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Related Literature

Foreign Literature

The purpose of this section of the study is to provide a review of relevant literature that

focuses on questions related to teenage pregnancy. It also includes Synthesis of the Art, Gap

Bridge by the Study , Theoretical Framework, Conceptual Framework and Definition of Terms that

will be use by the study.

1Teen pregnancy is a subject that has been defined as a problem in the United States for more

than two decades. We know that certain factors have effected the teenage pregnancy rates. There

has been a decline in the number of teenage marriages, an increase in the onset of early puberty,

looser rules and norms that govern sexual behaviors, and a change in youth culture itself. Television,

literature, books, music and videos all confirm these changes.

Alan Guttmacher Institute (1994). Sex and Americas teenagers,. New York

Brown &Amankwaa, (2007) stated that parenting is a very stressful and some women cannot handle
all the tasks involved especially the first time mothers and need help or assistance from the people
around them. Although having someone help the mother is good but the expectation of receiving
support after giving birth to a baby often causes Stressors that may lead to depression during
postpartum period.Parenting is very stressful and some women cannot deal with all of the tasks that are
involved. It is best if there are people around who are there to assist. Although it is best to have family,
friends and spousal support after giving birth to a baby this expectation often causes Stressors that may
lead to depression during the postpartum period. (Brown &Amankwaa, 2007)

Brown RL, Awankwaa AA. (2007). College Females as Mothers : Balancing the roles of Student and

Harrison (2006:41) says teenagers (adolescents) who experience physiological and other

changes often find it difficult to discuss these experiences with their parents. In need of

information, they turn to their peers for guidance or seek information from other sources (e.g.

books) to satisfy their curiosity (Panday et al., 2009:19). Although there are health clinics

available to adolescents where they can obtain appropriate information on sexuality matters,

many do not use these facilities for fear of being identified as sexually active or the believe
that such facilities are only for adult mothers, the elderly and the sick (Bezuidenhout,


Harrison R 2006. Teenage pregnancy. South African Medical Journal, 96(2):39-46.

Panday S, Makiwane M, Ranchod C & Letsoalo T 2009. Teenage pregnancy in South

Africa with specific focus on school going learners. HSRC: Pretoria.

Bezuidenhout F J 2008. Teenage pregnancy. Pretoria: Van Schaik.

The rising of incidence of adolescent mothers throughout South Africa causes concern

and is becoming a critical issue. This happens in spite of free contraceptives services,

including emergency contraception. As from 1996 in South Africa pregnant women are

able to terminate their pregnancy (irrespective of age), at their request during the first 12

weeks of pregnancy. Despite of that legislation the adolescent mothers have failed to

use the available family planning, emergency contraceptive or termination of pregnancy

services (available free of charge at clinics). This has been reflected by an increased

number of abandoned babies Kansumba (2002:29)

Kansumba, GC. (2002). Factors contributing to increase rate of teenage pregnancy

amongst high school girls in Mufulira, Zambia. University of the Western Cape.

In Western societies, young parents are given a hard time. They can be accused of

being irresponsible, selfish, careless and immature. They are thrown out of their homes

when they tell their parents they are pregnant. The parents feel ashamed and worried

about what their relatives and neighbours will say. They may feel that all the
opportunities for the future of their daughter have been dashed (Nolan, 2003:13).

Nolan, M. (2003). Need to know Teenage Pregnancy. Heinemann: Great Britain:

Local Literature

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