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Pearl School of Business

Management & Entrepreneurship Programme


Prime Movers
“ One who initiates
brings the change,
one who brings the
change creates
history” The world
knows them as prime
movers and we
recognize them as


• Invitation From Director 2

• Vision & Mission 6
• Overview 4
• Value Proposition 5
• Programme Structure 6
• Programme Composition 7
• Major Projects Undertaken 8
• Innovative Projects Undertaken 9
• Life At PSB 10
• Batch Profile 11
• Students' Profile 12
• Faculty Profile 24
“The only way of
finding the limits of
the possible is by into
the impossible"

Arthur C. Clarke


Greetings from Pearl School of Business!

I am very happy to invite you to interact with our young students of the
second cohort of MBA (Management & Entrepreneurship) programme,
2008-10. Within a short span of three years, Pearl School of Business
has attracted international attention for its unique curriculum and
learning process focusing on entrepreneurship.
The president of Global Business Management Forum, US has called PSB
the finest school of Entrepreneurship Education in the whole of Asia.
International partners have helped us craft a strategy that helps our
students think, from the start, of ways of shaping enterprises around
business opportunities. From short exercises to assignments to
projects, these students have focused on the business of management
as one of delivering sustained value in untapped areas.
Students thus come prepared to think of the business as a whole and
think in an integrated manner. They learn not to focus unduly on
narrow functional areas, though they do possess knowledge and skills in
specific functions. Also our programme exposes students to systems of
management practiced in the different countries of the world.
We have encouraged the students to think in terms of their unique
strengths and abilities and work out a specific career plan that
promotes expertise in problem solving. We believe that this kind of
expertise will bring results for the organization and rewards for the
We are sure your interaction with this cohort of young men and women
would be mutually beneficial.
Welcome to PSB!

Prof. Ashutosh Bhupatkar

Pearl School of Business


Our vision is to become a center of excellence in entrepreneurship

based management education in India and other Asian countries
through research, case writing, education and training and by building
a community of entrepreneurs, entrepreneurial managers, policy
makers and academicians who will work together for its promotion.


PSB has unique mission of developing entrepreneurial talent and

producing socially responsible entrepreneurial leaders in India and
other Asian countries to create and lead globally competitive and
innovative enterprises.


Pearl School of Business has designed the curriculum of MBA (Management &
Entrepreneurship) programme in collaboration with two international institutions -
Nottingham Trent University, UK and Babson College, USA. The Pearl MBA (Management
& Entrepreneurship) degree will be awarded by Nottingham Trent University, UK. The
MBA (Management & Entrepreneurship) programme is the first International masters
programme in India with an added built-in focus on Entrepreneurship and concurrently
running themes of Entrepreneurship, Internationalization and Innovation in all courses.
The two-year programme combines classroom course work with practical projects,
business plan development and internship.
The programme aims at equipping students with the knowledge, skills and qualities
necessary for recognizing and exploiting new business opportunities in a sustained
manner and ultimately lead global enterprises. Pearl School of Business MBA
(Management & Entrepreneurship) programme enable graduates to conceive, devise,
set up and lead new innovative and/or high-tech enterprises and make them into stable
business organizations. The general educational aims would emphasize independent
thinking, creativity, ability to learn on one's own and distinguish appearance from
reality. Pearl School of Business MBA (Management & Entrepreneurship) programme
structure is built around the following perspectives:
• Management Foundation: The programme will lay and strengthen the foundation of
analytical skills and managerial professionalism for personal and organizational
effectiveness and performing general management functions.
• Balance between Theory & Practice: The lesson to be learnt from the successful
corporates in India and elsewhere in the world is to develop an understanding of
theory as a careful and systematic way of thinking. The curriculum balances
practical components with reflective and theoretical components.
• Entrepreneurship and Leadership Development: The programme orients participants
for developing and assuming leadership capability in their respective positions and
ultimately, in the top management position. Professional manager-participants will
be oriented to act like owners and assume entrepreneurial and leadership role
within their organizations. This element is woven into all the courses.

"The reasonable man VALUE PROPOSITION

adapts himself to the The Pearl School of Business MBA (Management & Entrepreneurship)
offers the art and craft of global business leadership to students who
world; the desire to build their careers in Business and Management and aspire to
lead the high-performing domestic and multinational organizations or
unreasonable one start their own enterprises. The programme has a unique integrated
curriculum, oriented to the needs of global industry and start-up
persists in trying to enterprises. Developed in partnership with leading international
business schools and delivered by world class faculty, it blends
entrepreneurial mindset, international outlook, innovation, social
adapt the world to responsibility and ethics.
The Pearl MBA (Management & Entrepreneurship) is an international
himself. Therefore all programme of the highest quality, leading to award of Masters Degree
of Nottingham Trent University, U.K. which is rated highly for its
progress depends on Quality Standards in the U.K. and ranked number one in graduate
employment. The distinctive MBA of Pearl School of Business gives
the unreasonable opportunities for extensive contacts with global business, service, and
consulting firms as well as entrepreneurs and thus will provide
man" competitive advantage to Pearl School of Business students.

