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Submitted as a Fullfillment of Sociolinguistics Final-Test

Lita Tri Lestari



In this research, the writer discusses the usage of taboo word and swear word in
“Bank Acoount” song 21 Savage. The purpose of this study is to classify the types of taboo
words. In this research, the writer uses content analysis method in analysing the taboo
and swear words in “Bank Account” song. The procedures of the research are: first,
watching the movie and finding the topics for the thesis. Second, after listening to the
song, the researcher found the theory in the books and internet. Third, the researcher searched
the lyrics of the song and then the classified the taboo words and swear words into tables.
The last, after classifying and making the table, the writer disscussed and analysed the
taboo words and swear words in “Bank Accont” song by 21 Savage. The result of this study is
to show the types of taboo word and swear word that refers to informal language. There are
three types of taboo word that found in “Bank Account” song: sexual activity, private parts of
body, and Lavatory. Moreover, there are two types of swear word that found in “Bank
Account” song such as strong swear word and weak swear word. Kind of strong swear
word is only insult and the kind of weak swear word is insult also.

Keyword: taboo, swear, song


1.1 Background of Study

Language is an crucial and important part in this life. Language is a purely human and
no instinctive method of communicating ideas, emotions, and desires by means of a system
of voluntarily produced symbols. Language divides into two types, formal and informal. A
prototype of formal language might be the sentence read out by a judge at the end of a trial.
Prototypical informal speech would be produced in a relaxed conversation among close
friends or family members. One of the most common types of informal language found in
everyday life are taboo and swear.
Taboo word is a part of informal language. Taboo word produces disgust,
embracement, and violate social norms in the society concerned. The word taboo originally
referred to the acts which were forbidden or were to be avoided. Now. it may refer to both
such acts and their reference. What acts or words are forbidden reflects the particular
customs, cultural value and views of the society. Some words may be used in
certain circumstances or certain cultures, but not in other.
According to Ronald Wardhaugh (2010: 249), taboo is the prohibition or avoidance
in any society of behavior believed to be harmful to its members in that it would cause them
anxiety, embarrassment, or shame. And then, Steven Pinker explains in his book The Stuff
of Thought, if the tendency of words to take on awsome powers may be found in the taboo.
This statement strengthens that matters relating to the words. When people in emotioning
condition, people cannot control the words. As a result, their words interfere other
characters. This is a taboo word that is inappropriate to use in public.
Taboo words have close relationship with swearwords. People who use swear words
in front of public will disturb many people who hear it. In this case, swear words have
similarity form with taboo words. Taboo words may not be allowed to use in front of public
and some of swear words too.
Swear words are made a solemn, declaration, statement, affirmation, promise or
undertaking. For example “ I swear to by almight God to tell the truth, the whole truth, and
nothing but the truth,so help me God”. A swear word is commonly used in medieval,but
along the development period until modern times, as now, the meaning of swear words will
be mixed and changed.
The existence of taboo words and swear words can be seen from various sources such
as in movies, song lyrics, and television shows. The existence of various taboo words in those
sources is caused by the fact that some people believe that employing taboo words is an
appropriate way to express a strong feeling and emotion, especially in the form of swearing.
Taboo words in the form of swearing are not only uttered to express anger and emotive
feeling but also uttered to express friendliness, familiarity, or ident it y among communit ies.
In the sentence “Hey you b*st*rd!” the word b*st*rd means “friend”. It is usually uttered by
American Negroes to call their close friend or their family. Therefore, nowadays people can
accept the use of taboo words because it is considered as the best way to deliver their
strongest feeling.
Based on this consideration, the researcher is interested to analyze taboo words and
swear words phenomenon in song lycrics especially on the types of taboo words used and
types of swear words in the song lyrics. In conducting the research, the researcher will
choose song lyrics as the source of data rather than conducting a kind of field study.
Moreover, since many of singer use taboo words and swear words in their song lyrics
escpecially hip-hop genre, the researcher thinks that it is acceptable to use song lyrics as
source of data. The researcher will use song lyrics of 21 Savage entitled “Bank Account” as
the source of this research. In Bank Account song lyrics, the singer frequently use taboo
words and swear words in their lyrics so that the utterances can be analyzed easily.

