Infs WK 2

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Assignment 2

Carrie D’Andrea

2. The HIS strategy should be directly tied to the goals of the organization and be built to support the
business in achieving them. The business itself must have its objectives and strategies laid out before
the HIS plan can be made to reflect that. If there is no plan in place, HIS builders must take charge and
work with those in the organization to create a strategic plan for them.

3. The generic HIS conceptual planning framework which can be used to develop a plan for any type of
healthcare organization lays out the different types of systems needed described in four quadrants: 1)
Clinical Transaction Systems, 2) Administrative Transaction Systems, 3) Clinical Management/Clinical
Intelligence Systems, 4) Administrative Management/Business Intelligence Systems. The first quadrant,
Clinical Transaction Systems, represents transactions of patient care and the organization’s service
mission. The second quadrant, Administrative Management Systems, represents day-to-day transactions
from running the business activities and institutional processes. The third quadrant, Clinical
Management Systems, represents reporting and analytical data related to clinical activities. The fourth
quadrant, Administrative Management Systems, represents the management reports and data related
to the administrative aspects of the business. Organizing the four quadrants in this order and in
categories between administrative/clinical and functional/decision support, we can trace the functions
to which information system would support them. Using this framework creates a balanced portfolio
because this allows each functional and process need of an organization to have the corresponding
information system that supports them as efficiently as possible.

4. Like building a house, building a strong HIS system can be designed to support and enable the
functions essential to the purpose, strategy, and structure of the organization. There must be thorough
planning and thought put into the intended purpose and needs of the structure. A detailed plan must be
drawn up to include goals, specifications, and cost estimate, which is conceived and approved by all
parties involved. After plans are approved, funds are collected and a foundation must be laid which
together supports the success of the entire system.

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