(Review) (Biological Chemistry) Bernd Giebel Et Michael Punzel 2008

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Biol. Chem., Vol. 389, pp. 813–824, July 2008 • Copyright  by Walter de Gruyter • Berlin • New York. DOI 10.1515/BC.2008.092


Lineage development of hematopoietic stem and

progenitor cells

Bernd Giebel* and Michael Punzel* den and Le Blanc, 2005). Both exhaustion as well as
enforced expansion of HSC might result in clinical rele-
Institute for Transplantation Diagnostics and Cellular
vant cytopenia or leukemia, respectively. Therefore, the
Therapeutics, Heinrich Heine University, D-40225
size of the HSC-pool and thus the decision whether
Düsseldorf, Germany
HSCs self-renew or become committed to differentiate
* Corresponding authors needs to be biased and tightly regulated. Additionally, to
e-mail: giebel@itz.uni-duesseldorf.de; establish and maintain an appropriate composition of dif-
punzel@itz.uni-duesseldorf.de ferentiated blood cells, processes controlling lineage
specification and differentiation need to be highly con-
trolled as well. Thus, it is a central issue of modern stem
Abstract cell research to uncover the mechanisms governing the
development of HSCs and their committed progeny
Hematopoietic stem cells have the potential to develop
which are hierarchically organized.
into multipotent and different lineage-restricted progeni-
One fundamental requirement to uncover such mech-
tor cells that subsequently generate all mature blood cell
anisms is a reliable model which predicts the underlying
types. The classical model of hematopoietic lineage
hierarchical organization as well as the relationship of the
commitment proposes a first restriction point at which all
individual cell lineages to each other. For several years,
multipotent hematopoietic progenitor cells become com-
the classical hematopoietic commitment model was the
mitted either to the lymphoid or to the myeloid devel-
prevailing model according to which multipotent HSCs
opment, respectively. Recently, this model has been
give rise to multipotent hematopoietic progenitor cells
challenged by the identification of murine as well as
(HPCs), which then create progenitor cells either being
human hematopoietic progenitor cells with lymphoid dif-
restricted to the myeloid or lymphoid development (Reya
ferentiation capabilities that give rise to a restricted sub-
et al., 2001). As this classical hematopoietic model has
set of the myeloid lineages. As the classical model does
been challenged by several new data, we summarize
not include cells with such capacities, these findings
recent findings that imply the existence of additional
suggest the existence of alternative developmental path-
developmental branches within both the murine and the
ways that demand the existence of additional branches
human primitive hematopoietic system that are not
in the classical hematopoietic tree. Together with some
included in the classical model.
phenotypic criteria that characterize different subsets of
multipotent and lineage-restricted progenitor cells, we
summarize these recent findings here.
Murine hematopoietic differentiation
Keywords: hematopoietic progenitor cell (HPC);
hematopoietic stem cell (HSC); lineage specification. As already mentioned, all adult hematopoietic cells derive
from multipotent HSCs, which are capable to replenish
the peripheral blood system of lethally irradiated recipi-
Introduction ents after transplantation. In the murine system, the pool
of HSCs has been initially characterized by the Weissman
Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) are defined as clono- group as cells that do not express any lineage specific
genic cells that possess the dual abilities to self-renew antigens (Lin-), that are positive for the stem cell asso-
and to differentiate into mature blood cells of all lineages, ciated antigen (Sca-1) and that express low amounts of
and that contain the capacity to regenerate the whole the T-cell antigen Thy1 (Lin-Sca-1qThy-1low cells). Later,
blood system for a lifetime of an organism. These fea- mouse HSCs were grouped in the Lin-Sca-1qc-kitq (LSK)
tures became evident after transplantation of HSC-con- cell compartment (Spangrude et al., 1988; Ikuta and
taining cell fractions either obtained from adult bone Weissman, 1992; Morrison and Weissman, 1994; Osawa
marrow (BM), from peripheral blood of granulocyte-col- et al., 1996). As shown in Figure 1 and summarized in
ony stimulating factor (G-CSF) treated individuals or from Table 1, the LSK compartment contains different hier-
umbilical cord blood (CB) of newborns into immunocom- archical classes of stem cells, which can be distin-
promised hosts; apart from experiments in animals, clin- guished in clonogenic long-term self-renewing HSCs
ical applications demonstrate that the blood system of (LT-HSCs), transiently self-renewing HSCs (short-term
treated patients can fully be restored by donor HSC for HSCs), and non-self-renewing multipotent progenitors
the rest of their normal lasting life time (Bensinger et al., (MPPs) (Smith et al., 1991; Morrison and Weissman,
1997; Korbling and Anderlini, 2001; Ballen, 2005; Ring- 1994; Osawa et al., 1996; Randall et al., 1996; Akashi et