1.2 Research Questions

According to the introduction that has been explained above, the reseacher determines
the reseach questions into two questions as follow:
1. What is the type of taboo words that are used by 21 Savage in their song lyrics entitled
“Bank Account?
2. What is the type of swear words tha are used by 21 Savage in their song lyrics entitled
“Ban Accout?

1.3 The Aims of the Reserach

1. To know the type of taboo words that are used by 21 Savage in their song lyrics entitled
“Bank Account?
2. To know the type of swear words tha are used by 21 Savage in their song lyrics entitled
“Bank Account”?

2.1 Sociolinguistics
Sociolinguistics is the study of the relationship between language and society, how
language functions in a community, how people in community use language as well as how
this language usage reflects the social identity of the users. There are several possible
relationships between language and society. One is that social structure may either
influence or determine linguistic structure and/or behavior. A second possible relationship
is directly opposed to the first: linguistic structure and/or behavior may either influence or
determine social structure. A third possible relationship is that the influence is bi-directional:
language and society may influence each other (Wardhaugh, 2005).
Trudgill (1974: 32) states that sociolinguistics is a part of linguistics which is
concerned with language as a social and cultural phenomenon. The way people talk is
determined by social context in which their speaking takes place. People select language
which is suitable with the situation in which they are talking, who they are speaking to, and
how close their relation with the hearers. By regarding these factors, people may
convey their message in different ways or in different language varieties. Varieties of
language along racial, ethnic, and social lines have been too apparent in many countries,
including America and Britain (Holmes, 2001:190). Sociolinguistics deals with explaining
why people speak differently in different social contexts and with identifying the social
function of language as well as describing the ways it is used to convey social meanings.

2.2 Language and Society

Language is the main element in human life that is used for communication. In terms of
communication, language means the use of a system of sounds and words to communicate.
The use of language is almost always a social activity (Falks, 193: 59). Standing on the idea
that language is a means of communication and social interaction between human beings,
Wardhaugh (1992: 1) says that language is what the members of a particular society
speak. Communication itself always involves individuals with their distinctive personality
traits, attitudes, beliefs, and emotions. As an instrument of communication among people,
language is a social phenomenon used as a process of conveying ideas to others that enables
people to regulate relationships in order to keep their role as social beings in society.
The society in which people live affects the way they use language. In other words,
society is any group of people who are drawn together for a certain purpose or purposes
(Wardhaugh, 1992: 1). In a society, people have to interact with each other, or in this case in
a social interaction people should notice the norms which hold for the society about how to
be a good person in the society. In addition, Macionish (1994: 82) states that society refers to
a group of people who interact within a limited territory guided by their culture.

2.3 Definition of Taboo

In general, people refer taboo words as offensive words which cannot be used in daily
conversation since they can generate a shocking effect for the individual who hears them.
Linguists such as Diez (via Fakuade, 2013:119) also supported the idea that some people
categorized taboo words as the words that have terrible meaning since they contain any
substance that are cruel and inappropriate so that they should be avoided. In different
societies, it may be hard for an individual to understand taboo words if they do not belong to
a particular society which shares the same values. Therefore, Akmajian et al., (2004: 303)
asserted that taboo words are those words that should not be employed completely or at least
prevented in different setting or polite situation. It means that to avoid any misunderstanding,
each person who belongs to different cultures with different values should not talk about
words that can shock them especially in polite conversations.
Another linguist that defines taboo words as the words which must be avoided is
Mbaya (2002: 224) who states that taboo words are any kinds of words or expression in one
language which are characterized by their impropriety, appalling character and lack of
morality which are supposed to be avoided so that it will not harm the other member of the
society. Those linguists may say that taboo words must be avoided because they contain stark
and vulgar language. However, words that contain sacred functions can be tabooed if they are
uttered outside the context of sacred ceremonies. For instance, in a religious context such as
in Church or when discussing religion, the words like Jesus Christor being damned by God
are appropriate to use. However they may become taboo, when they are uttered in the outside
formal circumstances which are used to shock, to offend or to criticize others like J*s *s
Chr*st! You are so God-D**ned stupid!.
Taboo words may have similarities among societies but they also vary from culture to
culture. What is thought to be taboo words in one culture may become a norm in other
cultures. Therefore, the researcher provides a brief explanation of the concept of taboo words
in the next section.
2.3.1 Types of Taboo
There Are Four Categorized of Taboo Words that are proposed by Michael Swan
a. Lavatory
Lavatory is expression that referred to the elimination of bodily wastes.
Piss = urinate
Shit = excrement ; defecate
Crap = excrement ; defecate
Fart = let digestive gas out from the anus
Some words reffering to the elimination of bodily wastes (what one does in the lavatory)
and the associated parts of the body are also regarded as “dirty” or shocking, for example:
piss and shit. They are often replaced by more “polite” words and expressions with the
same meaning, for example: urinate and defecate.
b. Private parts of the body
Asshole : anus
Balls : testicles
Cock : penis
Tits : breast
Another Information about privat parts of body