George Bernard

PROGRAMME STRUCTURE "The secret of success
The focus of PSB's MBA curricula is on developing entrepreneurial mind- is to know something
set, internationalization, innovation and social responsibility. There are
15 modules in two years of studies (list given below). Three courses run nobody else knows."
in each module integrating these themes. Apart from the core focus on
entrepreneurship, the programme offers four functional electives -
Finance, Marketing, Human Resources, and Operations.
Aristotle Onassis

• Understanding Management Foundation

• Information and Decision Analysis
• Managing Resources
• Managing Human Processes
• Managing Interfaces
• Entrepreneurial Drive
• Managing Innovation
• Application to a Real Business 1 Course

Summer Project

• Competing Globally
• Leadership Development

• Corporate Governance & Ethics
STRUCTURE • Functional Competence
Year • Managing Environment Interface
• Managing Uncertainty
• Integrating Learning


Theoretical learning Collaboration with

platform with Nottingham Trent
integration of courses University, UK and
and specific learning Babson College, USA
outcomes for each

Responsibility Internationalisation


Entrepreneurship Human
Industry and
involvement Creativity

Entrepreneurs from
different fields are Leadership
invited to come and
discuss their Field projects to
experience, share apply theoretical
nuances of the knowledge into
working of their practice
business, industry
and practices Students launch and
manage a business
venture for 2
months; the
objectives in
addition to module
related are to
manage costs and
generate profits


Understanding Management Foundation

• Organisational Study
Students were divided into five groups. They identified one
organization each and did analysis on their respective Markets,
Competition, Strategy, Structure and Culture. Project also involved
their Sales, Operating Profit and Net Profit projection for the next
accounting year, using statistical techniques.
Information and Decision Analysis
• ERP Project
Students visited an organization, House of Pearl, to study and
understand the working of different departments with the information
flow internally as well as with external support functions. They learnt
about the importance and value of information in decision making and
integration of various information systems with organizational
processes and issues related to implementation of a Management
Information System.
Managing Resources: Studying Operations Strategies
• Sandwich Exercise
The class was divided into 3 companies; each company was given the
task of making and selling sandwiches in the same prescribed time of 3
hours in the same market. They gained valuable experience of planning
the product mix, preparing the pricing policy, procuring the raw
materials, making the sandwiches, identifying the potential customer
segments and generating the sales and finally preparing the profit
statement. The challenge of competing with 3 companies brought in
the competitive edge in this exercise.
Managing Interfaces
• Studying Marketing Strategies
The students were involved in a process where they chose one
organization of their choice and studied it’s marketing strategies. They
monitored the marketing initiatives of the organization and compared
the marketing and brand promotion strategies with their competitors.
They learnt how a company maintains its competitive advantage by
creating a balance between its product mix and brand image.
Managing Innovation
• Solar Water Heater
The objective of the project was to find out the reasons why an
innovation like Solar Water Heater was a big failure in Gurgaon.
Students in groups surveyed the residents of Gurgaon and the dealers
and applied concepts of Research and Innovation to check the
commercial viability of Solar Water Heater. Students formalized the
product concept and addressed issues like pricing, financing, and
existing competition in the domestic sector while preparing a business

hard ya hit. It's about • Entrepreneurial Venture
The students were divided into groups and were made to do business
how hard you can get for two months with some amount given by the college. Groups chose
to make chocolates, sell books, sell accessories and gardening as their
it and keep moving business choices. What students learnt out of this activity was
developing business ideas, establishing system for procurement,
forward. How much production and supply with deep understanding of market force and
challenges to run the business over a certain period.

you can take and keep The integrated courses are - Foundation of Entrepreneurship, New
Venture Creation Learning from Experience and Entrepreneurial
moving forward. • Managing Operations

