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Nurhashimah Za’ba1, Zaleha Ismail, Abdul Halim Abdullah

Faculty of Education
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

Corresponding authors:;


Purpose – The purpose of this study is to review research conducted in mathematics

education which implemented technological pedagogical and content knowledge (TPACK)

on the construct of the research. In mathematics education and teacher professional

development, TPACK was introduced as a framework to understand mathematics teachers’

knowledge regarding technology integration. Researchers and educators use this framework

as a guideline to construct an effective integration of technology in teaching and learning.

Therefore, this study focused on the rationale and impact of all components in TPACK

framework to research and development as well as to mathematics education.

Methodology – Ten articles and theses published from year 2006 to 2016 were selected and

meta-analyzed for this study. These resources were collected and downloaded through

Springer, ScienceDirect, JSTOR, Google Scholar and other free-websites. The articles and

theses were overviewed under keywords of technological pedagogical and content knowledge,

technology integration, mathematics teachers, and professional development. The selected

resources were tabulated with specification of author(s) and title in column 1, Objectives in

column 2, and TPACK implementation in column 3.

Findings – The results indicate that TPACK framework is generally used to construct a

conceptual framework in designing mathematics teachers’ professional development in

technology courses program, and to assess mathematics teachers’ ability of using technology

in teaching mathematics. The TPACK framework is a valuable tool to design and assess

mathematics teacher’s knowledge.

Significance – This study revealed the importance of TPACK in mathematics education upon

professional development program and evaluation for mathematics teachers’ knowledge in

technology integration. In addition, this review has provided information to the educational

researchers and educators to be more effective in their work either in designing program or

assessing teachers’ knowledge.

Keywords: Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge, Technology Integration,

Mathematics Education, Professional Development.


The challenge in mathematics education is to encourage mathematics teachers to integrate

technology during instructions. Successful integration of technology in teaching occurs when

teachers are able to use technology tools to help them obtain information, analyze and

synthesize the information, and present it to students professionally, while the tools should be

an integral part of the teaching and learning processes. However, the question is, are

mathematics teachers have adequate knowledge to integrate technology in the classroom?

And what is kind of knowledge that mathematics teachers need to integrate technology in

mathematics education? Mathematics teachers need specific knowledge to integrate

technology in their instruction. It means that teachers must consider the contents that needed

for the students, the curriculum, the availability of computer technology, as well as the

designed lesson plan and media, and combine them into a practice that will enhance student

learning (Hennessy, Ruthven, & Brindley, 2005).

Technological pedagogical and content knowledge (TPACK) came as a framework to

understand teachers’ professional development toward technology integration in teaching and

learning (Mishra & Koehler, 2006). This framework which originally called TPCK, yet now

known as TPACK since 2008 to emphasize the idea of Total PACKage (Thompson & Misrha,

2007-2008). The TPACK framework was introduced to advance Shulman’s formulation of

pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) (Shulman, 1986) by including technology knowledge.

The framework results from a complex combination of three main teacher’s knowledge of

content (CK), pedagogy (PK) and technology (TK). The aforementioned combination

produced three intersection pairs of knowledge which are pedagogical content knowledge

(PCK), technological content knowledge (TCK), and technological pedagogical knowledge

(TPK). All these three were combined to form a dynamic intersection known as TPACK.

What is TPACK Framework?

TPACK framework, constructed from Shulman’s Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK),

basically describes the teaching content-specific pedagogical approaches (Shulman, 1986).

TPACK framework describes the relationships between three basic components of teachers’

knowledge namely Content Knowledge (CK), Pedagogical Knowledge (PK), and

Technological Knowledge (TK) required for effective integration of technology in teaching

and learning (Schmidt et. al., 2009). According to Schmidt et. al. (2009), CK refers to the

knowledge of the actual subject matter to be acquired or taught and the different of nature of
knowledge for various content areas. PK refers to the knowledge of methods and processes of

teaching and includes knowledge in classroom management, assessment, lesson plan

development, and student learning. TK refers to the knowledge of various technologies,

ranging from low-tech technologies such as pencil and paper to digital technologies such as

the Internet, digital video, interactive whiteboards, and software programs.

