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UNIVERSE and Evolution

Our Solar System consists of Galaxies come in many sizes. The

our star, the Sun, and its Milky Way is big, but some
orbiting planets (including galaxies, like our Andromeda
Earth), along with numerous Galaxy neighbor, are much larger.
moons, asteroids, comet
material, rocks, and dust. Our
The universe is all of the
Sun is just one star among the
galaxies – billions of them
hundreds of billions of stars in
our Milky Way Galaxy.
World History
World History

Old stone Age Mid Stone Age New Stone Age

Paleolithic Mesolithic Neolithic

2.5 million- 200, 000 years 200,000-10,000 BC 10,000- 3000 BC

First biologically modern First Permanent Settlement;

First Use of stone tools; humans; first evidence of taming Begins; first civilisation
evolution of humans from ape- abstract thought; Homosapiens develops in Sumer and Egypt;
like creatures; human learn to leave Africa and spread to all invention of the wheel, plow, and
control fire corners of the Globe;contact sail, first evidence of writing;
with Neanderthals history begins
World History

The Minoan civilization was an Aegean Bronze Age

civilization on the island of Crete and other Aegean
Indus Valley Civilisation (Pakistan)
islands that flourished from approximately 3650 to 1400
BC, belonging to a period of Greek history preceding
both the Mycenaean civilization and Ancient Greece.
Minoans (crete)-present day Greek
Old Egyptian Kingdom

Sumerians(Mesopotamians)-present day Iraq and Kuwait Akkadian Empire

Early Bronze Age

2700-2600 2600-2500 2500-2400 2400-2300 2300-2200 2200-2100
2900 -2800BC 2800-2700 BC
Worlds first
Tree Tea is Indus Valley Great Semites
First Egyptian Empire Sargon the
Germinates Invented in Civilisation Pyramid built integrate into
Dynasty (Akkadian)- Great Akkad
Oldest tree China blossoms in Egypt Sumerian
still living
Sargon of Akkad was the first
Methuselah is a 4,848-year-old[1] Great Basin bristlecone pine (Pinus ruler of the Semitic-speaking
longaeva) tree growing high in the White Mountains of Inyo County in Akkadian Empire, known for his
eastern California. conquests of the Sumerian city-
states in the 24th to 23rd
centuries BC.
World History
Xia Dynasty in China Shang Dynasty
Indus Valley Civilisation (Pakistan)
Minoans (crete)-present day Greek
Middle Egyptian Kingdom

Akkadian Empire Old Babylonian Empire

Middle Bronze Age

2100-2000 BC 2000-1900 BC 1900-1800 BC 1800-1700 BC 1700-1600 BC 1600-1500 BC

4.2 Kiloyear Hammurai of

event causes arid Great Ziggurat of Stonehenge Babylon enacts Mammoths
conditions Ur Built Completed one of the earliest become extinct
worldwide codes of Law
World History
Shang Dynasty

My Ceneans
New Egyptian Kingdom

Mittani Hittite Empire

Late Bronze Age

1500-1400 BC 1400-1300 BC 1300-1200 BC 1200-1100 BC

Volcano erupts on the island

Aryans migrate into India-
of Santorini, contributing to
Vedic Period begins, Moses- King Tut Trojan War
the fall of the Minoan
World History
Neo Babylonian Persian Empire
Assyrian Empire (Archimedian)
Shang Dynasty Zhou Dynasty

Elam Emp
New Egyptian Green Dark Ages Etruscans
Early Iron Age

1100-1000 BC 1000-900 BC 900-800 BC 800-700 BC 700-600 BC 600-500 BC 500-400 BC

Bronze Age Cyrus the Great

Homer writes Conquers Babylon;
Collapse leads Hebrew Kings
Zoroaster the Illiad and Rome Founded Nebuchadnezzar Lao Tzu, Founder of
to Greek Dark David & Solomon Taoism, The Buddha,
Ages Confucius
Celtic Domination of West Europe World History
Roman Republic Roman Empire

Hellenistic Greece
Athens & Sparta er
Ptolemic Egypt Mayans
Persian Empire (Archimedian) Seleucid Empire Parthian Empire Sassanid Empire

Nanda Empire Maurya Empire Sunga Empire Kushan Empire

Zhou Dynasty Han Dynasty Jin Dynasty

Classical Antiquity (Middle Iron Age)

500-400 BC 400-300 BC 300-200 BC 200-100 BC 100-00 BC 00-100 AD 100-200 AD 200-300 AD

Ashoka the Great,

Greco-Persian Buddhist Emperor of Jesus
Pompey and Julius
India;1st Punic War 3rdPunic War;
Wars Plato & Aristotle expand Rome’s Mr. Vesuvius Ts’ai Lun Invents Bantus reach
Socrates; Alexander the Great (Carthage Vs Rome)
2nd Punic War;
Carthage territory; Augustus erupts, paper in China South Africa
Peloponnesian defeats Persia Destroyed Caesar, first emperor
Hannibal Crosses the destroying the
War in Greece of Rome
Alps;Qin Shi Huang; city of Pompeii
First emperor of China
World History
Western Roman Empire

Eastern Roman Empire


Sassanid Empire

Gupta Empire
Jin Dynasty
Late Antiquity (Late Iron Age)

300-400 AD 400-500 AD

Constantine embraces Christianity Rome sacked by the Goths; St. Augustine; Attila the Hun
Barbarian tribes start to migrate into Roman territory Anglo- Saxons migrate to England
World History
Vikings (Scandinavian)
Mayans (Mexico)

Frankish West Francia

Plague Dark Ages
Empire East Francia
Sassanid Empire Umayyad Caliphate Abbasid
Eastern Roman Empire (Arab Empire) Pala Empire
Early Middle Ages

500-600 AD 600-700 AD 700-800 AD 800-900 AD 900-1000 AD

King Arthur-British
The Plague of Muhammed Otto the Great becomes
Charlemagne, King of the the first Holy Roman
Justinian cripples of (570-632) Beowulf Written
Franks Emperor; Vikings reach
the Eastern Roman Mecca-Madina (Poems-Britsh)
Charles the Great-France Newfoundland
Empire Saudi Arabia (German King)
World History
Normans (Region in France) Plant Agenets (English –Henry II sadopted Sir Name)
Capetian Dynasty in France

Byzantine Empire ( Eastern Roman Empire)

Aztecs &
Mongal Empire Death
Arab Empire Ottoman Empire
Song Dynasty Ming Dynasty
Khmer Empire (combodia)
High and Late Middle Ages (Early Renaissance)

1000 -1100AD 1100-1200 AD 1200-1300 AD 1300-1400 AD 1400-1500 AD

The Great Schism splits the Hundred Year’s War Begins; Gutenberg Invents the
Roman Catholic Church and Mongol Leader Genghis
The Black Death (2nd modern printing press;
the Eastern Orthodox Khan builds the largest
First Crusade Bubonic Plague) Kills about Da Vinci, war of the
Church; William the contiguous empire in
Conqueror Conquers (Capturing Jerusalem) 50% of Europe’s Population Roses, Columbus
History; St. Thomas
England (William from (war between England & crosses the Atlantic;
Norman-France) France for French throne) Spanish inquisition
Aztecs & Incas
World History United States of America
Spanish Empire
Tudors British Empire UK
German Empire E&W
Holy Roman Empire Empire &Austria and Hungary Nazi European Union
Capetian Dynasty in France France Germany
Ottaman Empire
Tsardom of Russia Russian Empire USSR Russia
Mughal Empire British Raj India & Pakistan
Ming Dynasty Qing Dynasty Communist China
Edo period of Japan Empire of Japan State of Japan
Modern History
Machine Post
Age of Discovery Industrial Revolution Age
war Information Age