That's how winning is Students visited different manufacturing and service companies and
studied their current operations using flowcharts, job analysis, job
descriptions and technology of the firm. Students also identified
done! Now if you different supplies, inputs to the shop floor and final products,
transformation process. One important objective of the study was
know what you're identification of non- value added activities. They also proposed
tentative solutions to the problems faced by the employees on the shop
worth then go out
• Financial Budgeting Process
and get what Students approached different organizations to understand their
financial budgeting process and how they use management and
measurement systems in their accounting for value creation. It also
you're worth" made students aware of current issues related to operations planning
and control and evaluation of various strategies of allocation of fund to
different functions and projects.
Rocky Balboa – • Impact of Recession and Change in Business Strategies of the
The Movie Each Group of students identified an organization involved in domestic
and international businesses to study the impact of global meltdown on
their business operations and formation of strategies to counter the
impact. They applied theories and frameworks like CAGE to understand
the dynamics of new business opportunities in alternative markets.
Students learnt different aspects of running an international business
with issues like culture, political, economical and geographical
environment and shaping policies and business strategies.
Strategic Leadership
• Leadership and Knowledge Management
Each group of student interviewed an entrepreneur in different sectors
of manufacturing and service industries to capture the changes in their
leadership in different stages of the business (start-up phase, growing,
mature and decline). They applied the different theories and
frameworks of leadership and assessed the entrepreneurs for the
classification of their traits, leadership style, personality and skills. In
this project students develop understanding of leadership, its strategic
value for entrepreneurs as well as managers to build high performing,
cohesive and innovative organisations.

LIFE AT PSB “Let me not pray to

• PSB Club be sheltered from

The most important aspect about management is to have a balanced
life. We have several clubs which enable students to maintain a dangers but to be
balanced life by pursuing various extra circular activities. There are
number of committees which provide a platform for students to fearless in facing
showcase their talents. The choice is immense from organizing culture
events, to organizing summer internship and batch placements them. Let me not beg
• Placement Committee
A four member elected student body is entrusted with the summer, for the stilling of my
final and lateral recruitment process. They act as an interface
between students and corporate. The placement committee facilitates pain, but for the
the placement process right from planning to execution and framing
the policies of recruitment. The committee reaches out to potential
recruiters for placing our students in their desired careers. heart to conquer it.
• Cultural Committee
The responsibility of the cultural committee is to ensure that the hard
Let me not look for
working PSBians enjoy every moment of their little leisure time they
get. They are in charge of organizing all the cultural programs in the allies in life's
college. We have held several activities such as movie screening,
birthday parties and theater. They have made our life at PSB an battlefield but to my
interesting affair.
• Academic Club own strength. Let me
Academic council is responsible for all the academic activities on
campus. It organizes debates, elocution and discussions in our college. not cave in”
A formal channel of communication for students, staff faculty and
management that facilitates and organizes events. This cell endeavors
to bring talent, encourages students to develop specific insights Rabindranath Tagore
necessary for all around development of personality. It nurtures
analytical, emotional and creative intelligence.
• Sports Club
The sports club organizes events in disciplines like badminton, football,
basketball and table tennis both on and off campus. The club helps in
building a sporting spirit in our students. The sports club provide
students with opportunities for the instruction and participation in a
wide range of recreational and competitive programs which can
develop sound lifelong leisure values and skills.


The Summer Internship program is an integral part of the curriculum

which provides a platform to the students to get a glimpse of the
corporate world and apply the concepts learnt in class.
This experience of working on a defined project in a structured
environment gives the required exposure of that specific area, function
and department that the student has opted to work in. It develops
perspectives and guides the student in choosing the right elective in
the second year.

Internship Profile Batch Profile

14% 27%
9% 27% 27%
14% 4%
14% 18% 46%

Sales and Distribution Science, Engineering

Greycells 18 Media

Operation Functional Electives

House of Pearl
Market Research 55%
Euro RSCG Dabur 27%

Investment Banking Marketing

Bonanza LSE Finance
IndiaInfoline Human Resource

Human Resource
GSFCL Work Experience

Financial Services
Standard Chartered Bank 32%

Financial Analysis
Reckitt Benckiser
Work Experience


Name: Aditya Kavangal

Age: 22 Years
Qualifications: B.Tech (Computer Science)
Summer Internship: ITC (ITD)
Project: To comprehend and improvise the role
of trade marketing team leader in convenience

• Captain, school and college cricket team

• The President of PSB Club
• He is passionate about brand communication and hoping to
contribute in building successful and long lasting brands through
learning in marketing and communications
• Active member in LOK SATTA party
• Won numerous debates, extempore, elocution, dramatics and
declamations at inter-college, inter school and national level
• At PSB, a part of the placement committee. Responsibility included
networking, pitching and coordinating with companies for
• He loves reading books from different genres
• He likes blogging and writing poems

