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nz Issue 176 | February 15, 2018 | Free Edition

(09) 276 8800 theaucklandtimes

inister of Pacific
People, Hon
Aupito William as a phosphate rock for its faces issues relating to its occupied by Germany during
Sio attended the rich deposits and mining, environment. Minister world war 1 and by Japan
50th anniversary of Nauru’s became independent Sio met the President of during world war 2. Guests
independence recently. New from Australia in 1968. Nauru, Baron Waqa and at the 50th celebrations
Zealand acknowledged an Nauru uses Australian other government ministers included Fiji’s President,
important Pacific neighbor, currency. It has a special during his visit. Nauru is Samoa’s Prime Minister and
despite some past uneasy relationship as Australia’s seeking international help to Australia’s Governor General.
relations. Nauru, a former administered small island
state, described sometimes offshore center for asylum revitalize its land following
League of Nations mandate seekers and reportedly years of mining. Nauru was See Editorial


ropical cyclone Gita caused widespread devastation in several Pacific Island states, including
Tonga and Samoa. Fiji’s Lau Group felt the sharp end of Gita as it left the Tongan Kingdom.
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced immediate plans to assist its near neighbors.
Numerous predictions have been made regarding Gita’s likely impact on New Zealand.
02 Local News The Auckland Times | Issue 176 | February 15, 2018

Full Index
Local News
Editorial Commentary
01 - 05
Fiji News 08 - 15

Entertainment 18 - 23
Classifieds 24
Horoscope 25
Sports 26 - 32

Auckland Times


Publisher / MD: Ricky Nair former private to Turkey and previously deputy
secretary to Rt Hon high commissioner in Tonga, will
Editor: Ricky Nair Winston Peters will
be New Zealand’s second High
present credentials
Commissioner to formally present
in Suva as New Zealand’s High
Graphic Designer: Ganesh Vasudevan credentials since Fiji restored
Commissioner. Mr Jonathan Curr, a diplomat who served as parliamentary government
then Foreign Minister Peters’s in 2014. Mr Curr is a career
Printed By: PS earlier, later as ambassador diplomat.
Horton Media Ltd

For more information
Contact us
P: (09) 276 8800
M: 021 038 5827
oreign Affairs Minister Rt Hon Winston Peters has announced further assistance
Disclaimer: Report, article and to three of the Pacific states affected by cyclone Gita in recent days. Mr Peters
advertisement do not necessarliy reflect
said a further 1.5 million dollars will be given to assist immediate relief in Tonga,
the opinion of The Auckland Times(NZ)
Ltd. We do not take any responsibilities
Samoa and Fiji. This would bring estimated assistance by New Zealand to just over
of any article or advertisement. All rights 2 million dollars. NZ Defense Force has also been assisting with assessing damages in Tonga
reserved. and Samoa and handing supplies needed by many affected by the cyclone.
The Auckland Times | Issue 176 | February 15, 2018 Local News 03
epal’s new
ambassador to
New Zealand,
Ms Lucky Sherpa
presented her credentials in
Wellington and inspected a
guard of honor at Government
House. Ms Sherpa is believed
to be the first female senior
envoy of the Republic of
Nepal appointed to serve
concurrently as Ambassador
to Australia and New Zealand,
residing in Canberra. Nepal
is a republic having shed its
monarchical state previously, the last king removed from power and a new constitution
established. There are historic links between NZ and Nepal, with perhaps Sir Edmund
Hillary’s feats of eminent connection, including his ascent of Mt Everest in 1953 and
many humanitarian efforts to build schools, hospitals and roads helping the Sherpa
people in particular. Sir Edmund Hillary served as NZ’s Ambassador to Nepal and High
Commissioner to India at the behest of the Labour Government of David Lange.


inister of Ethnic Communities Hon Jenny Selesa is hosting a special
reception on 20 March at the Beehive to mark Holi. The festival is
traditionally linked to the commencement of harvest in India, with epic
stories linking it also to religious stories such as Prahalad. It is a festival of
colors when people splash water and colored powder on one another, partaking of specially
prepared food and beverages.
04 Local News The Auckland Times | Issue 176 | February 15, 2018

Lloyd Burr:
next leader
might not
be an MP

rime Minister conservative. She’s a government works. And
Bill English casts centrist. Unlike the how business works. And
his vote for the current crop she doesn’t the economy.
2017 General speak fluent politic. She She’s worked in the
Election at Asteron can talk to the everyday public service, and in the
Tower on September 21, Kiwi. private sector.
2017 in Wellington, New She’s also a mother Yes she’s a townie,
Zealand. Voters head to to four young kids, and but she is self aware. She
the polls on Saturday 23 had them while she was was so embarrassed at
September to elect the climbing the ladder at her lack of knowledge
52nd Parliament of New one of the biggest dairy of farming that she
Zealand. companies in the world, remedied it and went to
OPINION: Forget Fonterra. She was a work for Fonterra.
Judith Collins, Simon staffer in Don Brash’s But after five years,
Bridges, or Nikki Kaye. office when John Key she ditched the big
Or any of the other rocketed into office. salary, and the corporate
possible leadership Then she worked for him future to go into politics.
contenders in parliament for five years as a senior She hasn’t made it into
for National. advisor. Parliament yet, but she’s
The one to watch isn’t She’s learned from the second cab off the rank
even an MP yet. best. on the party list.
Her name is Nicola I’ve hosted a number And she’ll be an MP by
Willis. John Key is her of debates and events the end of the year, when
mentor, and confidant. where Willis represented a vacancy pops up.
I know it’s a radical the National Party. She has the goods to
suggestion that people Every time she was compete with Jacinda
might dismiss, and it an impressive debater. Ardern, and beat her.
does rely on Bill English Far better than the Yes, there are obvious
staying on for a while drivel that dominates downfalls like the lack of
longer, but hear me out. Parliament; there’s profile, but that’s an easy
She’s young, she’s smart, empathy, warmth, fix.
she’s articulate, and she’s and compassion, but National needs a
photogenic. also toughness and new face for the future,
She’s an incredibly ruthlessness. and that’s not one from
hard worker, and she’s Nicola Willis is new, its current fleet of
socially progressive, and fresh, and energised. She weathered MPs.
an environmentalist. knows how Parliament
She’s not a right-wing works. And how source newshub.
The Auckland Times | Issue 176 | February 15, 2018 Local News 05

Justice Minister Andrew Little

takes on abortion law reform
e’s been Jacinda Ardern said
consulting during the election
with coalition campaign that the law
partners and needed to change.
will soon present a letter During the Newshub
to the Law Commission, leaders debate, Ms
asking it to review and Ardern said abortion
consider modernising the “shouldn’t be in the
law. Crime Act”, while
Ardern: Abortion National leader Bill
‘shouldn’t be in the English said he supported
crimes act’ the law as it stood.
The aim is to “see Any change to
whether this law fits abortion law would go
in the 21st century any to a conscience vote in
more,” Mr Little told Parliament.
Newshub. “Public debates about
“The procedures abortion tend to stray
women are required to all over the place…
go through need some politicians have steered
attention.” away from it because it’s
Mr Little says the in the too-hard basket,”
Government will Mr Little says.
also be looking at sex Asked on Thursday
education, “to make sure why she wanted to see
young people get good abortion law reform, Ms
information and are Ardern replied: “Because
equipped to make good it’s 2018.”
decisions about their She said the current
lives and sexuality as law is “a very old piece of
they are growing up.” legislation that is due an
Prime Minister update.source newshub.
06 EDITORIAL COMMENTARY The Auckland Times | Issue 176 | February 15, 2018



ur prayers and with needy supplies, more
practical assistance to follow as agencies access
go out to several requirements. Tropical
Pacific neighbors, cyclones occur frequently
Tonga and Samoa in but for Tonga, it was said to
particular this time. Fijians have been the worst one in
were largely spared Gita’s sixty years. New Zealand’s

fury and as well - the nation
Ethnic Affairs Minister
r Bill English of sustained service in Teresa in India during his took months getting over
Hon Jenny Selesa, like
leaves numerous Cabinet posts. watch as a Cabinet Minister. cyclone Winston. Tongans
thousands of other Tongans,
parliament and Perhaps best remembered Seen as a simple man, and Samoans are being
politics with will be his work as Finance assisted by friends around have rallied to support the

with deep Catholic values, battered kingdom. Please
a valedictory speech on Minister and the period he the region, with Australia
English says he will look at help our brothers and sisters
1 March. In his 27 year signals as most enjoyable, and New Zealand taking
parliamentary career, Health Minister. Mr English options in business ventures the task very seriously. in both Samoa and Tonga
English has been on a had the privilege of now that he is free from Quickly the NZ Defense in their time of great need.
political roller coaster - ups representing NZ at the State political ties. We wish you Force at the behest of the There are collection points
and downs with periods Funeral of Mother (Saint) well. government was on its way to access.


ow well do we Commonwealth, engages
know our near in the Pacific Island Forum
neighborhood? and enjoys a network of
A small island foreign relations beyond
state celebrated its its somewhat isolated
50th anniversary of shores. Nauru’s problems,
independence from needs, including more
Australia, following a infrastructure are matters
history of occupations of significance. New
from colonial masters,
Zealand’s Pacific Peoples
a sustained period of
Minister Hon Aupito Sio
phosphate mining that
will have seen first hand,
virtually stripped the
some pertinent areas
lands and created long
term environmental where NZ can assist.
burdens. Nauru, formerly Hopefully the Ardern
known as Pleasant Island Government will reach
has arguably little more out warmly to Nauru.
than fishing options New Zealand’s links in the
and perhaps some region are very important
strategic value today; it and such instances can
is a member of both the remind us of who we are
United Nations and the and where we live.
The Auckland Times | Issue 176 | February 15, 2018 07