In this framework, the interactions among these components of knowledge are equally

important which are represented as Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK), Technological

Content Knowledge (TCK), Technological Pedagogical Knowledge (TPK), and

Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK) (Schmidt, 2009). According to

Schmidt et al. (2009), PCK refers to the content knowledge that deals with the teaching

process and differs from the various content areas. TCK refers to the knowledge on the way

technology can create new representations for specific content and strategies undertaken by

teachers to change the way students practice and understand concepts in a specific content

area by using a specific technology. TPK refers to the knowledge on the use various

technologies in teaching and changing teachers’ teaching methods by incorporating

technologies. Lastly, TPACK refers to the knowledge required by teachers for effective

integration of technology into their teaching in any content area by teaching the content using

appropriate pedagogical methods and technologies.

The concept of TPACK build by Mishra and Koehler (2006) is that the content of

subject matter, pedagogy and technology should always be intertwined and the use of

technology is widely employed to support teaching and learning. Technology integration in

teaching requires the teachers to understand the subject matter of the lesson, the pedagogical

approach which the subject to teach the lesson and the appropriate technological tools that
may support the teaching as well as students’ learning process. Jonassen, Carr and Lajoie

(2000) stated that technology is used as a mind tool that supports mathematical understanding.

It is shown that technology can facilitate teachers in teaching to develop students’

mathematical thinking in their learning. Therefore, as teachers, students must be guided to

learn mathematical concepts in a technological environment. TPACK is the knowledge base

needed by all teachers to integrate technology in teaching.

Figure 1. TPACK frameworks (sources: Schmidt et. al., 2009)

Previous studies and research focused on studying or building a theory to understand

teachers’ knowledge regarding on pertaining incorporating technology into incorporate

technology into the learning process. Then, TPACK framework has been introduced. Recent

years, researchers have started applying the theory of TPACK framework for their

mathematics educational research. This paper is to know what implementation of TPACK fin
recent research in mathematics education. The objectives of the research and the

implementation of TPACK in the research would be reviewed in this study.


Ten articles and theses published from year 2006 to 2016 were selected to be meta-analyzed

for this study.

Those resources were collected and some were downloaded through Springer, ScienceDirect,

JSTOR, Google Scholar and other free-websites. The papers were overviewed under

keywords of technological pedagogical content knowledge, technology integration,

mathematics teachers, and professional development. The aim of this review is to study some

of the mathematics teacher professional development program projects, which were

implemented by TPACK on their construct of the projects. The projects were studied based

on the rationale and impact of all components of TPACK to framework to research and

development as well as to mathematics education. To achieve this, the selected recourses

were tabulated with specification of author(s) and title in column 1, Objectives in column 2,

and TPACK implementation in column 3. Then, all the resources were deeply studied and

meta-analyses was reviewed.


From the results of selected papers, it can be concluded that TPACK framework is generally

used to:

1) construct a conceptual framework in designing professional development program, and

2) assess teachers’ ability of using technology in teaching mathematics education.

TPACK to Construct a Conceptual Framework in Designing Program

Mathematics teachers need a specific knowledge to be proficient in the use of technology

with the knowledge of teaching mathematics. Therefore, TPACK framework is an precise

guideline to design teacher training framework modules to integrate specific technology of

educational software in the teaching and learning session. Based on the review of the selected

papers, many research and designed projects used TPACK as a guideline to implement and

design certain conceptual frameworks of teachers training programs that promote pre-service

mathematics teachers to learn of specific hardware and software skills and to rount out

teachers’ knowledge (Suharwoto, 2006; Terpstra, 2009; Bos, 2011; Escuder & Joseph, 2011).

Suharwoto (2006) developed and implemented TPACK for the preparation program

of pre-service teachers to teach mathematics with technology in the program. This one-year

program was a graduate-level and content-specific teacher preparation program, focusing

specifically on the preparation of mathematics and science pre-service teachers. The program

integrated learning about and teaching with electronic technologies as an integral component

in teaching and learning science and mathematics since grades 3 to grades 12. The program

emphasize on the development of a teacher’s ability to transform existing knowledge into

teaching strategies to allow knowledge accessible to learners. The aim of the research by