1500 -1600AD 1600-1700 AD 1700-1800 AD 1800-1900 AD 1900-2000 AD 2000-

Albert Einstein; first cars &

Martin Luther & the airplanes; world war I; Spanish
Thirty years war; Rene Napolean; Beethoven; Karl
Protestant Reformation; J.S. Bach; The influenza kills 50+ million
Descartes; William Marx; Romantic Movement; The great depression; world war
Magellan’s crew enlightenment (Age of
Shakespeare; Galileo ; Major Volcanic eruption II; first nuclear bombs; UN 9/11; Iraq war;
circumnavigates the globe; Reasoning) begins; Seven
Baroque period begins; Taj causes the year without a founded; Mahatma Gandhi
Copernicus: Scientific
Mahal built
years war; American
summer (1816); Queen Mao Zeodong; Cold war between Asian tsunami; Arab
Revolution; deadliest Revolution; Steam Engine
earthquake on record hits
Oliver Cromwell & the English
Invented; French
Victoria; Charles Darwin; US and USSR; the beatles; Moon Spring
Landing; Vietnam war; Berlin
Civil War; Sir Isaac Newton; Sigmund Freud; Light Bulb & wall falls, the internet is born,
Shaanxi, China Revolution
Peter the Great of Russia telephone invented Gulf war
World Map 1900
World Map 1945
World Map 2016
World Geography
Grass Lands

Main Seas of the World
World Climate
World Religions
Protestants Indigenous & Other
Vietnamese Religions
Protestants Religions
Chinese Folk
Religions Vaishnavaites
African Sects (Jesus)
(4 BC-33 AD) Concept Hindu Shaivaites
Bible Vedas,
Tao/Dao Upanishads, Veerashaiva
Puranas Neo Hindus &
Reform Hindus
New Thought Buddhism Mahayana
Quakers Abrahamic Eastern Theravada
World Religions (483 BC) Lamaism
Conservative Religions
Secular Jainism Swetambara
Mahavira (599
Reform (Moses) Digambara
Orthodox Sthanakavasis

Reconstructionist Sikhism

Iranian Religions Guru Nanak
1500 AD
Islam Grantha Sahib
Shiite ( Muhammed) Yazdi
(570-632 AD)
Druze Zorostrian
Influential World Leaders

Dmitry Medvedev
Vladimir Prime Minister
Angela Markel
Teresa May

Donald Trump
Xi Jinping
Francois Hollande
Li Keqiang
Mike Pence Narendra Modi
OECD Countries
G20 Countries
G8 Countries
NATO Countries
Top 10 Economies in the World
Terrorism and Terror Organisation
Nobel Prize and Nobel Laureates

Known for: The inventor of dynamite and holder of 355 patents.
Born: 21 October 1833.
Died: 10 December 1896.
Languages: Spoke five languages fluently at the age of 17.
Professions: Swedish chemist, inventor, engineer, entrepreneur, business man, author and
Fortune: In his will he left 31 million SEK (today about 265 million dollar) to fund the prizes.

Awards: 579 Prizes to 911 Laureates

Prize categories: 6
Awarded women: 48
Awarded organizations: 23
Multiple Nobel Laureates: 6
Average age of a Laureate: 59
Age of youngest Laureate: 17
Age of oldest Laureate: 90
United Nations

The United Nations (UN) is an intergovernmental organization established on 24 October 1945

to promote international cooperation. It was founded to replace the League of Nations
following World War II and to prevent another conflict. When it was founded, the UN had 51
Member States; there are now 193. Most nations are members of the UN and send diplomats
to the headquarters to hold meetings and make decisions about global issues.

The United Nations headquarters building in New York

The goals of the United Nations are:
to keep world peace
to help countries get along
to improve living conditions for people all over the world
and to make the world a better place
Major Events in Indian History

3300 BCE-2016 CE (AD)

Major Events in Indian History : 3300-2000 BC
3300- 2900- 2800- 2700- 2600- 2500- 2400- 2300- 2200- 2100-
2900 2800 2700 2600 2500 2400 2300 2200 2100 2000
3300 BCE
Phase of the Indus Valley Civilization
The Harappan language is not directly attested and its affiliation is
begins. The civilization used an early form uncertain because the Indus script is still undeciphered. A relationship
of the Indus signs, the so-called Indus
with the Dravidian or Elamo-Dravidian language family is favoured by a
section of scholars

Existence of
3300–1300 BCE; mature period (2600–1900 BCE)

Harappan and Mohenjo-daro civilisation

(UNESCO World Heritage Site)

Harappan Civilisation
Major Events in Indian History : 2000-1000 BC
2000- 1900- 1800- 1700- 1600- 1500- 1400- 1300- 1200- 1100-
1900 1800 1700 1600 1500 1400 1300 1200 1100 1000

1800 BCE
Hypothesized time
of Vedic Period
period of disputed
Indo-Aryan migration
Rigveda 1500-1100

Lord Rama, Ramayana

Harappan Civilisation
Major Events in Indian History : 1000-900 BC
1000-991 990-981 980-971 970-961 960-951 950-941 940-931 930-921 920-911 910-901
End of Bronze Age

Vedic Period
Major Events in Indian History : 900-800 BC
900-891 890-881 880-871 870-861 860-851 850-841 840-831 830-821 820-811 810-801

Samaveda, Yajurveda, Atharvaveda Vedic Period

Major Events in Indian History : 800-700 BC
800-791 790-781 780-771 770-761 760-751 750-741 740-731 730-721 720-711 710-701

Samaveda, Yajurveda, Atharvaveda Vedic Period Upanishads

Major Events in Indian History : 700-600 BC

700-691 690-681 680-671 670-661 660-651 650-641 640-631 630-621 620-611 610-601
700 BCE
The Upanishads, a
sacred text of
Hinduism, are

Vedic Period
Major Events in Indian History : 600-500 BC
600-591 590-581 580-571 570-561 560-551 550-541 540-531 530-521 520-511 510-500
600 BCE
Sixteen Maha
("Great Realms" 599
or "Great Mahavira, 24th
Kingdoms") Tirthankar of
emerge. Jainism is born

Mahavira (Mahāvīra), also

known as Vardhamāna,
was the twenty-fourth
and last Jain Tirthankara
(ford maker, spiritual
teacher). Mahavira was
born into a royal family in
what is now Bihar, India,
in 599 BC.
Major Events in Indian History : 500-400 BC

500-491 490-481 480-471 470-461 460-451 450-441 440-431 430-421 420-411 410-400

Gautama was born in Lumbini, now in modern-day Nepal, and 400 BC

'Buddha‘ died
raised in the Shakya capital of Kapilvastu, which may have been at Kushinagar
either in what is present day Tilaurakot, Nepal or Piprahwa, India.
He obtained his enlightenment in Bodh Gaya, gave his first sermon
in Sarnath, and died in Kushinagar.
Gauthama born in
the year 480 at
Shakya Republic
Major Events in Indian History : 400-300 BC

400-391 390-381 380-371 370-361 360-351 350-341 340-331 330-321 320-311 310-300
345 BCE–321 333 321 305 BCE 304 BCE
BCE Persian rule in the Mauryan Empire is Chandragupta Seleucus gives
Nanda Dynasty northwest ends founded by Maurya
up his
after Darius III is Chandragupta territories in
Dhananda-King defeats
defeated by Maurya in Magadha the
Pataliputra Seleucus subcontinent
Alexander the Great, after he defeats the Nicator of the
Capital (Afghanistan/
who establishes the Nanda dynasty and
Macedonian Empire Seleucid Baluchistan)
Macedonian Empire
after inheriting the to
Seleucid Empire. Chandragupta
Persian Achaemenid
Mauryan capital city in exchange
is Pataliputra for 500
326 (Modern Patna in elephants.
Ambhi king of Bihar) Seleucus
Takshila surrenders offers his
to Alexander daughter in
marriage to
Ambhi- Greek King,
to seal their
Taxila was his capital friendship.
Chandragupta Maurya
Porus who ruled
parts of the Punjab,
fought Alexander at
the Battle of the
Hydaspes River.
Major Events in Indian History : 300-200 BC
300-291 290-281 280-271 270-261 260-251 250-241 240-231 230-221 220-211 210-201
273 BCE 232 BCE 230 BCE
Ashoka the Great regarded as Ashoka dies and is succeeded by Kunala Simuka declares independence from
the greatest ancient Indian Mauryan rule and establishes the
emperor, grandson of Satavahana Empire.
Chandragupta Maurya,
ascends as emperor of the
Mauryan Empire.

