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Swedish Institute’s Young Connectors of the Future Programme

Application Form YCF 2018

Application to the Swedish Institute’s leadership programme Young Connectors of the Future (YCF)
2018 for selected countries in South Asia

Please fill in the application form and submit it with your CV and a letter of recommendation in English
(preferably using the SI template) through the application portal; kindly note that we do not accept
applications submitted by e-mail. More information about the application procedure is available at .

General Information





In the questions below, please motivate your participation in the YCF 2018 programme. Please be as
concrete and detailed as possible in your answers.

Make sure you answer all the questions in the application. All information should be submitted in English.

1.Short personal introduction. This is me:

[1000 characters maximum]

2. How do you in your current work and engagement promote social change: human rights,
democracy, diversity and/or sustainable development in your society? Is there any achievement that
you are particularly proud of? [1200 characters maximum]

3. Shortly describe one specific organisation/project/initiative related to social change, where you have
(or had) a leading position. Please include the following: [1200 characters maximum]

 Name of the organisation/project/initiative/event

 Short introduction, aim and how it promotes social change
 Your role
 When did it start?
 What has been the impact so far?
 Example of activities
 Target group
 How was it financed?
 Next steps
 Any web links etc (if available)

4. What are the main challenges in your society today and how can they be addressed:
a) on a personal/professional level?
b) for your country?
[800 characters maximum]

5. How do you in your work contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)? Please specify
which of the 17 goals your work is related and contribute to (one or several).
[800 characters maximum]

6. Tell us more about the collaborative settings you are part of and how you build and utilise your
network. Describe your formal/informal leadership role and how you as a leader drive change.
[800 characters maximum]

7. Describe your personal and/or professional goals for the coming three years.
[500 characters maximum]

8. Shortly describe who or what has inspired you in your work for social change?
[500 characters maximum]

9. Why do you want to take part in the Young Connectors of the Future? How do you think the
programme can benefit you and your work for social change? In what way can you contribute as a
participant in the programme?
[800 characters maximum]

10. Where and how did you get information about the Young Connectors of the Future?
[100 characters maximum]

a) Have you previously taken part in any other international programme? Why did you participate?
How did you benefit from the programme and how have the learnings helped you in your work?
[500 characters maximum]

b) Have you previously taken part in any other Swedish Institute programme or activities? If yes,
please indicate which one.
[100 characters maximum]

Please provide the name, e-mail and telephone number of two reference persons who are familiar with your
work and/or engagement in the areas of democracy and human rights.

We will also need a letter of recommendation from one (1) of these persons, maximum of two (2) pages. We
may contact the reference persons of the applicants who are selected for an interview. We can only accept
references who speak English.

Reference person 1:
Full name of reference person:
Title/position of reference person:
Organisation/institution or reference person:
Please state in which capacity the reference person knows you:
Email address and telephone number of reference person:

Reference person 2:
Full name of reference person:
Title/position of reference person:
Organisation/institution or reference person:
Please state in which capacity the reference person knows you:
Email address and telephone number of reference person:

Web sources (not compulsory):

If available, please feel free to share a maximum of five web sources (websites, blogs, Twitter account etc.)
that can give us more information about relevant work that you are involved in. The web sources can be in
any language.

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