Anglo Saxon Taboo Words Latinate Acceptable Words

Cunt Vagina
Cock Penis
Prick Penis
Tits Breast
There is no Linguistic reason why “vagina” is Clean and “Cunt” is taboo words.
c. Religion
A number of words connected with the Christian religion. For example: the names
Christ and God. This words are considered holy by some people. These people prefer to
use such words only on formal and respectful context and they may be upset or shocked
by their “careless” use.
Blast christ gosh
Christ jesus christ jess
Shakespeare addsexclamations such as Zounds! (God's wounds) and marry! (By the
Virgin Mary) passed out of common usage several time ago.
d. Sexual Activity
Certain words relating to sexual activity and associated parts of the body, for
example: fuck and balls. Thirty or fourty years ago some of these words could not be
printed or broadcast. People are still comparatively unusual in public speech and writing.
In polite or formal language, these words are generally avoided or replaced by other words
and expression, for example: make love or have sexual intercourse. Sexual activity is
specific terms that have connection with sexual intercourse, oral sex, sexual climax,
masturbation etc. For example:
Bastard = child of unmarried parents
Come = orgasm
Fuck = have sex with
Wank = masturbate
Bitch = woman who likes to sex
The usage of taboo word usually happen in sexual activity to express their emotion
at that time. However, when the word is used in front of public the meaning will be
impolite and rude many people. To understand the rule of every area or environment,
people have to know the culture first. Here is the details of culture in United State which
support the taboo words usage:
2.4 Definition of Swear Words
There is a certain similarity which makes these two kinds of words share a same
definition. The similarity is the root of both kind of word which is emanated from taboo.
Nonetheless, there is a difference between both. Karjalainen (2002: 18) stated that although
all swear words are taboo, not all taboo words are swear words Cannibalism, for instance, is
taboo in some cultures, yet the swear words derived from that theme are absent. Gray (2011:
1) stated that taboo words has close relationship with swear words. It is because swear word
is considered indecent and inappropriate in polite contexts, exists in most (although not all)
languages and cultures when linguistic taboos arise from social taboos. And swear word is
part of taboo words because every people who use swear word is almost use taboo words
inside. According to Swan (1995: 550), taboo words and swear words are shock less. Peter
Trudgill stated, "breaking the rules (may) have connotations of strength or freedom which
(people) find desirable". Besides Trugill (2000: 18) also stated that it could be also "largely
because taboo words are frequently used as swear-words, which is in turn because they are
According to Chrystal (2003:173), swearing refer to the strongly emotive use of a
taboo word or phrase. And he adds, the word “use” is perhaps too weak because swearing is
an outburst, an exploison which gives relief to surges of emotional energy. The uniquely
human facility for swearing evolved and persists because taboo words can communicate
emotion information (anger, frustration) more readily than nontaboo words, allowing
speakers to achieve a variety of personal and social goals with them (utility).In this case, the
words associated with religion are not considered shocking when it is used with their literal
meaning but the word will show the strength when used as swear words. The strength of the
other words is mostly the same whether they are used literally or for swearing. Here is several