Chandragupta Maurya

Maurya Empire
Pataliputra is the

Simuka founder of Satavahana Dyansty

The Satavahanas were an Indian dynasty based in the Deccan
Major Events in Indian History : 200-100 BC
200-191 190-181 180-171 170-161 160-151 150-141 140-131 130-121 120-111 110-100
230 BCE 180 BCE
Simuka declares independence Establishment of the Indo-Greek kingdom.
from Mauryan rule and
establishes the Satavahana
Major Events in Indian History : 100BC-000 AD

100-090 090-080 080-070 070-060 060-050 050-040 040-030 030-020 020-010 010-000

80 BCE
Establishment of the Indo-Scythian kingdom.

57 BCE
Beginning of
Vikram Era-
Nepali Hindu

65 BCE
The Pandyan king sends ambassadors to the Greek and Roman lands.
6th Century BCE to
16th Century CE

180 BCE
Establishment of the Indo-Greek kingdom.
Major Events in Indian History : 000AD-100 AD

Starting of
Shalivana era
The Western Satraps, Western Kshatrapas, or 78AD or CE 1st
Kshaharatas (35–405) were Indo-Scythian shalivana Shaka
(Saka) rulers of the western and central part of year (Shaka
India (Saurashtra and Malwa: modern Gujarat, Calendar )
Maharashtra, Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh

000-010 011-020 021-030 031-040 041-050 051-060 061-070 071-080 081-090 091-100

of the Indo-
The Indo-Parthian Kingdom was ruled by the Gondopharid dynasty and
other rulers who were a group of ancient kings from Central Asia that
Kushan Empire
ruled parts of present-day Afghanistan, Pakistan and northwestern India,
during or slightly before the 1st century AD
65 BCE
The Pandyan king sends ambassadors to the Greek and Roman lands.
Major Events in Indian History : 100AD-200AD

100-110 111-120 121-130 131-140 141-150 151-160 161-170 171-180 181-190 191-200

Kushan Empire

65 BCE
The Pandyan king sends ambassadors to the Greek and Roman lands.
Major Events in Indian History : 200AD-300 AD

Sri-Gupta starts the Gupta Empire in Magadha, with its capital in Pataliputra

200-210 211-220 221-230 231-240 241-250 251-260 261-270 271-280 281-290 291-300

Kalabhra Dynasty

Kushan Empire

275 CE–897 CE

65 BCE
The Pandyan king sends ambassadors to the Greek and Roman lands.
Major Events in Indian History : 300AD-400 AD
Gangas (350–1000)

320 CE–550 CE
Gupta Empire
300-310 311-320 321-330 331-340 341-350 351-360 361-370 371-380 381-390 391-400

Doddagaddavalli, Hassan District

Kadambas of Banavasi

Mahabalipura Pallavas
275 CE–897 CE

Pandyan Cholas 300s BCE–1279 CE (South India)

Major Events in Indian History : 400 AD-500 AD
Gangas (350–1000)

Hunas were
a Turkic-
grouping from 450
Central Asia Invasions by the Huna.
320 CE–550 CE
Gupta Empire

400-410 411-420 421-430 431-440 441-450 451-460 461-470 471-480 481-490 491-500

Kadambas of Banavasi

275 CE–897 CE

Cholas 300s BCE–1279 CE (South India)

Major Events in Indian History : 500 AD-600 AD
Gangas (350–1000)

320 CE–550 CE
Gupta Empire

500-510 511-520 521-530 531-540 541-550 551-560 561-570 571-580 581-590 591-600

Cave Temple
543-566 Badami
345-525 Pulakeshin I
Kadambas of Banavasi
Badami Chalukya (545-753)

275 CE–897 CE

Cholas 300s BCE–1279 CE (South India)

Major Events in Indian History : 600 AD-700 AD
Gangas (350–1000)

Harsha Vardhan, Capital Kannauj
600-610 611-620 621-630 631-640 641-650 651-660 661-670 671-680 681-690 691-700
Badami Chalukya (545-753)

Sangameshwara Temple, (726 AD)

Virupaksha Temple-Aihole

Badami Architecture spread in Badami, Pattadakal, Aihole, Bagalkot District, Karnataka

275 CE–897 CE

Cholas 300s BCE–1279 CE (South India)

Major Events in Indian History : 700AD-800 AD
Gangas (350–1000)

712 736
First Muslim, Anangpal Tomar was the first Birth of Adi
Muhammad Bin Qasim ruler to make ancient Delhi
defeats Raja Dahir his capital. Shankaracharya
700-710 711-720 721-730 731-740 741-750 751-760 761-770 771-780 781-790 791-800
The Tomar family rule at Delhi passed to his son, Ausan Singh (Tejpal) and then his grandson Kosal Dev Singh (Mahipal) before the dynasty
collapsed when challenged by Prithviraj Chauhan (1149-1192).

Danti Durga
Badami Chalukya (545-753) Rastrakuta
735-756 Rastrakuta 735-982 (Jainism)
According to the Qissa-i Sanjan, Parsis
migrated from Greater Iran to Sindh and
Gujarat between the 8th and 10th
century CE to avoid the persecution
following the Arab conquest of Persia
275 CE–897 CE

Cholas 300s BCE–1279 CE (South India)

Major Events in Indian History : 800AD-900 AD
Gangas (350–1000)

800-810 811-820 821-830 831-840 841-850 851-860 861-870 871-780 881-890 891-900

Nripatunga Amoghavarsha I
becomes Rashtrakuta emperor. Kailsahnath Temple, Ellora, Maharastra, Rastrakuta
Kannada literature flourishes

Rastrakuta 735-982

275 CE–897 CE

Cholas 300s BCE–1279 CE

Major Events in Indian History :900 AD-1000 AD

983, Gomateswara, Sravanabelagola, Hassan, Gangas

Gangas (350–1000)

Tailapa II

Western Chalukya 973-1189

900-910 911-920 921-930 931-940 941-950 951-960 961-970 971-980 981-990 991-1000
The Tomar family rule at Delhi passed to his son, Ausan Singh (Tejpal) and then his grandson Kosal Dev Singh (Mahipal) before the dynasty collapsed when challenged by Prithviraj Chauhan (1149-

Rastrakuta 735-982 (Jainism)

Rajaraja Chola
ascends to the
throne of Chola
empire. He expands
the empire to Sri
Lanka and to the
north to include Tanjavur –Chola
Kalinga kingdom Architecture

Cholas 300s BCE–1279 CE

Major Events in Indian History : 1000 AD-1100 AD


Western Chalukya 973-1189

1000- 1011- 1021- 1031- 1041- 1051- 1061- 1071- 1081- 1091-
1010 1020 1030 1040 1050 1060 1070 1080 1090 1100
The Tomar family rule at Delhi passed to his son, Ausan Singh (Tejpal) and then his grandson Kosal Dev Singh (Mahipal) before the dynasty collapsed when challenged by Prithviraj Chauhan (1149-

Hoysala Kingdom : (1026-1343) Veera Ballal II (1173-1220) Famous Hoysala King

1000 1025
Invasion of Last invasion of Mahmud Ghazni, Sumra Dynasty (Rajputs) ends the Arab domination and establishes its own rule
Mahmud of
sacked and destroyed temple of
over Sindh. (1024-1351)

Bronze Nataraja
Chola 1014 – 1044
Architecture Rajendra Chola
Cholas 300s BCE–1279 CE
Major Events in Indian History : 1100-1200
Ghori is defeated by Prithivi Raj
Chauhan III

First battle of
1156 CE–1181 CE Tarain between
Kalachuri dynasty of Kalyani (Basava Kalyana) Mohammed
1076-1126 Bijjala (1130-1160), Basveswara (1105-1167)-Social Ghori and
Vikramaditya VI Reformer, Bhakti Movement Prithviraj III
Kalyani Chalukya
Manyakheta, Basava Kalyana Western Chalukya or Kalyani Chalukay (973-1183)