Suharwoto (2006) was to analyze the impact of the program in pre-service teachers’

professional development based on their understanding and level of practices in the real

classroom situation. Merging the four key features TPACK outline for identifying TPACK in

a teacher preparation program were (1) an overarching conception of what it means to teach

mathematics with technology; (2) knowledge of instructional strategies and representation for

teaching mathematics with technology; (3) knowledge of students’ understanding, thinking,

and learning with technology in mathematics; (4) knowledge of curriculum and curriculum

materials that integrate technology with learning mathematics (Niess et. al., 2009). The

evolution of thought and practices of technology integration model by ACOT (Apple

Classroom of Tomorrow) project is used as the frameworks of the study. The results of the

program generally stated that the program coursework has successfully helped the pre-service

teachers to gain the knowledge of technology, pedagogy and mathematics. The results of the

program provided ideas to integrate technology in the mathematics classroom and be

acquainted with new technologies such as spreadsheets, Geometer’s Sketchpad, IMovie,

calculator and its applications and webpage software.

The use of TPACK as the conceptual framework to train pre-service mathematics

teachers to use educational technology in their teaching was also implemented by Terpstra

(2009) in her doctoral research to know pre-service mathematics perception on how they

learn to teach with technology. The researcher conceptualized that TPACK framework and

activity theory provided a comprehensive understanding of the development of knowledge

for teaching with technology than either framework by itself. The researcher also used these

two frameworks as theoretical perspectives to identify the knowledge needed for teachers to

teach in an effective way with technology and the contribution to that knowledge

development. The TPACK framework provided an overview of the knowledge when

implemented with actions and the activity theory provides a view of possible contextual

factors and mediators across activity settings that may influence the knowledge development

in other settings. The study by Terpstra (2009) suggested a TPACK activity framework that

employs activity theory to track TPACK developments.

Certain research was conducted with specific mathematics educational software tool.

In a case, the Mathematics Science Partnership (MSP) Institute of Florida Atlantic University

used GeoGebra to model effective teaching/learning strategies to improve and change

teacher’s pedagogies (Escuder & Furner, 2011). Over the course of the last four years,

repeated annual studies have demonstrated that the teacher/participants have increased their

TPACK. In the MSP project, effective teaching practices were modeled and a collaborative

learning environment was created based on theoretical framework of TPACK by Mishra and

Koehler (2006), whereby teachers are encouraged to develop strategies and ideas about

teaching and learning mathematics while using the technology. In the course, GeoGebra was

integrated by interweaving all three key sources of knowledge: technology, pedagogy, and

mathematics. Data was gathered using several instruments, surveys, classroom observations,

and interviews of all participants in the cohorts. According to the observation protocols by

Escuder and Furner (2011) on 14 mathematics teachers and 5 cohorts, the tendency of

teachers to incorporate technology in their classroom increased from 27.8 percent to 64.3


The study conducted by Bos (2011) examined the effect of instructional program

made by her to elementary mathematics teachers’ professional development. Bos (2011) used

the TPACK framework with practicing teachers to develop instructional unit using Web 2.0

instructional tools and mathematical objects to verify mathematics teachers’ knowledge.

Some of the activities in the instructional course included requesting the participants to

determine a website they could use in the development of instructional unit that had

pedagogical, mathematical and cognitive components. The teachers were required to

determine and practice the website that suitable for conceptual learning in classroom.

Collaborative learning environment was created whereby the participants were grouped into
four and five person to prepare instructional unit and then presented in the class by discussing

their integrated use of mathematical content, pedagogy and technology in their designed

instructional units. To determine the impact of activities, evaluations were done by peer

evaluation to each group’s presentation using a Likert-scale test. The TPACK framework

created a research-based model to Bos (2011) work in increasing the potential of technology

integration in the classroom.

TPACK to Assess Mathematics Teachers’ Ability of Using Technology in Teaching

The proficiency of mathematics teachers in utilizing technology in teaching should be

assessed to identify the effectiveness of certain professional development programs.

Therefore, some instruments were constructed. TPACK framework is used to assess teacher’s

ability of using technology in teaching. Based on the review of the selected papers, among

the purposes of developing TPACK framework in mathematics education is to use it to assess

the ability of mathematics teachers’ in utilizing technology in teaching mathematics (Ozgun-

Koca, Meagher & Edward, 2010; Bowers & Stephens, 2011; Meng & Sam, 2013; Agyei &

Keengwe, 2014; Agyei & Voogt, 2015; Hansen, Mavrikis & Geraniou, 2016).