definition of swear word.
Swear word is a reaction of word for something that is not favored. This is usually
happened when someone starts to say a word beyond people patience in commonly. They can
not control their emotions then people will say the swear words. According to Chrystal
(2003), swear word is an outburst, an explotion, which gives relief to surges of emotional
energy. It is a subtitute for an aggressive bodily response, and can be aimed either at people
or object. According to Ruth (2011: 1), swear word originates as one of the 'bad' words but
becomes conventionalised in a recognisably social form. Using swear words as loose
intensifiers contributes to the easy going, imprecise nature of informal talk among in group
members. According to Allan and Buridge (2006: 88) , swear words is response of frustation,
pain and anger. A swear words is not just “a word like any other”. People who suffer a loss of
speech because of damage to the language-processing parts of their brain often retain the
ability to curse. For example, because swear words are processed in the brain’s limbic
system, the area responsible for emotions. According to Michael Swan, swear words are
strong language that expressed by person to their powerful emotion. Based on Swan (1995:
575), generally this expression comes from taboo word that literally same. Swear word has
two types of categories: strong swear words and weak swear words.
2.4.1 Types of Swear Words
According to Michael Swan (1995: 575), swear words are strong language that
expressed by person to their powerful emotion. Generally this expression comes from taboo
word that literally same. Swear word has two types of categories: strong swear words and
weak swear words.
a. Strong Swear Word
Strong swearwords have bad or rude meaning to listen and the usage of
strong swear word is expressed by people to their powerful emotion. In this case,
there are several categories which are classified into the forms of tables regarding
the strong swear words based on the situation.
Nu. Categories Expression Exampe
1 Exclamation of Fuck! God Damn! shit! “oh fuck! I’ve forgot the
Annoyance damn it! god damnt! number!”
2 Exclamation of surprise Fuck me! shit me! damn “Fuck me! your girl is
me! suck me! hot!”
3 Exclamation of unconcen I don’t give a Rudy: “why don’t you try
damn/shit/fuck to fix your tv?
Josie: “i don’t give a
4 Insult Asshole, bastard, damn “you son of bitch!”
,cunt, fuck, bitch, son of a “all of you asshole!”
bitch, Dickhead, suck, shit, “it’s such motherfucker”
fucker, mother fucker, fart,
cocksucker, prick
5 Insulting to go away Fuck off! Piss off! Screw! Rudy:”hi sweetie, i want
to fuck with you”
Cindy:”fuck off!”
6 Intensifying used to Damn(ed), fuck, goddamn “where is my fucking
emphasize an emotion wallet?” “let the
Goddamn man talk!
7 Surprised question Who/what/where/why/how “what the hell
the hell...?” are you doing?”
“where the fuck
are they?”
8 Violent refusal/rejection Fucked if i will! Stuff it up “I’m not gonna do it for
your ass! Shut the fuck up! you! Shut the fuck up!”
Suck this!
b. Weak
Weak swear word is not as harsh as expressions of the first swear word.
This is the explanation.
Nu Type Expression Example
1 Exclamation of Annoyance Oh jess! gosh! blah! “oh jess! I can’t find
ouch! the address”
“Gosh! I don‟t pass
the exam”
2 Exclamation of Surprise Oh my God! fool “Oh my god! i’ve
me! Jesus crist! got the new car”
“Oh fool me! I
forgot her birthday”
3 Emphasize and Emotion Oh dear! My “My Goodness!
goodness! Dear what a beautiful
God! view is there”
“oh dear, you are so
4 Insult Dummy! Fool !idiot! “don’t do that,
coward! stupid! stupid!”
“you coward, come

