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Kara Evans

Raindance Film Festival

Deadline: 21st May 2018

Raindance Festival is a place for young film makers to show their skill in competition. The
best films will be selected by a group of judges and chosen to be shown in a theatre with
other participants.
The Festival accepts feature films (over 45 min.), short films (under 45 min.), music videos
(under 6 min), VR and AR experiences (under 25min) and web series. Projects of all lengths
and genres are welcome. Raindance Film Festival is committed to showing the boldest and
most innovative work that challenges the boundaries of filmmaking.

 Narrative Feature
 Documentary Feature
 Narrative Short
 Documentary Short
 Animation Short
 Music Video
 LGBT (Feature)
 Virtual and Augmented Reality Experiences (Learn how to submit your short Virtual
Film reality here)
 Web Series can be submitted here (this year the Raindance Web Fest will be hosted
online for the duration of the Raindance Film Festival (19 – 30 September) on the
Raindance website).
The Raindance Jury Awards:
o Best Film o Best Documentary Feature
o Film of the Festival o Discovery Award
o Best Director o Best Short of the Festival
o Best Screenplay o Best UK Short
o Best Cinematography o Best Documentary Short
o Best Performance o Best Animation Short
o Best UK Feature o Best Music Video
Rules and regulations you must follow
1. Submission Deadlines
Submissions will be accepted from 2 October 2017. The early deadline is Friday 27
April 2018 the regular deadline is Friday 18 May 2018 the late deadline is Friday 1
June 2018. Early entry is encouraged but in no way guarantees acceptance.
2. Submission Format
Films must be submitted via online screener ONLY.
We do not accept subsequent cuts or more complete versions of submitted films,
therefore changing or updating the originally submitted link is not accepted.
3. Submission Eligibility
- All submissions must have been completed after 1 January 2017.
- Raindance requires at least a UK premiere for any feature film.
- There is no premiere policy for short films and music videos.
- Works-in-progress and films with distribution are accepted.
4. Premiere Status
- Feature Films must be at least UK Premieres: they must not have been released in
the UK on any format, nor screened publicly online.
If, after you submit, the premiere status of your feature film changes rendering it no
longer available for at least UK premiere, please let us know immediately and
withdraw your film from submissions.
- There is no Premiere policy for short films and music videos, they may have
screened at other Festivals and/or online.
5. Film Classification
All films screened during the Raindance Film Festival receive a blank 18 certificate
from Westminster Council (London). This means we cannot accept anyone under
aged during any screening of the Festival. Please take this into account when
submitting to Raindance.
6. Submission Fee
All submissions for Raindance are to be paid through Film Freeway platform. The
submission fee is non-refundable.
7. Shipping
If selected your DCP should be sent to:
Raindance Film Festival
10a Craven Street
London WC2N 5PE
United Kingdom
If the film is selected for the Festival all shipping and postage costs for DCPs and
additional materials sent to and returned from Raindance must be borne by the
submitting party. Raindance will not accept Cash On Delivery shipments. Raindance
will not absorb any fees incurred in British customs. All charges must be pre-paid.
8. Selection of Films
Submissions are reviewed and selected under the following criteria:
- Quality of narrative and production values.
- Independent nature of the production.
9. Notification
Raindance endeavours to complete all selection procedures by Friday 31 August
2018 and inform all submitting parties, in writing, if their film has been successful or
not after that time. Successful submissions will receive a Filmmaker Festival Pack
that will include important information on shipping the DCP to the Festival, press
and publicity, guest accreditation, contact information and how to make the most of
participating in the Festival.
10. Festival Screenings
Selected films MUST provide a Digital Cinema Package (DCP) in order to be screened
at the Raindance Film Festival, as well as a backup Blu-ray. The film title MUST be
clearly labelled on the DCP and Blu-ray. All foreign language films MUST contain
English subtitles files.
Blu-ray will be used as backup only. Please clearly label whether your film is PAL or
NTSC. Our facilities do NOT support DVD, tape, 35mm, Super 16mm, 8mm or double-
head formats.
A selected DCP must be received at Raindance no later than TWENTY days prior to its
scheduled screening date.
Our partner cinema uses pin sharp Sony 4K Digital Cinema projection, making DCP
screenings look incredible. Raindance aspires to provide the best quality projection
possible but will not be held liable for any failure in the technical quality of the
projection, nor will fees be refunded in any such case. Raindance assumes that the
submitting party or filmmaker(s) or entrant(s) or print source company has insured
for damage and loss of the festival DCP.
11. Scheduling