1100- 1111- 1121- 1131- 1141- 1151- 1161- 1171- 1181- 1191-
1100 1120 1130 1140 1150 1160 1170 1180 1190 1200
The Tomar family rule at Delhi passed to his son, Ausan Singh (Tejpal) and then his grandson Kosal Dev Singh (Mahipal) before the dynasty collapsed when challenged by 1192
Prithviraj Chauhan (1149-1192). "Victory of Mohammed
Ghori". Second battle of
Tarain fought between
Hoysala Kingdom : (1026-1343) Veera Ballal II (1173-1220) Famous Hoysala King
Ghori and Prithivi Raj
Chauhan III. Prithvi Raj
1150 AD 1175
Chennakeshava, Belur, 1117 AD Chauhan III is defeated by
Hoysaleswara Temple Mohammed Ghori
Mhammed Ghori
invades India
Sumra Dynasty (Rajputs) ends the Arab domination and establishes its own rule over Sindh. (1024-1351) 1194
Battle of Chandawar
fought between Ghauri
and Jaichand of Kannauj.
Ghauri defeated
Jayachandra and killed

Pandyan Cholas 300s BCE–1279 CE

Major Events in Indian History : 1200-1300

1206 – 1227 1229 – 1241 1246-48 Möngke Khan Kublai Khan 1294 – 1307
Genghis Khan Güyük Khan 1251 – 1259 1260– 1294 Temur Khan
Ögedei Khan,
born Temüjin, was the founder and Great Khan (Emperor)
of the Mongol Empire, which became the largest
contiguous empire in history after his death 1347 – 1358 Keshava Temple
Ala-ud-Din Bahman Shah
1221 Somnathpura
(Zafar Khan) Founded
Genghis Khan Bahmani Sultanate. Present
1268 CE
invades Punjab Gulbarga Hoysala

1200- 1211- 1221- 1231- 1241- 1251- 1261- 1271- 1281- 1291-
1210 1220 1230 1240 1250 1260 1270 1280 1290 1300
Hoysala Kingdom (1026-1343)
Hoysala Architecture can be found in Halebidu, Belue, Somnathpura, in Hassan District, Karnataka
1238 1266-1287 1287-1290 1290-1296
Sri Madhwacharya Ghiyas ud din Balban Muiz ud din Qaiqabad Jalal ud din
1246-1266 1286-1290
born in Pajaka Firuz Khilji
Nasir ud din Mahmud Shamsuddin Kayumars
near Udupi, Khilji Dynasty
Karnataka 1242-1246
1206-1210 Ala ud din Masud
Qutb-ud-din Aibak 1236-1240 1240-1242
establishes slave Razia Sultan Muiz ud din Bahram
Dynasty later to be
known as 1210-1236 1236
Delhi Sultanate Iltutmish-Delhi Sultanate Rukn ud din Firuz
Gakhars kill
Muhammad Ghori
during a raid on his
camp on the Jhelum
Pandyan Cholas 300s BCE–1279 CE
Major Events in Indian History : 1300-1400

1307 – 1311
Kulug Khan

Timur plunders

1300- 1311- 1321- 1331- 1341- 1351- 1361- 1371- 1381- 1391-
1310 1320 1330 1340 1350 1360 1370 1380 1390 1400
Hoysala Kingdom (1026-1343) Kingdom of Mysore

Empire established
by Harihara I and 1336-1356 1336-1377 1377-1404
Madurai Meenakshi
his brother Bukka Harihara I Bukka Raya Harihara Raya II
Pandyan Architecture
Raya I
1320- Sangama Dynasty 1394-1413
1325 Nasir-ud-
Ghiyath Din
1320 Mahmud
Khusro Shah
Khan Tughluq
1316-1320 din 1389-1390 1390-1394
Qutb-ud-din Tughlaq, 1324-1351 1351-1388 1388-1389 Sultan Abu Muhammad
Ala-ud-din Khilji
Mubarak Shah or Ghazi Muhammad bin Tughluq Firuz Shah Tughlaq Tughluq Khan Bakr Shah Shah
Khilji Malik
Major Events in Indian History : 1400-1500

Vasco de Gama's
first voyage from
Europe to India
and back

1400- 1411- 1421- 1431- 1441- 1451- 1461- 1471- 1481- 1491-
1410 1420 1430 1440 1450 1460 1470 1480 1490 1500
1422-1424 Yusuf Adil Shah
Veera Vijaya (1490-1686)
Bukka Raya
1405–1406 1406–1422 Ramachandra 1424–1446 1446–1465 1465–1485 1485 1485-1505
Bukka Raya II Deva Raya I Raya Deva Raya II Mallikarjuna Raya Virupaksha Raya Prauda Raya Saluva Dynasty
Virupaksha Raya
Harihara Raya II

Bahlul Khan Lodhi
1414-1421 ascends the throne
1394-1413 Sayyid Khizr Khan of the Delhi 1489-1517
Nasir-ud-Din Mahmud Shah ibn Malik Sulaiman 1445-1451 sultanate starting Sikander Lodhi
Tughluq Sayyid Dynasty Mubarak Shah Alam Shah the Lodhi dynasty Sultan of Delhi
Major Events in Indian History : 1500-1550 S
Guru Nanak t
Guru Angad Dev
Birth of Sikhism Sikhs r sikhs
becomes second guru of
1499 t Sikhs.-1539
o Zahir-ud-Din Mohammed (Babur)
Timur or Timurlane
Chengis Khan
M (Turco Mongal
1517-1526 u Conqueror)
(Mother Not a
Sultan Ibrahim Lodi, of the Delhi g Side) Mughal-An
(Father Side)
Sultanate, angers local nobles, who h Afghan
respond by inviting Babur, the Mughal l
ruler of Kabul, to invade Delhi and Agra.
The local population, plus the possession E
1489-1517 of artillery, assists Babur in killing the m
Sikander Lodhi p Babur Sher Shah Suri Islam Shah Suri
Sultan (whose soldiers desert him) at the i Humayun 1530-1540
Sultan of Delhi Battle of Panipat 1526 – 1530 1540 – 1545 1545 – 1554
1500- 1506- 1511- 1516- 1521- 1526- 1531- 1536- 1541- 1546-
1505 1510 1515 1520 1525 1530 1535 1540 1545 1550
First Battle of Battle of Chausa Sher Shah Suri overran over
Panipat fought between Humayun and established Suri
1503 1510-1961 1526 Humayun and Sher Dynasty (Afghan)
Kingdom of Kochi Portuguese India Ibrahim Lodi & Babur Shah Suri in which
is taken over by
Khanwa War: 1527 Humayun defeated.
the Portuguese
Khanwa (near Agra) 1539
creating the first
Babur and Rana Battle of Kannauj
Sanga (Rajput) fought between
settlement in
India. Humayun and Sher
Shah Suri and
Humayun was
completely defeated
Babri Masjid
Bhakti Movment
Ramanuja,Nimbarka,Madhvacharya, Vallabhachrya, Ramananda, Namadeva,
Mosque") in
Chaitanya, Mirabai, Tulasidas, Surdas, Shankardevi, Narasi, Kabir, Jnandeva;
Ayodhya was
Namadeva, Eknatha, Tukaram and Ramdas
1509-1529 1491-1570
Krishnadeva Raya Tuluva Dynasty (south) Vjayanagara Empire
Guru Amar Das third Guru of
Major Events in Indian History : 1550-1600
Guru Ram Das becomes Guru Arjan Dev becomes
Sikhs-1552. sikhs
fourth Guru of Sikhs-1574 fifth Guru of Sikhs-1581

Hindu king Hemu establishes

'Hindu Raj' in North India and
bestowed with title of
"Vikramaditya"; Second Battle
of Panipat fought between
Islam Hemu and Akbar's forces in
Shah Suri Humayun which Hemu is killed.
1545 – 1555 –
1554 1556 Akbar ( Abu'l-Fath Jalal ud-din Muhammad Akbar)14 February 1556 – 27 October 1605

1550- 1556- 1561- 1566- 1571- 1576- 1581- 1586- 1591- 1596-
1555 1560 1565 1570 1575 1580 1585 1590 1595 1600
Humayun The Battle of
converts from Talikota (26
Sunni Islam to Shia January 1565) was
Islam, to gain the a watershed battle
alliance of the fought between
Shah of Persia. the Vijayanagara
Humayun dies, Empire and the
and is succeeded Deccan sultanates.
by his son Akbar.

