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Bagan Batu, Sept 14, 2017

Assalamualaikum wr.wb,
Hilwa O my dear, how are you? I hope you and your family in
good health always.

Buddy, I'm sorry in advance if the last letter you send me a

new can reply now. Sob Oh yes, now I've been working with
tables, I was accepted to work at an institution of learning in
Lampung, the atmosphere of learning there fun and
convenient. Oh yes, I almost forgot, friends asking for your
news tuh, he briefly again you want married huh? fun donk
(hehehe). Do not forget to send an invitation to me and my
friends here huh? I wait deh.

Because I do not clever writing, I first udahin yes this letter

sob. I wait for a reply from you.

Your friend,

Bagan Batu, Sept 14, 2017

My friends,
Wiwik Gusnani
The City of Metro
Greetings of friendship,

Hi, how are you? How are you? Healthy and happy is not it? Do you
still grow roses? I'd love to meet you know Wik? You certainly more
beautiful, huh? Or maybe added fat?

Wik, a good friend. Since we split up, a lot of things going on here.
Our city is growing very rapidly. The building used to be a stage and
rehearsals had been razed to the ground. Now it appears the building
is super luxury, it's just a dear place for shopping! It is impossible for
art, especially for the play.

Wik, so first, yes! Do not forget to reciprocate. I'll see you doing! Say
hello to Mom and Dad. Also Mas Yudi. Thanks Wik ... bye in the
upcoming holidays.

See you.
Your friend,


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