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Republic of the Philippines


Isulan, Sultan Kudarat
College of Computer Studies
S.Y. 2017-2018

A trailblazer in arts, science and technology in the region. a. Enhance competency development, commitment,
professionalism, unity and true spirit of service for public
accountability, transparency and delivery of quality services;
b. Provide relevant programs and professional trainings that will
respond to the development needs of the region;
c. Strengthen local and international collaborations and
The University shall primarily provide advance instruction and partnerships for borderless programs;
d. Develop a research culture among faculty and students;
professional training in science and technology, agriculture, fisheries,
e. Develop and promote environmentally-sound and market-driven
education and other related field of study. It shall undertake research
knowledge and technologies at par with international standards;
and extension services, and provide progressive leadership in its area f. Promote research-based information and technologies for
of specialization. sustainable development;
g. Enhance resource generation and mobilization to sustain
financial viability of the university.

To produce graduates with excellence and dignity in arts, science and


Program Objectives and its relationship to University Goals:


A graduate of BS in Computer Science can:
a b c d e f g
a. design and implement effectively the innovative computing researches; / / / /
b. apply proficiently the algorithmic theories and related computational system in conducting researches; / / / / / / /
c. address societal problems through producing sustainable research outputs; / / / / / / /
d. demonstrate the code of conduct as well as social and legal aspects of computer science. / / / / / / /

1. Course Code : CS123 5. Course Description:

2. Course Title : Systems Analysis and Design The course covers the concepts, skills, methodologies,
3. Prerequisite : CS116 techniques, tools and perspectives essential for systems
4. Credits : 3 UNITS
analysts to successfully develop information systems. It requires
that students have taken introductory course on computer
systems and have experience in designing programs of several
programming languages, a solid background in computing
literacy and a general understanding of the core elements of a
business, including basic terms associated with production,
marketing, finance and accounting functions.
6. Course Learning Outcomes and Relationships to Program Educational Objectives

Course Learning Outcomes Program Objectives

At the end of the semester, the students can: a b c d
a. identify the phases of the systems development life cycle (SDLC). / / /
b. solve problems associated with designing and implementing information systems; / / /
c. demonstrate the roles of system analyst and the processes of systems design and development; / / / /
d. apply the techniques to generate information requirements; / / / /
e. employ processes to design user input, output, databases and user interfaces; / / / /
f. produce documents with all essential design elements; / /
g. discuss the importance of quality assurance;. / / / /
7. Course Content

Course Objectives, Desired Student Outcomes-Based Assessment Evidence of Outcomes Course Program Values
Topics, Time Allotment Learning Outcomes (OBA) Activities Objectives Outcomes Integration
Topic: SKSU VMGO, Classroom Policies, Course Overview, Course Requirements, Grading System (2 hours)
1.1 Student can be
1. discuss the VMGO of aware of and Individual participation in class Group and individual
the university, appreciate of the discussion and group discussions Value of
classroom policies, university’s VMGO, presentation appreciation
scope of the course, classroom policies,
course requirements course overview,
and grading system requirements and
grading system.
Topic: The Context of Systems Analysis and Design Methods (3 hours)

2.1 define Information 2.1 The students can Students participation in Rubrics score cards of a, b, e a, b, c, Belongingness
Systems and name discuss the seven question and answer activity class participation Hard work
the seven types of types of information facilitated by teacher accomplished by Discipline
information systems concepts in Accomplishment
application. actual application. Satisfaction
2.2. They can also Group demonstration Resourcefulness
2.2 identify different types identify and use the Teamwork
of stakeholders who different approaches Rubrics of the Appreciation
use or develop of systems following: Participation
information systems development 1. Discussions
and give examples of appropriate to a type 2. Concept
each. of stakeholders as Development
end-users. 3. Group
2.3 The students can
4. Role Playing
differentiate the
2.3 differentiate between waterfall and the
5. Problem
the waterfall and the iterative/incremental Discussions Analysis
iterative/incremental approaches to 6. Pair Work
approaches to systems 7. Lectures
systems development. 8. Case Analysis
development. 9. Mapping
10. Situational

Topic: Information System Building Blocks. ( 3 hours)