Based on Meng and Sam (2013), the research was conducted to develop pre-service

secondary teachers’ TPACK for teaching mathematics with The Geometer’s Sketchpad

(GSP) through Lesson Study (LS). After the representation through two sessions of GSP

workshops, the pre-service teachers worked collaboratively in group to do the LS processes.

The researchers developed the questionnaire based on the development of TPCK framework

by Schmidt et al. (2009) to assess the participants’ TPACK for teaching mathematics with

GPS. Each of the components in the TPACK framework (which were TK, CK, PK, PCK,

TCK, TPK and TPACK) was analyzed to assess the participants’ total TPACK score. The CK
in their research was changed to Algebra, Geometry, Statistics and Trigonometry and the

technology used in the research was specifically changed to GSP software.

Agyei and Keengwee (2014) demonstrated how pre-service mathematics teachers

exhibit their TPACK competencies through learning outcomes and how these outcomes

related to their self-reported TPACK. The researchers used TPACK framework to design

teachers’ assessment regarding their usage in technology. For quantitative data, each

component in TPACK framework (TK, PK, CK, TPK, TCK, PCK and TPACK) was

measured and the scores were added to give the total of TPACK score. For qualitative data,

data were collected based on the each component of TPACK framework. Five different

instruments were used in their study to assess the learning outcomes and the TPACK

development of the pre-service mathematics teachers. The instruments are such as TPACK

lesson plan rubric, TPACK observation rubric, product evaluation rubric, ICT skill test and

TPACK survey. Those instruments were used to assess the pre-service mathematics

teachers’ quality of technology integration in teaching practices. They used TPACK

framework to develop the rubrics and survey assessments.

Agyei and Voogt (2015) later used the instruments in Agyei and Keengwee (2014) to

investigate the impact of strategies applied in mathematics instructional technology course

for developing pre-service mathematics teachers’ TPACK competencies for spreadsheet

integration. Agyei and Voogt (2015) evaluated the participants’ TPACK scores for specific

technological tools that was spreadsheet software. The aim of the study was to assess pre-

service mathematics teachers’ TPACK competencies, which are knowledge, attitudes and

skills. Agyei and Voogt (2015) designed and planned activity-based learning supported with

technology as a strategy in their instructional course and TPACK was used as a conceptual
framework to assess knowledge and skills for those participants. Each component in TPACK

framework was assessed to explore the components of TPACK in knowledge and skills,

however, in more specific circumference, which was in their study; PK was defined as

knowledge and skills about applying activity-based learning strategies in teaching while TK

was defined as knowledge and skills in using spreadsheet, their affordances and constraints.

Ozgun-Koca, Meagher, and Edward (2015) and Hansen, Mavrikis & Geraniou (2016)

conducted a similar research based on Agyei and Voogt’s (2015) work with different research

objectives, and TPACK implementation. Ozgun-Koca, Meagher, and Edward (2015)

conducted the research to explore the secondary mathematics pre-service teachers’ TPACK

emergent during methods classes and filed placement. The TPACK framework was used to

model evaluation schema. The evaluation was done by using TPACK survey, collected

assignments and interview. The assignment was assessed for participants of each component

of TPACK and based on technological activities. The open-ended interviews were done for

their self-assessment. Participants’ answers of each interview question were tabulated and

coded based on the components in the framework. Study by Hansen, Mavrikis & Geraniou

(2016) was similar as Ozgun-Koca, Meagher, and Edward (2015) in implementation of

TPACK as they analyze the impact of co-designing virtual manipulative workshop through

verbal and written data, observations and interviews from in-service mathematics teachers.

Those data was analyzed using TPACK framework.


Based on the review, it can be concluded that the TPACK framework has provided a valuable

tool in mathematics education, both for designing mathematics teacher professional

development program and for assessing mathematics teachers’ knowledge in the area of

technology integration. TPACK was used as references for the pre-service teachers to choose

affordances technology in the classroom. TPACK was used to construct a lesson plan for

instructions. The interest of using TPACK framework for designing mathematics teacher

professional development program and TPACK survey for assessing teacher knowledge in

various international teacher education contexts is a clear indication of the worldwide impact

of TPACK as an emerging research and development for teacher educators.

