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Q. Determine the forces in the members of a roof truss as shown in figure below using
Abaqus software and tabulate the results. Assume suitable loads and other constraints.
Also check with manual calculations.


Total span -6m

Height of truss - 2 m
Steel Section Used – ISA 150150 (150 mm X 150 mm X 15 mm)

STEP 1 : Sketch a two−dimensional profile and create a part representing the truss.

Under Part Module > Create Part ( )-

Name – Truss Modeling Space – 2D Planar
Type – Deformable Base Feature – Wire
STEP 2 : Define the material properties.

Under Property module > Create Material ( ) -

Name – Steel
General > Density > Mass Density = 78.5 kN/m3
Mechanical > Elasticity > Elastic
Modulus of Elasticity , E = 200 x 106 kN/m2
Poisson’s ratio = 0.3

STEP 3 : Create Sections and assign section properties to the truss.

Under Materials > Sections ( ) Create Sections -

Name – Steel c/s,
Category – Beam
Type – Truss > Continue.
Edit Section > Material – Steel, Cross-sectional Area = 42.78 x 10-4 m2 > OK
Section Assignment > Section – Steel c/s > Select whole truss > Done.
STEP 4 : Assemble the model and create sets.
Under Assembly module > Create Instances ( ) –
Parts > Instance Type - Dependent > Click on Beam > OK

STEP 5 : Configure the analysis procedure and output requests.

Under Step module > Create Step ( ) –

Initial > Procedure Type – Static, General > Continue
Edit Field Output Request > Select Stress, Displacement, Reaction ( UR, NFORC,
STEP 6 : Assign Beam Orientation.

Under Prpoperty module > Assign Beam Orientation ( ) > Enter > OK

STEP 6 : Apply boundary conditions and loads to the beam.

Under Load module > Create Boundary Conditions ( )–

Name – BC 1, Step – Step 1,

Type – Mechanical (Symmetry/Antisymmetry/Encastre) > Continue
Select Node for boundary condition > Done
Edit Boundary Conditions > PINNED (U1 = U2 =U3 =0) > OK

Similarly, BC 2 for other end

Type – Mechanical (Displacement/Rotation) > Continue
Edit Boundary Conditions > U2 = 0 > OK

Create Load > Concentrated Force > Continue > Select Node > Done
Edit Load > CF1 = 0, CF2 = - 60 Kn (at joint T)
CF1 = 0, CF2 = - 30 kN (at joint U) > OK
STEP 7 : Mesh the beam.

Under Mesh Module > Assign Element Type ( ) > Family – Truss > OK
Seed the instance ( ) > Approximate Global Size – 2
Mesh Part Instance ( ) > Yes

STEP 8 : Create a job and submit it for analysis.

Under Job module > Create Job > Continue > Submit
STEP 9 : View the results of the analysis.
a. Under Visualization module > Plot Contours on deformed shape -

Deformed shape of the truss

b. Reaction Forces At Supports -

Joint Reaction (in kN )
P 50
Q 40

c. Member Forces –
Member Stress (in kN/m2) Force (in kN)
PT 11687.7 49.99
PR -16528.9 -70.71
QS -13223.1 -56.568
QU 9350.16 39.99
RS -9350.16 -39.99
RT 14025.2 59.99
RU -3305.78 -14.14
SU 9350.16 39.99
TU 11687.7 49.99
** Stress multiplied by cross-sectional area of the given section gives the force in each member.
** Negative sign indicates compressive force in member.
d. Manual Calculations –


∑FY = 0; RP + RQ = 60 + 30 = 90 ...(i)
∑MQ = 0; RP x 6 = 60 x 4 + 30 x 2
RP = 50 kN
and RQ = 40 kN

Method of joints:

Joint P:
Consider equilibrium of joint P.

∑FY = 0; FPR sin45° + 50 = 0

∑FX = 0 FPRcos45° + FPT = 0
∴ FPR = -70.71 kN , FPT = 50 kN
Joint T : Joint Q :

Consider equilibrium of joint T. Consider equilibrium of joint Q.

∑FX = 0; FTU = 50 kN
∑FY = 0; FQS sin45° + 40 = 0
∑FY = 0; FTR = FRT = 60 kN
∑FX = 0 FQScos45° + FQU = 0
∴ FQS = -56.56 kN , FQU = 40 kN

Joint S: Joint U:

Consider equilibrium of joint S. Consider equilibrium of joint U.

∑FX = 0; FSR + 40√2 sin45° = 0 ∑FY = 0 30 = FSU + FRU sin45°

∑FY = 0 FSU = 40√2 cos45° ∴ FRU = -14.14 kN

∴ FSR = FRS -40 kN , FSU = 40 Kn

Member Force (in kN)
PT 50
PR -70.71
QS -56.56
QU 40
RS -40
RT 60
RU -14.14
SU 40
TU 50
** Negative sign indicates compressive force in member.

∴ The values obtained from abaqus software are similar to those obtained from
manual calculations.


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