East India company is

formed in England. Gets
exclusive trading rights
with India-1600

Aravidu Dynasty (south) Vijay Nagara Empire
Major Events in Indian History : 1600-1650
Guru Hargobind becomes Guru Har Rai becomes seventh
sixth guru of Sikhs-1606 Sikhs guru of Sikhs-1644

Taj Mahal at Agra, built in 1632–1654 as a tomb for his beloved wife
Mumtaz Mahal, Jama Masjid, Red Fort
Fatehpur Sikri, Shahryar (Mughal prince)
Jahangir : 1605 – 1627 Mughal Empire 1627 – 1628 Shah Jahan, Mogul Emperor
Mirza Shahabuddin Baig Muhammad Khan Shah Jahan 1628-1658
Jahangir original name is Mirza Nur-ud-din Beig Mohammad Khan Salim, He was famous for his relationship with
Court Artesan Anarkali Born Prince Khurram, he was the son of Emperor Jahangir and his Hindu Rajput wife, Taj Bibi Bilqis Makani .

1600- 1606- 1611- 1616- 1621- 1626- 1631- 1636- 1641- 1646-
1605 1610 1615 1620 1625 1630 1635 1640 1645 1650
February -
Birth of
B Chatrapati
R Shivaji 1627–1657
I Maharaj. Mohammed Adil Shah
I 1542-1646 Aravidu Dynasty (south) Vijayanagar Empire

A Charles I
Elizabeth I James I
1558-1603 1603-1625 British India-1612-East India Company
Major Events in Indian History : 1650-1700
Guru Har Krishan becomes eightguru Guru Tegh Bahadur ninth Guru Guru Tegh Bahadur, the ninth Guru of Sikhs is executed in Delhi by the order of Aurangzeb for his support for the 1699
of Sikhs-1661 of Sikhs-1665 sikh
Kashmiri Hindus to practice their religion. Guru Gobind Singh becomes tenth Guru of Sikhs-1675 Guru Gobind Singh,
the 10th Guru of
Sikhs creates
Khalsa, the saint-
soldier at
Anandpur Sahib,

invades the
Aurangzeb Deccan

Abu'l Muzaffar Muhi-ud-Din Muhammad Aurangzeb Alamgir (son of Shah Jahan and Mumtaz Mahal)
31 July 1658 – 3 March 1707

1650- 1656- 1661- 1666- 1671- 1676- 1681- 1686- 1691- 1696-
1655 1660 1665 1670 1675 1680 1685 1690 1695 1700
1659 1627– Mohamm
Battle of
Pratapgarh Shaista Khan –
1657 ed Adil
Shivaji escaped
Shivaji Representative of
from Agra
Forces led by Shivaji
personally kills Aurangzeb
1660 1666 defeat Aurangzeb's
troops, and establishes
commander Sambhaji 1680-1689
Maratha Empire.-1674-80 Rajaram brother of Sambhaji
Afzal Khan 1689– 1700
1627–1657 1657–1672
Mohammed Adil Shah Ali Adil Shah II (deccan Sultanate-Bijapur) Marathas
Adilshahi, was a
Shia Muslim
dynasty, founded
by Yusuf Adil Shah,
that ruled the
Sultanate of
Charles-II 1696
1660-1685 Danish India (to 1869)
James II & VII William III
British India-East India Company 1685-1688 1689-1702
Major Events in Indian History : 1700-1750
Guru Granth Sahib becomes Guru of Sikhs
1708 Sikhs

Bahadur Shah I
(1707-1712) Shah Jahan II

Abu'l Muzaffar Muhi-ud-Din

Muhammad Aurangzeb Jahandar Shah
Alamgir (son of Shah Jahan Muhammad Azam Farrukhsiyar Ahmad Shah
and Mumtaz Mahal) Shah (1707) 1713-1719 Rafi ud-Darajat Bahadur
31 July 1658 – 3 March Muhammad Shah 26 April 1748 –
1707 27 September 1719 – 26 April 1748 2 June 1754

1700- 1706- 1711- 1716- 1721- 1726- 1731- 1736- 1741- 1746-
1705 1710 1715 1720 1725 1730 1735 1740 1745 1750

Balaji Viswanath (Peshva) Baji Rao Balaji Baji Rao

1713-1720 1720-1740 1740-1761
Chatrapathi Shahu Rajaram II
Shivaji II
12 January 1708 - 15 December 1749 1749 1777

William III Anne George-1 1727-1760

1689-1702 1707-1714 1714-1727 George II

British India –East India Compnay

Major Events in Indian History : 1750-1800

Alamgir II
2 June 1754 –
29 November
1759 Mahmud Shah
Shah Jahan III Bahadur
Ahmad Shah (Puppet)
10 December
1759 – 10 Shah Alam II
26 April 1748 – 2
October 1760 10 December 1759– 19 November 1806
June 1754

1750- 1756- 1761- 1766- 1771- 1776- 1781- 1786- 1791- 1796-
1755 1760 1765 1770 1775 1780 1785 1790 1795 1800
Balaji Baji Rao 3rd War of Panipat Madhav Rao 1 Narayana Madhav Rao II Baji Rao II
1740-1761 Marathas lost the war 1761-1772 Rao/Raghunath 1774-1796 1792-1802/18
Rajaram II 1772-1773/1774 Shahu II
15 December 1749 - 11 December 1777 11 December 1777 - 3 May 1808
French in India

1760-Battle at Wandewash, Lord Cornwallis, Governor General of Lord Wellesley

British troops beat French Warren Hastings, Governor General of India India 1798-1805
1774-1785 1786-1793
June 1757 Treaty of Allahabad
The Battle of Plassey 16 August 1765
East India Company represented by 1767 1775
1764 1780 1789 Treaty of 1799
Robert Clive Vs 1st Anglo First Anglo Maratha War
Battle of Buxar 2nd Anglo 3rd Anglo Mysore Srirangapatnam 4th Anglo Mysore war
Siraj Ud Daulah-Nawab of Bengal Mysore war Mysore War War 18 March 1792 Death of Tipu Sultan
1727-1760 George III
George II 1760-1820
British India
Major Events in Indian History : 1800-1850
Anglo Sikh Wars

Brahmo Samaja 1824 1836

Dayananda Sri Ramakrishna
Rajaram Mohan Roy(1772-1833) Saraswati is born Paramhansa is born
Bahadur Shah II (Bahadue Shah Zafar 28
Akbar II -19 November 1806 – 28 September 1837 September 1837 – 14 September 1857 )

1800- 1806- 1811- 1816- 1821- 1826- 1831- 1836- 1841- 1846-
1805 1810 1815 1820 1825 1830 1835 1840 1845 1850

Baji Rao II
1803-1805 1817-1818
2nd Anglo Maratha War 3nd Anglo Maratha War

Shahu II Pratap Singh Shahaji

11 December 1777 - 3 May 1808 3 May 1808 - 5 September 1839 5 September 1839 - 5 April 1848

Sir Charles
Lord William Bentick Metcaffe Lord Auckland Lord Dalhousie
1828-1835 1835-1836 1836-1842 1848-1856
Lord Wellesley
Treaty of Bassesein Lord Minto I
1807-1813 Treaty of Lahore
31 December 1802 Treaty of Yandabo
9 March 1846
George III George IV 24 February 1826
William IV Queen Victoria
1760-1820 British India 1830 – 1837 1837-1901
Major Events in Indian History : 1850-1900
n 1865
o Lala Lajpat Rai is
f born
Keshav Baliram
1856 u Hedgewar
Bal Gangadhar g Established RSS
1863 Allan Octavian Hume
Tilak is born h
Swami Vivekanand Dadabhai Naoroji
l is born Dinshaw Wacha
E 1889
m 1875 1885
Bahadur Shah II (Bahadue p 1861 1869 Arya Samaja Indian National Jawaharlal 1891 1897
Shah Zafar 28 September i Rabindranath Mahatma Dayananda Congress Nehru B R Ambedkar Subash Chandra
1837 – 14 September 1857 )
Tagore is born. Gandhi is born Saraswathi Established Born Born Boase Born

