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Mode Conversion

The Origin of Mode Conversion

Mode Conversion Definition

When some of the energy from differential signal got transferred to common signal i.e. when some of the
differential signal got converted into common signal then that conversion is called as Mode Conversion.
In the previous post of Differential Signaling, we have learn that the pure differential signal consist two
signals which are 180 degree out of phase. But if the phase between the signals deviate from 180 degree
than some of the energy will get transferred from differential to common signal. When both the signal
are in phase than 100 percent energy has been transferred to common signal i.e. whole differential is got
converted into common signal.

Attach diagram here – ADS + Visio

Causes of Mode Conversion

Any asymmetry between the signals i.e. V+ & V_ causes mode conversion. This asymmetry causes phase
deviation between the signals. This asymmetry happen because of many reasons such as

i. Length differences between two transmission

ii. Difference in velocity of V+ signal and V_ signal
iii. Time delay variation
iv. Dielectric variation
v. Length variation due to bends

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