Tax tips, traps and troubles •​If you have to count purposes. Some accounts, and the tax rate applicable get a tax deduction for it.
stock, think about how you such as power, are easily to the $49,000 is 28%. You •​Some people think if
can minimise the effort at overlooked. The easiest are entitled to use the they change their motor
balance date. Can you get way of getting this list is to 17.5% for the year ending vehicle before balance
RAJ CHAND 31 March 2019, being the
rid of obsolete stock? Have go through all your April date, it could save tax. It’s
Financial numbers are heartbeat of a company you organised people to payments and decide which lower of those two. If you probably better to make
accidentally choose too

count the stock? ones relate to the previous your decision based on
YOUR ACCOUNTING & BUSINESS CONSULTING PARTNER •​It’s unlikely your financial year. We’re high a rate, you can’t get the good business rather than
et organised for overpaid tax back. If you go
stocktake can be done after assuming you pay all your on tax. If you’re going to
annual accounts too low, you have to put the
you close for business on the bills promptly. change the vehicle shortly,
The 31st of PIE income in your tax return
last day of the financial year •​If you have an have a look at the book
March is rapidly and pay the extra tax.
Reliable and before you reopen the investment in a PIE, you will value you would anticipate
approaching. Now is a •​It might be a good idea
next day. You will, therefore, need to provide your PIR, at 31 March 2018 and
good time to think about Experienced
to get some maintenance
need to take a record of (prescribed investor rate), compare this with the market
getting organised forTrustworthy your
transactions occurring after which is your tax rate. You work done before the end of
annual accounts to minimise
We Provide professional and excellent service
value. If you’re going to
TAXATION - ACCOUNTING- BUSINESS PLANNING the stocktake and before get this rate by looking the year, so you
hassles.TRUST ACCOUNTING - COMPANY FORMATIONS make a loss, change your
PH : 09 279 1234 FAX : 09 279 1235 the year end and deduct at your income for the can
The following RAJ CHAND : 021 comments
279 1233 vehicle before balance
E : these from the stocktake. previous financial year date. If you’re going to make
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South a 31
Road, March
Papatoetoe, Auckland
balance date. If yours is if your stocktake occurs and your income for a profit you can defer the
different, please adjust after balance date, you will the current year.
tax on that profit for a
accordingly. need to keep a record of For example,
year by changing the
•​If you have bad debts, sales from balance date your taxable
vehicle after balance
write them off before you get until stock is counted and income for
to 31 March or you’ll have to add these back to stock. If the year
include the amount owing to any deliveries occur around ended 31
you in your sales for the year. stocktaking time, you may March 2017
•​If you have invoicing also have to adjust for these. was $43,000
to do in April for work done Some people refuse to and you
in March, remember these accept deliveries at such anticipate
sales belong to the past a time, to keep things as your income
financial year and must be simple as possible. for the year
included in your accounts •​Money owing by you ending 31
receivable (sundry debtors). at the end of the year March 2018
We find some professionals, (accounts payable or to be $49,000.
particularly if they have sundry creditors) needs to The tax rate
only one invoice to issue, be listed so we can claim applicable to the
overlook this. the expenditure for tax $43,000 is 17.5%
08 Fiji News The Auckland Times | Issue 176 | February 15, 2018

he Fisheries

Ministry will ensure
restaurants around
the country do not
sell Kawakawa and Donu
during their spawning

warned not
period between June to
Fisheries Minister Semi
Koroilavesau says fishermen

to harvest
should restrict themselves
from harvesting the two
fish species.
He says they will strictly

monitor this as a complete
ban on harvesting and
consumption of kawakawa
and Donu will be in place.

and Donu
“We will carry out
monitoring, we are planning
and working with leading
agencies both the Police
and Navy. We have carried
out exercises for the last
three weeks in carrying out
patrolling exercises to make
sure that we actually control
it from the source before it
comes to the market.”
Koroilavesau is urging
Excellent work by professional the public to participate in
this initiative to sustain the
and Experienced Team kawakawa and Donu for
generations to come.

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The Auckland Times | Issue 176 | February 15, 2018 09

New Moon Furniture up to

â Big Showroom â Big Sale â Big Selection 60off
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Aidan Lounge Suite Bianca Lounge Suite Victoria Lounge Suite
Lounge Suite Suite Suite

WAS $1799
NOW 2+3 $889 / WAS $3299 WAS $3990 WAS $4990 WAS $3790 WAS $5290
1+2+3 $1129 NOW $1899 NOW $2990 NOW $3799 NOW $2790 NOW $3590
Colando Recliner Hudson Recliner Logan Corner Georgia Corner Charlotte Corner
Ada Lounge Suite
Corner Lounge Suite Corner Lounge Suite Lounge Suite Lounge Suite Lounge Suite

WAS $1199 WAS $3290 WAS $3990 WAS $3799 WAS $2799 WAS $4199
NOW $649 NOW $1975 NOW $1990 NOW $2399 NOW $1379 NOW $3190
Mia Coffee Table Mia TV Unit
Marble Coffee Table Modern Coffee Table Stylish Coffee Table Marble Coffee Table
(black avail.) (black avail.)

NOW $549 NOW $529 NOW $849

WAS $349 WAS $379 WAS $999 Matching TV unit Matching TV unit Matching TV unit
NOW $279 NOW $299 NOW $799 NOW $699 NOW $679 NOW $899
Family Glass Table Fergus NZ Pine Table Oak Dining Table 890# Oak Dining Table 882# Clearance Marble Table Marble Table BX05#
+6 Chairs 1.5M +6 Chairs +6 Chairs +6 Chairs +6 Chairs +6 Chairs

New Moon Furniture up to

WAS $799
NOW $499
Troy NZ Pine

â Big Showroom â Big Sale â Big Selection

Queen Bed

Aidan Lounge Suite

WAS $1299
NOW $899
Ella NZ Pine
Queen Bed

Florence Lounge Suite

WAS $2790
NOW $1790
Ellen NZ Pine
Queen Bed

Colando Recliner Lounge Suite

WAS $2990
NOW $1990
Elena NZ Pine
Queen Bed

Victoria Lounge Suite

WAS $1599
NOW $950
Genuine Leather
Bed 206#

Glossy White & Black Coffee Table

60off WAS $3290
NOW $2350
Genuine Leather
Bed 9201#

Mirror Coffee Table

New Moon Furniture up to

WAS $699 WAS $700 WAS $720 WAS $800 NOW QUEEN $999 NOW QUEEN $1049
NOW $379
WAS $1799Shelf
NOW $399
WAS $1999Brown/
NOW $385
Display Cabinet Black/ Display Cabinet 209#
NOW $419 SUPERKING $1149
Corner NOWDisplay
Corner NOWDisplay
+ Desk
NOW 2+3 8906#$1129 NOW 2+3
Marble Coffee Table
$999/1+2+3 $1129 WAS $4599
Marble Dining Table
â Big Showroom â Big Sale â Big Selection
221#$3190 WAS $5290 NOW $3590 Extendable Cabinet
TV Unit918#
NOW $699
Extendable Dining Table Solid NZ Pine Tina Queen Bed Solid NZ Pine Troy Queen Bed Solid NZ Pine Ellen Queen Bed
TV Cabinet
Unit NOW 917#$679
Aidan Lounge Suite Florence Lounge Suite Colando Recliner Lounge Suite Victoria Lounge Suite Glossy White & Black Coffee Table Mirror Coffee Table
+ 6 Chairs

WAS $1799 WAS $1999 NOW $559 NOW $579

WAS $499 NOW 2 DOOR AS $399/
NOW 2+3 $889/1+2+3WAS $1129$799 WAS
NOW 2+3 $999/1+2+3 $1129 WAS $999
$4599 NOW $3190 WAS $5290 WAS
NOW $899
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TV $999
Unit NOW $679
NOW $299 3 DOOR $529 Marble Coffee NOW
Table $599Marble Dining Table NOW $799
Extendable Dining Table NOW
Solid NZ Pine Tina Queen$759 NOW
Bed Solid NZ Pine Troy Queen Bed Solid NZ$799
Pine Ellen Queen Bed
+ 6 Chairs
WAS $999 NOW $799 WAS $2090 NOW $1399 WAS $1790 NOW $799 WAS $399 NOW $245 WASBar NOW $379 2.9M
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& Entertainment
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10 Fiji News The Auckland Times | Issue 176 | February 15, 2018

No extension of
timelines for VMS

here will be Medical centres, travel Customs Service says the
no extension agencies, accounting firms, government has lowered
of timelines law firms and hardware tax rates, by reducing the
for the VAT companies (wholesale and VAT rate from 15 percent to
Monitoring System retail) are required to install, 9 percent and income tax
(VMS) implementation implement and operate VMS rates to 20 percent.
by Supermarkets and on or before June 30th. Meanwhile, Das says despite
pharmacies. Das says there’s no turning these tax reductions,
This was highlighted by Fiji back and businesses will revenue has grown by 14
Revenue and Customs Chief have to comply with the percent.
Executive, Visvanath Das at implementation of the Revenue and Customs in
the VMS Awareness Forum project to create greater collaboration with VMS
held in Suva this week. transparency, level the vendors, POS providers
The extended time given playing field and encourage and consultants will
for supermarkets and good governance continue to work closely
pharmacies to install and He says there needs to be with supermarkets and
operate VMS device is on a tendency to increase pharmacies through the
the 28th of this month. rates in order increase tax accreditation process to
Phase 2 of the rollout for revenue. ensure all comply by end of
VMS has also been gazetted. The Revenue and this month. source fbc.