Among the suggestion from this review includes that to design mathematics teachers’

professional development program and assess mathematics teachers’ TPACK for certain

subjects of mathematics such as algebra, geometry, calculus, trigonometry and others as well

as using specific mathematics educational software tools such as spreadsheet, Geometer’s

Sketchpad, IMovie which is appropriate to the subjects. Moreover, the framework for

assessing TPACK can be improved when the descriptors were established. Based on these

suggestions, TPACK has the potential to provide new framework for developing teachers’

professional development program and assessing mathematics teachers’ knowledge

pertaining certain mathematics subject. Then, the issues and challenges in mathematics

education in research and development can be expanded and varied.


Agyei, D. D., & Keengwe, J. (2014). Using technology pedagogical content knowledge

development to enhance learning outcomes. Educ Inf Technol, 19, 155-171.

Agyei, D. D., & Voogt, J. M. (2015). Pre-service teachers’ TPACK competencies for

spreadsheet integration: Insights from a mathematics-specific instructional technology.

Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 24(5), 605-625.

Bos, B. (2011). Professional development for elementary teachers using TPACK.

Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 11(2). Retrieved from


Bowers, J. S., & Stephens, B. (2011). Using technology to explore mathematical relationships:

A framework for orienting mathematics courses for prospective teachers. J Math

Teacher Edu, 14, 285-304.

Chan, S. W., Ismail, Z., & Sumintono, B. (2016). A framework for assessing high school

students' statistical reasoning. Public Library of Science ONE, 1-32.


Escuder, A., & Furner, J. M. (2011). The Impact of GeoGebra in math teachers’ professional

development. Proceedings of the Twenty-third Annual International Conference on

Technology in Collegiate Mathematics (pp. 78-84). Denver, Colorado: ICTCM.

Hansen, A., Mavrikis, M., & Geraniou, E. (2016). Supporting teachers’ technological

pedagogical content Knowledge of fractions through co-designing a virtual

manipulative. J Math Teacher Educ, 19, 205-226.

Hennessy, S., Ruthven, K., & Brindley, S. (2005). Teacher perspectives on integrating ICT

into subject teaching: Commitment, constraints, caution, and change. Journal of

Curriculum Studies, 37(2), 155-192.

Jonassen, D. H., Carr, C. S., & Lajoie, S. P. (2000). Computers as Cognitive Tools. Hillsdale,

NJ: Lawlence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.

Meng, C. C., & Sam, L. C. (2013). Developing pre-service teachers' technological

pedagogical content knowledge for teaching mathematics with the geometer's

sketchpad through lesson study. Journal of Education and Learning, 2(1), 1-8.

Mishra, P., & Koehler, M. J. (2006). Technological pedagogical content knowledge: A

framework for teacher knowledge. Teachers College Record, 108 (6), 1017-1054.

Niess, M. (2005). Preparing teachers to teach science and mathematics with technology:

Developing A technology pedagogical content knowledge. Teaching and Teacher

Education, 509-523.

Niess, M. L., Ronau, R. N., Shafer, K. G., Driskell, S. O., R., H. S., Johnston, C., et al. (2009).

Mathematics teacher TPACK standards and development model. Contemporary

Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 9(1), 4-24.

Özgün-Koca, S. A., Meagher, M., & Edwards, M. T. (2010). Preservice teachers’ emerging

TPACK in a technology-rich methods class. The Mathematics Educator, 19(2), 10-20.

Schmidt, D. A., E., B. D., Thompson, A. D., Koehler, M. J., Mishra, P., & Shin, T. (2009).

Technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK): The development and

validation of an assessment instrument for preservice teachers. Journal of Research

on Technology in Education, 42(2), 123-149.

Shulman, L. S. (1986). Those who understand: Knowledge growth in teaching. Educational

Researcher, 15(2), 4-14.

Suharwoto, G. (2006). Developing and implementing a technology pedagogical content

knowledge (TPCK) for teaching mathematics with technology. Society for

Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (pp. 3824–

3828). Chesapeake, VA: Association for the Advacement of Computing in Education


Terpstra, M. A. (2009). Developing TPCK: Preservice teachers' perception of how they learn

to use educational technology in their teaching. Doctor of Philosophy, Michigan State

University, Florida.