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814 B. Giebel and M. Punzel

lineage, respectively (Kondo et al., 1997; Akashi et al.,

2000). Therefore, it was postulated that MPPs further dif-
ferentiate into either the common myeloid progenitors
(CMPs) or the common lymphoid progenitors (CLPs),
which sustain either granulocyte/macrophage progeni-
tors (GMPs), as well as megakaryocyte/erythrocyte pro-
genitors (MEPs) or T-cell, B-cell and Natural Killer (NK)
cell differentiation potentials, respectively (Kondo et al.,
1997; Akashi et al., 2000; Reya et al., 2001). Kondo et al.
(1997) described CLPs as a subpopulation of Lin-Sca-
1lowc-kitlowThy-1- cells that express the interleukin-7
receptor a chain (IL-7Ra) and are unable to differentiate
into myeloid cell types. In agreement with these findings,
the lymphopoiesis in IL-7Ra-deficient mice is severely
impaired (Peschon et al., 1994; He and Malek, 1996;
Maki et al., 1996; Kondo et al., 1997). The CMPs con-
taining fraction of Lin-Sca-1-c-kitq cells lacks lymphoid
gene expression and does not express IL-7Ra (Akashi et
al., 2000). Furthermore, and according to the expression
of the Fcg receptor (FcgR) and of CD34 the CMPs con-
taining fraction can be subdivided in three populations:
that of the (i) FcgRlowCD34q cells, (ii) the FcgRlowCD34-
cells, and (iii) the FcgRhighCD34q cells. In contrast to the
FcgRlowCD34q cell fraction which contains CMP activity,
Figure 1 Developmental route(s) in adult murine hematopoiesis. the developmental potential of the FcgRlowCD34- is
Within the murine hematopoietic system, HSCs are discriminat- restricted to the megakaryocyte/erythrocyte lineages and
ed in long-term self-renewing HSCs (LT-HSCs) and transiently defines MEPs, while that of the FcgRhighCD34q cells is
self-renewing HSCs (short-term HSCs) that give rise to non-self-
restricted to the granulocyte/macrophage development
renewing multipotent progenitors (MPPs). In contrast to the clas-
and defines GMPs (Figure 1) (Akashi et al., 2000).
sical model which predicts that MPPs become specified either
as common myeloid progenitors (CMPs) or as common lym- According to the discovery of CMPs and CLPs, it was
phoid progenitors (CLPs), recent findings suggest the existence widely accepted that at this developmental stage all
of additional developmental routes. The pool of MPPs can be hematopoietic cells become either restricted to the mye-
subdivided into cells containing the full CMP potential (FLT3lowV- loid or the lymphoid development, as it has been for-
CAM1q cells) and in cells containing some residual CMP activ- mulated in the ‘classical’ hematopoietic model (Reya et
ities that are primed to develop along the lymphoid routes al., 2001).
(FLT3qV-CAM1q cells). In addition to the classical model in
However, by using an additional set of markers, such
which granulocyte/macrophage progenitors (GMPs) and mega-
karyocyte/erythrocyte progenitors (MEPs) are derivatives of the as FMS-related tyrosine kinase 3 (Flt-3) and vascular cell
CMP, cells have been found that contain the CLP and GMP adhesion molecule 1 (VCAM-1) (Adolfsson et al., 2001;
potential but lack the MEP capacity. These cells are termed as Christensen and Weissman, 2001), Flt-3qV-CAM-1- cells
lymphoid primed multipotent progenitor cells (LMPPs) and are have been described which still contain lymphoid devel-
characterized as FLT3qV-CAM-1- cells. Within the group of the opmental capacities and give rise to granulocytes and
FLT3qV-CAM-1- cells, IL-7Rq cells seem to contain CLPs and macrophages but not to megakaryocytes or erythro-
no myeloid activities, and CCR9q cells still contain CLP capac-
cytes. Cells with these features seem to define a new
ities but are primed to develop along the T-cell lineage (ETP).
group of primitive hematopoietic cells termed as lym-
phoid primed multipotent progenitor cells (LMPPs) and
al., 2000). The LT-HSCs are highly enriched within the do not fit into the classical model of hematopoiesis in
LSK-Thy1.1low cell fraction, and a subset of them can which the first step of lineage commitment simply selects
nearly be purified as CD34- LSK cells that are located in between the lymphoid and the myeloid lineages (Adolfs-
the tip of the side population (‘Tip’-SP CD34- KSL) (Mor- son et al., 2005; Lai and Kondo, 2006). In this context,
rison and Weissman, 1994; Morrison et al., 1997; Mat- comparison of gene expression profiles of LMPPs with
suzaki et al., 2004). However, no sharp definition for that of HSCs revealed a significant down-regulation of
ST-HSCs or for MPPs has been described so far. More genes required for granulocyte/macrophage differentia-
recently, a set of new markers, cell surface receptors of tion, and an up-regulation of genes known to be impor-
the signaling lymphocyte activation molecule (SLAM) tantly involved in lymphoid differentiation, such as Ikaros
family, were found that also help to discriminate subpo- (Adolfsson et al., 2005; Lai and Kondo, 2006; Yoshida et
pulations. In this context, HSCs are described as al., 2006; Mansson et al., 2007). Therefore, these obser-
CD150qCD48-CD244- cells, MPP as CD244qCD48- vations led to the hypothesis that in addition to the clas-
CD150- cells and the most restricted progenitors as sically described development of the GMPs from CMPs,
CD48qCD244qCD150- cells (Kiel et al., 2005). GMPs can arise from LMPPs that are also predicted to
Downstream of the LSK compartment, cells lose their generate CLPs (Figure 1) (Adolfsson et al., 2005; Buza-
multipotent capacities, and at a single cell level progen- Vidas et al., 2007).
itors have been identified whose developmental capaci- Very recently, it was observed further that a subset of
ties are either restricted to the myeloid or to the lymphoid the MPPs expresses the chemokine receptor 9 (CCR9)