Over $1m worth

of complaints
registered during
festive season

ver one million She says a total of 763 media via the Council’s
dollars’ worth complaints, including mobile units.
of complaints pending cases from the The top 10 complaints
reported during previous quarter, were registered were in the areas
the festive season has been resolved through mediation of landlord and tenancy,
recorded by the Consumer – representing a total electronic goods (home),
Council. monetary value of over $1.4 food & drinks, construction
Council chief executive, million. services, advertisements
Premila Kumar says these The Council also received
and promotions, hardware,
complaints were registered 763 calls through the
motor vehicle (second-
during the Christmas, New National Consumer Helpline
hand), internet services and
Year and Back to School from disgruntled consumers
season. during that same period insurance.
Premila Kumar says either to lodge complaints Kumar adds consumers also
between November last or seek advice. raised concerns regarding
year and 31 January last The Chief Executive says misleading advertisements
month, the Council received 664 consumers sort advice as traders were found
a total of 771 complaints from the council for either charging different prices
amounting to 257 face to face, email, through compared to what was
complaints per month. toll-free number, social advertised. source fbc.
The Auckland Times | Issue 176 | February 15, 2018 11
16 Fiji News
12 The Auckland Times | Issue 176 | February 15, 2018

People in the
Pacific becoming
more modernized

ocial media, modernization there are all preserved and passed on.
climate change and these challenges just like Nemani was speaking
the influence of climate change that can at the final day of the
westernization are erode culture. The most Commonwealth Association
some contributing factors to important thing is that of Museums workshop
many young people losing we work together hand in in Suva which ended this
touch of their heritage. hand in terms of promoting
Fiji Museum Director, the safe guarding and
It was attended by more
Sipiriano Nemani says of course the continuity
young people today rarely and transmission of our than forty participants
speak their native language. practices to the young who aim to come up
He says many have been people.” with solutions on how to
influenced by what they’re Nemani stressed its preserve culture through
exposed to on the internet. important traditional education.
“Of course there’s knowledge and practices are SOURCE FBC.

Pillay calls
for urgency
to invest
in rural

here’s an urgency Rome. Pillay says these realities
to invest in rural While delivering his are undermining the
communities and statement earlier this prospects for sustainable
livelihoods so that week, Pillay reiterated the development and
threats to farming systems importance of investment threatening the livelihoods
can be addressed. in rural livelihoods as an of rural people.
This was highlighted integral aspect to deter He adds that addressing
by Assistant Minister for and minimize threats to these challenges and
Agriculture Viam Pillay farming systems such as low ensuring that people
during the 41st Session of soil fertility, salivation of have the capacity to lead
the International Fund for agricultural areas, droughts sustainable lives should
Agriculture Development and natural disasters like be a priority for any
(IFAD) Governing Council in tropical cyclones. Government.
The Auckland Times | Issue 176 | February 15, 2018 17

Punching Bag Again!

he other day I read to not same trap because residence. This was done major overhaul announced
that international fall there always will be deliberately with the full in the Immigration New
students were being into accountability imposed in knowledge of an intention Zealand’s skilled migrant
blamed for getting the some form or the other!!!! to seek international fee policy. On implementation
New Zealand residence Money considerations paying students. The $5 the number of international
through the back door. and how much income billion target was widely students particularly
I could not believe the could be earned became publicised. from India were curtailed.
injustice of this statement. the deciding factors that Many benefited from The pressure came to
It is absolutely a false claim dictated policies in the these policies but many relook at this policy when
and those stating this should last nine years of New have equally suffered. nervousness onshore arose,
be ashamed of themselves. Zealand’s governance. Those that have benefited when it became apparent
There is nothing backdoor Foreign income earned have mostly successfully that sophisticated migrant
about these students gaining became a preoccupation settled in New Zealand. exploitation was becoming
their residence. It was and a strong motivating For some entering the rampant, when large
government immigration factor to maximise. Those New Zealand education number of students were
policy at the time which policies have been credited system was a pathway to graduating with low level
they met and benefited with keeping New Zealand gaining residence. This qualifications and gaining
from. safe from the global was no secret as it was a residence; and when a
However, the students financial crisis that ruined carrot dangled, ripe for particular nationality was
have taken the fall and some nations. the picking. The more on the increase.
had to take the blame Thus entered the dangling then the more What is the future of
since this horrible phase money making machine - international students New immigration policies is a
of New Zealand history international student fees Zealand gained. From a wait and see game. Time
has commenced. A lack of to earn income for New monetary point of view it will tell but for the moment
accountability and shunning Zealand. Money was poured was a successful business it is geared to benefit a
from taking responsibility into advertising its merits enterprise. certain profile. If you do
of the actions and omissions and attractiveness overseas But absent from these not fit that profile it will be
have been the order of the as an education destination were the social issue an uphill battle. Many long
day. I say, these students are to target markets such considerations and the term temporary workers
to be stopped being used as as India. Educating provision of quality high need to be more vigilant
a punching bag. It is karma was a by-product. The level education that New about their immigration
we do not need further carrot dangled to the Zealand was always proud future prospects. No
accumulation of. potential students and of prior to this time. Nine assumptions should be made
The new government, their families very years have shown migrant as policies have changed
I hope, learns from the successfully was a route to exploitation issues arise and in this area also and it is
lessons history has taught the much pumped up and increase. Last year before important to consult and be
of their predecessors and sought after New Zealand the elections there was a prepared.
16 Fiji News
14 The Auckland Times | Issue 176 | February 15, 2018

Financial numbers are heartbeat of a company


Prime Minister
clarifies false
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Prime Minister Voreqe accounted for. very bold and false claims
Bainimarama has made it Bainimarama revealed the from some quarters.”
clear that allegations on government also paid for Bainimarama says the Sugar
some farmers that weren’t all the administrative cost Ministry is very responsive
able to supply their cane of the Sugar Cane Growers to farmer’s complaints with
from Rakiraki’s Penang Mill Council. the establishment of toll
to Ba’s Rarawai mill were “And as we’ve promised we free lines.
lies. covered the entire cost of all The Prime Minister also
Bainimarama says the cane that was transferred highlighted farmers should
government covered for the from the Penang Mill area know their welfare is
entire cost of the transfer to the Rarawai Mill, so no paramount for the growth
of cane to the Rarawai Mill farmer wasn’t able to supply of the industry
and all farmers have been their cane despite some source fbc.

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• Medical Waiver Application • Referral to Judicial Reviews (High Court)
• NZ and Fiji Citizenship application • Fiji/India passport application
• Fiji Police Clearance (1day service) • Document Verification (Free)
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Kamlesh Rana
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E: Ph: 0800 526 7262, Mob: 027 5267262

6C Joval Place, Wiri, Manukau, Auckland 2104 Email: •
Ph +64-9-263-6500 154 Puhinui Rd, Papatoetoe, Manukau, Auckland 2104, New Zealand
The Auckland Times | Issue 176 | February 15, 2018 Fiji News 17

Women face difficulties

earning a living :Vuniwaqa
he Ministry for develop further the business
Women and they already have. And
Children has that’s something that we
revealed that many find that is a challenge for
women in rural areas still women, and it’s something
face difficulties in trying to that we want to assist them
earn money after receiving in.”
sewing machines.
Vuniwaqa says they are
Minister responsible,
also looking at introducing
Mereseini Vuniwaqa says
after giving out these financial literacy to these
equipment, they expect women which will be a huge
women to start earning a advantage.
living for their family. She adds they will have
“The aim is that they to work with the Ministry
would generate income and of Industry and Trade
would be able to enhance or regarding this initiative.

Journalists need
to be responsible
irector for Human stories on facts. to be behind an inaccurate power and they need to The three were
Rights and Anti- He made the comments story on the contract be able to do their work questioned by Police again
Discrimination after the recent detainment termination of the presiding without fear of reprisal yesterday following their
Commission and questioning of the Magistrate in the ATS or recrimination but that first round of interviews
Ashwin Raj says journalists former publisher for Islands Workers case. power comes with a lot of
last Sunday and continue
need to be able to speak Business Netani Rika, “The journalists have a responsibility and this is a
truth to power. its Managing Director – very critical role to play, sad indictment of that fact to be investigated for
Raj says as the fourth Samisoni Pareti and staff they are the important that journalists are still breaching the Public Order
estate, journalists must writer Nanise Volau. interlocutor between the failing to realize what their Act
ensure they base their The three are believed public and institutions of responsibilities are.” SOURCE FBC.
16 The Auckland Times | Issue 176 | February 15, 2018

he Indian festivals calendar
is full of colors. It is also
a sketch map of important
themes which are applied
to our everyday lives, scattered with
festivals throughout the year. Holi is
no exception. The first week of March
heralds Holi with its central ideas
based on the destruction of evil and
the celebration of joy. Also known as
Phagwah in many communities, Holi
is marked with open minded happiness,
with water and colors, with foods and
laughter, prayers of thanksgiving,
renewal of family togetherness, much
more! In Auckland several communities
have organised special events based
on Holi. For most families, like other
Indian festivals, it is primarily a family
time. Given our warm weather and
humid days ahead, Holi 2018 is sure
to rekindle refreshing ways for families
to splash each other with water and
participate in specially prepared snacks.