Name: Akanksha Chauhan

Age: 22 Years
Qualification: B.A. (English Honors), 1Year
Diploma course in Journalism
Internship: Worked with an advertising agency
named EURO RSCG (A Unit of HAVAS Media)
Project: Conducting annual surveillance and
and assisting promotional activities for Max
New York Life Insurance

• Cultural head at PSB

• Proficient in three languages, Hindi, English and Punjabi
• Won bronze medal at state level swimming competition organized by
Rotary Club, Punjab
• Participated in many dancing, singing, drama competition at district
• Selected as process associate by Genpact in campus selection last
• Won several creative and poetry writing competition at college level
• Worked as a sub-editor with DLAam, daily english newspaper
circulating in Agra for few months
• Also worked as a choreographer with Nrityanjali Kala Academy, Agra
for 1 Year
• Certificate course in Executive program in Services Management from
Elements Academia
• Has excellent debating and writing skills
• Interest: interacting with people, event- management and social

"I never criticize a
player until they are
first convinced of my
unconditional Name: AMIT BAJAJ
Age: 22 Years
confidence in their Qualification: BBA
Summer Internship: Reckitt Benckiser India
abilities" Ltd.
Project: Regional Commercial Finance

John Robinson • Selected as a member of Trips, PSB Club

• Won first prize Presentation Skill Workshop, 2009
• Organizer for Global Business and Management Forum, Pearl School
of Business, 2008
• Event Coordinator, College Society, BIT Utsav, 2007-08
• Training on the study of Dealer's Perception about the company,
Bharti Airtel Limited, 2months (May-July), 2007
• He is passionate about Adventure, Cars, Gadgets, Hollywood Movies
and Music

Name: Anadi Gupta

Age: 23 Years
Qualification: B.Com (Hons)
Work Experience: Sales Trainee in FabIndia for
2 months
Summer Internship: Bonanza Ltd.
Project: Arbitrage and Short Selling

• Represented India in a Lion Club International Youth Exchange

Programme in Canada
• Elected as vice-president in school
• Represented school in inter-school dance competition held in Kamani
Auditorium, Delhi
• Participated in various activities like dramatics & sports at school
level and won many awards for the same
• Helped in getting sponsors for the college fest
• Likes to watch movies
• Also, likes designing clothes and has a keen interest in it
• Interests: Loves to paint & dance, very adventurous, likes to travel

“A Creative man is
Name: Anuj Raj Garg motivated by the
Age: 24 Years
Qualification: B.COM, 2 year Diploma in C# and desire to achieve, not
VB.Net from STG, Bhopal, One year accounts
training from KC Associates, New Delhi
Summer Internship: Corporate Executive Board by the desire to beat
Work Experience: Worked for Galaxy
Enterprises, Gwalior and its Glory Appliances, others"
Bhopal as Retail Manager for 3 years
Project: Transformation from GAAP to IFRS
accounting system Ayn Rand
• Won Gold medal in athletics and badminton at the school level
• Participated in many group dance competitions and inter school
singing competition
• He took part in many computer and science quizzes at the college
and school level
• He has played cricket at Under 19 state level and 3 Ranji Matches for
• He has taken part in many cultural activities at PSB
• Scored 95.8 in the Dec MAT 2007 and stood 12th in Madhya Pradesh

Name: Anuj Sharma

Age: 23 Years
Qualification: B.Tech (ECE)
Internship: Ludhiana Stock Exchange (8 weeks)
Project: Hedging risk through derivatives

• Head of Sports Club, PSB

• He was a regular member of Electronics club at his engineering
• Topper of maths in his Engineering Batch
• Knowledge of mobile communication technology
• First division Engineering degree
• Awarded scholarship by Punjab and Sindh Bank for B.Tech (First
division) under employees' children welfare scheme
• Member, Job fair organizing committee 2008 in his engineering
• Zeal to know about latest machines and techniques
• Training on C-Dot implementation in RSU
• Training on AT commands and Embedded GSM solutions
• He enjoys Punjabi music and cricket

Name: Arjun Khosla
Age: 24 Years
Qualification: B.A.Hons from Pearl Academy of
Work Experience: 1 year experience in
Merchandising for a garment export house
(Indian summer) and 6 months in software firm
as E.R.P Functional Consultant export division
(Axind Software)
Summer Internship: IndiaInfoline
Project: Valuation of index based companies

