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DP SNMPTN 05 01A with reading

Doc. Name: XPING9912 Doc. Version : 2014-01 | halaman 1

Computers are a relatively new invention. 01. From the text we may conclude that the au-
The first computers were built fifty years ago thor ____.
and it is only in the last thirty years that its (A) Tries to warn us not to be too depend-
influence has affected our everyday life. Per- ent on computers
sonal computers were introduced as recently (B) Emphasizes the importance of develop-
as the early eighties. In this short time they ing future computers
have made a tremendous impact on our lives. (C) Believe computers will make peoples
We are now so dependent on computers that lives more comfortable
it is hard to imagine what things would be (D) Reminds us about the threat of com-
like today without them. You have only got puters in the past
to go into a bank when the main computer is (E) Persuades us to make use of computers
broken to understand the chaos that would in our job.
occur if computers were suddenly removed
world-wide. 02. People’s current dependence on computers
In the future, computers will be used to is exemplified by____.
create bigger and even more sophisticated
(A) The influence of computers on our lives
computers. The prospects for this is quite
for the last thirty years
alarming. They will be so complex that no
(B) The introduction of computers in the
individual could hope to understand how
nineteen fifteens.
they work. They will bring a lot of benefits
(C) The chaos which took place when the
but they will also increase the potential for
computers were removed
unimaginable chaos. They will, for example,
(D) The disorder at home when the main
be able to fly planes and they will be able to
computers is broken
coordinate the movements of several planes
(E) The unimaginable things that may occur
around the airport. Providing all the com-
on an airport
puters are working correctly, nonthing can
go wrong; but if one program fails there will
03. Future computers are predicted to ____.
be a disaster.
There is no doubt that technology will (A) Be so complex that their prospect will
progress and become increasingly complex. be quite promising
We should, however, ensure that we are still (B) Bring great benefits as well as unex-
in a position where we are able to control pected harm to people’s lives
technology. It will be all too easy to suddenly (C) Bring great benefits to the transporta-
discover that technology is controlling us. By tion industry
then it might be too late. I believe that it is (D) Make many small programs cause big
very important to be suspicious of the bene- disasters
fits that computers will bring and make sure (E) Be able to coordinate the traffic of
that we never become totally dependent on a planes all over the world
completely technological world

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Copyright © 2012 Zenius Education
Xpedia Bahasa Inggris, DP SNMPTN kode 05 01A with reading
doc. name: XPING9912 doc. version : 2014-01 | halaman 2

04. Although computers will become more so- 06. What is the author’s main purpose in writing
phisticated, _____. the next ?
(A) Human beings will be entirely depend- (A) To describe new cure for ear infections.
ent on them (B) To urge doctors to use the new device.
(B) It is difficult for individuals to under- (C) To explain the use of the magnet
stand them (D) To inform people of a new hearing de-
(C) Technology tends to control human be- vice.
ings (E) To study a new device for ear infections.
(D) There is no doubt that they bring a lot
of benefits 07. According to the passage, what does the de-
(E) Human being should have control over vice NOT do ?
them (A) Transmit sound to the inner ear.
(B) Help all hearing-impaired people..
05. A suitable title for the text is____. (C) Produce clear sound
(A) The historical background of future (D) Change sound into vibrations.
computers (E) Relieve hearing loss caused by ear infec-
(B) The unimaginable chaos caused y com- tion
(C) The potentials of future computers
(D) The control over advanced technology
(E) The rapid progress in technology

A new hearing device is now available

for some hearing impaired people. This de-
vice uses a magnet to hold the detachable
sound-processing portion in place. Like
other aids, it converts sound into vibrations,
but is unique in the sense that it can transmit
the vibrations directly to the magnet, and
then to the inner ear. This produces a cleaner
sound. The new device will not help all hear-
ing-impaired people, only those with a hear-
ing loss caused by infection or other prob-
lem in the middle ear. This produces a
clearer sound. The new
Device will not help all hearing-impaired
people.only those with a hearing loss caused
by infection or other problem in the middel
ear. It will probably help no more than 20
percent of all people with hearing problems.
Those people, who often have persis tent ear
infections, should however find relief and
restored hearing with the new device.

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Copyright © 2012 Zenius Education
Xpedia Bahasa Inggris, DP SNMPTN kode 05 01A with reading
doc. name: XPING9912 doc. version : 2014-01 | halaman 3

Wheather a tree is coniferous or decidu- For most of us, tortoises and turtles
ous, whether it bears fruit or not, whether it seem quite ordinary as we often keep them
grows in the tropics or in the temperate as pets. Yet, theseanimals are living fossils,
zone. Every tree has three oarts: the roots, they are __10__ of animals that existed
the trunk, and the crown. The roots the part bevore the firs dinosaurus Turtles., ter-
of the tree underground.hold the tree firmly rampis, and tortoises belong to group of
againts windstrorms and provide ther tree over 200 reptiles known __11__ as the
with food gathered from the soil. The trunk, Chelonia. These creatures are encased in an
which is the most important woody part of armor made of bone and hom, and their
the tree, is the body of the tree: it carries the lives are controlled by this shell, making it
food from the root to the branches. The difficult for them even to breathe and mate.
crown of the tree consists of the branches, Living chelonians have no teeth. Instead
the leaves, and the fruit of the tree. The they cut their food with sharp.horny
leaves use the food sent from the trunk for beaks.Tortoises mostly __12__ plans while
many purposes, one of which is a process terrapins are fleshheaters. __13__ they
that is particularly useful to humans. In this have survived for so long.. The large chelo-
process called photosynthesis. The leaves nians are all endangered. Mainly because of
absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere human activity. The biggest land tortoises
and give to the atsmosphere. The process is now survive in tiny numbers on remote
essential to human life because humans have islands., and egg-laying sites of sea turtles
to breathe oxygen in order to continue exist- are __14__ for many reasons.
. 10
08. The main information of the text is (A) To descend
about____ (B) descent
(A) The difference between coniferous and (C) descending
deciduous trees (D) descendants
(B) The climates in which.different types of (E) descended
trees grow
(C) The common functions of the parts of 11.
any kind of tree. (A) secretly
(D) The description of the process of photo- (B) scientifically
synthesis (C) knowledgeably
(E) The usefulness of tree leaves to a human (D) artificially
being’s life (E) accordingly