The Auckland Times | Issue 176 | February 15, 2018 17


number of Auckland schools have
Holi themes, when children dress up
in Indian costumes, or decorate their
classrooms with information about Holi
and its age old traditions, Such ways lead to
better understanding of different cultures. Parents
are encouraged to help such efforts. Perhaps
you could consider making some special sweets
or savories and helping such good, practical
methods. Even, inviting your children’s friends
to Holi celebrations when water and colors
will add to the enjoyable aspects. It is only by
sharing our cultures that we create fundamental
understanding! Happy Holi everyone!

n ancient Vedic
scripture , Holika ,
sis ter of de mon king
Hiranyakashipu ,
terrorized p e ople and
heralded evil . With the
he lp of Lord Vishnu ,
Holika is burnt t o de ath
- de s truction of e vil
and the vict ory of good .
Prahalad , nephew of
Holika played a par t in
t h e e p i c s t o r y . To d a y ,
H ol i k a D a h a n (d e a t h ) i s
re enacted with bonfire s
and singing , a day prior
t o Holi .
18 World News The Auckland Times | Issue 176 | February 15, 2018

Russian election plot touched

even minor Trump supporters

EST PALM Russians used a Facebook “I am really active on
BEACH, Fla. group, a Twitter account Twitter. They were saying
(AP) — The and other “false U.S. Trump was not going to be
request personas” to organize elected. I happened to write
was simple: organize or coordinated “Florida Goes to them and say it’s not
attend a sign-waving Trump” rallies on Aug. 20, true,” said Morraz, 60, of
rally supporting Donald 2016. They reached out to Miami.
Trump. But some of the campaign staff, grassroots Morraz said that from
Florida Republicans on groups supporting Trump, there, she was asked about
the receiving end of those and specific individuals to good places to hold a rally
requests now know that participate. in Miami and then “they
they didn’t come from Frishe, 68, said he told me, yes, go ahead and
Republican allies, but from was called by someone do it.” So she organized an
Russian adversaries. identifying themselves as event outside a restaurant
Caught up in an with a group called “Florida that both she and @March_
elaborate Russian plot for Trump” and asked to for_Trump promoted. She
without their knowledge, a organize a sign-waving said hundreds attended and
handful of these small-time rally. He said between 15 she made signs herself and
Trump supporters said their and 18 people showed up received no money.
votes were not swayed and and that he didn’t receive Morraz was skeptical
they didn’t do anything any signs or money or other about a Russian plot.
they weren’t happy to do. support. He never heard “I just don’t believe it.
Still, their interactions with from them again. It’s like everything you see
the Russians highlight the He said he was not on TV. I don’t believe 90
ways, both big and small, overly concerned about the
percent of it,” she said.
that the nation’s campaign indictment, or his minor
Another Florida
process was infiltrated. role in the drama, and that
Republican, Betty Trigueiro,
“I was going to do what Russian interference is
says she didn’t attend the
I was going to do anyway. “nothing new.”
Florida Goes Trump rallies.
I was a Trump supporter, “It’s not surprising,”
But her name and phone
they didn’t convince me,” Frishe said. “It doesn’t
number were included in a
said Jim Frishe, a real estate have a huge impact in this
Facebook post promoting
development consultant country.”
the event without her
and candidate for county Still, the indictment
office, who organized details a sizable effort permission.
a sign-waving event in to disrupt the 2016 Trigueiro, 62, of
Clearwater that was part of presidential election, Bradenton, said that in
a statewide series of rallies aimed in part at helping August 2016 she started
promoted by the Russians. Republican Donald Trump getting some Twitter
The Florida rallies defeat Democrat Hillary messages from people she
are one small facet of the Clinton. It involved creating did not know with details
indictment issued Friday internet postings in the on pro-Trump events.
by special counsel Robert names of Americans whose She thinks they may
Mueller charging 13 identities had been stolen; have gotten her contact
Russians and three Russian staging political rallies information from her time
companies with interfering while posing as American as secretary of a local
in the 2016 election. The political activists; and Republican club. She said
most detailed allegation of paying people in the U.S. she never attended any of
illegal Russian meddling to promote or disparage the events.
to date, it says they candidates. While she was troubled
assumed U.S. identities, Lilia Morraz was that there appeared to
sowed discord on social another person who put efforts to “infiltrate and
media, communicated with together an event. She said cause chaos,” Trigueiro
“unwitting” Americans and she got involved after she wasn’t convinced the
even set up political rallies encountered the @March_ outcome was impacted.
from afar. for_Trump account on “There was too many
As part of that, the Twitter, one of the accounts people that wanted him
indictment says the the Russians used. elected,” she said.
The Auckland Times | Issue 176 | February 15, 2018 World News 19

PM Modi Visits Arunachal, Says People

Greet Each Other with ‘Jai Hind’ in the State

isiting Arunachal Science and inaugurated Khandu for the minister could not visit government-funded
Pradesh under the Dorjee Khandu state “wonderful work he is the state on the pretext of health care programme,
the shadow of
protests by China, convention centre. doing”. workload, “But I am such is a path-breaking
Prime Minister Narendra “My visit to Arunachal “He has prepared a top a PM who cannot stay initiative and would bring
Modi on Thursday hailed Pradesh is related to three quality roadmap on how without meeting you all”.
the patriotic nature of the
a “paradigm shift” in the
people of the border state, key projects in the state. Arunachal Pradesh should The prime minister health sector.
saying they greet each The secretariat is already be in 2027. And, he did said he would personally “The scale of this
other with ‘Jai Hind’ and functional and this was not only ask officials for tell people to go to
announced naming the New scheme is un-parallelled
Delhi-Naharlagun Express a good step taken by the inputs but also people Arunachal Pradesh to and it will bring a
as “Arunachal Express”. state government,” he said from all walks of life,” he hold important meetings paradigm shift in our
Modi’s second visit to at the rally at the Indira added. at the convention centre.
Arunachal Pradesh was health sector. It is time to
vehemently opposed by Gandhi Park here before On other issues, Modi “This is more than a give India a health care
China which urged India leaving for Tripura to accused the previous UPA building, it is a vibrant system that makes quality
to refrain from taking address election rallies. regime of neglecting the centre that will further the
any action that may treatment affordable
“complicate” the boundary The prime minister North East and said his aspirations of Arunachal within a limit of Rs 5 lakh
question. It is his first visit hailed the patriotic government has given Pradesh. There will be
to the frontier state after
per family,” he said.
nature of the people of priority to the region conferences and cultural
the Army’s standoff with Modi asked the state
Chinese soldiers in Doklam Arunachal, saying they with ministers and senior activities that will draw
government to frame a
plateau last year. greet each other with ‘Jai officials regularly visiting government officials and
new health policy and
Modi, who earlier visited Hind’. it. private companies,” he
work to attract private
Arunachal Pradesh in Modi also announced Seeking to highlight said.
that the New Delhi- the significance of the Modi said he has investments in the sector.
February 2015, told a
public rally here that Naharlagun Express region, he said important directed the state Referring to the BJP-
he “cannot stay without would now be called meetings should not only government not to wait led NDA government’s
meeting you all”. China “Arunachal Express”. The be held in the national for inauguration of any crusade against
claims Arunachal Pradesh train, he said, will connect capital but “we must go project but start utilising it corruption, Modi said
as part of South Tibet. the “people of the state to all states. And that is after its completion. the government has been
Clad in traditional with mainland India”. why I came to Shillong for Modi said the Centre is able to curb corruption
tribal headgear, Modi The frequency of a Northeastern Council taking up the Ayushman through the direct bank
dedicated the state civil the train, connecting meeting. An important Bharat Yojana on mission transfer (DBT) scheme.
secretariat building the national capital to meeting related to mode to provide quality “The Centre has saved
to the people, laid the the state, would also be agriculture was held in and affordable health care Rs 54,000 crore through
foundation stone for increased from one to two Sikkim.” to nearly 50 crore people Aadhaar-enabled direct
the Academic Block of days a week. Without naming across the country. benefit transfer of about
the Tomo Riba Institute Modi complimented Manmohan Singh, Modi He said the scheme, 400 government schemes,”
of Health and Medical Chief Minister Pema said, the former prime billed as the world’s largest he added.
20 Entertainment The Auckland Times | Issue 176 | February 15, 2018

t wouldn’t be incorrect
to say that when it
comes to Bollywood
stars, besides designer
labels and expensive cars,
plush addresses are also on
their list of must-haves. has it
that Jacqueline Fernandez
is hunting for a posh sea-
facing apartment for quite
some time now.
Vidya Balan
Says a source,
“Jacqueline currently lives
in Pali Hill and has been
scouting 5BHK properties
for some time. However, she
hasn’t found the house for
her. The actress is keen that
the place has an in-your-
face sea view, something
like Vidya Balan’s Praneta
Jacqueline Fernandez
Poses For A Photoshoot
Furthermore, Praneta
Apartments recently

grabbed headlines when reported
that Shahid Kapoor, who
also resides in the same
building, is planning to

move out owing to the
growing prostitution
menace right in front of his
house till the main Juhu
Beach, which is about half a

kilometre away.
That Juhu Tara Road
stretch is (in)famous
for flesh trade, with not
just prostitutes standing

brazenly on the road but
many pimps as well. We had
told you that Shahid and
Mira are house-hunting in

Vidya Balan
Meanwhile, SpotboyE.
com had exclusively also
told you that Jacqueline
has turned down an

Vidya Balan
advertisement of a mobile
phone brand with alleged
boyfriend Sidharth
Malhotra as it was a
Valentine’s Day special ad.