1850- 1856- 1861- 1866- 1871- 1876- 1881- 1886- 1891- 1896-
1855 1860 1865 1870 1875 1880 1885 1890 1895 1900
Nana Sahib 1851-1857
1857 1875 Queen Victoria
1853 Established first three University of Mumbai, University of Aligarh Muslim Empress of India
Started Indian Postal Service Madras and University of Calcutta in India University 1876 – 1901

First Railway established between Bombay and Thane

Lord Canning Lord Lawrence Lord Mayo Lord Lytton Lord Rippon Lord Dufferin Lord Landsdowne Lord Curzon
1856-1862 1864-1869 1869-1872 1876-1880 1880-1884 1884-1888 1888-1894 1899-1905
Lord Dalhousie 1857
1848-1856 Indian War of Rebellion

Mangal Pandey was an Indian 1858

soldier who played a key part in Establishment of
events immediately preceding the British Raj Delhi Durbar
outbreak of the Indian rebellion 1 January 1877 to
of 1857. He was a sepoy in the proclaim Queen
34th Bengal Native Infantry
regiment of the British East India of India Act Victoria as Empress This was the culmination of transfer of control of much of India
Company 2 August 1858 of India from the British East India Company to The Crown.

British India
Major Events in Indian History : 1900-1909

11 September -
Mahatma Gandhi
coins the term
Satyagraha to
characterize the
Queen Victoria Edward VII Non-Violence
Empress of Emperor of Partition of movement in
India India Bengal. South Africa.

1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909
30 December - The
All-India Muslim
League, a political
organization that
represented the
interests of Indian
Viceroy of India - Gilbert John Muslims, is
George Curzon, Elliot-Murray- formed.
1st Marquess Kynynmound, 4th
Curzon of Kedleston Earl of Minto

British India
Major Events in Indian History : 1910-1919
Dada Saheb
The Tata Palke
family starts
the first steel
mill in Bihar.

The first Satyagraha

movements inspired
18 February - Henri 3 May- Raja by Mahatma Gandhi
Pequet, flying a Humber Harischandra, First full- occurred in 13 April - At the
biplane, carried mail from length movie of India Champaran district of Jallianwala Bagh
Allahabad to Naini released. Beginning of Massacre in Amritsar
George V junction which was the
Mahatma Gandhi Bihar
Indian Film Industry. World War –I
Emperor of India first flight in India. returns to India. Ends

1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919
27 December - The Jana Allied victory
Gana Mana, which would Construction of End of the German,
become free India's New Delhi was Russian, Ottoman,
National Anthem, is sung and Austro-
for the first time, at the Hungarian empires
Indian National Congress Formation of new
annual convention at World War –I countries in Europe
Calcutta. begins and the Middle East
Rowlett Act
Transfer of German
Rabindranath Allied Powers Vs Frederic John colonies and regions
Charles Tagore (1861– Central Powers Napier Thesiger, of the former
Hardinge, 1st 1941), Bengali 1st Viscount Ottoman Empire to
Baron Hardinge poet, got the other powers
of Penshurst, Establishment of the
Nobel Prize in
12 December - The League of Nations.
Literature for his
capital of India is book of lyrics
shifted to New Delhi called Gitanjali
from Calcutta translated into
Cancellation of
English by himself. 28 July 1914 – 11 November 1918
Partition of
World War-I
British India
Major Events in Indian History : 1920-1929

Emperor of India –
Emperor of India –
George V
George V

Viceroy of India - Frederic Viceroy of India –

Viceroy of India – Viceroy of India –
Thesiger, 1st Viscount Viceroy of India – Lord Irwin/Governor General
Earl of Reading Lord Irwin/Governor General
Chelmsford Earl of Reading of India of India

1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929

23 December –
Visva-Bharati Chauri Chaura incident
University is
4 December - The 3 February - The first ever
Non-cooperation Gateway of India in May – India wins 6 January – Mother
inaugurated electric train of India completes
movement Bombay, built to its journey from Victoria Hockey Gold Teresa arrives
commemorate the Terminus to Kurla on the Central Medal at the Kolkata to work
Line Amsterdam amongst India's
visit of King George V poorest and
and Queen Mary in Olympics – Games
Simon diseased people
December 1911, is Commission
of the IXth
11 September – opened by the Olympiad
Subramanya Viceroy, the Earl of The Simon
Bharathi, poet, Reading. commission is formed
Khilafat Movement independence to consider further
fighter and steps toward self-rule
of India. No Indian
member is included.
(born 1882).
British India
Major Events in Indian History : 1930-1939
Edward VIII
10 February –
New Delhi
becomes the
capital of India.
Emperor of India – Emperor of India – Emperor of India –
George V George VI George VI
Emperor of India –
George V

August – India wins

Viceroy of India – The Earl of Hockey Gold Medal Viceroy of India - Victor Viceroy of India - Victor
Lord Irwin/Governor General Willingdon at Los Angeles The Earl of Willingdon Hope, 2nd Marquess of Hope, 2nd Marquess of
of India Viceroy/GG Olympics Viceroy/GG Linlithgow Linlithgow

1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939
Round Table 2 August -
Conferences Government of India
(India) Third Bill, 1935, became
law; it provided for
development of a
Gandhi–Irwin Pact popular constitution
8 June - All India World War II breaks out
Radio was founded. in 1939 and political dead
lock in India.
Salt March
Bhagat Singh, Rajguru
and Sukhdev
1936 Berlin
Round Table
Conferences (India) Olympics

British India
Major Events in Indian History : 1940-1949
George VI
Emperor of India
(before August 15) Mahatma Gandhi
Emperor of India – George VI assassinated by
George VI King of India (After August 15) Nathuram Godse.
Quit India movement

26 November - New
Louis Mountbatten constitution is
Viceroy of India (21 C. Rajagopala Chari adopted by the
Viceroy of India - Victor Viceroy of India - The
Viscount Wavell
February-August 15) Becomes Governor Indian Constituent
Hope, 2nd Marquess of Wavell Plan Simla Governor General of Union General of India
Linlithgow Cripps Mission (from 1 October) Conference. Assembly.
of India (August 16) (June 21)

1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949
Arzi Hukumat-e- First India-Pakistan
Azad Hind, the war
Provisional Indian Independence from British Kashmir war
August 15
Government of
Lahore Resolution Free India
formed by 15 November -
Netaji. Nathuram Godse
Subhas Chandra Establishment
Indian National Jawaharlal Nehru Became
and Narayan Apte
• UN Charter signed executed for
Army Bose calls Prime Minister of India
26 June 1945 assassinating
Established by Mahatma Gandhi • Charter entered into Mahatma Gandhi.
Subhas Chandra as the Father of force On 29 August 1947, the
August Offer the Nation 24 October 1945 Constituent Assembly set up a
Bose Partition of India Drafting Committee under the
Pakistan Chairmanship of Dr. B.R.
Partition of India
Independence Ambedkar to prepare a draft
First India-Pakistan from British Constitution for India.
war August 14
World War –II, Winston Churchill PM of Briton Clement Atlee –PM of Briton
Freedom Fighters of India:
British India Independent India
Major Events in Indian History : 1950-1959
26 January – The
Constitution comes
into force making
India a republic

Elizabeth II
Queen of England

1 November – The
States Reorganisation
Act of India reformed India passes a bill
President of India – 17 March – Tenzin
Dadra and Nagar the boundaries and making Kashmir under
Gyatso, the 14th Dalai
Rajendra Prasad took Andra State was its control as part of
Haveli Annexation names of Indian Lama, flees Tibet and
office on 26 January formed the Union
states. travels to India

1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959
Lok Sabha Elections Lok Sabha Elections

Jawaharlal Nehru
is the prime September –
minister Doordarshan-India's
State Bank of India
Formed (Imperial Bank of national state-
India) owned broadcaster

25 January – Election
Commission is

15 December – Sardar
Vallabhbhai Patel,
political and social leader

First Plan Second Plan

Major Events in Indian History : 1960-1969
5 year plans 19 June: Shiv
General elections Sena founded by
Bal Thackeray.
3 January - Prime
Minister of India Lal
Bahadur Shastri and ISRO was set up
President of
26 January - Anti- Pakistan Ayub Khan
Hindi agitations break agree to the
out in India because Tashkent
of which Hindi does Declaration, a peace
Sarvepalli not get "National
Rajendra Prasad Radhakrsihnan pact mediated by
Language" status and the Soviet Premier Zakir Hussain Har Gobind Khorana
President President remains one of the 23 VV Giri
Alexei Kosygin in President Nobel Prize for
26 January 1950 13 May 1962 Official Languages of President
Tashkent, Uzbek 13 May 1967 – Medicine/Physiology
13 May 1962 13 May 1967 India. of India
S.S.R. 3 May 1969.