09. trees are very important for the life of hu- 12.
man being because ____. (A) Feed on
(B) Provide with
(A) they protect human being against wind-
(C) Carry on
(D) Agree with
(B) their leaves produce carbon dioxide.
(E) Keep on
(C) their trunks distribute food to the roots.
(D) photosynthesis absorbs carbon dioxide
(E) they contribute oxygen to the atmos-
(A) because
(B) before
(C) although
(D) since
(E) whenever

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Copyright © 2012 Zenius Education
Xpedia Bahasa Inggris, DP SNMPTN kode 05 01A with reading
doc. name: XPING9912 doc. version : 2014-01 | halaman 4

14. 19. “was there any violence during last week’s

(A) to threaten demonstrasion ?”
(B) threatened “No. ____ there were thousands of de-
(C) threat montstrators.”
(D) threatening (A) since
(E) threateningly (B) eventhough
(C) before
15. “Did you thank Andi for the dictionary he (D) when
bough for you ?” (E) whereas
“Yes, I did: I realy appreciate___ it for me.”
(A) to buy 20. “What if your father asks you about the
(B) buys scratch on his new car ?”
(C) buying it “I _____ that it’s my fault.”
(D) to have bought (A) Simply told him
(E) his buying (B) Am simply telling him
(C) Will simply tell him
16. “ To whom are you going to dedicate your (D) Would simply tell him
book?” (E) Would simply have told him
“ To those ____ patience and support have
enabled me to write this book.” 21. “I can’t find my handphone in my bag!”
(A) of which “Well,you. ___ in the car. Let’s take a look!”
(B) whom (A) may have to leave it
(C) to whom (B) had to leave ij
(D) whose (C) should have to leave it
(E) who their (D) may have to leave it
(E) must have levt it
17. the teacher had students who didn’t bring
their identification cards ____ the audito- 22. The office building,as well as several
rium where the exams were held. houses, _____ completely damaged by the
(A) left bomb explosion.
(B) leave (A) was
(C) To leave (B) they were
(D) leaving (C) it was
(E) leaves (D) were
(E) to be
18. “While living in bogor, we always went to
school on foot.” 23. “I’d like to book three standard room for
This means that we ____ on foot while we next week.please.”
were living in bogor. “I’m sorry,Sir. Our hotel ____.until the end
(A) go to school of the month.”
(B) are going to school (A) fully booked
(C) used to go to school (B) being fully booked
(D) are used to going to school (C) is fully booked
(E) liked going to school (D) be fully booked
(E) to be fully booked

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Copyright © 2012 Zenius Education
Xpedia Bahasa Inggris, DP SNMPTN kode 05 01A with reading
doc. name: XPING9912 doc. version : 2014-01 | halaman 5

24. Fast-food restaurants have become popu- 29. Living in a remote mountainous area in
larin big cities because many people prefer West Java ____
____ quickly. (A) People can still see how Badul people
(A) served live in simplicity
(B) Being served (B) Natural resourses can be effectively
(C) serving conserved by the Badui people
(D) They are served (C) The Badul people are almost com-
(E) Be serving pletely untouched by modern life
(D) How the Nadui people maintain their
25. “I finally bought a computer but I’m not old way of life amazing
satisfied with it.” (E) Modern technology has hardly ever
“That’s too bad. you _____ Darno,our touched the Badui people
computer technician.for advice.”
30. “I wonder how Laura will even manager
(A) Should have asked
the business after her father died in that car
(B) May have asked
(C) Ought to ask
“She has both the expertise in running the
(D) Must have asked
business and _____ .”
(E) Would ask
(A) The strong support from all the mem-
26. ASEAN trade ministers. ___ the possibility bers of her family
of developing economic cooperation they (B) All the member of the family strongly
attended the summit neeting last month. support her too
(C) She is also supported by all the mem-
(A) discuss
bers of her family
(B) discussed
(D) there is strong supported from all the
(C) Have discussed
members of her family
(D) Were discussing
(E) She has the strong support from all the
(E) Would discuss
member of her family
27. Smoking can the cause of many illnesses
and respiratory disorders: _____ it may
harm non-smokers.
(A) consequently
(B) however
(C) In addition
(D) nebertheless
(E) otherwise

28. “Can you turn on this electric stove ?”

“I’m sorry.I don’t know____.”
(A) Operating it
(B) The way operating it
(C) What is operated
(D) How to operate it
(E) It is operated

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Copyright © 2012 Zenius Education

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