1.1 Types of Reserach

This research employed a descriptive qualitative method, since it involved the
collection of data for the purpose of describing the existing condition. According to
Vanderstoep and Johnson (2009:167) this method focuses on cultural, social, personal
identity and its goal is more descriptive than predictive. Moreover, Strauss and Corbin (1998:
11) state that qualitative research is achieved not by means of quantification or statistical
technique. It can give complex detail about particular phenomena which are difficult to be
expressed with quantitative method.Therefore, the findings of qualitative research will not be
in the form of statistic data which usually belong to quantitative research. In this research,
qualitative method was chosen as the appropriate method because it represented what the
researcher had studied.
Although this research employed qualitative method, the researcher also used
quantitative method to support the interpretation of data. Vanderstoep and Johnson (2008: 7)
states that quantitative method brings statistical work to a certain phenomenon under study.
Therefore, by providing statistical work in the form of percentage, the researcher could easily
describe the phenomenon that she wanted to investigate by giving fixed percentages to make
a clear explanation. Being more detail, this research used content analysis method because
the researcher thought that it was an appropriate method for textual investigation. The
analysis of the study was based on classification on data sheets. The data sheets included
words or sentences which contained taboo words.
1.2 Form, Context, amd Source of Data
According to Bousfield (2008:15), qualitative research can be conducted by
employing verbal and non verbal data. Verbal data can be found in utterances spoken by
speakers, while non verbal data can be seen through gestures, facial expression, tone and
physical contact between speakers.
In this research, the data were in the form of song lyrics by the singer in “Bank
Account” song lyrics, while the context of the data was lyrics containing taboo words. The
source of the data were the mp3 of the song of 21 Savage entitled “Bank Account” that are
download from
3.3 Research Instrument
The key instrument of this research was the researcher herself since she acted as the
person who wanted to find the research problems. In qualitative research, according to
Moleong (2009:56) the researcher acts as the main instrument. The researcher is the planner,
data collector, data analyzer, and data reporter. In addition, a data sheet was also employed as
the secondary instrument. The data sheet was functioned to write down the classified data.
The data sheet was in the form of a table for presenting two objectives which became the
focus of the study, which were, the types of taboo words and and the types of swear words.
3.4 Technique of Data Analysis
This research employed simak and catat technique to collect the data from “Bank
Account” lyrics. According to Sudaryanto (1993: 133-135), this was a technique for
achieving data through listening carefully and then followed by taking note. In this research,
the researcher did the simak and catat technique by listening to the song carefully and then
she noted some words which were categorized in the types and functions of taboo words and
swear words by writing them over the lyrics of the song.
In this study the writer uses qualitative data analysis technique with several stages.
First, the writer watches the film and reads the script. Then the writer clasifies the words that
might contain taboo words and swear words in the song lyrics. The next step, the writer
makes tabulating data to make it easier to analyze. Then, the writer begins to analyze them
using various theories related to this research.

In this reserach, the reseracher wants to give data description by giving the table of
taboo words and swear words. So that, it will enable the reader in understanding about taboo
and swear words.
No Corpus Type of taboo Type of swear
1 I buy a new car for the bitch Sexual activity Stong swear
2 She’s fucking with bosses and shit Sexual activity Strong swear
3 She’s fucking with bosees and shit Lavatory Strong swear
4 Bad bitch, cute face and some nice Private part of the Strong swear
titties body (insut)
5 Bitch, be careful when you dumpin' Private part of the Strong swear
your asses body (insult)
6 I ain't no sucker, I ain't cuffin' no action Sexual activity Strong swear
7 The skreets raised me, I'm a whole Sexual activity Strong swear
bastard (insult)
8 Straight up out the 6, now got a house - Weak swear
in the Hills, dog! (insult)
9 Pull up on yo' bitch, she say that I got Private part of the Strong swear
that ruler dick body (insult)

Data 1
Lyric: I buy a new car for the bitch.
The word ‘bitch’ refers to taboo word, because this word is powerful rude if people
use in front of public. This word is usually used in sexual activity and has meaning that a
women who usually loves to have sex with lots of people. The word ‘bitch’ is categorized as
strong swear word (insult) because it has very rude meaning to be said or listened and it is
used to offend somebody, especially for a woman.
Data 2
Lyric: She’s fucking with bosses and shit

