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2:217, sec- 27

They ask thee

Concerning fighting
In the Prohibited Month.
Say: "Fighting therein
Is a grave (offence);
But graver is it
In the sight of God
To prevent access
To the path of God,

To deny Him,
To prevent access
To the Sacred Mosque,
And drive out its members.
Tumult and oppression
Are worse than slaughter.
Nor will they cease
Fighting you until
They turn you back
From your faith
If they can.
And if any of you
Turn back from their faith
And die in unbelief,
Their works will bear no fruit
In this life
And in the Hereafter;
They will be
Companions of the Fire
And will abide therein.

n. The persecution of the Pagans made the Messenger and the Muslims spend in
hardship and sufferings and adversities until they were permitted to take up arms
aginst the persecutors in the Holy month, (war or fighting is prohibited in the Holy
or Prohibited Months; 2:194, 2:217) that is if one party breaks the custom the
other also have to do it to the same extent, or else equality will not there be
taking place and continuous harassement of the believers of Allah will go on.

Islam is a religion of peace, never tells to start the fighting actions from your side
but only if the transgessors start it first, then it is a must to take up actions
against them. But if the enemies of Islam remain calm and peace revails then it is
never permitted for the muslims to break limits. Surely, for those who break limits
is a grievous penalty from Allah, the Lord of the worlds, Who is strict in

Brain indeed is the most important machine we have ever got in our life. To
circulate through it, to maintain a balanced equilibrium, you never know what’s
the time it goes equilibrium, but it is only the way you have- you can make it pass
by is the acquiring, practice and patient perseverance throughout life.
Nevertheless, sometimes you may get through a situation that won’t support your
way further and if you pay any obedience to that case, you will surely be lost.
Why not then we go for striving, not to use our hands for the cause of our self-

The Holy Qur’an, by the Grace of the Almighty Allah, is the Best Gift you ever may
have in your life. Say why? Let me then say, a Book that will guide you throughout
your life, show you all the possible directions you may have, making a heart-
bridge with your Lord, make you feel like you are yourself, assisting you
throughout your life journey – what could be more important than this fact of

So, do you plan to read it from today, knowing its meaning, o friend?

The big change that passed through the lives of many people who were and are
the scholars of Islam, no, you don’t need to go that far, why not we take the case
we have nearby- the holy Prophet…what made him the best of all? Oh Glory be to
Allah, who gifted us the Book through him (Peace be upon him)!

It’s not a mere case that you may take for consideration, but it is told to obey that
just because for your benefit of your own soul. It’s not that if you obey that it only
takes up your energy and so hurry for getting in rest just the same way you want
to relieve yourself from the hard labor you got engaged in.

The Order, the Admonition, from Allah, the Lord of the worlds, will ever and
always make you happy, faster, harder, awakening you, you will never feel like
getting crashed out of the reality of this life of probation.

Now the point is soon we get into the Cause for Allah, “trying to loan to Allah a
Beautiful Loan” which means that “spending in the cause of Allah”, you will feel
yourself into another world and I bet you, you will feel yourself into another
world of new life, that will cause your emancipation, o gentle reader, I would like
to suggest you then to select the way to this emancipation.

Never it is possible that we go through the rainbow bridge unless sufferings and
patience we get through in this short life, unless we work harder in the cause of
Allah, His Pleasure. So, dear reader, let’s start working for regeneration right from

Many a times it so happens that we feel like moving to a world vacant, only you,
no one else. But you will never feel the same soon you get started with the Holy
Qur’an; you will always be trying to get going. And that’s how your regeneration
will be taking place.

*”No soul shall have a burden laid on it greater than it can bear.” (2:233)

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