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Table 1 Murine hematopoietic stem and progenitor cell populations.

Defined mouse Phenotype Determination Frequency References

population function source
HSC Lin-Sca1qc-kitq (LSK) In vivo Tx 0.05% of mouse BM Spangrude et al., 1988; Morrison and Weissman, 1994;
Osawa et al., 1996
LT-HSC LSK Thy1.1low In vivo Tx BM Smith et al., 1991; Morrison and Weissman, 1994
Flt3-VCAM-1q Adolfsson et al., 2001; Christensen and Weissman, 2001
CD34-CD38q 1 LT-HSC in 5 LSK34- Osawa et al., 1996; Randall et al., 1996
‘Tip’-side-population 21% HSCs (0.008% of Matsuzaki et al., 2004
CD150qCD48-CD244- BM) Kiel et al., 2005
ST-HSC LSK Thy1.1int In vivo Tx BM Reya et al., 2001
Flt3lowVCAM-1q Adolfsson et al., 2001; Christensen and Weissman, 2001
CD34qCD38- Osawa et al., 1996; Randall et al., 1996
CD150qCD48-CD244- Kiel et al., 2005
MPP LSK Thy1.1- In vivo Tx BM
Flt3lowVCAM-1q Adolfsson et al., 2001; Christensen and Weissman, 2001
CD34qCD38- Osawa et al., 1996; Randall et al., 1996
CD150-CD48-CD244q Kiel et al., 2005
Flt3lowVCAM-1q MPP LSK Thy1.1-CD34q In vivo Tx BM Lai and Kondo, 2006
Flt3lowVCAM-1q Primitive CMP potential
Flt3qVCAM-1q MPP LSK Thy1.1-CD34q In vivo Tx 15% of CD34q Lai and Kondo, 2006
Flt3qVCAM-1q CLP 15% of Thy1.1-
(marginal CMP) LSK
Subfraction of LMPP
LMPP LSK Flt3qVCAM-1- In vivo Tx 30% of CD34q Adolfsson et al., 2005; Lai and Kondo, 2006
IL-7Raq CLPqGMP (qMegE) 30% of Thy1.1- Forsberg et al., 2006; Mansson et al., 2007
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ELP LSK Flt3q RAG1qCD34q In vivo Tx 5% of CD34q Igarashi et al., 2002
CLPqGMP 5% of Thy1.1-
subfraction of LMPP
ETP precursor LSK Flt3qVCAM-1- CLPq(GMP) BM Lai and Kondo, 2007
CLP Lin-Sca1lowc-KitlowThy1.1- In vivo Tx BM Kondo et al., 1997
CMP Lin-Sca1-c-KitqIL-7Ra- In vivo Tx BM Akashi et al., 2000
FcgRlowCD34q Akashi et al., 2000
CMP/MEP FcgRlowCD34- Akashi et al., 2000
CMP/GMP FcgRhighCD34q Akashi et al., 2000