Clearly, Jacqueline doesn’t
want to add fuel to the fire
– (it’s an open secret that
Jaccky and Sid’s closeness
drifted Alia Bhatt and
Sidharth Malhotra away).
Doing a Valentine’s Day ad
with Sid at this moment
would only mean more
speculations about the
two seeing each other and
uncalled attention to their
Jacqueline Fernandez
So that’s that.
FYI, Jacqueline’s
house-hunting plans have
currently halted as the Sri
Lankan beauty is currently
shooting for Race 3 in
Thailand. We can’t wait for
her to introduce us to her
new home.
The Auckland Times | Issue 176 | February 15, 2018 Entertainment 21

the film, Paa Pandi. He is silver screen on 30 May. tossed around is of popular
currently busy shooting Another exciting piece of Kannada actor Sudheep.
for his forthcoming film, news is that Dhanush might Not just Sudheep, he is also
Maari 2, which is a sequel helm his next directorial by in talks with megastar
to his hit film, Maari. mid-2018.

to direct
Nagarjuna for a pivotal role.
Besides Maari 2, the According to reports,
Though Sudheep has heard
National award-winning the superstar is planning
actor will also be seen in to cast some biggest the story of the film, he
his Hollywood debut film, names from various film has yet not come onboard
Extraordinary Journey of producing industries. The as the actor is busy with a

the Fakir, which hits the first name that is being Hollywood film.

of stars
in his
hat Dhanush is an actor, but producer and
a multi-talented director also. After starring
creative genius is in many blockbuster films,
something we all the talented man made
are aware of. He is not just his directorial debut with

Radhika Apte starts shooting for her Hollywood

film ‘The Wedding Guest’, opposite Dev Patel!

e all know “They started shooting
Radhika last weekend and are
Apte is a pan expected to be there for
India actress, the next few days. Dev
who has worked across arrived in India two weeks
industries. But now, the ahead of the schedule to
dusky beauty has turned meet the film’s team, get
international. A few weeks familiar with the locations
ago, Radhika spoke to and prep for his part. Both
a portal and said she is actors are bound by a tight
doing an international film contract that doesn’t allow
with Dev Patel and the
them to speak about the
latest we hear is the two
film and details pertaining
actors have even started
to the project are strictly
shooting for the film.
under wraps till an official
The film is directed by
British filmmaker, Michael announcement is made,” a
Winterbottom and it is source told a leading daily.
titled, The Wedding Guest. Apart from this film,
The shoots are going on in Radhika will be next seen
Jaipur, Rajasthan and will in Baazaar and a web series,
be extensively shot in India both opposite Saif Ali Khan.
itself. Though both the On the other hand, Dev will
actors are bound to keep next seen in Hotel Mumbai,
the film under wraps, an an Australian-American
insider has given a little film based on the Mumbai
information about the film. terror attacks of 2008.
22 Entertainment The Auckland Times | Issue 176 | February 15, 2018

Aamir Khan to throw a

success party as Secret
Superstar crosses 750
crores in China!
the 100-crore mark in
China. When it did, he
good-naturedly joked that
he will wait till it makes
500-crore. Now, he has
zeroed in on a date.”
However, the party
will be an intimate affair.
The guest list for the party

STANDARD MOTOR’S LTD will include Zaira, director

Advait Chandan, the crew
of Secret Superstar and
a few of his friends and
directors from the industry
like Rajkumar Hirani and
Nitesh Tiwari.
The source added,
“Aamir is currently
shooting at nights for Thugs
Of Hindostan. However, he
• Full Mechanical Repair
will change it around and
• Panel Beaters shoot through the day on
• Full Service February 20 and 21, so that
• W.O.F he can host the party on
• Tyres Wednesday night.”
After 4 weeks run at the

Call: DANNY Chinese markets, Secret

Superstar has now crossed
58 Lansford Cres. Avondale, Auckland

Rs. 900 crores worldwide.
Ph: 09 820 5131 Mob: 027 209 2568 fter 4 months
of the initial
release, Aamir
Khan will now
throw a success party
for Secret Superstar. The
film was released in India
in last October and did
decent business, but it
was Chinese markets that
took the film to the global
level. The film released in
the neighbouring country,
China, last month and
become a giant hit. After
4 weeks at the Chinese
markets, the Zaira Wasim
starrer collected more than
Rs. 750 crores to which,
actor Aamir Khan will now
throw a success bash.
As reported by a leading
tabloid, a source informed,
“The film’s team had been
demanding a party for some
time now. Since Aamir
was busy with the shoot
of Thugs Of Hindostan, he
kept stalling it. He first told
them that he will throw
a party when it crosses
The Auckland Times | Issue 176 | February 15, 2018 Entertainment 23

After Torbaaz, Nargis

Fakhri to be seen in
a horror flick, titled,
ctress Nargis Patel. Bhushan, who last is yet to gain prominence
Fakhri, who was helmed scream queen in Bollywood. In fact, the
last seen in 2016’s Bipasha Basu in Alone, has Ragini MMS 2 director
film, Banjo, is all started shooting his next revealed that Fakhri was
set to comeback in Hindi in London. The director
his first choice. In fact, the
films after 2 years. Earlier, is impressed by her new
it was reported that she has leading lady, Fakhri. actress too has kicked off
left Bollywood and settled Speaking on the same, the film’s schedule a day
in the USA but shutting the Bhushan expressed his ago. Bhushan also believes
rumours down, she will be happiness when Nargis that Amaavas will probably
seen in 3 films in 2018. The Fakhri gave a nod to his redefine the experience of
actress is already shooting film immediately. Nargis watching a horror film.
for Torbaaz opposite Sanjay was reportedly very
Apart from Amaavas
Dutt and now, the latest we impressed with the script
hear is she will also be seen of the film. He too was and Torbaaz, Nargis will
in a horror flick. The movie glad about the fact that the also be seen in a Hollywood
is titled, Amaavas, and it is actress decided to attempt film, 5 Weddings, which
being directed by Bhushan this genre, even though it also stars Rajkummar Rao.
24 Calssifieds The Auckland Times | Issue 176 | February 15, 2018

Home Loan Legal Services Towing

Everest Finacial Services Legal Associates Lowrance Towing Ltd
557 Blockhouse Bay Road,
Blockhouse Bay Ashima Singh: Lowarance Lal
Phone: 09 215 6912 Mob: 021 0241 7161
Prateek Malhotra 31, East Tamaki Road, M: 021 234 8227
Mobile: 021 424 119 Level-1, Papatoetoe,
Air Conditioning Electrical & Electronics
Auckland Transport
AAVIS Refrigeration
E: JSR Life Motors Ltd
111 Kolmar Road, PAPATOETOE, I FIX 4U Immigration 4B Freeman
MANUKAU, AUCKLAND Electronic Service Centre Way Manukau City
ANUKAR PRASAD 138J Harris Road, Kam’s Consulting Auckland
East Tamaki, Auckland
Service Manager
Mobile: 021 0299 5922 Phone (09) 271 6262 Services Ltd Panel & Painting Ravi Kumar (Director)
Kamlesh Rana -
Phone: 09 277 5645 Manukau Panel Paint Ltd
Mob: 027 5267262 M: 021 0298 3339
Furniture 24 Ryan Place, Manukau
Ph: 0800 526 7262 P: 09 263 9255 Papatoetoe, Auckland
New Moon Furniture E:
154 Puhinui Rd, Papatoetoe, • Ph: 09-262 2674
998 Great South Road, • Mob: 027 487 1703
Penrose, Auckland Manukau, Auckland 2104,
Beauty New Zealand E:
Phone No : 09 579 8289 JSR Life Motors Ltd
Xtreme Beauty Email: 4B Freeman Way
PH 250 1836 0R Grocery Printing Manukau City
IDesi Legal Ltd.
021 265 5904 Mars Print Auckland
44A 277 Te Irirangi Drive, Food 4 Less Phone: +64 9 283 0157
Mobile: +64 21 159 8803 0800 132 504 M: 021 0298 3339
64 Atkinson Ave, Otahuhu,
Botany Junction
Auckland PH: (09) 270 8902
Level 1, 207 Broadway,
(09) 262 1527 P: 09 263 9255
(beside Westpac Bank) 13 Veronica Street, New Lynn, E: 021 169 0304 Ravi Kumar
Auckland PH: (09) 826 4387 E:
674 Te Papa Rd, Hamilton (Director)
PH: (07) 850 4294
NZ Migration Visa
Car Service Solutions Ltd Kiwi Transport Services Ltd
Danny Charanjit Singh PROFESSIONALS
58 Lansford Cres.
GULATI’S Mob: +64 21 204 5287
1 Belinda Avenue, Flat Bush, ABC Business Solutions
6C Joval Place, Wiri,
Manukau, Auckland 2104
Avondale, Auckland INDIAN GROCERY & TAKEAWAY Manaukau, Auckland level 1 - 185 Great South Road,
Ph +64-9-263-6500
DANNY (Mob: 027 209 2568) Sanjay Gulati Papatoetoe, Auckland
Raju - M: +64-21-08211144
Ph: 09 820 5131
Ph: 09 2789673 RAJ CHAND : 021 279 1233 E:
PH : 09 279 1234 FAX : 09 279 1235
Nitin - Ph: +64-21-2677791
Mob: 0210760028 ALLSTYLE BLINDS & E: E:
574 Great South Road,
717-719 Great South Road, CURTAINS LTD
Otahuhu, Auckland 1062 Papatoetoe
SUNIL NATH (Director ) RAM (Director) Travel & Tours
Mob: 021 0225 7205
Ph: 09 270 2122 Fax: 09 270 2123 M: 021 434 755 Shipping & Freight Eco Travels
Email: 31 East Tamaki Road,
Hair Stylish Ph: (09) 277 4445 SAILAX Papatoetoe, Auckland 2025

