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Uppariguda (v), Ibrahimpatnam (M), RR Dist

MBA –II Year, I Sem

Sub: Operations Management Marks: 20

Name: Roll No:

I). SHORT ANSWERS : (5X2= 10 Marks)

1. Brief the Role of Operations Research in Total Management System !

2. Explain Linear and Non- Linear Programming in OR ?

3. Detail Sensitivity analysis and its implications ?

4. What is Transportation Problem (TP) ? Explain with example ?

5. What is northwest corner rule ? Explain its Managerial applicability ?


1. OR Deals with following function ( )

(a) Production b) Services c) Management d) All
2. Functions of LPP Planning ( )
(a) Planning b) Efficiency c) Work Flow d) All
3. Dynamic Programming is ( )
(a) Continuous b) One time c) Intermittent d) All
4. Simplex Method used in is ( )
a. Where Jobs are sold b. Where Jobs are done c. Specific Job d. None
5. Non Linier Programming used in ( )
a. Computer Program b. Managerial Function c. Both d. None
6. Optimal Condition is ( )
a. Best condition b. Minimal c. Maximum d. None
7. Assignment Problem used in ( )
a. Optimisation b.Minimisation c. Maximisation
8. Sensitivity Analysis used in ( )
a. Variables b. Optimisation c. Both
9. North West Corner rule used in ( )
a. Transportation b. Assignment c. Simplex d. All
10. Vogel's approximation method used in
a. Transportation b. Assignment c. Simplex d. All

III. FILL IN THE BLANKS: ( 10X1/2= 5 Marks)

1. Example of Non Linier Programming _______________________

2. Dynamic Programming is ________________________
3. Example of Operations Research _______________________
4. Simplex Method is __________________________________
5. Full form of LPP ______________________
6. Optimality Concept is _________________________________
7. Sensitivity Analysis is ____________________
8. Transportation Problem used in ________________________________
9. Travelling Sales man situation used in __________________
10. Assignment Problem is __________________________________________

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