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Hematopoietic stem cell lineage development 815
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and preferentially home to the thymus. This together with Hematopoietic lineage specification
the concept that these cells are phenotypically related to
the most immature early T-lineage progenitors (ETPs) led The observations that hematopoietic cells can divide
to the suggestion that although these CCR9q MPPs pos- asymmetrically (Beckmann et al., 2007; Chang et al.,
sess limited GMP potential and can give rise to T-, B- 2007) and that their development depends on the sur-
and dendritic cells, they are already primed for T-cell rounding environment, the hematopoietic niches (Calvi et
development (Lai and Kondo, 2007). This implies that al., 2003; Zhang et al., 2003; Kiel et al., 2005) demon-
even cells that seem to be committed to a certain lineage strate that the development of hematopoietic cells is
are not necessarily determined and might retain a certain orchestrated by a combination of intrinsic and extrinsic
degree of developmental flexibility, sometimes called signals. These signals become integrated to finally alter
plasticity. In addition and compatible to this hypothesis, the genetic program of corresponding cells. Thus, it
it was found that pax5 mutant cells that already started becomes evident that transcription factors as key regu-
to rearrange their immunoglobulin genes cannot proceed lators of genetic programs play important roles in spec-
with the B-cell development and possess long-term and ifying the cell fate of hematopoietic cells during
multipotent reconstitution capacities (Schaniel et al., hematopoietic lineage development. Certain transcription
2002a,b). In this context, over-expression experiments factors, such as members of the GATA and SCL/Tal-
revealed that Pax5 inhibits T-cell development, but does 1gene families, act at different levels during hemato-
not block early myeloid-lineage development (Cotta et poietic development and seem to function as
al., 2003). It rather promotes maintenance of bipheno- ‘hematopoietic master regulators’. For example, during
typic myeloid progenitors which co-express myeloid and embryonal stages SCL/Tal-1 acts together with members
B-cell lineage-associated genes (Montecino-Rodriguez of the E-protein family (E2A) to induce mesodermal pro-
et al., 2001; Anderson et al., 2007). genitor cells to acquire the HSC fate. Mice lacking SCL/
Taken together, all these findings strongly suggest the Tal-1 activities are embryonic lethal and do not develop
existence of murine progenitor cells that follow alterna- a hematopoietic system (Robb et al., 1995, 1996; Shiv-
tive developmental pathways which do not correspond dasani et al., 1995; Porcher et al., 1996), whereas gained
to the classical model of hematopoiesis, and thus define SCL/Tal-1 activity increases the content of embryonic
new roadmaps during early hematopoiesis. hematopoiesis (Gering et al., 1998; Mead et al., 2001).
During adult hematopoiesis, SCL/Tal-1 is specifically
expressed in primitive hematopoietic cells as well as in
cells of the megakaryocyte/erythrocyte lineage and has
Unresolved controversies been found to control the differentiation of the latter cells
(Elefanty et al., 1998; Akashi et al., 2000; Ramalho-San-
tos et al., 2002; Mikkola et al., 2003; Zhang et al., 2005).
Although the latter data seem to be contradictory to the
In contrast to SCL/Tal-1, E2A expression now is required
classical hematopoietic model, the Weissman group
for governing the lymphoid differentiation (Bain et al.,
demonstrated that transplantation of approximately 500
1994, 1997, 1999).
green fluorescent protein (GFP)-expressing Flt-3qLSK A typical paradigm of how lineage decisions can be
cells that were designated to contain LMPP capacities controlled is the antagonism between PU.1 and Gata-1.
(Adolfsson et al., 2005; Lai and Kondo, 2006) result in a PU.1 directs the differentiation of hematopoietic progen-
robust reconstitution of GFPq platelets and GFPq ery- itors into macrophages, neutrophils and B-lymphocytes
throid progenitor cells (Forsberg et al., 2006). Conse- (DeKoter et al., 1998; DeKoter and Singh, 2000), while
quently, the hypothesis of alternative hematopoietic road Gata-1 promotes development along the MEP lineage
maps that might bypass the CMPs during GMP commit- (Pevny et al., 1991; Fujiwara et al., 1996; Shivdasani et
ment became questionable. According to Forsberg et al. al., 1997). It has been shown that PU.1 interacts with
(2006), this hypothesis might mistakenly be based on Gata proteins, i.e., PU.1 and Gata proteins antagonize
experimental artifacts probably related to the usage of activities of each other by direct protein-protein interac-
too little cell amounts and to the readouts that have been tions. Additionally, PU.1 can inhibit the expression of
performed. They suppose that the LMPPs are rather late Gata factor encoding genes (Nerlov and Graf, 1998;
MPPs with reduced self-renewal capacities, but still con- Rekhtman et al., 1999; Zhang et al., 1999, 2000; Nerlov
tain the full multi-lineage potentials (Forsberg et al., et al., 2000; Walsh et al., 2002). As it has been shown
2006). The Jacobsen group, however, argues against that that the amount of PU.1 decides upon whether hema-
and takes into account that the Flt-3qLSK-cell population topoietic progenitors follow the lymphoid development or
like any stem and progenitor cell population is hetero- whether they differentiate into macrophages, it becomes
geneous and that since the Weissman group used evident why enforced PU.1 or Gata expression can alter
approximately 500 cells for transplantation into single the development of hematopoietic progenitor cells
mice, they might have included some infrequent progen- (DeKoter and Singh, 2000; Iwasaki et al., 2003).
itor cells residing within this fraction that contained MEP Remarkably, over-expression experiments revealed
potentials (Mansson et al., 2007). To shed some more that enforced expression of PU.1 and Gata proteins as
light into this controversial discussion, they suggest sub- well as that of other myeloid transcription factors fre-
fractionation of the cell population thought to contain quently can override the lymphoid program and subse-
LMPP capacities and perform further analyses. quently reprogram these progenitors towards certain