3.1 differentiate between 3.1. The students Students participation in a, b, d, e a, b, c, d
front-and back office can understand the question and answer activity Belongingness
information systems. role of information facilitated by teacher Hard work
systems architecture Discipline
in systems Accomplishment
development. Satisfaction
3.2 describe the role of 3.2. They can apply Communication
information systems network technologies Resourcefulness
architecture in effectively and Role Playing Teamwork
systems efficiently following Appreciation
development communications Participation
building blocks. Efficiency

3.3 describe the role of 3.3 The students will

network technologies be able to describe
as it relates to the role of the
knowledge, network technologies
processes and and how it relates to
communications knowledge,
building blocks. processes and
building blocks.
Topic: Information Systems Development (3 hours)
4.1 describe the 4.1. The students a, e, f, g, a, b, c,
motivation for a can manage ISD by Belongingness
standard systems applying system Hard work
development process development models Discipline
in terms of Capability to categorize Accomplishment
Problem Analysis
Maturity Model problems, Satisfaction
(CMM) for quality opportunities and Patience
management. directives. Communication
4.2 describe the PIECES 4.2. They can also Teamwork
framework for determine and use Appreciation
categorizing the cross-life cycle Participation
problems, activities and Discussions/Problem Analysis
opportunities, and appropriate
directives. automated tools for

4.3 and 4.4

4.3 describe cross life- They can describe
cycle activities that the cross life-cycle
overlap multiple activities that overlap
system development multiple system
phases. development phases
and the various
automated tools for
4.4 describe various systems
automated tools for development.
Topic: Project Management (8hours)
5.1 define the terms 5.1. The students Students participation in b, d, e, f, g a, c, Belongingness
project and project can manage projects question and answer activity Hard work
management and and use facilitated by teacher Discipline
differentiate between management tools Accomplishment
projects and process for schedules of Satisfaction
management activities. Patience
5.2 differentiate the PERT 5.2. They can also Problem Analysis Resourcefulness
and Gantt Chart as apply creeping Teamwork
Project Management commitment to Appreciation
Tools. adjust project scope. Participation

5.3 describe eight (8) 5.3 and 5.4 Pair work/diagramming

activities in project The students can
management. describe eight (8)
activities in project
5.4 Manage user management,
expectations of a manage user
project and adjust expectations of a
project scope. project and adjust
project scope.
Topic: System Analysis (15 hours)
6.1 define systems 6.1. The students Lectures b, c, e, g a, b, c Belongingness
analysis and relate can analyze and Hard work
the term to the scope perform activities Discipline
definition, problem involved in Systems Accomplishment
analysis, requirement Analysis Group dynamics Satisfaction
analysis, logical Patience
design, and decision Communication
analysis phases of Resourcefulness
this book’s systems Teamwork
development Appreciation
methodology. Participation

6.2 describe the scope 6.2 The students can Problem Analysis/Case
definition, problem expound the parts of Method
analysis, the system’s
requirements proposal
analysis, logical
design and decision
analysis phases.
Participants in term
of purpose,
participants, inputs,
outputs, techniques
and steps.

Topic: Fact-Finding Techniques for Requirements Discovery (6 hours)

7.1 define system 7.1. The students Students participation in a, c, d, e, f, g a, b, c, d Belongingness
requirement and can discuss and use question and answer activity Hard work
differentiate between the fact-finding facilitated by teacher Discipline
functional and techniques and Accomplishment
nonfunctional strategies. Satisfaction
requirements Patience
7.2. describe several 7.2 and 7.3 Group dynamics/Problem Resourcefulness
benefits of using JRP The students can Analysis/Case Method Teamwork
as a Fact-finding expound clearly the Appreciation
techniques fact-finding Participation
7.3. describe a fact-
finding strategy that
will make the most of
your time with end-
Topic: Modeling System Requirements with USE-CASE Model (15 hours)
8.1. Describe the benefits 8.1. The students b, c, e, f a, b, c, d
of USE-CASE can illustrate the Belongingness
modeling. USE-CASE model Hard work
for project Discipline
management Accomplishment
Problem Analysis/ Situational Satisfaction
8.2 Describe the steps for 8.2, 8.3, 8.4 The Patience
preparing a USE- students can Communication
CASE model. describe the USE-
s Resourcefulness
CASE from the Teamwork
8.3. describe the various preparations, Appreciation
sections of a USE- narrative and its Participation
CASE narrative and purpose, ranking,
be able to prepare priority matrix and
one. the USE –CASE
8.4. define the purpose of diagram.
ranking and priority
matrix and the USE-
CASE dependency