Thompson, A. &. (2007-2008). Breaking news: TPCK becomes TPACK! Journal of

Computing in Teacher Education, 24(2), 38-64.


Table 1

The List of Articles and Theses with Their Research Objectives and TPACK implementation.

Author(s) and Title Objectives TPACK implementation

Suharwoto (2006). Developing and To analyze the impact of a program that TPCK framework was prepared as a

Implementing a Technology develop pre-service mathematics conceptual framework of the program.

Pedagogical Content Knowledge teachers’ TPCK based on their TPCK framework was used to assess the

(TPCK) for Teaching Mathematics understanding and level of practices in participants’ development in utilizing

with Technology. the real classroom situation technology in teaching mathematics.

Terpstra (2009). Developing To investigate pre-service mathematics TPACK was used to conceptualize

TPCK: Preservice Teachers' teachers develop and use TPACK on activity theory on mathematics teachers’

Perception of How They Learn to their practices practices. TPACK survey was used to

Use Educational Technology in assess pre-service mathematics teachers’

Their Teaching. TPACK development in practices.

Ozgun_Koca, Meagher & Edward To explore the secondary mathematics TPACK framework was used to model

(2010). Preservice Teachers’ pre-service teachers’ TPACK emergent evaluation schema. The evaluation was
Emerging TPACK in a during methods classes and filed done by using TPACK survey, collected

Technology-Rich Methods Class. placement assignments and interview.

Bowers & Stephens (2011). Using To examine the degree of mathematics The general TPACK development

Technology to Explore teachers’ demonstrate various aspects framework is used to assess mathematics

Mathematical Relationships: a of TPACK teacher TPACK development.

Framework for Orienting

Mathematics Courses for

Prospective Teachers.

Escuder & Joseph (2011). The To share the impact of the GeoGebra in TPACK framework was used as a

Impact of GeoGebra in Math mathematics teachers’ professional theoretical framework of the program.

Teachers’ Professional development in some institute SMGEM


Bos (2011). Professional To study the effect of instructional TPACK framework was used to in-

development for elementary program to elementary mathematics service mathematics teachers, as they

teachers using TPACK. teachers’ professional development. developed instructional units using Web

2.0 instructional tools.

Meng & Sam (2013). Developing To develop pre-service secondary The TPACK development framework is

Pre-Service Teachers' teachers' TPACK for teaching used to assess the participants’ TPACK

Technological Pedagogical Content mathematics with The Geometer’s for teaching mathematics with GPS.

Knowledge for Teaching Sketchpad (GSP) through Lesson Study

Mathematics with the Geometer's (LS).

Sketchpad through Lesson Study.

Agyei & Keengwe (2014). Using To study pre-service teachers’ TPACK TPACK framework was used to assess

technology pedagogical content development through the multiple pre-service teachers’ TPACK

knowledge development to enhance assessment measure development. They build 5 instruments

learning outcomes. which are:

(1) TPACK lesson plan rubric

(2) TPACK observation rubric

(3) Product evaluation rubric

(4) ICT skill test

(5) TPACK survey

Agyei & Voogt (2015). Pre-service To explore the impact of strategies TPACK framework has been used to

teachers’ TPACK competencies for applied in mathematics instructional assess knowledge and skills pre service
spreadsheet integration: insights technology course for developing pre mathematics teachers’ development. The

from a mathematics-specific service mathematics teachers’ TPACK instruments were:

instructional technology. competencies for spreadsheet (1) TPACK lesson plan rubric

integration. (2) TPACK observation rubric

(3) TPACK survey

(4) Teachers’ Attitudes towards

Computers (TAC)


(5) Design Team Report

Hansen, Mavrikis & Geraniou To explore the impact of co-designing TPACK framework was used to model

(2016). Supporting Teachers’ virtual manipulative, Fraction Lab evaluation schema. The evaluation was

Technological Pedagogical Content workshop, on mathematics teachers’ done by using verbal and written data

Knowledge of Fractions through professional development. alongside observations and interviews

Co-designing a Virtual from the school visits.


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