• Active member of the placement committee for Pearl School of

• Business development at the time of internship with India Infoline
• Business development in export house, got new buyers and supplier
while he was working in Indian Summer Export House
• Successfully implement ERP software package in CrewBOS Pub. Ltd.
within 6 months time frame while working for a Software consulting
firm (Axind Software)
• He is a part time technical analysis trader in the capital markets
• He organized many events like fashion shows, parties, talents shows
and blood donation camps in Pearl Academy of Fashion
• He was a member of the Computer Club, participated in many
computer competitions and won awards for building websites for the
• Got golf sponsorship from school for equipment and coaching lessons
• He loves listening to music (Soul, Soft Rock, R&B, Oldies, Alternative

Name: Ashish Ranjan

Age: 23 Years
Qualification: B.Sc (Physics)
Summer Internship: Pearl Global Ltd, Gurgaon
Project: Analysis of Garment Manufacturing

• Cleared Executive programme in the Service Management while doing

• Stood 2nd in college
• Won first prize in interschool speech competition
• Worked actively in Scout Guide in middle school
• Represented his area for spiritual meetings and social activity (Blood
donation camp and flood relief)
• Taught at coaching institutes along with graduation
• Enjoys dramatics, social activities, Interacting with children and
spiritual practices

Name: Manita Kohli
Age: 21 Years
Qualification: BBA
Summer Internship: Usha Lexus Electronics,
Project: Comprehensive study of HR procedures
of Usha Lexus Electronics, Gurgaon

• As a part of BBA programme, worked in “Aviva Life Insurance ” for 2

months as a summer trainee.
• Stood first in 12th standard and holds first division degree in BBA
• Organized various events at school level
• Won various awards in school and college for dancing and singing
• Enjoys traveling, eating food, dancing and surfing net and also
playing badminton
• Loves to interact with people.

Name: Mukul Mehra

Age: 24 Years
Qualification: B.Tech (Electrical)
Work experience: 1 year experience of family
business (trading of corrugated boxes)
Summer internship: Standard Chartered Bank,
Project: Investing strategies adopted by
different investors

• Represented school in various activities like dramatics & sports and

won many awards for the same
• Played cricket till zonal level
• Was the Vice captain of the school cricket team
• Won award for inter school GK quiz competition held at Shah
auditorium New Delhi
• Won awards for painting and music as well
• Elected as the head of sports, PSB
• Chosen as the class representative by popular vote ,PSB
• Loves watching & playing sports ( esp. cricket & tennis)
• Likes listening to music (soft rock or any of Bryan Adams album will
• One of the Hobbies include watching Hollywood comedies
• An avid reader who likes mystery novels and a daily dose of
• Loves to socialize & interact with people

"Not everything that
can be counted
counts, and not
everything that Name: Nidhi Jain
Age: 22 Years
counts can be Qualification: B.A. Hons (Philosophy)
Summer Internship: Dabur India Ltd.
counted" Project: Market expansion of Dabur real fruit
and activ juices

Albert Einstein • Head of Academics Club at PSB

• Placement Cell member at PSB
• Head of Event Organization at college level
• Represented school in various dance and dramatics events
• Certificate course at Danceworx, Basic Elementary Level
• Certificate course in Dramatic Construction & Film-Making
• Likes sketching and painting
• Contributed to social service at various NGOs like Helpage India
• Enjoys reading, traveling, dancing and networking

Name: Neha Dhiman

Age: 23 Years
Qualification: BA (Honors) Mathematics
Summer Internship: Reckitt Benckiser India
Project: Study of Transaction Analysis at Reckitt
Benckiser India Ltd., (April'09 to June'09)

• Selected as member of the Academics Club at PSB

• Selected as class representative at PSB
• Participated in Arts and Music, College Fest, Sarang, 2006-07
• Won first prize in singing competitions at inter school level.
• Interested in Sports (Badminton)
• Enjoys listening to music, travelling and playing sports (badminton)

"Nothing in the world is
more dangerous than
Name: Nikunj Arora sincere ignorance and
Age: 21 Years
Qualification: BBA (Marketing & Finance),
B.Com (Pass)
conscientious stupidity"
Summer Internship: Greycells18 Media PVT
LTD, (A joint venture of Network18 Group &
Educomp) Martin Luther
Project: Develop scalable distribution network
& marketing strategies for Topper TV King Jr.
• Event coordinator, international conference “Global Business and
Management Forum – 2008” at Pearl School of Business
• Assisting the administration & event activities of a NGO
• Participated in college fest & organized some events
• Participated in Model United Nations Conference at school level-
INMUN-organized by Ryan International Group of Institutions
• Passionate about physical fitness & wellness
• Loves traveling, driving & eating food
• Seeks responsibility as an opportunity to make change & bring

Name: Parul Mehta'

