable shield known as the truthguard
Legion poisoning plot, rescued captured monks or the Ashbringer, a blade that turns any unholy
and created Stormbrew, a brew that has foe it touches to ash.
extreme supernatural properties. In combat the
Grandmaster wields a pair of fist weapons that -The Archmage- The lord of Mages, this
contain a hurricane within them, a staff that adventurer spent much of Legion countering the
bestows supernatural agility, or a staff that the diverse magics employed by the Legion,
last Pandaren Emperor used to cover all of entrapping a powerful demon lord in a
Pandaria in mists. unbreakable crystal or keeping the powerful
defenses of Dalaran running. In combat, this
- The Shadowblade- Legendary Rogue and mage wields staffs and blades that perfectly
leader of the Uncrowned. During his campaign embody frost, fire or arcane, and can achieve
the Shadowblade infiltrated several of the most spectacular feats in any of these subjects.
fortified places on Azeroth, including capital
cities of factions on lockdown, stopped a Legion -The Arch-Priest- Lord of the Priests who,
plot to get the Horde and Alliance to fight, during the course of Legion, unites all
disposed of undead doppelganger agents, and priesthoods of Azeroth under one banner. Later
assassinated multiple Legion assassins, they defend the priest order hall against a
including one so potent that she had literally massive demon backed assault, while allied with
conquered whole worlds through the shadows. the Paladins. The Archi-Priest utilizes either a
The Shadowblade wields the fangs of healing fragment of one of the mightiest Naaru,
Sargeras’s personal hound, a soulstealing pair a powerful artifact capable of town level
of cutlasses or the blade of said potent assassin, destruction called “light’s Wrath’ or the
which magically absorbed much of her skill to mysterious Blade of the Fallen Empire, which is
transfer it to the new highly hinted to be a sentient
wielder. Old God forged into a blade.