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Hematopoietic stem cell lineage development 817

myeloid differentiation pathways (Iwasaki et al., 2003, etic stem cell requires transplantation of donor stem cells
2006; Hsu et al., 2006). Transcription factors, whose into an isogeneic host. For ethical reasons, human cell
enforced expression is sufficient to enable committed fractions cannot be tested experimentally whether or not
CMPs to give rise to lymphoid cells, have to our knowl- they contain HSCs or more mature progenitor cells that
edge not been defined yet. This together with the obser- are unable to mediate long-term engraftment. Thus, it is
vation that HSCs express large numbers of myeloid but difficult to purify defined cell populations containing true
not lymphoid genes and that during lymphoid develop- human HSC activity.
ment myeloid gene expression progressively decreases Over the last two decades, surrogate xenogeneic in
and lymphoid gene expression subsequently increases vivo-transplantation models have been established to cir-
suggests that myelopoiesis and most likely the granulo- cumvent these problems. Nowadays, xenografts into
cyte macrophage development defines a default com- immunodeficient NOD-SCID mice are the gold standard
mitment pathway for multipotent hematopoietic pro- readout for human long-term repopulating hematopoietic
genitors that actively need to be maintained (Akashi et cells (Kamel-Reid and Dick, 1988; Lapidot et al., 1992;
al., 2003; Iwasaki and Akashi, 2007; Mansson et al., Larochelle et al., 1996), but also the fetal sheep model
2007). In this context, lymphopoiesis seems to become (Zanjani et al., 1992).
initiated when activities of pro-myelopoietic factors are Although, the usage of these animal surrogate models
inhibited or become modulated, e.g., by the activity of has rigorously increased the knowledge about human
the Notch signaling pathway (Franco et al., 2006; Laiosa primitive hematopoietic cells, it should be kept in mind
et al., 2006; Rothenberg, 2007). Depending on the inte- that the quality and frequency of human HSCs cannot
grated intrinsic and extrinsic signals, the default myeloid directly be compared to that obtained in syngeneic mice
commitment can theoretically differently be modulated transplants. There are several limitations, such as the for-
and thus might explain the existence of classical as well eign homing environment that skews lineage readout
as alternative lineage developmental pathways, i.e., that together with the usual short period (less than 7 weeks)
of CMPs, LMPPs and GMPs. between transplantation and engraftment analyses.
This concept further helps to explain the observation Indeed, it has been reported that most of the primitive
of Muller-Sieburg and colleagues, who found that indi- hematopoietic cells obtained from non-human primates,
vidual HSCs differ in their abilities to give rise to myeloid i.e., from baboons, that are able to engraft NOD-SCID
or lymphoid daughter cells. According to these obser- mice, only contain short-term but not long-term recon-
vations, HSCs can differently be biased, either towards stituting activities and therefore should not be designated
the lymphoid or to the myeloid lineage (Muller-Sieburg as true HSCs (Ramirez et al., 1998; Horn et al., 2003;
et al., 2002, 2004). Glimm et al., 2005; Horn and Blasczyk, 2007).
In addition to the xenotransplantation experiments, a
number of different in vitro readout systems had been
Human hematopoiesis established that have recently been extensively reviewed
(Coulombel, 2004). These assays also revealed, and
It is evident that progress in the discovery of lineage surely will reveal, comprehensive knowledge about
development and hematopoietic differentiation in the human primitive hematopoietic cells, which has been the
mouse model has mainly been achieved by two experi- basis for improvements of applications using human
mental approaches: (i) by analyses of genetic alterations HSC sources in clinical trials. Furthermore, this knowl-
that result in changes of the lineage composition and/or edge is important to increase our understanding of the
in alterations in the phenotype of distinct hematopoietic etiology of certain diseases, e.g., that of leukemia.
cells, and (ii) by the isolation of distinct subpopulations
containing cells with HSC/HPC potential and their sub- Phenotypic description of human primitive
sequent functional analyses, either performed in vivo hematopoietic cells
using transplantation models or in vitro at clonal levels.
Although, knowledge about biological processes As already pointed out, murine LT-HSCs are highly
obtained in mice can often be transferred to humans and enriched within the LSK cell fraction of cells which do
other mammals, some processes are not transferable not express the cell surface antigen CD34. However,
between species. In this context, essential differences most human cells with repopulating cell activities have
are found between the hematopoiesis in mouse and in been identified as CD34q cells. Hence, in contrast to
man. Before reviewing these differences, we would like mice, CD34 has become a surrogate marker of human
to add some comments about human HSCs. HSCs (Krause et al., 1996). Apart from CD34, there are
other substantial differences in the immunophenotype
between HSCs in man and mouse. Primitive hematopoi-
Caveats in human HSC research etic cells that have lost their repopulating capacities and
became committed to differentiate show higher expres-
The fact that stem cell grafts can fully restore the blood sion levels of the CD38 antigen. Therefore, the majority
system of immunocompromised patients is proof for of the most primitive human hematopoietic cells is found
human HSCs (Bensinger et al., 1997; Korbling and within the CD34qCD38- cell fraction (Terstappen et al.,
Anderlini, 2001; Ballen, 2005; Ringden and Le Blanc, 1991; Hao et al., 1996; Larochelle et al., 1996). In the
2005). However, the functional readout of a hematopoi- murine system, LT-HSCs have been characterized as