Constructions ASH Cuts & Styles Shipping & Freight Forwarding LTD
Harpreet Singh (Branch Manager)
Ph: 022 427 3839 / 0800 02 44 11
152 Great South Road, 547 Massey Rd, Mangere,
Jewellery Auckland
SS Homes Investment Ltd Papatoetoe, Auckland P: (09) 257 2323 | F: (09) 257 2322
Mob: 0211771181
Ashad (Mob: 021 103 4860)
6 Orams Road, Manurewa, Auckland Phone No : 09 278 1071 OR LUCKY
Email: JEWELLERS Director
Papatoetoe, Auckland
Shopping 0800 031 855
Rohit Anand Mob: 021 272 3538 Hair & Beauty A1 Safety & Packaging M: 021 040 0486
A1 Safety & Packaging, 20 Moa
Phone: (09) 272 3538 Fax: (09) 272 3528 Tel. +64 (09) 278 8230 Street, Otahuhu
Unit 2/349 East Tamaki Road, Shop 17 , Hunters Plaza
Phone: 09 270 0939
East Tamaki, Auckland Phone No : 2794817
153 Great South Rd, Papatoetoe Silva Travel & Tours
A1 Builders (2008) Ltd
Surya Narayan
SPARKLES Xpressions 689 Sandringham Road,
Mout Roskill, Auckland,
South City Barber JEWELLERS T.S SETHI New Zealand 1025
Director 60 St. George Street, Ph: 09 620 6201
M: 021 0217 8792 Old Papatoetoe, Auckland G.S Happy 021 148 8918 Email:
M: 021 381 585
PH: 09 570 7372
Phone No : 09 278 5599
D: 09 390 1041 09 269 5345
157 Great South Road, Vaesno Devi
159 Great South Road, Manurewa, Auckland Maha Yatra Tours
Universal Homeopathic NZ LTD Papatoetoe, Auckland

09 279 4775 or
PAPATOETOE Dental Care 415 Great South Road Ph: 0800 03 0376 Sweets & Snacks
43 Tui Road, Papatoetoe, Auckland
New Zealand Indian Flame
027 348 0394
Phone No : 09 278 1106 Gate No. 6, Sarafan Bazar,
Papatoetoe Moga, Punjan, India Ph: 09 266 9127
Mob: 021 125 6356
Ph: 09 278 5819 Ph: 0091-88723 11681 1/166 GREAT SOUTH ROAD E: MANUREWA, AUCKLAND
The Auckland Times | Issue 176 | February 15, 2018 Horoscope 25
Horoscope Predictions Kamal Haasan to say
NOVEMBER 2017 goodbye to films once
he plunges into politics!
Aries wonderful. Relationship

with your spouse will face amal Haasan is a actor now says goodbye to
(Mar 22 - April 20) (Nov 22 - Dec 21)
some disturbances. Singles pan India actor, films. Once he finishes his

are able to attract romantic who has worked on-going projects, he will
uring February 2018 ebruary 2018 predominately give a bid adieu to films
Aries zodiac are predictions for in Tamil cinema. Haasan, and will focus on politics
free to follow your Sagittarius astrology who entered the film and the people of Tamil
own path independently.
Professional prospects
Leo zodiac indicate that family
industry at the tender age
of 5, has more than 40
Nadu. “Except for the two
films which are coming
(July 23 - Aug 22) and psychological issues
depend on hard work and years long professional out, there will be no more

financial progress will be dominate over career. career. After giving films for me,” declared
superb. Relationship with ove life will be Finances are helped by us many critically and Haasan in an interview
pleasant for Leo star commercially successful to private news channel
family members shows social contacts. You are movies, the 63-year-old India Today at Harvard
signs of tension. Sun and sign and Uranus held back in love life till
mercury will help your is helping your social the 16th. Health can be
social life and pregnancy activities. Health prospects
related issues. Health will improved by sufficient
be adequate. brighten after the 19th. breaks and by conserving
Monetary situation is energy.
Taurus retarded till the 16th. Your
(April 21 - May 21) emotional strength will

propel your career success.
lanets are helping (Dec 22 - Jan 20)

Taurus star sign to
complete demanding (Aug 23 - Sept 22) ealth will be

jobs in their profession. fabulous for
Venus is boosting your love etrograde of planets Capricorn zodiac
life and family members are in February 2018 is in February 2018. Financial
helping you to succeed in making Virgo sun prosperity is supported
your financial arena. Social sign less vibrant. Financial by the family members.
University in Boston. service of people and that
life will be active and health success is backed by your Though love life is not When asked whether I have promised myself.”
prospects are bright. creativity and new career exciting, singles will face he would continue Haasan revealed that
openings for career are no problem in getting new acting even after his decision to get into
Gemini available. Perfection of a
Virgo will limit choice of
partners. Career is more for embracing politics, the
Vishwaroopam actor said,
politics was made about
10-12 years ago but was
(May 22 - June 21) enjoyment, but will be a “I think that part is done,
love partners for singles. not sure of going about it.
major source of revenue.

I don’t think I will. No Now that he has, he said,
Health will be problematic. more signing films.”
hile the Sun “I can’t keep complaining
The 63-year-old actor,
is trying to
and get angry. You have
help career Libra (Jan 21 - Feb 21)
who is forming a new
political party, added,
to (get into politics).
Unless you do that you
development of Gemini (Sept 23 - Oct 23) “I am earnest. I am not

cannot bring the reforms

here to improve my bank
astrology sign, retrograde I am envisioning for
enus and family un and Mercury will account. I could have led
of planets is holding you a happy, retired, popular Tamil Nadu.”
will help the enhance the charm
back. Finances are helped life. My decision to come We wish all the luck to
by the Moon in February finances of Libra of Aquarius sun into politics is as I do not the magnificent actor for
2018. Love life with your zodiac sign. Love is sign during the month. want to die merely as his last two films and his
quite active and singles Career prospects are an actor. I will die in the new political journey.
spouse requires mutual
understanding. Health can will have no problem driven by ambition and
in getting into romantic hard work. Finances are
be maintained with more
alliances in February very encouraging with the
rest after the 19th.
monetary support of your
2018. Health can be
Cancer improved with a good
spouse. Family environment
is full of turmoil. Health
(June 22 - July 22)
fitness and diet regime. will be normal.

Career will be in the
areer and outer
success dominate the
background. Pisces
(Feb 22 - Mar 21)
life of Cancer zodiac
during February 2018.
(Oct 24 - Nov 21) areer progress of
Planetary aspects create

Pisces zodiac sign presents you ove relationships for is achieved with the
the astrological forecasts Scorpio sun sign are help of planetary assistance.
for February 2018. It gives influenced by Venus, Finances are improved by
you the detailed predictions Uranus and Neptune and indulging in philanthropic
for the month of February will be exciting. Finances
activities. Health will be
require more effort to earn
2018 for all the zodiacs wonderful in February
the same amount after the
from Aries to Pisces. 19th. Career development 2018. Your spouse is busy
Turmoil in the financial will be great, but health will with her professional
situation. Health will be require more rest. activities.
26 Sports The Auckland Times | Issue 176 | February 15, 2018

IPL 2018: Aaron Finch Picks

Wedding Over KXIP-DD Clash
that, they’ve got a job to do
for their franchises so I’m
sure they’ll be in India,” he
Speaking on SEN
radio program Whateley
earlier this week, Maxwell
revealed the overlap. “This
is an interesting one and
I haven’t told anyone this
before, not even Punter -

he BCCI announced missing my wedding,” Finch we’ve got Aaron Finch’s
the fixtures list of told reporters in Auckland wedding on April 7,” said
the much-awaited on Thursday. Maxwell, who has since
eleventh season of “That’d be a bit tough informed Delhi Daredevils
the Indian Premier League leaving Amy at the altar, coach Ricky Ponting of the
(IPL) on Wednesday and wouldn’t it?” clash.
with the season starting on “The second game we “They said the IPL was
April 7, Aaron Finch and play is on the 13th, that’ll going to start on the April
Glenn Maxwell will miss give me plenty of time to 15th - he thought the dates
the opening game of their get over there and miss were set but we found out
respective franchises — only one game luckily. about three months ago it
Kings XI Punjab and Delhi “Having one of my good was going to start on the
Daredevils. mates ‘Hodgey’ as coach … eighth.”
The two teams meet he knows about it now. I Even Australia captain
at the Ferozeshah Kotla did wait a bit longer to send Steve Smith has been
on April 8 and with Finch him the invite before the in a mess thanks to the
tying the knot on April auction. international commitments.
7, it is impossible for him “It’s just a case of He got engaged to partner
to arrive for the opener. missing one game but Dani Willis last year.
Maxwell is the MC in the hopefully playing with “We’re looking around
marriage. Kings over a three-year September so hopefully
Finch, picked by Kings period, it’s not the end of he’ll be around,” Willis told
XI Punjab in last month’s the world.” after Smith
auction, has scheduled his Finch might not get any won the Allan Border Medal
wedding with partner Amy high profile teammate at on Monday, dryly adding:
Griffiths for April 7. “I saw his wedding as they will be “It’s kind of important that
the fixture this morning busy with the IPL. “Guys he attends, I can’t Skype
- there’s no chance I’ll be like Davey (Warner) and him in for that.”