Age: 22 Years
Qualifications: B. Tech in Biotechnology
Summer Internship: Honda Motorcycle &
Scooter India, 2009
Project: Price Positioning of Honda Spare Parts
in Export and Domestic market as compare to
the competitors” at Honda Motorcycle &
Scooter India, Manesar Gurgaon, Haryana, India

• Representative of Placement committee, Pearl School of Business,

2009- 2010
• Conducted various research projects like To study Drug designing
against Friedreich Atexia (2008), To study the effect of industrial
effluent on the growth of Rabi crops (2007), On “Oxidation Stress and
Parkinson Disease” (2007)
• Organized various events, industrial trips and guest lectures at Pearl
School of Business.
• Worked with different social groups like Rotary group and Red Cross
• Received Annual Scholarships from Indian Airlines Limited
• Participated in various competitions and quizzes at school level like
Anuvrat essay writing competition 2001, Finalist in Reynolds
scholarship in 2001
• Done Price Positioning of genuine parts for upcoming two wheeler
model (100 cc) of HMSI (2009)

Name: Puneet Kumar
Age: 23 Years
Qualification: B.A. (with Mathematics)
Work Experience: 4 years training in Printing
Technology from Thomson Press (I) Ltd.
Summer Internship: Greycells18 Media Private
Project: Identification and testing of
distribution channel for Topper Learning System

• Has been part of 'Development Cell', a cross functional team for new
product development, at Thomson's 100% EOU, Noida
• Participated in National Cyber Olympiad
• Worked with Purchase department of Thomson's 100% EOU at Noida to
develop new vendors for special products
• Involved in 'Cost Optimization drive' at Thomson Press, Faridabad unit
• He was selected as a member of Trips Cell, PSB
• An eager traveler, visited many adventurous places in India

Name: Ravi Kumar

Age: 23 Years
Qualification: B.A.
Summer internship: Mahindra Ugine Steel
Company Ltd., Rudrapur, Uttrakhand (9 weeks)
Project: Project on Job Description and its

• Has worked in the field of agriculture thus has knowledge about

different types of crops and various styles of farming.
• Has extensive information on various acts of Indian Law.
• An active member of P.S.B. sports club.
• Participated many a times in college fests
• Responsible, punctual and the ability to work under pressure and
meet deadlines make him stand apart from others.
• A trustworthy person with an ability to work as a team player.
• Enjoys surfing internet, listening to Punjabi music and playing

Name: Raman Sharma
Age: 27 Years
Qualification: B.Sc. (PCM) and B.Ed.
Work Experience: 4 years combined work
experience in Sales, Customer Relation and
Aviation Sector. Worked with companies like
Mahindra and Mahindra, IBM Daksh and with
Interglobe Technologies for United Airlines.
Summer Internship: Standard Charted Bank,
Project: Investing strategies adopted by
different investors

• Vice President of the PSB Club

• He is the member of the placement committee
• Organised various social events in college
• He was awarded as the best employee for consecutive 8 months at
• Vice captain of the college cricket team
• Appreciated by the client (UA) for achieving all the quality
• Sold maximum number of Mahindra & Mahindra vehicles in one month
• Won the first prize in the cultural program during B.Ed.
• Cooking food provides him opportunity to know himself
• He plays cricket & badminton and loves riding bikes, soft music work
as an energizer for him

Name: Salman Razi

Age: 24 Years
Qualification: B.Com
Work Experience: 3 Years in Family Owned
Business of Industrial Machine Spare Parts.
Summer Internship: Greycells18 Media (P) Ltd.
Project: Identification and testing of
distribution channel for Topper Learning System

• He represented his company in international as well as domestic fair

held across India 2006-2008
• Organized an Entrepreneurship Development Camp in the Christ
Church college 2004
• Selected as a Chief Coordinator in school office bearer's team 2001 -
• Joint secretary of Rotary Interact Club in 1999-2000
• Represented U.P. State in All India Junior Karate Championship in
• Enjoys networking and loves traveling

"The power of
accurate observation Name: Sandeep Kumar
Age: 24 Years
is frequently called Qualification: B.A.(Maths)
Work Experience: 4 Year, Industrial course in
Printing Technology, Thomson Press India Ltd., 9
cynicism by those who Months, Customer Support Executive, Convergys
India Ltd.
don't have it" Summer internship: Escorts Agri Machinery
Project: Creating Brand Equity and
George Bernard Sustainability for New Product Offerings

Shaw • Head of Academics Club, PSB

• He has participated in state level yoga competition
• Best performer for three months in Convergys
• Sports club head in Thomson Press India Ltd.
• Part of Quality Control and cost optimization initiatives in Thomson
• Awarded scholarship during class eight and secondary exams for
achieving highest scores
• He is into sports and likes watching Hollywood movies, documentaries
• He likes listening to soft rock music