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CD34-CD38q cells and more committed MPPs as criminate human multipotent HPCs from lineage-restrict-
CD34qCD38- cells (Osawa et al., 1996; Randall et al., ed CMPs or CLPs have been described as well. In this
1996). Therefore, CD38 is a primitive marker in mice and context, BM-derived Lin-CD34qCD38qCD45RAqCD10-
a differentiation marker in humans. wHLA-DRq c-kit-Thy1-x cells and CB-derived CD34qCD38-
In addition to CD34, the AC133 antigen, prominin-1/ CD7q wCD45RAqHLA-DRqc-kit-Thy1-x cells contain CLP
CD133, which is co-expressed on most of the CD34q activities (Galy et al., 1995; Hao et al., 2001; Hoebeke et
cells, was characterized as a stem cell surrogate marker al., 2007). Cells with CMP activities have been identified
in humans (Yin et al., 1997; de Wynter et al., 1998) and as BM-derived Lin-CD34qCD38qIL-3RalowCD45RA- cells
becomes localized on the uropod of cultivated CD34q that generate both Lin-CD34qCD38qIL-3RalowCD45RAq
cells (Giebel et al., 2004). As a very small fraction of cells containing the clonogenic potential for granulocyte
immature cells with repopulating activities has been iden- and macrophage (GMPs) development, and Lin-
tified to reside within the Lin-CD34-CD38- cell fraction CD34qCD38qIL-3Ra-CD45RA- cells containing that for
which expresses CD133 (Bhatia et al., 1998; Zanjani et megakaryocyte and erythrocyte (MEPs) development
al., 1998; Gallacher et al., 2000), CD133 seems to (Manz et al., 2002).
describe the most primitive human hematopoietic cells In controversy to the classical hematopoietic model,
more precisely than CD34. In agreement with this, we Haddad and colleagues described two human CB-
observed that upon cultivation CD34qCD133q cells gen- derived cell populations (Lin-CD34qCD45RAhighCD10q
erate a secondary CD34qCD133low/- population, which and Lin-CD34qCD45RAhighCD7q) that although they were
has lost the primitive characteristics of CD34qCD133q either primed to the T-cell and NK cell development or to
cells and increases over time (Giebel et al., 2006; von the B-cell lineage, respectively, still sustained robust gra-
Levetzow et al., 2006; Beckmann et al., 2007). Within the nulomonocytic differentiation potentials (Haddad et al.,
murine hematopoietic system, CD133 (Prominin) was 2004). Pointing toward the same direction, progeny of
found to be expressed on 36% of the BM-derived CD34q CD34qCD10-CD19- cells can follow the course of early
cells (Corbeil et al., 2000), but to our knowledge its B-cell development and perform B-cell specific DJH rear-
expression has not been systematically analyzed within rangements without losing their capacity to differentiate
the HSC-containing LSK fraction, yet. However, in con- into NK-cells, T-cells and macrophages (Reynaud et al.,
trast to primitive human hematopoietic cells, expanded 2003). Additionally, CD34qCD19q cells that belong to a
murine HSCs neither express CD133 nor CD62L (Zhang small CXCR4- B-cell progenitor subpopulation have been
and Lodish, 2005). According to our analyses, CD62L is found to contain capacities for granulocyte, macrophage
specifically expressed on cultivated human CD34q and red blood cell development (Hou et al., 2005).
CD133q cells (Beckmann et al., 2007). Similarly, in our own single cell analyses in which we
In addition to absence of lineage-specific antigens deposited individual CB-derived Lin-CD34qCD38- cells
(Lin-) and low-level expression of CD38 as one of the and studied the primitive hematopoietic re-initiation
most applied phenotypical criteria to describe human potential of their arising daughter cells in clonogenic
HSC candidates, other antigens have been used to dis- myeloid (long-term culture initiating cell; LTC-IC), as well
criminate more primitive from more mature CD34q cells as in clonogenic lymphoid assays (NK cell initiating cell;
(Table 2). Some of the combinations used are Lin- NK-IC), we retrospectively identified cells which gave rise
CD34qHLA-DR- (Verfaillie et al., 1990), CD34qc-kitqCD38- to NK cells and macrophages but not to granulocytes
CD33-Rho123- (Liu and Verfaillie, 2002), Lin-CD133q (Giebel et al., 2006). According to their colony formation
ALDHhi (Hess et al., 2006) or Lin-CD34qCD38-Rho123low potential, we termed such corresponding cells as
(McKenzie et al., 2007). Recently, together with CD71 macrophage NK-ICs (M-NK-ICs). Although we do not
and CD62L, which have been used to discriminate prim- know yet whether these cells retain other lymphoid
itive hematopoietic cell fractions before (Lansdorp and developmental capacities, cells that contain develop-
Dragowska, 1992; Mayani et al., 1993; Mohle et al., 1995; mental potentials for NK cells and macrophages while
Koenig et al., 1999), we qualified the tetraspanins CD53 simultaneously lacking granulocyte development should
and CD63 as new markers, that together with CD133
not exist according to the classical model of
help to discriminate more primitive cultured
CD34qCD133qwCD53qCD62LqCD63-CD71lowx cells from
In addition, cells that gave rise to NK cells and also
more mature cultivated CD34qCD133low/-wCD53-CD62L-
generated granulocytes should – at least according to
CD63qCD71qx cells (Beckmann et al., 2007). It may be
the classical model – contain both the full myeloid as well
that this new combination of antigens will help to solve
as the full lymphoid developmental potentials. Accord-
the dilemma that upon cultivation certain cell surface
ingly, and even though it remains to be determined
antigens, such as c-kit or CD38, lose most of their pre-
whether such cells contain megakaryocytic and erythroid
dictive value for the identification of distinct functional
potentials, these primitive progenitors have been named
subpopulations of very primitive hematopoietic cells
myeloid lymphoid initiating cells or ML-ICs (Punzel et al.,
(Dorrell et al., 2000; Danet et al., 2001).
1999). Due to the fact that these cells are able to reinitiate
multiple myeloid as well as lymphoid long-term hema-
topoiesis in vitro, they are considered as one of the most
Pros and cons for the classical model of primitive in vitro measurable stem cell equivalent of
hematopoiesis in humans human hematopoietic cells (Punzel et al., 1999). Follow-
Comparable to the murine system and in agreement with ing the classical model, ML-ICs should give rise to
the classical model of hematopoiesis criteria that dis- daughter cells retaining the multipotent ML-IC capacity