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The Auckland Times | Issue 176 | February 15, 2018 Sports 27

Parker vs Joshua: Tony Yoka to spar with

Kiwi fighter ahead of unification fight

iji Airways Fijian 7s on March 2-4 followed by the B, South Africa will play England, “The series is always tough and as squad.
playmaker Vatemo Vancouver Sevens in Canada on Canada and Wales. we go ahead we want the players “When we get there we
Ravouvou, winger March 10-11. Australia, winners of the to be fit to make sure that we play
will look for oppositions to play
Waisea Nacuqu and “Vatemo Ravouvou, Waisea Sydney Sevens are drawn in Pool the game that we intend to play.
prop Kalione Nasoko have been Nacuqu and Kalione Nasoko C along with Samoa, USA and “We’re working on our fitness against and also acclimatise to the
medically cleared. picked up niggling injuries in Spain. New Zealand will face level and also other areas that conditions there.”
This was confirmed to Hamilton but they have been Scotland, Argentina and Uruguay we will be looking at that needs The Fijian 7s team are
SUNsports yesterday by head cleared,” Baber said. in Pool D. immediate attention.”
coach Gareth Baber who said the “We have had some With the remaining six Baber said he would name now in third spot on the Series
players are now training and are scrimmaging games during the tournaments in the Series, his final travelling team in the standing with 62 points as South
in contention for selection to the week so the players are able to get Commonwealth Games in April next few days as they will depart Africa lead the table with 77. New
third round of the 2017/18 World back and play some games.” and the Sevens Rugby World Cup for Las Vegas next Wednesday.
Zealand are in second place with
Sevens Series. The Fiji Airways Fijian 7s team in San Francisco on July 20-22, Selection will be not be easy with
The next tournaments are are in Pool A where they face Baber has set-up a strategy plan, the inclusion of Sakoe Railoa and 69.
the USA Sevens in Las Vegas Kenya, France and Russia. In Pool which he hopes will be successful. Isake Katonibau in the extended source fiji sun.
28 Sports The Auckland Times | Issue 176 | February 15, 2018

Roy Krishna
‘happy’ to have
re-signed with
ellington question his desire to remain in the Phoenix now, I’ve just got to the bottom of the A-League “That’s what I get paid for,
Phoenix ace the Kiwi capital. do my best and another chance ladder. to score goals and do my best
Roy Krishna The 30-year-old striker was will come. My aim is to put He is also chasing a for the team, and it’s frustrating
aims to put the at pains to dismiss those rumours the Phoenix back on the map,” personal milestone; Krishna
seeing the boys going through
A-League club “back on the map” on Friday, but admitted he’d like Krishna said. has scored 32 goals for the
after signing a one-year contract a crack overseas at some point in “I feel happy and excited Wellingtonians, just one behind those hard patches.”
extension. the future. - like I’ve said, it’s my second all-time leading goalscorer Paul With eight games
Krishna, Fiji’s captain and The American MLS’ home. Ifill. He admitted he was remaining in the A-League
the Nix’s brightest attacking Colorado Rapids - currently “My family, they said I aware of the record. season, the Nix are last on 14
talent, has resisted overtures coached by ex-All Whites boss made the right decision, so I’m “I just want to enjoy - that’ll points, two behind the ninth-
from overseas clubs to pen a new Anthony Hudson - were thought happy.” be in the back of my mind, to
placed Central Coast and 11 from
deal through to mid-2019. He to be one of his chief suitors. Krishna, having overcome his break the record,but I just want
recently missed three Phoenix “It came across but we made muscle issues, is likely to start to enjoy football and if it comes, the top six. Perth are currently
games - all losses - due to a decision, both parties, and I’m in Saturday’s clash against Perth hopefully I can take it,” Krishna sitting eighth on 19 points.
muscle soreness, leading some to happy here - my full focus is with Glory, as the Nix try to get off said. source newshub.

Quick Crossword Sudoku

Fill the numbers in the boxes to satisfy only one condition: each row,
(Issue No. 174)

column and 3x3 box must contain the digits 1 through 9 exactly once.
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The Auckland Times | Issue 176 | February 15, 2018 Sports 29
Injured 3 Okay: Baber
iji Airways Fijian 7s Scotland, Argentina and Uruguay
playmaker Vatemo in Pool D.
Ravouvou, winger With the remaining six
Waisea Nacuqu and tournaments in the Series,
prop Kalione Nasoko have been Commonwealth Games in April
medically cleared. and the Sevens Rugby World Cup
This was confirmed to in San Francisco on July 20-22,
SUNsports yesterday by head Baber has set-up a strategy plan,
coach Gareth Baber who said the which he hopes will be successful.
players are now training and are “The series is always tough and as
in contention for selection to the we go ahead we want the players
third round of the 2017/18 World to be fit to make sure that we play
Sevens Series. the game that we intend to play.
The next tournaments are “We’re working on our fitness
the USA Sevens in Las Vegas level and also other areas that
on March 2-4 followed by the we will be looking at that needs
Vancouver Sevens in Canada on immediate attention.”
March 10-11. Baber said he would name
“Vatemo Ravouvou, Waisea his final travelling team in the
Nacuqu and Kalione Nasoko next few days as they will depart
picked up niggling injuries in for Las Vegas next Wednesday.
Hamilton but they have been Selection will be not be easy with
cleared,” Baber said. the inclusion of Sakoe Railoa and
“We have had some Isake Katonibau in the extended
scrimmaging games during the squad.
week so the players are able to get “When we get there we
back and play some games.” will look for oppositions to play
The Fiji Airways Fijian 7s team against and also acclimatise to the
are in Pool A where they face conditions there.”
Kenya, France and Russia. In Pool The Fijian 7s team are
B, South Africa will play England, now in third spot on the Series
Canada and Wales. standing with 62 points as South
Australia, winners of the Africa lead the table with 77. New
Sydney Sevens are drawn in Pool Zealand are in second place with
C along with Samoa, USA and 69.
Spain. New Zealand will face source fiji sun.
30 Sports The Auckland Times | Issue 176 | February 15, 2018

2018 Super 15
Day & Date Home Team Away Team Venue

Sun 18 Feb 2:05 Stormers Jaguares Newlands, Cape Town
Sun 18 Feb 4:15 Lions Sharks Emirates, Airlines Park, Johannesburg

Fri 23 Feb 19:35 Highlanders Blues Forsyth Barr Stadium, Dunedin
Fri 23 Feb 21:45 Rebels Reds AAMI Park, Melbourne
Sat 24 Feb 17:15 Sunwolves Brumbies Prince Chichibu Memorial Stadium, Tokyo
Sat 24 Feb 19:35 Crusaders Chiefs AMI Stadium, Christchurch
Sat 24 Feb 21:45 Waratahs Stormers Allianz Stadium, Sydney
Sun 25 Feb 2:05 Lions Jaguares Emirates Airlines Park, Johannesburg
Sun 25 Feb 4:15 Bulls Hurricanes Loftus Versfeld, Pretoria

Fri 2 Mar 19:35 Blues Chiefs Eden Park, Auckland
Fri 2 Mar 22:00 Reds Brumbies Suncorp Stadium, Brisbane
Sat 3 Mar 19:35 Crusaders Stormers AMI Stadium, Christchurch
Sat 3 Mar 22:00 Sunwolves Rebels Prince Chichibu Memorial Stadium, Tokyo
Sun 4 Mar 2:05 Sharks Waratahs Kings Park, Durban
Sun 4 Mar 4:15 Bulls Lions Loftus Versfeld, Pretoria
Sun 4 Mar 10:40 Jaguares Hurricanes Velez Sarsfield, Buenos Aires

Fri 9 Mar 19:35 Highlanders Stormers Forsyth Barr Stadium, Dunedin
Fri 9 Mar 21:45 Rebels Brumbies AAMI Park, Melbourne
Sat 10 Mat 19:35 Hurricanes Crusaders Westpac Stadium, Wellington
Sat 10 Mat 21:45 Reds Bulls Suncorp Stadium, Brisbane
Sun 11 Mar 2:05 Sharks Sunwolves Kings Park, Durban
Sun 11 Mar 4:15 Lions Blues Emirates Airlines Park, Johannesburg
Sun 11 Mar 10:40 Jaguares Waratahs Velez Sarsfield, Buenos Aires

Fri 16 Mar 19:35 Chiefs Bulls Waikato Stadium, Hamilton
Sat 17 Mar 19:35 Highlanders Crusaders Forsyth Barr Stadium, Dunedin
Sat 17 Mar 21:45 Brumbies Sharks GIO Stadium, Canberra
Sun 18 Mar 2:05 Stormers Blues Newlands, Cape Town
Sun 18 Mar 4:15 Lions Sunwolves Emirates Airlines Park, Johannesburg
Sun 18 Mar 10:40 Jaguares Reds Velez Sarsfield, Buenos Aires
Sun 18 Mar 18:05 Waratahs Rebels Allianz Stadium, Sydney