1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969
Lok Sabha Elections

15 August 1947 – October 20- 27 May 1964 11 January 1966

27 May 1964 November 21 1962
Sino-India war of Second War with
Maharashtra India occupies
1962. Pakistan over Kashmir
State and Portuguese
Jawaharlal Nehru Ayub Khan was the Indian National
Gujarat Sates colonies of Goa,
Mao Zedong president of Pakistan Congress splits into
are born Daman and Diu
11 January 1966 – two factions. One led
27 May 1964 – 9 June 1964 24 January 1966 by Indira Gandhi and
Lok Sabha Elections
another led by
Morarji Desai

9 June 1964
11 January 1966 Mrs. Leelavathi
Shankapal born

Second Plan Third Plan Fourth Plan

Major Events in Indian History : 1970-1979

11February- July 1977

1 January - Air India Flight

855, a Boeing 747 passenger
Fakruddin Ali 19 April - The first Forcible Family jet, crashes into the Arabian
VV Giri Himachal Gets Ahmed Indian satellite, Planning-vasectomy/ Sea after takeoff near
Manpiur gets Mysore State is
President of India Statehood 24 August 1974 Aryabhata, goes Tubectomy Bombay, killing all 213 on Mother Teresa wins
statehood renamed as Karnataka 11 February 1977 into Earth's orbit.
board. Nobel Peace Prize

1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979
19 December - Indira
Gandhi is arrested and
jailed for a week for
breach of privilege and
Indira Gandhi contempt of
Indira Gandhi-PM Simla Agreement declares state of parliament.
Became Prime
24 January 1966 – Third war with India explodes first emergency after Minister in Becomes
24 March 1977 Pakistan over nuclear device in being found guilty of March Janata prime
creation of underground test. electoral malpractice Party minister in
Bangladesh, formerly
July 1979
East Pakistan.
Party Splits
Pakistani President:
C V Raman Died
Yahya Khan
Communist party
Prime Minister: of India comes
Nurul Amin into power in
West Bengal.

Lok Sabha Elections

Lok Sabha Elections

Fourth Plan Fifth Plan Rolling Plan

Major Events in Indian History : 1980-1989

Subrahmanyan Blue Star
Chandrasekhar Nobel
Anti Sikh Riots
Prize for Physics

E-mail was
Air India, Boeing introduced in R. Venkataraman
Neelam Sanjiv Reddy Gyani Zail Singh
25 July 1982 – 25 First World Cup win Indira Gandhi 747, Kanishka India 25 July 1987 – 25 Congress Lost
President of India for India in Cricket Assassinated Tragedy July 1992 1989 elections
July 1987

1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989

National Policy
on Education
Announced M.G.
INSAT-1A Launched Rajkapoor Died 2 December 1989 –
by ISRO 10 November 1990
Prime Minsters Rajiv Gandhi-PM Died
Janatha Dal
of India till 14th 31 October 1984 – Lost vote of
January December-1984 confidence
2 December 1989 Jagjivan Ram
Lok Sabha Elections
Bofors Scandal

Colour TV Was
Indira Gandhi-PM Smith Patil Died
14 January 1980 – December-Union
31 October 1984 Carbide Disaster- India
Bhopal Rakesh Sharma
2000 people died Soyuz T-11
Lok Sabha Elections Shot into Space in Sri-Lanka

Lok Sabha Elections

Growth of Computers in India
Sixth Plan Seventh Plan
Major Events in Indian History : 1990-1999

Kargil War
Amartya Sen wins Operations Vijay-
Nobel Prize for June 1999
Economics Nawaz Sharief was
July: West Bengal PM of Pakistan,
Chief Minister Jyoti General Mushraf-
R. Venkataraman Rajiv Gandhi Basu made the first Pakistan Army
25 July 1987 – 25 assassinated by Shankar Dayal call from Kolkata to General
PSLV: 20 September 1993 25 July 1997 May 1998, nuclear
July 1992 suicide bomber Sharma -Presdient inaugurate the 26 July 2012,
PSLV-CA: 23 April 2007 K R Narayanan tests in Pokhran
May 21, 1991, 25 July 1992 cellular services in designated as
PSLV-XL: 22 October 2008 Presdient desert in Rajasthan
Sriperumbudur India 'Kargil Vijay Diwas

1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
Lok Sabha

Chandrashekar - May 1996 PM 13 October 1999,

P V Narasimha IK Gujral -PM
PM Mumbai Bombings Sushmita Sen was 10-4-1995 for 13 Days March 19, 1998 Won General
Rao -PM Babri Mosque in 21 April 1997
10-11-1990 crowned Miss Universe Morarji Desai Died 16-5-1996 Atal Bihari Election and became
21-6-1991 Ayodhya is 19 March 1998
21-6-1991 22-5-1996 Vajpayee Prime minister
Janata Dal(S) demolished, becomes prime
triggering minister (NDA)
widespread May-19, AIADMK
Hindu-Muslim withdrew
Economic reform violence. H D Deve Gowda- support, Lost
Earth quake Kills 10000 Internet in India Majority
programme begun PM December 1999, when Indian
in Maharashtra Aishwarya Rai was was Launched Care Taker PM
by Prime Minister 1 June 1996 Airlines flight IC 814 from
crowned Miss 21 April 1997
P.V. Narasimha Rao. Kathmandu to New Delhi was
hijacked by five Pakistani
Lok Sabha Elections
terrorists and flown to Taliban-
Lok Sabha Elections Lok Sabha Elections ruled Afghanistan

JRD Tata Died

Annual Plan Eighth Plan Ninth Plan
Growth of Computers and Computer Education
Major Events in Indian History : 2000-2009
On 13 December
2001, a group of
masked, armed
men with fake
IDs stormed the
building in Delhi
July: APJ
K.R. Narayanan Act offering to July:
President guarantee hundred Pratibha
Kalam November-
July 1997- days of wage- Patil- Venkataraman
January, Gujarat became 26/11
July2002 Pakistan Earth employment in a Becomes Ramakrishnan
earth Quake President Tsunami Indian Ocean happened
Kerala quake, 87000 year to a rural president wins Nobel prize
30000 people of India Earth Quake in Mumbai
people died household Maharastra for chemistry
died Tamil Nadu

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

Atal Bihari
Vajpayee-PM May: Manmohan May-
2001- February: Mumbai Floods, 9.4% GDP growth October:
19 March 1998 Singh became More than 1000 Manmohan
Septmber Ayodya Train rate-highest ever Chandrayan-I
to 22 May 2004 Prime minister people died Singh re-
9/11 Violence (hindu- elected as
happened , muslim PM
Twin Towers violence-more
Lok Sabha Elections
in America than 1000
were people died) Lok Sabha Elections
destroyed by
March 2000, Bill Al-Qaida
Clinton, the Terrorist IT and ITES Revolution in India: Economic Growth Period
President of the Group (Osama
United States, paid bin Laden)
a state visit to

Ninth Plan Tenth Plan Eleventh Plan

Major Events in Indian History : 2010-2016
December 5, Jayalalitha CM of
TN died, Paneerselvam
becomes chief minister of TN

Mamatha Banerjee September -13:

Re-elected Uri Incident
Kailash Satyarthi wins
Nobel Peace Prize

February: Arvind January: Pathankot terror

July: Pranab Mukerjee November: Mars Orbiter Kejriwal became attack
becomes president of India launched by ISRO Telangana State Formed Delhi Chief Minister