Screenings are scheduled at the discretion of Raindance. Whilst every effort will be
made to adhere to the published schedule, Raindance reserves the right to make
changes at any time for any reason. Raindance will not be liable for any costs
claimed as a result of a change in scheduling.
No film may be withdrawn from the festival programme after its selection.
12. Festival Awards
Jury prizes for Feature Films: Film of the Festival, Best UK Film, Best Film, Best
Director, Best Screenplay, Best Performance, Best Documentary and the Discovery
Jury prizes for Short Films: Best Short, Best Documentary Short, Best Animation Short, Best
UK Short.
Jury prizes for Music Videos: Best Music Video.
If shortlisted for a Jury prize additional preview copies of the film must be provided or
authorised by the submitting party if requested by Raindance.
Information found from:
My idea for this will be a modern day Romeo and Juliet, this is because I really like the play
and the movies that have been made from this movie. I also feel like I am good at rewriting
stories with a twist so I thought about taking an old play and twist it to make it more
modern to today society. My production would include around five or more people as the
main characters will include Romeo, Juliet, Juliet’s Parents and her cousin (I may also include
some background actors for the LGBT club/parade. My production will be around 10
minutes long because anything shorter I feel I would not get enough context in the
production, and anything longer may drag out too long and it will be hard to stretch out the
story to be interesting enough
My production is about a woman (who was bullied for being female) changing her gender to
make herself happy, after going to some LGBT meetings, he (Romeo) bumps into a girl
(Juliet) and they slowly start to fall in love. After Romeo confesses his love to Julie, they start
to go out but soon after Romeo tells her that he is transgender. Juliet doesn’t know how to
react so she spends some time away from him and eventually accepts who Romeo is and
introduces him to her family. As her parents are strong Christians and from another
generation, they do not agree with who Romeo is and refuses to let them see each other.
Romeo late at night throws pebbles at Juliet’s window and asks her to run away with him
(which represents the balcony scene in the play) and they start to leave town when Juliet’s
cousin catches them, they fight but her cousin brings her home (which represent the scene
where Romeo and Tybalt have duel in the play). Juliet starts to get sad because her parents
wont accept her or let her be happy and so she commits suicide because she cant live
without Romeo. After Romeo finds out about her death, he goes to visit her grave and at
the shrine they made for her he picks up the photo and also kills himself to be with her
(Representing the ending in the play)
My target audience for this will mainly be teens as it will be based around teenagers (like
the play) falling in love. However, I do feel like this could be appealing to older audiences
because it is an old play therefore I think they could also enjoy and old tell retold, however, I
think they may also not like my idea because I think because of the generation difference
with how I am making it about modern day problems (LGBT) I think they wouldn’t like the
fact that its being used within the story because they may not agree with it. I think this
storyline would appeal to females more as it is a tale of people falling in love and I think it
would appeal to females more. This is because the story will involve teenagers and I will
show this by having situation teenager’s most likely do (meeting up with friends, going to
the pub, going to concerts etc.) and it’s most likely for females because it is about two
people falling in love and building a relationship
Production Schedule

Date Plan of Action Evaluation / Behind

Week Beginning the Scene
12th February Proposal: Creating a proposal for the Weekly Blog
final project and looking at possible
19th February Brief: Creating a brief and production Weekly Blog
26th February Research: looking into target audience, Weekly Blog
other production compared to mine
5th March Research: looking into producers that Weekly Blog
create stories like mine and analysing
their scenes
12th March Pre-production: writing scripts, location Weekly Blog
recces, getting actors, storyboard
19th March Pre-production: Prop list, equipment list, Weekly Blog
confirmation emails (if needed), cost Pitch idea
sheets, test shoots
26th March Pre-production/film: if pre-production is Weekly Blog
finished, starting to film the project
2nd April Film: Film the production Easter
Weekly Blog
9th April Film: Film the production Easter
Weekly Blog
16th April Film/Edit: Edit the production and see if Weekly Blog
re shoots are needed
23rd April Film/Edit: Edit the production, see if re Weekly Blog
shoots are needed and film
30th April Re-shoot/improvements: Film re shoots Weekly Blog
if needed and improve the
production/any other work
7th May Evaluation: Start and finish the Weekly Blog
14th May Improvements: Do any improvements to
the work
21st May Final Deadline: Upload the final
production and all work onto weebly

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