Fri 23 Mar 17:35 Crusaders Bulls AMI Stadium, Christchurch
Fri 23 Mar 19:45 Rebels Sharks AAMI Park, Melbourne
Sat 24 Mar 15:15 Sunwolves Chiefs Prince Chichibu Memorial Stadium, Tokyo
Sat 24 Mar 17:35 Hurricanes Highlanders Westpac Stadium, Wellington
Sun 25 Mar 2:15 Stormers Reds Newlands, Cape Town
Sun 25 Mar 8:40 Jaguares Lions Velez Sarsfield, Buenos Aires

Fri 30 Mar 19:35 Chiefs Highlanders Waikato Stadium, Hamilton
Fri 30 Mar 21:45 Rebels Hurricanes AAMI Park, Melbourne
Sat 31 Mar 19:35 Blues Sharks Eden Park, Auckland
Sat 31 Mar 21:45 Brumbies Waratahs GIO Stadium, Canberra
Sun 1 Apr 3:15 Bulls Stormers Loftus Versfeld, Pretoria
Mon 2 Apr 0:30 Lions Crusaders Emirates Airlines Park, Johannesburg

Fri 6 Apr 19:35 Hurricanes Sharks Hawkes Bay Rugby, Napier
Sat 7 Apr 17:15 Sunwolves Waratahs Prince Chichibu Memorial Stadium, Tokyo
Sat 7 Apr 19:35 Chiefs Blues Waikato Stadium, Hamilton
Sat 7 Apr 21:45 Brumbies Reds GIO Stadium, Canberra
Sun 8 Apr 3:15 Lions Stormers Emirates Airlines Park, Johannesburg
Sun 8 Apr 9:40 Jaguares Crusaders Velez Sarsfield, Buenos Aires

Fri 13 Apr 19:35 Hurricanes Chiefs Westpac Stadium, Wellington
Sat 14 Apr 15:05 Sunwolves Blues Prince Chichibu Memorial Stadium, Tokyo
Sat 14 Apr 17:15 Rebels Jaguares AAMI Park, Melbourne
Sat 14 Apr 19:35 Highlanders Brumbies Forsyth Barr Stadium, Dunedin
Sat 14 Apr 21:45 Waratahs Reds Sydney Cricket Ground
Sun 15 Apr 3:15 Sharks Bulls Kings Park, Durban

Fri 20 Apr 19:35 Blues Highlanders Eden Park, Auckland
Fri 20 Apr 21:45 Waratahs Lions Allianz Stadium, Sydney
Sat 21 Apr 19:35 Crusaders Sunwolves AMI Stadium, Christchurch
Sat 21 Apr 21:45 Reds Chiefs Suncorp Stadium, Brisbane
Sun 22 Apr 1:05 Bulls Rebels Loftus Versfeld, Pretoria
Sun 22 Apr 3:15 Sharks Stormers Kings Park, Durban
Sun 22 Apr 18:05 Brumbies Jaguares GIO Stadium, Canberra
The Auckland Times | Issue 176 | February 15, 2018 31

5 Rugby Fixtures
Day & Date Home Team Away Team Venue

Fri 27 Apr 19:35 Hurricanes Sunwolves Westpac Stadium, Wellington
Sat 28 Apr 5:10 Stormers Rebels Newlands, Cape Town
Sat 28 Apr 17:05 Reds Lions Suncorp Stadium, Brisbane
Sat 28 Apr 19:35 Blues Jaguares Eden Park, Auckland
Sat 28 Apr 21:45 Brumbies Crusaders GIO Stadium, Canberra
Sun 29 Apr 3:15 Bulls Highlanders Loftus Versfeld, Pretoria

Fri 4 May 19:35 Chiefs Jaguares Rotorua international stadium
Fri 4 May 21:45 Rebels Crusaders AAMI Park, Melbourne
Sat 5 May 17:05 Waratahs Blues Allianz Stadium, Sydney
Sat 5 May 19:35 Hurricanes Lions Westpac Stadium, Wellington
Sun 6 May 1:05 Stormers Bulls Newlands, Cape Town
Sun 6 May 3:15 Sharks Highlanders Kings Park, Durban

Fri 11 May 19:35 Blues Hurricanes Eden Park, Auckland
Sat 12 May 15:05 Sunwolves Reds Prince Chichibu Memorial Stadium, Tokyo
Sat 12 May 17:15 Crusaders Waratahs AMI Stadium, Christchurch
Sat 12 May 19:35 Highlanders Lions Forsyth Barr Stadium, Dunedin
Sat 12 May 21:45 Brumbies Rebels GIO Stadium, Canberra
Sun 13 May 1:05 Stormers Chiefs Newlands, Cape Town
Sun 13 May 3:15 Bulls Sharks Loftus Versfeld, Pretoria

Fri 18 May 19:35 Hurricanes Reds Westpac Stadium, Wellington
Sat 19 May 12:00 Sunwolves Stormers Prince Chichibu Memorial Stadium, Tokyo
Sat 19 May 19:35 Blues Crusaders Eden Park, Auckland
Sat 19 May 21:45 Waratahs Highlanders Allianz Stadium, Sydney
Sun 20 May 1:05 Sharks Chiefs Kings Park, Durban
Sun 20 May 3:15 Lions Brumbies Emirates Airlines Park, Johannesburg
Sun 20 May 9:40 Jaguares Bulls Velez Sarsfield, Buenos Aires

Fri 25 May 19:35 Crusaders Hurricanes AMI Stadium, Christchurch
Fri 25 May 21:45 Rebels Sunwolves AAMI Park, Melbourne
Sat 26 May 7:40 Jaguares Sharks Velez Sarsfield, Buenos Aires
Sat 26 May 19:35 Chiefs Waratahs Waikato Stadium, Hamilton
Sat 26 May 21:45 Reds Highlanders Suncorp Stadium, Brisbane
Sun 27 May 1:05 Bulls Brumbies Loftus Versfeld, Pretoria
Sun 27 May 3:15 Stormers Lions Newlands, Cape Town

Fri 1 June 19:35 Highlanders Hurricanes Forsyth Barr Stadium, Dunedin
Sat 2 June 17:15 Blues Rebels Eden Park, Auckland
Sat 2 June 19:35 Chiefs Crusaders Waikato Stadium, Hamilton
Sat 2 June 21:45 Reds Waratahs Suncorp Stadium, Brisbane
Sun 3 Jun 18:05 Brumbies Sunwolves GIO Stadium, Canberra

Fri 29 June 19:35 Blues Reds Eden Park, Auckland
Fri 29 June 21:45 Rebels Waratahs AAMI Park, Melbourne
Sat 30 June 19:35 Highlanders Chiefs ANZ National Stadium, Suva, Fiji
Sat 30 June 21:45 Brumbies Hurricanes GIO Stadium, Canberra
Sat 30 June 23:55 Sunwolves Bulls Singapore National Stadium, Singapore
Sun 1 July 3:15 Sharks Lions Kings Park, Durban
Sun 1 July 7:40 Jaguares Stormers Velez Sarsfield, Buenos Aires

Fri 6 July 19:35 Crusaders Highlanders AMI Stadium, Christchurch
Fri 6 July 21:45 Reds Rebels Suncorp Stadium, Brisbane
Sat 7 July 17:15 Chiefs Brumbies Waikato Stadium, Hamilton
Sat 7 July 19:35 Hurricanes Blues Westpac Stadium, Wellington

Sat 7 July 21:45 Waratahs Sunwolves Allianz Stadium, Sydney
Sun 8 July 1:05 Bulls Jaguares Loftus Versfeld, Pretoria uper Rugby is the Queensland in Australia
Sun 8 July 3:15 Stormers Sharks Newlands, Cape Town only tournament also has different Daylight *Times,dates and
in the world that savings schedules to New venues subject to change
Fri 13 July 19:35 Chiefs Hurricanes Waikato Stadium, Hamilton is played across South Wales and Perth is – please check with your
Fri 13 July 21:45 Reds Sunwolves Suncorp Stadium, Brisbane
as many different time on a different time zone to local broadcaster.
Sat 14 July 17:15 Highlanders Rebels Forsyth Barr Stadium, Dunedin
zones as it is which makes Sydney.
Sat 14 July 19:35 Crusaders Blues AMI Stadium, Christchurch
listing the kick off times Due to this there is Super Rugby Fixtures by
extremely difficult. much confusion when we Time Zone
Sat 14 July 21:45 Waratahs Brumbies Allianz Stadium, Sydney
In addition to this list kick off times. At this Argentina | Australia|
Sun 15 July 1:05 Lions Bulls Emirates Airlines Park, Johannesburg
Australia and New Zealand point we do not have any Japan | New Zealand
Sun 15 July 3:15 Sharks Jaguares Kings Park, Durban
participate in Daylight another downloadable | South Africa | United
SUPER RUGBY QUALIFIERS Saturday 21 July savings while South Africa schedules other than the Kingdom
SUPER RUGBY SEMI-FINALS Saturday 28 July does not. one below.
SUPER RUGBY FINAL Saturday 4 August
32 Sports The Auckland Times | Issue 176 | February 15, 2018

Injured 3 Okay: Baber p:29

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