Topic: Data Modeling and Analysis (15 hours)

9.1. define systems 9.1. The students b, c, d, e, f, g a, b, c, d Belongingness
modeling and can illustrate and Hard work
differentiate between construct the logical Board work/Discussions Discipline
logical and physical and physical system Accomplishment
systems models models as well as Satisfaction
the Entity Patience
Relationship Communication
Diagram. Resourcefulness
9.2. recognize the basic 9.2. They can also Appreciation
concepts and map-out data Problem Analysis/ Participation
constructs of a data requirements for Lectures/Discussions
model. business operating
9.3. discover entities and 9.3 They can
relationships. discover and analyze
the different entities
understanding the

9.4. describe useful tool 9.4 They can Mapping

for mapping data describe different
requirements to tools for mapping
business operating data requirements to
locations business operating

Topic: Process Modeling (10 hours)

10.1 define systems 10.1. The students Students participation in a, b, c, d, e, f, a, b, c, d Unity
modeling and can illustrate and question and answer activity g Belongingness
differentiate construct the logical facilitated by teacher Hard work
between logical and and physical system Discipline
physical system models. Accomplishment
models. Satisfaction
10.2. They can also
Problem Analysis/ Patience
10.2. define process discuss and interpret Lectures/Discussions Communication
modeling and data flow diagrams Resourcefulness
explain its benefits. and event diagrams. Teamwork
Diagramming Appreciation
10.3 They can Participation
10.3. read and interpret a interpret diagrams
data flow diagram
10.4they can Pair work/diagramming
10.4. draw event illustrate event and
diagrams and then merge into systems
merge those event
diagrams into
system diagrams.
Topic: Feasibility Analysis and the System Proposal (10 hours)
11.1. The students Problem Analysis/ a, b, c, d, e, f, a, b, c, d Belongingness
11.2. identify alternative can apply Feasibility Lectures/Discussions g Hard work
systems solutions. Analysis as suitable Discipline
for the development Accomplishment
11.3. write suitable of system proposal. Satisfaction
system proposal Patience
reports for different 11.2, 11.3, 11.4 Communication
audiences They can identify Resourcefulness
11.4. plan for a formal problems, write Problem Analysis/ Teamwork
presentation for proposal and plan for Lectures/Discussions Appreciation
system owners and the presentation for Participation
users. the clients
No. of hours for exams 4 hours
No. of hours for lectures 36 hours
No. of hours for laboratory 54 hours
Total no. of hours 94 hours

8. Course Evaluation
Course Requirements: 80% running program (minimum requirement: client-server technology)
: With Documentation
Grading System:
Exam -50% Exam -50%
Course Requirement -25% Course Requirements - 25%
Quizzes -15% Quizzes -15%
Participation/Attendance -10% Participation -10%
MTG+FTG/2=FG 100% 100%

Schedule of Examination:

Midterm - January 24-26, 2018

Final Term - March 22-24, 2018
Classes End - March 31, 2018
Textbook: Jeffrey L. Whitten, Lonnie D. Bentley, Kevin C. Dittman, Systems Analysis and Design Sixth Edition International Edition 2004
Simon Bennett, Steve McRobb and Ray Farmer, Object-Oriented Systems Analysis and Design Using UML Third Edition
Grady Booch, Object-Oriented Systems Analysis and Design with Applications, Second Edition
John W. Satzinger, Robert B. Jackson, Stephen D. Burd, Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, Fifth Edition
John W. Satzinger, Robert B. Jackson, Stephen D. Burd, Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, Sixth Edition
Gary B. Shelly, Harry J. Rosenblantt, Systems Analysis and Design, Ninth Edition
Alan Dennis, Barbara Haley Wixom. Roberta M. Roth, Systems Analysis and Design, 5th Edition
Alan Dennis ᄃ, Barbara Haley Wixom ᄃ, Roberta M. Roth ᄃ, Systems Analysis and Design, 6th Edition
Jeffrey A. Hoffer, Joey George, Joey Valacich, Modern Systems Analysis and Design, 7th Edition
Kenneth E. Kendall, Julie E. Kendall, Systems Analysis and Design, 9th Edition

Prepared: Reviewed and checked:


Faculty-BSCS, College of Computer Studies Program Head, BSCpE

Approved: Noted:


Director, SKSU Isulan Campus ROMMEL M. LAGUMEN, PhD.
Dean, College of Engineering

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