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Trinamool Congress September-28, Surgical

Re-elected as Strike on Pakistan
came to power in West
Bengal May: Narendra Modi CM of TN (4th
India wins the 2011
became Prime Minister Time)
Mamatha Banerjee Cricket World Cup.
became chief minister
after 34 years of CPM Lok Sabha Elections
Rule November-8:
National Institution Demonetisation,
for Transforming withdrawal of 1000 and
India (NITI AYOG) 500 re notes

Eleventh Plan Twelfth Plan

India 1947, 1950, 2016

Geography of India
Hindu Units of Time

71 Mahayuga= 1 Manvantara
Each Manvantara is ruled by a Manu

Kaliyuga=1200 divine years= 432 000 years

Dvapara Yuga= 2400 divine years= 864 000 years

Treta yuga= 3600 divine years=1 296 000 years
Satya Yuga=4800 divine years= 1 728 000 years

1 Mahayuga= 4 yugas= 4,320,000 human years=12,000 divine year

1 kalpa=day= 4.32 billion years= 1000 Mahayugas

1 kalpa=day= 4.32 billion years 2 kalpa= night=4.32 billion years

1 day of Bramha= 2 kalpas=8.64 billion years

1 month of Bramha=259.2 billion years (259.2 x 109 years)

1 year of Bramha= 3.1104 trillion

1 Paradha=50 years of Bramha=155.52 trillion years

1 Maha Kalpa=1 Para= 2 Paradhas=100 years of Bramha=311.04 x 1012 human years (trillion)
Hindu Calendar

Lunar metrics[edit]
A Tithi or lunar day is defined as the time it takes for
the longitudinal angle between the moon and the
Sun to increase by 12°.[1] Tithis begin at varying times
of day and vary in duration from approximately 19 to
approximately 26 hours.[citation needed]
A Paksa (also Pakṣa) or lunar fortnight consists of
15 tithis.
A Māsa or lunar month (approximately 29.5 days) is
divided into 2 Pakṣas: the one between new
moon and full moon (waxing) is called gaura or
(bright) or Śukla Pakṣa; the one between full moon
and new moon (waning) Kṛiṣhṇa (dark) paksha
A Ṛitu (or season) is 2 Māsa[2]
An Ayana is 3 Ṛitus
A year is two Ayanas[3][4]
Tropical metrics[edit]
A Yāma = 1/4 of a day (light) or night [ = 7½ Ghatis
(घटि) = 3¾ Muhurtas = 3 Horas (होरा) ]
Four Yāmas make half of the day (either day or night)
Eight Yāmas make an Ahorātra (day + night)
An Ahorātra is a tropical day (Note: A day is
considered to begin and end at sunrise, not
Major Events in Karnataka History

1940AD-2016 AD
Major Events in Karnataka History : 1940-1949
Kings of

Jayachamaraja Wodeyar- Raja of Mysore

1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949

Dewans of
Mysore 25 October 1947 – 30 March 1952
K C Reddy
No Assembly
1941-1946 1946-1949
Sir. N. Madhava Rao, Dewan of Mysore Sir A R Mudaliar, Dewan of Mysore
Major Events in Karnataka History : 1950-1959

1 November 1957 - 4 May 1963

Jayachamraja Wodeyar, Governor of Karnataka

Jayachamaraja Wodeyar- Raja of Mysore

1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959
19 August v
1956 – 31 e
October m
1956 e
25 October 1947 – 30 March 1952 30 March 1952 – 19 August 1956 Kadidal b 1 November 1956 – 16 May 1958 16 May 1958 – 9 March 1962
K C Reddy K. Hanumanthaiah Manjappa e S. Nijalingappa B D Jatti
No Assembly First Assembly 1 Second Assembly
Major Events in Karnataka History : 1960-1969

1 November 1957 - 4 May 1963 4 May 1963 -2 April 1965 2 April 1965-13 May 1967 13 May 1967-30August 1969
Jayachamraja Wodeyar, Governor of Karnataka S M Srinagesh V V Giri Gopal Swarup Pathak

Jayachamaraja Wodeyar- Raja of Mysore

1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969

16 May 1958 – 9 March 1962 14 March 1962 – 20 June 1962 21 June 1962 – 28 May 1968 29 May 1968 – 18 March 1971
B D Jatti S R Kanthi S. Nijalingappa Veerendra Patil

Second Assembly Third Assembly Fourth Assembly

Major Events in Karnataka History : 1970-1979

23 October 1970-1February 1972 1 February 1972 -10 January 1975 10 January 1975- 2 August 1977 2 August 1977 -15 April 1982
Dharma Vira Mohanlal Sukhadia Uma Shankar Dixit Govind Narain

1940-1974 1974-2013
Jayachamaraja Wodeyar- Raja of Mysore Srikantadatta Wodeyar

1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979
a r
President e
r s
n i
19 March a e
29 May 1968 – 18 March 1971 1971 – 20 20 March 1972 – 31 December 1977 n 28 February 1978 – 7 January 1980
Veerendra Patil March 1972 t D. Devaraj Urs t D. Devaraj Urs

Fourth Assembly a 5th Assembly 6th Assembly

Major Events in Karnataka History : 1980-1989

2 August 1977 -15 April 1982 16 April 1982-25 February 1987 Pendekanti Venkatasubbaiah
Govind Narain Ashoknath Banerjee 26 February 1987-5 February 1990

Srikantadatta Wodeyar

1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989

21 April 1989 – 30 November 1989

Presidents Rule
13 August 10 -10-
8 March 1985 – 13 1990
1988 – 21
12 January 1980 – 6 January 1983 10 January 1983 – 29 December February 1986 16 February 1986 – 10 August 1988 April 1989 Veerendr
R Gundu Rao 1984 Ramakrishna Hegde Ramakrishna Hegde S R Bommai a Patil

6th Assembly 7th Assembly 8th Assembly Assembly
Major Events in Karnataka History : 1990-1999

Bhanu Pratap Singh Khurshid Alam Khan

8 May 1990 -6 January 1992 6 January 1992-2 December 1999

Srikantadatta Wodeyar

1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999

30-11- 1989 e 17-10-1990 19-11- 1992 11-12-1994 31-05-1996 11-10-1999
10 -10-1990 n 19-11- 1992 11-12-1994 31-05-1996 7 -10- 1999 28-05-2004
Veerendra Patil t S Bangarappa M. Veerappa Moily H D Devegowda J H Patel S M Krishna
11th Assembly
9th Assembly 10th Assembly
Major Events in Karnataka History : 2000-2009

V. S. Ramadevi T. N. Chaturvedi Rameshwar Thakur

2 December 1999-20 August 2002 21 August 2002 -20 August 2007 21 August 2007-24 June 2009

Srikantadatta Wodeyar

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
p e p
r d r
e d e
s y s
i ur i
d a d
11-10-1999 28-5-2004 3-02-2006 e p e 30-5-2008
28-05-2004 28-01-2006 8-10-2007 n p n 31-07-2011
S M Krishna Dharam Singh H D Kumara Swamy t a t B.S. Yeddyurappa

11th Assembly 12th Assembly 13th Assembly

Major Events in Karnataka History : 2010-2016

Konijeti Rosaiah
Hans Raj Bhardwaj Vajubhai Rudabhai Vala
29 June 2014-31 August
24 June 2009-29 June 2014 2014 1 September 2014

1974-2013 2015-
Srikantadatta Wodeyar Yaduveera Chamaraja Wodeyar

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

30-5-2008 4-08-2011 12-07-2012 13-05-2013

31-07-2011 12-07-2012 12-05-2013 Siddaramaiah
B.S. Yeddyurappa D V Sadananda Gowda Jagadish Shetter Chief Minister

13th Assembly 14th Assembly

Karnataka Political

Karnataka 1973

Total Number of Constituencies-224

Number of MLCs -75

Bangalore Central 7

Bangalore North 7

Bangalore South 7
Mysore during 1947
Karnataka Physical
Human Characteristics
Human Habits and Inspirations

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