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Table 2 Human hematopoietic stem and progenitor cell populations.

Defined human Phenotype Determination Frequency References

population function source

HSC CD34qCD38-c-kitqLin- Terstappen et al., 1991; Hao et al., 1996;

Larochelle et al., 1996
Additional marker CD133q(CD34-/q) Preimmune fetal sheep, Fetal liver, UCB, BM, PB Bhatia et al., 1998; de Wynter et al., 1998;
NOD/SCID mice; Zanjani et al., 1998; Yin et al., 1997
in vitro differentiation, Gallacher et al., 2000; Giebel et al., 2006;
flow cytometry Beckmann et al., 2007

ALDHhigh(CD133q) NOD/SCID/b2m-/- mice; UCB Hess et al., 2004, 2006

in vitro differentiation,
flow cytometry
HLA-DRlow(CD34q) In vitro differentiation, BM Verfaillie et al., 1990
flow cytometry
CD33-Rho123-(CD34q) NOD/SCID, UCB Liu and Verfaillie, 2002
In vitro differentiation, McKenzie et al., 2007
flow cytometry
CD71-CD62Lq(CD34q) In vitro differentiation, UCB, BM, PB, cultured Lansdorp and Dragowska, 1992; Mayani et al.,
flow cytometry UCB 1993; Mohle et al., 1995; Koenig et al., 1999;
Beckmann et al., 2007
CD53qCD63-(CD133q) In vitro differentiation, Cultured UCB Beckmann et al., 2007
flow cytometry

CLP CD34qCD38qLin-CD10q In vitro differentiation, BM Galy et al., 1995

HLA-DRqc-kit-Thy1.1- flow cytometry,
Gene expression
CD34qCD38-CD7q In vitro differentiation, UCB Hao et al., 2001; Hoebeke et al., 2007
HLA-DRqc-kit-Thy1.1- flow cytometry,
Gene expression
Article in press - uncorrected proof

CLP (B-cells)q CD34qLin-CD38qIL-3Ralow In vitro differentiation, UCB Haddad et al., 2004

GMP-potential CD45RAhighCD10q flow cytometry,
gene expression
CLP (T/NK-cells)q CD34qLin-CD38qIL-3Ralow UCB Haddad et al., 2004
GMP-potential CD45RAhighCD7q
CLPqmacrophages CD34qCD10-CD19- In vitro differentiation, UCB Reynaud et al., 2003
CD79aqIL-7Raq flow cytometry,
gene expression
BMP(B-cells)q CD34qCD19qCXCR4- In vitro differentiation, BM Hou et al., 2005
GMPqerythroid flow cytometry ;0.3% mononuclear cell fraction (MNC) BM
M-NK-IC CD34qCD38- In vitro differentiation UCB Giebel et al., 2004
CMP CD34qLin-CD38qIL-3Ralow NOD/SCID/b2m-/- mice, ;0.28% MNC BM; ;0.4% MNC UCB Manz et al., 2002
CD45RA-CD16-CD32- in vitro differentiation
GMP IL-3RalowCD45RAq ;0.35% MNC BM; ;0.3% MNC UCB Manz et al., 2002

