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Physical Education Lesson

Grade:5/6 Unit: Gymnastics Date: December 12 th, 2016


Activities Benefits Health Cooperation Do It Daily…For Life

Goal Setting/ Active

Specific Basic Application of Functional Body Well- Communi- Personal Living In the
Outcomes Skills Basic Skills Fitness Image being cation Fair Play Leadership Teamwork Effort Safety Challenge Community


Learning Activities/Teaching Strategies-

• Safety doing pyramids:
Gymnastic Showcase o Know who your spotters are-this
• Explain that we are going to have a project where we are needs to be decided before trying to
combining everything that we have been working on do the pyramids.
throughout our time together- being able to work as a team o No socks, bare feet only
and support one another; building muscles; having a o Do the pose in the middle of the
strong base. mats-if you fall, will fall onto the
• The project will be three groups (I will pick), each group mats.
will create their own routine doing pyramids to preform to
o Think about weak parts of the body
the rest of the class.
• They will pick 3-5 pyramids to preform between the two
vs strong & engaging muscles.
man, three man and four man pyramids that we have been o Listen to our body-stop if it hurts or
practicing-after picking the pyramids the group will have feels uncomfortable
decide who is doing what. Have to have a minimum of two • Ensure that students are working well
spotters, want everyone in the group to be part of the together and allowing everyone to
pyramid at some point-can not only be a spotter. participate evenly and being supportive.
• Once they know their pyramids they have to find a way to • Are the students doing the activities
transition from pyramid to pyramid smoothly-dance, slow correctly or are they being silly and
motion, have different levels etc. Will go through some reckless.
different ways as a group.
• Lastly the group will have to come up with music to go
with their routine-has to be approved by both Mrs. Charchun and I.

Closing & Questions (5-7 min)

• Collect the group back together and have a discussion about time and where everyone is at-whether we will be
preforming Tuesday or Thursday. After we decide have the group play a quick game of Willy Wonka Tag.

Equipment Safety Considerations

• Mats • No socks, bare feet only.
• 2, 3, 4 man pyramid sheets • Make sure that students are following the
safety rules we have set out-in the middle
of the mat; have spotters; being aware &
listening to our bodies.

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