Uses of Animals

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Republic of the Philippines


Nasugbu, Batangas


I. Objectives:

 Identify the classification of animals according to their uses.

 Encage animals according to their uses.
 Participate to the group discussion.

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Uses of Animals

B. References: Real Life Science 3, pp 164-175

C. Science Concept:

Animals are very useful to people. Most animals give us food, and they help us in our
work. They also served as by means of transportation, sources of materials and they
can also give much joy to us.

D. Processes: Identifying, Participating, Reporting

E. Materials: book, animal pictures, diorama/ animal cage

F. Values Focus: Cooperation, Teamwork and Attentiveness

G. Subject Integration: Values

Teacher’s Activity Pupils’ activity

A. Preparatory Activities
 Prayer
 Greetings
 Checking of attendance
(Review of the past lesson)
Yesterday, what lesson have you been
- Classification of animals according
to the foods they eat.
What are those then cite an example.
- Herbivore animals are animals that
eat only plant, example is carabao.

- Carnivore animals are animals that

eat meat. Example is lions.
- Animals that eat both plant and
meat are called omnivore animals,
example is bears.
Very Good.

B. Engage

Class do you want to play a game? - Yes Ma’am

Our game is called a “Guessing Game.”

I am going to describe the animals and
you will guess what animals are being
described. Is that clear? - Yes Ma’am

1. I have wings but I'm not a bird

I am small and colorful. I live in
gardens and fields and forests. I
used to be a caterpillar. - butterfly
I am _________

2. I am very, very big; I like to eat

peanuts and hay. I have four legs and two - elephant
big ears. My long nose is called a trunk. I
am _____________

3. Slowly stretching my arms,

I rise up, and move towards warmth
- flowers
Bursting in colors, my sisters and I.
What are we?_______________

4. - pig
5. I live in a house called “coop”, I have
two legs and two wings, and a tail. I eat
worms, bugs, and grain. I can lay eggs. I
am ____________
- chicken
6. With my pair I should be,But I am
usually alone you see, For a monster always
eats me.Do you know what I must be?

Very good! All your answer is correct. - socks

C. Explore - Yes Ma’am

Now, I will introduce to you my friend,
do you want to know who he is?

He is ______________. He has
different animals in his farm. Every six
o’clock in the evening he need to put his
animals in their own cage according to - Yes Ma’am
their uses, but it’s too many for him to do it
alone, that’s why he’s here, he is asking
for our help. Can we help him?
Each of you will receive different
pictures of animals then you will put in
where they belong according to their uses.
Is that clear?
( 26 pictures of different animals)
1st cage- animals that give food.
2nd cage- animals that can help us in our
work and can be used by means of
3rd cage- animals that can we use for
making materials
4th cage- animals that can make us happy.

Thank you class for helping my friend.

He is very thankful because we help him.

D. Explain - Pigs, cows and chicken

Based on the activity that we did, give - Meat and eggs

me some animals that can give us food?

What kind of food do they give? - Carabao, horse, elephant and dog

How about the animals that can help - Carabao can help us in plowing the
us? field, while we can use horse for
transportation as well as the
How do they help us? elephant. Dog help us in our work
example is the trained dogs that
help police officers look for bombs,
and illegal drugs.

- Sheep, snake and alligators.

What animals can we use in doing some

materials? - A thick hair of a sheep transformed
into a fabric called wool, and we
What of materials can we make out of can make it clothes.
those animals?

- Cat, rabbit, birds and hamster.

Except to your pet dog, what animals - By playing with me.

can give us joy?

How do they give us joy? - Sources of food

- Sources of help
According to what we’ve done, what are - Sources of materials
the uses of the animals? - Sources of joy

Very good, that’s why class animals are

very important to us because they can get
something from them.

E. Extend (Group Activity)

We will have a group activity. I will

group you into three groups and each - Work or cooperate with your group.
group have a different task to be finish in 5 - Work with minimal noise.
minutes, but before that what should we - Follow and do the given task.
do when we have a group activity?

Each group will be graded base on the

content of your rubric.

(After 5 minutes, presentation of each GROUP II

Very good, I know you understand our

lesson very well.

H. Evaluation

Directions: Write two uses to people each animal below. Write your answers on the line.

1) fish: _______________ _______________

2) cat: _______________ _______________

3) duck: _______________ _______________

4) cow: _______________ _______________

5) dog: _______________ _______________

I. Assignment

Cut different pictures of animals showing their uses.

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