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MeP IL-3Ra-CD45RA- ;0.13% MNC BM; ;0.05% MNC UCB Manz et al., 2002
Hematopoietic stem cell lineage development 819
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820 B. Giebel and M. Punzel

or to daughter cells, being committed to either the lym- fate. Remarkably, in all cases in which such daughter
phoid (CLPs) or the myeloid (CMPs) lineage develop- cells generated NK cells, we also observed the devel-
ment. Thus, in the ML-IC assay, CLPs should give rise opment of macrophages, suggesting that under the con-
to NK cells but not to myeloid colonies, CMPs should ditions used ML-ICs do not give rise to cells fulfilling the
generate myeloid colonies but not NK cells. However, in CLP criteria, but give rise to cells with M-NK-IC activities
our studies in which we analyzed the cell fate of individ- (Giebel et al., 2006). As cells with improved M-NK-IC
ual daughter cells, we never observed that CD34qCD38- activities frequently generated daughter cells, one of
cells originally containing the ML-IC capacity gave rise which retained the M-NK-IC potential and one which only
to one daughter cell fulfilling the CMP criteria and another generated NK cells and thus could in principal reflect
one fulfilling that of a CLP (Giebel et al., 2006). In all CLP activities (Giebel et al., 2006), we propose that under
cases studied, at least one daughter cell retained the full the conditions used in our experiments, CLPs arise from
ML-IC potential of its mother cell, and in more than 80% multipotent HPCs via progenitor cells containing M-NK-
of the cases, one daughter cell acquired a restricted cell IC activities. These findings within the early human
hematopoietic system strongly support the data obtained
from the groups of Jacobsen and Kondo which have
been described previously (Adolfsson et al., 2005; Lai
and Kondo, 2006). Taking the current literature into
account, a proposed model of human hematopoietic
lineage development is shown in Figure 2.


In summary, recent findings in mouse and in man predict

additional or alternative roadmaps within the model of
the hematopoietic development (Figures 1 and 2). There-
fore, the hypothesis that myeloid and lymphoid progen-
itors are strictly separated at a single branching point, as
proposed in the classical model of hematopoiesis, can-
not be kept in this form anymore. It seems more likely
that there are different developmental routes a multi-
potent hematopoietic cell can follow. As extrinsic factors
play important roles in governing the cell fate of hema-
topoietic progenitor cells and because primitive hema-
topoietic cells are motile and sometimes leave their
Figure 2 Developmental route(s) in neonatal and adult human niches enter the blood or lymph stream and return to
hematopoiesis. functional niches (Goodman and Hodgson, 1962; Wright
Clinical trials revealed that the heterogeneous pool of human et al., 2001; Abkowitz et al., 2003; Massberg et al., 2007),
CD34q cells contains HSC activities that can restore the hema-
progenitors will be influenced by a bundle of different
topoietic system of immunocompromised patients. However, for
ethical reasons subfractions should not be transplanted in places and different signals. In this context, the order
humans, their developmental potential can only be estimated in how progenitor cells receive certain signals should
in vitro assays or in xenogenic models, e.g., in NOD/SCID mice already influence their developmental potential. With an
or in fetal sheep. According to these surrogate HSC analyses, example of the developing external sensory organs of
the most primitive human hematopoietic cells seem to belong Drosophila melanogaster, it has been shown that cells
to the Lin-CD133qc-kitq cell fraction. Although a small propor-
which transduce the Notch-signaling in a first decision
tion of such cells lack CD34 expression – maybe the most prim-
itive human hematopoietic cells detected so far –, the vast
step but not in a second acquire a different cell fate than
majority of these cells express CD34. These cells can be dis- those cells that only transduce the Notch signal in the
criminated in more primitive CD34qCD38low/- cells and more second decision step (Campos-Ortega, 1996). Taking
mature CD34qCD38q cells. Similar to the mouse system, recent into account how primitive hematopoietic cells receive
findings have suggested that multipotent progenitors, enriched certain extrinsic signals, there should be many different
within the CD34qCD38low/- cell fraction, not only give rise to ways how the cell fate of developing hematopoietic cells
CMPs and CLPs, as predicted by the classical model of hema-
can be primed. Thus, the discovery of progenitor cells
topoiesis, but also to cells that display reduced developmental
capabilities of both the myeloid and the lymphoid developmental that are specified by different routes may be the tip of an
routes. In this context, T/NK-cell-primed and B-cell-primed cells iceberg, which is not compatible with the classical model
have been identified that still possess GMP abilities (T/NK GMP, of hematopoiesis.
B GMP), as well as cells with CLP and macrophage potentials In this context, the old discussion whether hemato-
(M CLP). Additionally, some putatively lineage restricted lym- poietic cell fates are specified in a deterministic or sto-
phocytes still contain capabilities to produce macrophages chastic manner can be repeated (McCulloch, 1983).
(M-NK, M-B, M-T). Abbreviations: ML-IC, myeloid-lymphoid ini-
According to our data in which most of the primitive
tiating cell; E-LTC-IC, extended long-term culture initiating cell;
CAFC, cobblestone forming cell; LTC-IC, long-term culture ini- hematopoietic cells which had ML-IC capacities gave
tiating cell; M-NK-IC, macrophage-NK cell initiating cell; NK-IC, rise to differently specified daughter cells (Giebel et al.,
NK cell initiating cell; CFU, colony-forming unit. 2006), and due to the identification of asymmetrically

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Hematopoietic stem cell lineage development 821

segregating proteins (Beckmann et al., 2007), we suggest ages is hierarchically controlled during early hematopoiesis.
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