The word ‘fucking’ is categorized as taboo this word is an sexual activity that
should not to say in front of public and this word is rude word. The word ‘fucking’
means an activity which the person is having a sexual intercourse with someone. The word
‘fucking’ also is categorized as strong swear word (insult) because this word is really
forbidden to use in society that has bad meaning that can insult people.
Data 3
Lyric: She’s fucking with bosees and shit
The word ‘shit’ has meaning an excrement. In this lyric, ‘shit’ here means something
that is considered bad and useless thing by people. The word ‘shit’ is a kind of taboo because
this word is very rude that people do not usually use this word in front of the public and this
word considered as impolite word. The kind of taboo in the word ‘shit’ is lavatory bacause it
is an expression that refers to the elimination of body wastes. ‘Shit’ is strong swear word
because this word can use to insult people really badly.
Data 4
Lyric: Bad bitch, cute face and some titties
The word ‘titties’ is categoriez as taboo because it is an impolite word to use in
public. The typo of taboo in the word ‘titties’ is private part of the body beacuse this word
means female breast. This part of lyric is strong swear word because it can be stringl used for
insulting women.
Data 5
Lyric: Bitch, be careful when you dumpin' your asses
The word ‘asses’ refers taboo word, because this word is a part of private body
that should not to say in front of public and this word is rude word and impolite to
hear. The word ‘asses’ here has meaning person’s buttock or anus or in several situation this
word also has meaning a stupi, foolish, stubborn person. This word is really bad word and not
supposed to be used in front of people because this word has lack of politeness, so the word
‘asses’ is categorized as strong swear word that is offensive.
Data 6
Lyric: I ain't no sucker, I ain't cuffin' no action
The word ‘sucker’ is categorized as taboo word bacause this is a mean word that can
become a harrasment for someone who hears it. The word ‘sucker’ literally has meaning as a
person who likes to suck woman’s genital that is why this word is categorized as sexual
activity taboo. It can also mean a gillible, credulous, and naive person. This word has really
offensive meaning that can be used for nsulting people, so the word ‘sucker’ is categorized as
strong swear word (insult).
Data 7
Lyric: The skreets raised me, I'm a whole bastard
The word bastard refers to taboo word, because this word usually means child of
unmarried parents but in this lyric it can mean a person who like making trouble. This word
is rude word and impolite to hear. The word ‘bastard’ refers to insult into strong swear
words that is very rude and can be used to mock people. People do not usually use this word
in public bacuse this word is very impolite for society.
Data 8
Lyric: Straight up out the 6, now got a house in the Hills, dog!
The word ‘dog’ is not one of type of taboo words eventhough this word is very
offensive. This word is only taregorized as weak swear word that can is used to insult people
but not really strong. The word dog hear has really rude and impolite meaning beacuse it can
function to mock people, so this word cannot be used randomly in front of public.
Data 9
Lyric: Pull up on yo' bitch, she say that I got that ruler dick
The word ‘dick’ refers to taboo word, because this word is part of private body
that should not to say in front of public. The word ‘dick’ has meaning the male genitals
or penis. This word is a rude word and strongly impolite to hear in front of public, so
this word is categoried as strong sweat word that can be used for insulting people.


After analyzing the data, the researcher conclude that there are nine verses of the lyric
that are categorized as taboo and swear word. There are three types of taboo that can be found
in ‘Bank Account’ song of 21 Savage. The first type is sexual activity that can be found in
verse 1 (bitch), verse 2 (fucking), verse 6 (sucker) and verse 7 (bastard). The second type of
taboo is lavatory that can be found only in verse 3 (shit), and the last type of taboo is private
part of body that cab be found in verse 4 (titties), verse 5 (asses) and verse 9 dick. Beside that
the reseracher also found two types of swear word. The first type is strong swear word
(indult) that can ba found in verse 1 (bitch), verse 2 (fucking), verse 3 (shit),verse 4 (tittis),
verse 5 (asses), verse 6 (sucker), verse 7 (bastard), and verse 9 (dick). The second type of
swear word is weak swear word that can be only found in verse 8 (dog). From the finding the
reseracher can say that the type of taboo that the most common type of taboo in this lyric is
sexual activity with four verses, and the most common type of swear word found in this lyric
is strong swear word (insult) with a total of eight verses.

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