Name: Shivani Joshi

Age: 23 Years
Qualification: B.Com(Accountancy)
Work experience: Fresher
Summer Internship: Gujarat State Fertilizers &
Chemicals Limited (GSFC)
Project: Studying and understanding 360
Degree Performance Appraisal System and tried
it in a small way

• Stood 34th in the BBA entrance exam held by Calcutta University

• Won awards for sports at school level
• Elected as Vice Captain of the house (Ravi) that she belonged to in
Std XI & XII
• Received seven Certificates for painting at college level
• Actively participated in cultural activities as she loves acting and
managing events at college level
• Ability to build relationship and have good networking abilities
• Likes surfing Internet
• Fluent in three languages - English, Hindi and Bengali
• Loves listening to music and cooking


Ashutosh Bhupatkar
Ph D, MMS, B Com
PSB Director
Management, Organizational Studies

Former Director, IMDR, Pune, Adviser, PSB, Gurgaon Director, House of

Pearl Fashions Ltd, Gurgaon (Non-executive) Director, Twin Engineers
Pvt Ltd, Pune (Non-executive) Other associations: Member, Governing
Body, Indian Society for Individual and Social Development, New Delhi,
and Life Member, Deccan Education Society, Pune.
Prof. Ashutosh Bhupatkar worked in industry for ten years before
moving into academics. In his role as Director he led the Institute for
Management Development and Research, Pune for 16 years.
Pursuing his deeper interests in Systems Thinking, Process Consultation,
Organization Studies and Indian Management, Prof. Bhupatkar has
designed and introduced post-graduate courses in these areas. He is
trained in Process Work with ISISD. His research covers Organization
Agenda for a New Era, Ethical Awareness of Managers, Managerial
Values, and Evolution of Organization Capabilities.

Dr. Gour C. Saha, Dean

(Computer Information Systems)
Professor of Statistics, Quantitative
Techniques and Operations
Former Professor of Assumption
University, Thailand

Dr. Saha has been teaching Business Research Methodology, Technology

Management, Operations Management, Quantitative Techniques for
Business Decisions, and Computer Applications in Business at both
Master's and Bachelor's level. He has also acted as a mentor to several
PhD and DBA students in carrying out their research.
Dr. Saha has to his credit several publications in the well-known
international journals like Managing Service Quality, Journal of Global
Business and Economic Review, Journal for Global Business
Advancement, International Journal of Disclosure and Governance etc.
He is highly conversant with use of statistical multivariate analysis in
academic research. All his research has extensive application of
advanced multivariate techniques. He has been a reviewer of several
International Journals including International Journal of Innovation and
Technology management, International Journal of Financial Services
Management, AIMS International Journal of Management.
“If here before me

stand both- my Guru

(teacher) and Govind

(the almighty), I'd Jagdeep S. Chhokar

Ph D (USA), MBA, LL.B, Engg.
Distinguished Professor
first prostrate my Organizational Studies, Leadership

Charter member, global leadership and organizational behavior

Guru! , because, it is effectiveness (GLOBE) research programme for studying national/social
cultural, organizational cultures and leadership effectiveness across 62
countries. It has major implications and applicability of a new typology
He, who revealed to of cultural dimension for cross cultural marketing and advertizing
research.Dr. Jagdeep S. Chhokar was a professor (teacher, trainer,
researcher, and advisor) of Management and Organizational Behavior at
me,the Govind!!” the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmadabad, from 1985 till
November 2006, when he retired. He is also a citizen-activist for
improving democracy and governance in the country; a bird watcher
Kabir and conservationist; and a trained lawyer.
He has taught in several countries including Australia, France, Japan,
and the US. His professional interests are eclectic covering all aspects
of organizational functioning such as behavior, structure, design, and
effectiveness of organizations, and of people in organizations. His
research has appeared in several international journals. He has also
contributed chapters to edited books and has written several teaching

Ashok Sanghi
MMS (Bajaj)
Associate Professor
Entrepreneurship, Information Management
Former Director of Pearl Fashion Ltd.,
Former Director of Unicorp Ltd.
Director of JOL Ltd.

Prof. Ashok Sanghi has worked in the Industry at Thailand and India for
a period of 30 years. He has been heading a consultancy organization
since 2003 and providing Management Consultancy for setting up
various Textiles and Infrastructure projects. The Consultancy services
included Turnkey Projects where the services began with Architectural,
Engineering, and Machinery Evaluation, Production Planning and
Control, Quality Control Systems, Marketing, Material Management,
HRD Services and other systems of Corporate Management. He is at
present is independent Director of several companies and advises them
on various areas of Management Systems improvement.