- The Deathlord – - The Farseer- Lord Of the

Lord of the Death Shamen and the individual
Knight class order who who successfully unified all
spent Legion recruiting four elements in Legion. This
four mighty champions required the Shaman (or
woman) to achieve victories against many
demons or rogue elementals. In combat the
shaman can wield the legendary Doomhammer, Covert Ops
the fists of the lord of the skies or the mighty
scepter which allowed the Naga to control the Taran Zhu- Lord of the Shado-Pan and the chief
tides. defender of Pandaria. He has led victories
against the Yaungol, insect hordes of the
-Battlelord- Lord of the Valarjar and the lead Mantid, the terrible Sha and the combined
warrior in the Broken Isles. In the warrior’s Thunder King and Zandalari armies while
campaign, the Battlelord leads the Valarjar to fighting all at once. Can be considered a
defend Ulduar from a massive dmonic assault powerful stealth commander.
and launch a counter invasion of a key Legion
prison world. The Battlelord can wield artifacts The Shadow Council- The leaders of the
such as the impenetrable scale of Deathwing, Uncrowned. Jorach Ravenholdt is a master
the legendary sword of the first human king, assassin and leader of the largest assassin
organization in Azeroth. Fleet Master Tethys is
- The Huntmaster- Lord of the Hunters, this the pirate master of the South Seas who brutally
champion focused first on unifying all the conquered all his competition. Taoshi is the
disparate groups of his planet. Then he was Shado-Pan’s most skilled agent and she has
deployed to counter the hounds of Hakkar the successfully infiltrated the most heavily fortified
Houndmaster, who had been breeding beasts regions in Azeroth, such as a Stormwind on
that were totally immune to magic and nearly lockdown and the Thunder- King’s Palace, with
totally immune to physical damage too. The ease. Finally while Vanessa Vancleif lacks the
Huntermast can wield a powerful Wild God fighting skills of her compatriots, she is a master
blessed Spear wielded by a legendary ancient of poisons who can induce supernatural
hero, a rifle that was once wielded by Thorem hallucinations that kill (think Freddy Krueger)
and is infused with Lightning, or a supernatural
blow that turns every shot into one of impossible
Tactical & Strategic
- The ArchDruid- Champion of the druids who Support
free many of the Wild Gods during the events of
the Legion Invasion. Thanks to their efforts, the Wild Gods- Animal demigods that roam the
Wild God Malorne was not corrupted by the planet and can be mobilized in times of great
Nightmare. The Archdruid can wield either the struggle. All of them have spirits bound to the
cfangs of Ashamane, the claws of Ursoc, the Emerald Dream and are effectively immortal,
magical branch of the first world tree or the though it would take years for them to come
Scythe of Elune, which allows for powerful moon back without ritual. These include
backed spells.
- Agamaggan, the Great Boar, a thirty
- The Netherlord- Leader of the Warlocks, who foot tall combatant that mowed down
conquered and bound an entire small planet thousands of demons in the War of the
worth of demons early on. Later, through study Ancients and can fling the spines on his
of the fel, they would successfully bind powerful back like a porcupine mixes with a
demonic commanders to the cause. The ballista.
Warlock can wield a mighty scepter capable of - Ashamane, the legendary panther
tearing holes into reality, a scythe that once assassin whose skill is responsible for
depopulated an entire planet or the sentient skull the death of uncounted Legion
of the teacher of Archimonde which can be used commanders in the War of the Ancients
to easily control powerful armies of demons.
and who once destroyed an army of absence. He played a major role in bringing
thousands of demons (at least) by back the Wild God Malorne and in ultimately
herself. At one point, the Legion became defeating the corruption of the Nightmare.
so wary of her they began burning down
large sections of forest at the merest Meryl Felstorm –One of the first humans ever
rumor of her presence. trained in the magic arts 3,200 years ago. When
- Aviana, the Mother of Harpies, can he died he simply willed himself back to life. He
command all the creatures in the sky to has continued to serve Azeroth since,
attack in vast swarms. particularly when it came to demon hunting.
- Cenarius, the teacher of all druids, is a
Hemet Nesingwary- Greatest hunter on all of
master of druidic magic who can regrow
Azeroth who has hunted across multiple planets.
forests in seconds or in case whole
He will specialize in bringing down the big game
towns in grasping roots.
of the enemy.
- Goldrinn, the wolf god, embodies
ferocity, savagery, and an unyielding The Stormstouts (Chen & Li-Li) – Legendary
will. He slaughtered hundreds of adventurers and monks from the Wandering
demons in rapid succession in the War Isles. In combat, each of them is worth hordes of
of the Ancients and those that carry his lesser troops. They are masters of creating
blessing (including King Varian Wrynn) excellent brews to empower allies and Li Li is a
never know fatigue. potent healer.
- Malorne, the White Stag, is a immense
god deemed so powerful that he nearly The Black Harvest- Group of six mighty
turned back the demons himself in a warlocks that constantly seek to acquire new
major battle before Archimonde, the demonic secrets and master ever greater power.
third most powerful demon in existence, Through their efforts more powerful demons
stepped forward to duel. It was an have been bound to their service, new spellcraft
exhausting fight and though Archimonde has been utilized and new techniques
snapped the Stag’s neck, he was pioneered. All of them are former adventurers
ultimately forced to retreat. who achieved great glory back in the day.
- Tortolla, the Tortoise god, is a very
slow ancient but the only Lunara- Dyriad leader known for
one who survived the her fearsome brutality towards
demon wars intact after anything that harms the forest.
slaying thousands. His
Dragon Aspects- Four of the
shell is so thick only a
most powerful dragons on the
very heavy sustained
planet, three of whom are over
artillery barrage could
50,000 years old. Alexstraza, the
hope to get through.
Dragon Queen, is the guardian of
- Urscoc & Ursol, the bear
life and a dragon a couple
gods, wed shamanistic
hundred feet in size. She is a
magic and brutal close
master of life and flame magic.
combat together. Like
Nordormu, the Keeper of Time,
their compatriots,
can summon up whirlwind of
thousands of demons
superheated sand or use time
were slain by these two
magic to unleash all sorts of
before falling.
havoc in battle. Ysera, the Dreamer, is a master
Keeper Remulos- Son of Cenarius who illusionist who can put enemies to sleep or force
organized the Cenarion circle in his father’s them to see allies as maddening abominations.
Kalecgos, the youngest aspect, is a master of
arcane magic with the Blue Dragonflight.

Chromie- An agent of the Bronze Dragonflight

who is probably the most active dragon in the
affairs of mortals. She is known for her weird
chrono abilities which range from the standard
speeding or slowing down time, to summoning
past or future versions of adventurers to fight
alongside the current version.

Magni BronzeBeard- Known as The Speaker,

he is a powerful Dwarven warrior king made
entirely of tough diamond. He can also speak to
the Titan Azeroth and receive visions from her.

Reinforcement Rates: Low. While the

reinforcement rates of the Alliance/Horde are
higher, most of the races that fall under those
categories fight for one of those partisan factions
and relatively few opt for neutral sub-factions
(adventurers aside) . The Reinforcement rates
for the entirely non-alligned factions is smaller,
as most of those are bound to a single province.
There are three exceptions. The first is obviously
those units that can be created on campaign,
like minor undead and treants. The second are
demons, who are technically infinite in number
but their appearance is limited by those the
warlocks can control. The third is the
elementals, who number in their many millions
on Azeroth and likely greater numbers still in the
elemental realms.

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