"Education is not the
answer to the
question. Education is
Sanjay Kumar
MBA (IIM Calcutta), IIT (Bombay/Kharagpur) the means to the
Associate Professor
International Business
Former Vice President of Arcelor Mittal, answer to all
Former Vice President of BILT,
Former Business Manager of questions"
Hindustan Lever

Mr. Sanjay Kumar has extensive hands on experience of more than 30 William Allin
years, spread across the functions of sales, marketing, purchasing,
business development and operations. He has worked in senior
management positions in various MNCs (Unilever, Foseco, Arcelor
Mittal) with global exposure in managing acquisitions, operations and
business strategies in India, Europe and North Africa. Mr. Kumar's rich
mix of experience is spread over 10 different products and 20 different
markets in diversified businesses which include industrial, agricultural
and consumer products.


Namita Chowdhary
MBA, FMS, New Delhi

Namita Chowdhary is a management graduate with over 20 years industry

experience. She has been responsible for many successful organizations &
brands in the country.Namita's was the country Marketing & Sales head for the
French giant Groupe Pernod Ricard. She was also part of the core team for
introduction of Seagram in India and has had an extensive experience with
Phillip Morris Associate in India.She has worked extensively in areas of new
concepts introductions, strategic marketing, and product launches; brand
positioning, research, field marketing, event management & public relations.
She has a rich experience of working with different Advertising, Research, PR &
Event Management Agencies and actively worked on a multitude of
international brands with exposure to many global practices and experiences.
She has also successfully managed retail brands conceptualization, seeding &
expansion models.
In the course of her career she has acquired a significant cross-functional
exposure in dynamic industries & organizations.
She today heads Brand Parenting India, a boutique brand & business consulting
firm and is the visiting faculty at PSB in the area of Marketing. Her research
interests include strategic brand Management, advertising, and new product

Rachna Chawla
Adjunct Faculty: International Business/
Leadership/ Managing Change
MBA from IIM, Ahmedabad, India

BA (Hons) Economics from LSR, University of Delhi, Delhi, India iDiscoveri

Education Gurgaon India, Vice President (2003-2008) Management Consultant,
Deloitte & Touche Moscow, Russia (1994-96) Organization Consultant,
Leadership Facilitator and Coach working with Corporates. Specialist
Experience in working with Leadership teams and International/ Cross cultural
teams.Ms Rachna Chawla holds an MBA degree from Indian Institute of
Management (IIM), Ahmedabad, India. She has been associated as Independent
Organization Development Consultant & Coach in several Indian and
International companies. She had experience working with clients across
sectors including Banking, Consulting IT, FMCG, Energy, Engineering & Telecom
and countries including India, Pakistan, Russia, and North Africa. She had
designed & delivered workshops on visioning, conflict management, relating
effectively, team functionality/ dysfunctions, managing self, strategic &
creative problem solving, & innovation.

"Experience is a hard
teacher because she
gives the test first,
Soneeka Arora
the lesson afterward"
MBA (Marketing), MS (Information
Management) Information technology
Founder-Director of eSoft Vernon Law
Communications Pvt. Ltd
Board of Director of Kromosoft Pvt. Ltd

Ms Arora holds an MBA degree from Punjab Agriculture University and

MS degree from Arizona State University, USA. She has been associated
as Consultant in several US based companies. Ms.Arora has about 10
years of experience in industry, consulting and academia in India and
US. Her areas of research interest includes Information Management,
Database management systems, extensive business systems analysis


Ester Martinez
Visiting Faculty
Cross Culture Management
MBA (Indian School of Business, Hyderabad)

Ms. Martinez holds Postgraduate in Human Resources Management from

EADA (Spain) and Master's Degree in Management from Indian School of
Business, Hyderabad. With more than 13 years of experience in human
resources, Ester has a wealth of experience in all areas of HR
management. Until 2008, she worked as a professional manager with a
host of Blue Chip companies, which include Hewlett Packard in
different countries in Europe and Tata Consultancy Services both in
India and in the UK.
After this solid grounding, she then founded People Matters Magazine
and heads her own Human Resources Consulting Practice in India.
Her current research interest includes Evaluation & Redesign of
Organization Structures, Design & Implementation of Compensation
Strategies, Performance Management Processes and implementation of
HRM Systems.
Pearl School of Business
46, Institutional Area, Sector 32, Gurgaon - 122001 Haryana (India)
Tel: +91-124-4217500 Email:, Website:

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